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RDA Extension List: F to K

Extension: file

Read & Write From Files

Most recent version of the extension is

NOTE: This extension is automatically initialized by the platform. No configuration is needed.

Explore Bots

Example Pipelines Using this Extension:

Extension: gcp

Google Cloud Platform - Asset Discovery Bots for Google Cloud Platform

Most recent version of the extension is 23.2.15

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Billing Account ID* Text
GCP Service Account JSON* Text

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: geomap

RDA Geo IP Mapping

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
RDA Geo Mapping Service URL* Text
Lookup Timeout (Seconds) Text 10.0

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: gpt

GPT based AI System

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
URL* Text
API Token* Password
API Token Header Name Text
timeout Text 60

Explore Bots

Extension: graphdb

GraphDB - Internal graphdb Read, Write and Update

Most recent version of the extension is

NOTE: This extension is automatically initialized by the platform. No configuration is needed.

Explore Bots

Extension: graphql

GraphQL - Send Queries to GraphQL Servers

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Timeout Text 60 Timeout in seconds

Explore Bots

Example Pipelines Using this Extension:

Extension: hitachi-ops-center-administrator

Asset Inventory collection from Hitachi Ops Center Administrator

Most recent version of the extension is 24.6.10

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname Text Hostname or IP Address
Port Number 20961
Common Services Port Text 443 Common Services Port
Protocol Choice [http, https] https Protocol, must be one of http or https
Username* Text
Password* Password
Managed by Common Services (SSO) Boolean This option must be selected if Ops Center is managed by Common Services (SSO).
SSL Certificate Verification Boolean
Timeout (seconds) Text 60 Timeout in seconds

Explore Bots

Extension: hitachi-ops-center-analyzer

Inventory and Metric collection from Hitachi Ops Center Analyzer

Most recent version of the extension is 24.8.8

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname Text Hostname or IP Address
Port Number 22016
Protocol Choice [http, https] https Protocol, must be one of http or https
Username* Text
Password* Password
Detailed View Port Number 8443 Optional Ops Center Analyzer Detailed View Port
Detailed View Protocol Choice [http, https] https Optional Ops Center Analyzer Detailed View Protocol
Detailed View Token Text Ops Center Analyzer Detailed View Token
SSL Certificate Verification Boolean
Timeout (seconds) Text 60 Timeout in seconds

Explore Bots

Extension: hitachi-vsp

Inventory Collection from Hitachi VSP

Most recent version of the extension is 24.9.23

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname Text Hostname or IP Address of Hitachi VSP
Port Number 443
Protocol Choice [http, https] https Protocol, must be one of http or https
Username* Text
Password* Password
SSL Certificate Verification Boolean
Timeout (seconds) Text 60 Timeout in seconds

Explore Bots

Extension: hpe-3par

HPE 3PAR - Inventory and Metrics collection bots for HPE 3PAR StoreServ

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname Text Hostname or IP Address for HPE 3PAR StoreServ system
Port Number 8080
Protocol Choice [http, https] https Protocol, must be one of http or https
Username* Text
Password* Password
API Version Text v1
SSL Certificate Verification Boolean
Timeout (seconds) Text 60 Timeout in seconds

Explore Bots

Extension: hpe-oneview

HPE OneView - Inventory collection bots for HPE Blade & Rack Servers

Most recent version of the extension is 24.7.18

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname Text Hostname or IP Address of HPE OneView
Username* Text
Password* Password
API Version Text 1200
SSL Certificate Verification Boolean
Timeout (seconds) Text 60 Timeout in seconds

Explore Bots

Extension: hpe-oneview-dashboard

HPE OneView Global Dashboard - Inventory collection bots for HPE Blade & Rack Servers

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname Text Hostname or IP Address of HPE OneView Global Dashboard
Port Number 443
Protocol Choice [http, https] https Protocol, must be one of http or https
Username* Text
Password* Password
API Version Text 2
SSL Certificate Verification Boolean
Timeout (seconds) Text 60

Explore Bots

Extension: hpe-primera

HPE Primera Storage Arrays Inventory Collection

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname Text Hostname or IP Address of HPE Primera Storage Array
Port Number 443
Protocol Choice [http, https] https Protocol, must be one of http or https
Username* Text
Password* Password
SSL Certificate Verification Boolean
Timeout (seconds) Text 60 Timeout in seconds

Explore Bots

Extension: hpna

HPE Network Automation and Configuration Inventory Collection

Most recent version of the extension is 23.12.1

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname* Text IP Address or Hostname for HPNA system
Username* Text
Password* Password
Suffix Text naapi/request/command Suffix of HPNA URL
Timeout (sec) Number 60 Timeout in seconds
Port Number 443
HTTP/HTTPS Protocol Choice [http, https] http

Explore Bots

Extension: httpclient

HTTP Client - Read data using HTTP(s) Client

Most recent version of the extension is

NOTE: This extension is automatically initialized by the platform. No configuration is needed.

Explore Bots

Extension: huawei-dorado

Huawei Dorado - Asset Inventory collection bots for Huawei Dorado Cluster

Most recent version of the extension is 24.4.5

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname Text Host name or IP Address of Huawei Dorado system.
Protocol Choice [http, https] https
Port Number 8088
Username* Text
Password* Password
Detailed View Token Text
SSL Certificate Verification Boolean
Timeout (seconds) Text 60

Explore Bots

Extension: hubspot

HubSpot - Bots to retrieve Customer Relationship data from HubSpot CRM tables

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Authentication Key* Password

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: ibm-aix

IBM AIX - OS & Application Inventory Collection

Most recent version of the extension is 24.4.24

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname Text
Username* Text
Password Password
Private Key Passphrase Password
SSH Private Key Text
Port* Text

Explore Bots

Extension: ibm-instana

IBM Instana

Most recent version of the extension is 23.2.7

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
URL* Text
Token* Password
Timeout (sec) Text 60

Explore Bots

Extension: ibm-qradar

IBM Security QRadar SIEM

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname* Text Hostname
Username* Text
Password* Password
Protocol* Choice [http, https] Protocol (Supports HTTP/HTTPS)
Port* Number Port to connect

Explore Bots

Extension: ibm_watson

IBM Watson - Perform NLP on datasets using IBM Watson NLP Engine

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Instance URL* Text
Username* Text
Password* Password
Version Text 2021-03-25

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: influx_db

InfluxDB - Read, Write, Update and delete databases and measurements in InfluxDB

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname* Text Hostname or IP Address for InfluxDB system
Username* Text
Password* Password
Port Number 8086

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: infoblox-netmri

Infoblox NetMRI - Asset Inventory collection bots for Infloblox NetMRI

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname* Text
Username* Text
Password* Password
API Version Text auto
Protocol Text https

Explore Bots

Extension: istio

Istio - Collects Inventory and Metrics data from Istio/Kiali

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname* Text Hostname or IP Address of Istio / Kiali system
Port Text 20001
Protocol Choice [http, https] http Protocol, must be one of http or https
Username* Text
Password* Password

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: jira

Jira - Read, Write and Update issues in Jira

Most recent version of the extension is 23.8.8

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
URL* Text URL for JIRA Instance
Username Text
Password Password
API Token Password JIRA API Token
Verify SSL Certificate Boolean

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: juniper

Inventory Collection from Juniper Devices

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Host Text Host name or IP Address for verifying credentials.
UserName* Text UserName for Juniper access
Password* Password

Explore Bots

Extension: kafka

Kafka - Read and Write data to Kafka Servers

Most recent version of the extension is


  • This extension has been deprecated
  • You may continue to use the extension but replacement extension kafka-v2 is recommended

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Kafka Bootstrap Servers* Text

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: kafka-v2

Kafka - Read, Write and poll data from external Kafka topics

Most recent version of the extension is 24.4.17

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Kafka broker addresses* Text Comma-separated list of Kafka broker addresses to connect to.
Security Protocol Choice [PLAINTEXT, SSL, SASL_PLAINTEXT, SASL_SSL] SASL_SSL Security protocol used for communication with Kafka brokers
SASL Mechanism Choice [GSSAPI, PLAIN, SCRAM-SHA-256, SCRAM-SHA-512, OAUTHBEARER] SCRAM-SHA-256 SASL mechanism to use for authentication
SSL CA Certificate Text Trusted root CA certificates for SSL verification.
SASL Username Text Username to use for SASL authentication
SASL Password Password Password to use for SASL authentication

Explore Bots

Extension: kibana

Kibana - Collect Dashboards and visualizations from Kibana

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Host* Text Hostname or IP Address of Kibana system
URL Prefix Text /logs
Username* Text
Password* Password
Port Text 443
Protocol Text https Protocol, must be one of http or https
Verify SSL Certificate Boolean

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: kubernetes-inventory

Kubernetes Inventory collection from a Kubernetes Cluster.

Most recent version of the extension is 24.7.23

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Login Method Choice [API, SSH] API Login method, must be one of API or SSH based connection
Hostname Text
Username Text Username for SSH based access
Password Password Password for SSH based access
Private Key Passphrase Password Private key passphrase for protected private key
SSH Private Key Text Provide private key as an alternative to password for SSH based login
Port* Text
Protocol Choice [http, https] https
API Token Password API Token for API based access
Verify SSL Certificate Boolean
Disable RSA2 Algorithm Boolean Disable the RSA2 handshake algorithm during connection for older devices

Explore Bots