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RDA Extension List: T to Z

Extension: tc-proactivecase

ProactiveCase - Read, Write and Update ServiceNow Case tickets

Most recent version of the extension is 23.9.1

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Host* Text
Port Text 443
URI Suffix Text internal/proactiveCaseAPI/v1.1
Client ID* Text
Secret Value* Password

Explore Bots

Extension: tc-proactiveincident

ProactiveIncident - Read, Write and Update ServiceNow Incident tickets

Most recent version of the extension is 23.9.1

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Host* Text
Port Text 443
URI Suffix Text internal/proactiveIncidentManagement/v1.1
Client ID* Text
Secret Value* Password

Explore Bots

Extension: teamcity

TeamCity - Capture build details from TeamCity

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname* Text Hostname for TeamCity Server
Username* Text
Password* Password
Port Number 8111

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Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: thousandeyes

Cisco ThousandEyes

Most recent version of the extension is 23.11.30

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname Text
API Version Text v6
Protocol Choice [http, https] https
Port Number 443
SSL Certificate Verification Boolean
Timeout (sec) Text 60
Bearer Token* Password

Explore Bots

Extension: velocloud-orchestrator

VeloCloud Orchestrator

Most recent version of the extension is 23.12.14

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname Text Hostname or IP Address
Port Number 443
Protocol Choice [http, https] https Protocol, must be one of http or https
Username* Text
Password* Password
SSL Certificate Verification Boolean
Timeout (seconds) Text 60 Timeout in seconds

Explore Bots

Extension: versa-networks

Versa Networks - Collect inventory information from Versa Networks

Most recent version of the extension is 24.6.16

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname Text Versa Networks Hostname
Username* Text Versa Networks UserName
Password* Password Versa Networks Pasword
Port Text 9182 Port
Protocol Choice [http, https] https Protocol, must be one of http or https
Timeout (sec) Number 60 Timeout in seconds
SSL Certificate Verification Boolean Enable SSL Certificate Verification

Explore Bots

Extension: vmware-nsx

Inventory Collection from VMWare NSX

Most recent version of the extension is 24.4.17

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname Text Hostname or IP Address of Brocade Fabric OS
Port Number 443
Protocol Choice [http, https] https Protocol, must be one of http or https
Username* Text
Password* Password
SSL Certificate Verification Boolean
Timeout (seconds) Text 60 Timeout in seconds

Explore Bots

Extension: vmware-vcd

Inventory Collection from VMWare vCloud Director

Most recent version of the extension is 24.4.17

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname Text Hostname or IP Address of VMWare vCloud Director
Port Number 443
Protocol Choice [http, https] https Protocol, must be one of http or https
Username* Text
Password* Password
Organization Text system
URL Suffix Text cloudapi/1.0.0
SSL Certificate Verification Boolean
Timeout (seconds) Text 60 Timeout in seconds

Explore Bots

Extension: vmware-vcenter

VMware vCenter - Inventory Collection

Most recent version of the extension is 23.12.11


  • This extension has been deprecated
  • You may continue to use the extension but replacement extension vmware-vcenter-v2 is recommended

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname* Text VMWare vCenter Hostname or IP Address
Username* Text
Password* Password

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

See VMware vCenter Integration document for details on how to configure this integration.

Extension: vmware-vcenter-v2

VMware vCenter - Inventory Collection

Most recent version of the extension is 23.12.11

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname* Text VMWare vCenter Hostname or IP Address
Username* Text
Password* Password
Timeout (sec) Text 30

Explore Bots

Extension: vrops

VMware vRealize Operations - Inventory and metrics collection bots for vROps

Most recent version of the extension is 23.11.13

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname* Text IP Address or Hostname for vROps system
Username* Text
Password* Password
Timeout (sec) Number 60 Timeout in seconds

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: webhook

Webhook - Post data to webhook URL

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Tags JSON Object [{'tag': 'send_to_oia', 'description': 'Send Alerts to CFX OIA', 'url': '', 'max_per_chunk': 10, 'verify': False}]

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: windows-inventory

Windows OS & Application Inventory Collection

Most recent version of the extension is 24.4.8

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname Text Host name or IP Address for verifying credentials.
Username* Text
Password* Password
Port Text 5985
Transport Protocol Text http
Auth Protocol Text ntlm
Provider Text wsman

Explore Bots

Extension: windows-inventory-ssh

Windows OS & Application Inventory Collection

Most recent version of the extension is 24.4.8

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname Text Host name for verifying credentials.
Username* Text Username for CLI access
Password Password Password for CLI access
Private Key Passphrase Password Private key passphrase for protected private key
SSH Private Key Text Provide private key as an alternative to password for login
Port* Text

Explore Bots

Extension: zabbix

Zabbix - Inventory and Metrics collection bots for Zabbix

Most recent version of the extension is 24.6.10

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname* Text Hostname or IP Address of Zabbix system
Username Text
Password Password
Protocol* Choice [http, https] Protocol, must be one of http or https
Port Number 80
URL Prefix Text zabbix
Timeout (sec) Number 60
SSL Certificate Verification Boolean
Auth Token Password

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: zerto-analytics

Zerto Analytics - SaaS based Disaster Recovery Solution

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Username* Text
Password* Password
URL Text
Timeout (sec) Number 60

Explore Bots