Bots From Extension: discovery
Bots relating to discovering devices using various discovery techniques (e.g. nmap).
This extension provides 1 bot.
Bot @discovery:nmap
Bot Position In Pipeline: Sink
Scans IP address ranges to determine open ports and guess the operating system using nmap tool.
This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.
Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot
Parameter Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
ip_range_column* | Text | Column name which contains IP range. | |
port_column_name* | Text | Column name which contains comma separated port number to be checked | |
enable_ipv6_column | Text | enable_ipv6 | Column name that determines whether the ip range provided in the row requires IPv6 scanning. By default, IPv6 scanning is disabled |
concurrent_discovery | Text | 10 | Number of concurrent jobs to run |