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RDA Client Command Line Interface

1. Installing RDA Command Line Tool

RDA Command Line Interface tool comes as a docker image to make it easy to run RDA commands on any Laptop, Desktop or in a Cloud VM.

To run this tool, following are required:

  • Operating Systems: Linux or MacOS
  • Docker installed on that system
  • At least Python 3.0

STEP-1: Download the python script

curl -o

Make the script an executable:

chmod +x

STEP-2: Download RDA network configuration

From your cfxCloud account, you can download a copy the RDA Network configuration.

Download the RDA Network configuration file and save it under $HOME/.rda/rda_network_config.json


STEP-3: Verify Script

Verify that is working correctly by using one of the following commands:

python3 --help


./ --help

For very first time, above script will validate dependencies such OS, Python version and availability of Docker. If the validation is successful, it will download the docker container image for RDA CLI and run it.

Subsequently, if you want to update the docker container image to latest version, run following command:

./ update

2. RDA Commands: Cheat Sheet

This section lists few most commonly used RDA Commands.

Listing RDA Platform Microservices

RDA Fabric is for each tenant has a set of microservices (pods) deployed as containers either using Kubernetes or as simple docker containers.

Following command lists all active microservices in your RDA Fabric:

python3 pods

Typical output for pods command would look like:


Most of RDA Commands support option --json which would print output in a JSON format instead of tabular format.

python3 pods --json
Example rdac pods JSON Output

Partial output of --json option:

    "now": "2022-05-20T02:16:31.054287",
    "started_at": "2022-05-17T22:44:13.602509",
    "pod_type": "worker",
    "pod_category": "rda_infra",
    "pod_id": "ae875728",
    "hostname": "d1d45ec2d08f",
    "proc_id": 1,
    "labels": {
        "tenant_name": "dev-1-unified",
        "rda_platform_version": "",
        "rda_messenger_version": "",
        "rda_pod_version": "",
        "rda_license_valid": "no",
        "rda_license_not_expired": "no",
        "rda_license_expiration_date": ""
    "build_tag": "daily",
    "requests": {
        "auto": "",
        "direct": ""
    "resources": {
        "cpu_count": 8,
        "cpu_load1": 2.24,
        "cpu_load5": 2.43,
        "cpu_load15": 2.52,
        "mem_total_gb": 25.3,
        "mem_available_gb": 9.7,
        "mem_percent": 61.7,
        "mem_used_gb": 15.01,
        "mem_free_gb": 2.93,
        "mem_active_gb": 11.49,
        "mem_inactive_gb": 7.64,
        "pod_usage_active_jobs": 15,
        "pod_usage_total_jobs": 578
    "pod_leader": false,
    "objstore_info": {
        "host": "",
        "config_checksum": "8936434b"
    "group": "cfx-lab-122-178",
    "group_id": "3571581d876b",
    "site_name": "cfx-lab-122-178",
    "site_id": "3571581d876b",
    "public_access": false,
    "capacity_filter": "cpu_load1 <= 7.0 and mem_percent < 98 and pod_usage_active_jobs < 20",
    "_local_time": 1653012991.0593688

Listing RDA Platform Microservices with Versions

python3 pods --versions


Performing a Health Check on RDA Microservices

Following command performs a health check on all microservices and returns status of each health parameter.

python3 healthcheck


Listing all Running Pipeline Jobs

Following command lists all active jobs created using Portal, CLI, Scheduler or via Service Blueprints.

python3 jobs


Evicting a Job

Following command can be used to evict a specific Job from RDA Worker. If the job was created by Scheduler or by a Service Blueprint, a new job may be re-created immediately after the job has been evicted.

python3 evict --jobid c38025837c284562957f78ab385a0caf

This script attempts to evict the job with ID c38025837c284562957f78ab385a0caf

Observing Pipeline Execution Traces from CLI

Following command can be used watch (observe) all traces from all workers and all the pipelines that are getting executed anywhere in the RDA Fabric.

python3 watch-traces


List all datasets currently saved in RDA Fabric

python3 dataset-list

Adding a new dataset to RDA Fabric

Datasets can be added if the data is available as a local file on your system where is available or if the data is available via URL. Supported formats are CSV, JSON, XLS, Parquet, ORC and many compresses formats for CSV.

To add a local file as a dataset:

python3 dataset-add --name my-dataset --file ./mydata.csv
Note: mounts current directory as /home inside the docker container. You may also place the data in your home directory folder $HOME/rdac_data/ and access it as --file /data/mydata.csv

You may also add a dataset if the data is accessible via http or https URL.

python3 dataset-add \
              --name 'sample-ecommerce-data' \
              --file ''

3. List of All RDA CLI Sub Commands

Sub Command Description
agent-bots List all bots registered by agents for the current tenant
agents List all agents for the current tenant
alert-rules Alert Rule management commands
bots-by-source List bots available for given sources
check-credentials Perform credential check for one or more sources on a worker pod
checksum Compute checksums for pipeline contents locally for a given JSON file
content-to-object Convert data from a column into objects
copy-to-objstore Deploy files specified in a ZIP file to the Object Store
dashboard User defined dashboard management commands
dataset Dataset management commands
demo Demo related commands
deployment Service Blueprints (Deployments) management commands
event-gw-status List status of all ingestion endpoints at all the event gateways
evict Evict a job from a worker pod
file-ops Perform various operations on local files
file-to-object Convert files from a column into objects
fmt-template Formatting Templates management commands
healthcheck Perform healthcheck on each of the Pods
invoke-agent-bot Invoke a bot published by an agent
jobs List all jobs for the current tenant
logarchive Logarchive management commands
merge-logarchive-files Merge multiple locally downloaded Log Archive (.gz) filles into a single CSV/Parquet file
object RDA Object management commands
output Get the output of a Job using jobid.
pipeline Pipeline management commands
pods List all pods for the current tenant
pod-logging Commands to set and get logging configuration of pods
pod-logging-handler-set To change log levels for any required pod
project Project management commands. Projects can be used to link different tenants / projects from this RDA Fabric or a remote RDA Fabric
pstream Add a new Persistent stream
purge-outputs Purge outputs of completed jobs
read-stream Read messages from an RDA stream
run Run a pipeline on a worker pod
run-get-output Run a pipeline on a worker, wait for the completion, get the final output
schedule-add Add a new schedule for pipeline execution
schedule-delete Delete an existing schedule
schedule-edit Edit an existing schedule
schedule-info Get details of a schedule
schedule-list List all schedules
schedule-update-status Update status of an existing schedule
schema Dataset Model Schema management commands
secret Credentials (Secrets) management commands
set-pod-log-level Update the logging level for a given RDA Pod
site-profile Site Profile management commands
site-summary Show summary by Site and Overall
stack Application Dependency Mapping (Stack) management commands
staging-area Staging Area based data ingestion management commands
subscription Show current CloudFabrix RDA subscription details
synthetics Data synthesizing management commands
verify-pipeline Verify the pipeline on a worker pod
viz Visualize data from a file within the console (terminal)
watch Commands to watch various streams such sas trace, logs and change notifications by microservices
worker-obj-info List all worker pods with their current Object Store configuration
write-stream Write data to the specified stream

Sub Command: agent-bots

Description: List all bots registered by agents for the current tenant

rdac agent-bots --help
usage: rdac [-h] [--json] [--type AGENT_TYPE] [--group AGENT_GROUP]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --json               Print detailed information in JSON format instead of
                       tabular format
  --type AGENT_TYPE    Show only the agents that match the specified agent
  --group AGENT_GROUP  Show only the agents that match the specified agent
  • Following is the syntax for agent-bots
rdac agent-bots --json --type rda-event-gateway --group event_gateway_site01
        "name": "get-status",
        "description": "List all endpoints configured at this gateway and current status",
        "query-type": "api-endpoint",
        "mode": "source-any",
        "model": {},
        "agent_type": "rda-event-gateway",
        "site_name": "event_gateway_site01",
        "pod_id": "250951da"

Sub Command: agents

Description: List all agents for the current tenant

rdac agents --help

Usage: agents  [-h] [--json] [--type AGENT_TYPE] [--group AGENT_GROUP]
            [--site SITE_NAME]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --json               Print detailed information in JSON format instead of
                       tabular format
  --type AGENT_TYPE    Show only the agents that match the specified agent
  --group AGENT_GROUP  Deprecated. Use --site. Show only the agents that match
                       the specified site
  --site SITE_NAME     Show only the agents that match the specified site
* The Following is the syntax for agents

rdac agents

| Agent-Type        | Host           | ID       | Site                 | Age               |   CPUs |   Memory(GB) |
| rda-event-gateway | | 250951da | event_gateway_site01 | 28 days, 21:54:20 |      4 |        31.33 |
| agent-ml          | 5339ca9ca765   | c4d7b94e | mlagent              | 23:04:10          |      4 |        31.33 |
| agent-irm         | aa932951e71e   | 0fbc78ec | irmagent             | 23:03:42          |      4 |        31.33 |

Sub Command: alert-rules

Following are the valid Sub-Commands for the alert-rules

Sub Commands
add Add or update alert ruleset
get Get YAML data for an alert ruleset
delete Delete an alert ruleset
list List all alert rulesets.
rdac alert-rules --help
Following are valid sub-commands for alert-rules:
  add                       Add or update alert ruleset
  get                       Get YAML data for an alert ruleset
  delete                    Delete an alert ruleset
  list                      List all alert rulesets.

Sub Command: add

Description: Add or update alert ruleset

Usage: alert-rules-add  [-h] --file INPUT_FILE [--overwrite]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --file INPUT_FILE  YAML file containing alert ruleset definition
  --overwrite        Overwrite even if a ruleset already exists with a name.
  • Following is the syntax for alert-rules add
cat > alertrulestest1.yml << 'EOF'
name: alertruletest
description: syslog from filebeat
    -   name: filebeat_syslog_msgs
        description: VPX Finish task msgs
        groupBy: host_name
        condition: severity = 'INFO'
        severity: CRITICAL
        suppress-for-minutes: 5
saved_time: '2022-02-19T22:34:10.888947'

rdac alert-rules add --file alertrulestest1.yml
Added ruleset alertruletest with 1 realtime alert rules, 0 aggregate alert rules

Sub Command: delete

Description: Delete an alert ruleset

Usage: alert-rules-delete  [-h] --name RULESET_NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --name RULESET_NAME  Name of the alert ruleset to delete
  • Following is the syntax for alert-rules delete
rdac alert-rules delete --name alertrulestest1
Deleted alert ruleset: alertruletest

Sub Command: get

Description: Get YAML data for an alert ruleset

Usage: alert-rules-get  [-h] --name RULESET_NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --name RULESET_NAME  Name of the alert ruleset to display
  • Following is the syntax for alert-rules get
rdac alert-rules get --name ATest_ZRules
description: Alert_Rules
name: ATest_ZRules
- rule_a
- rule_b
- rule_1
- rule_2
saved_time: '2022-12-20T05:16:41.716023'

Sub Command: list

Description: List all alert rulesets.

Usage: alert-rules-list  [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular
  • Following is the syntax for alert-rules list
rdac alert-rules list
    name              description           saved_time                    num_realtime_alert_rules    num_aggr_alert_rules
--  ----------------  --------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------
 0  alertruletestnew  syslog from filebeat  2023-01-03T05:01:55.361186                           1                       0

Cleaning up socket for process: 1. Socket file: /tmp/rdf_log_socket_57602b71-8ea5-49c5-acbd-54c9908a0680
Exiting out of LogRecordSocketReceiver. pid: 1. Socket file: /tmp/rdf_log_socket_57602b71-8ea5-49c5-acbd-54c9908a0680

Sub Command: bot-package

Following are the valid Sub-Commands for the bot-package

Sub Commands
add Add or update Bot Package
get Get meta data for a Bot Package
delete Delete a Bot Package
list List all Bot Packages
build Build the specified bot package
ut Run Unit Tests
generate Generate the specified bot package
list-runtimes List available Bot Package runtime environments on each worker
rdac bot-package --help
Following are valid sub-commands for bot-package:
  add                       Add or update Bot Package
  get                       Get meta data for a Bot Package
  delete                    Delete a Bot Package
  list                      List all Bot Packages
  build                     Build the specified bot package
  ut                        Run Unit Tests
  generate                  Generate the specified bot package
  list-runtimes             List available Bot Package runtime environments on each worker

Sub Command: list

Description: List all Bot Packages

rdac bot-package list --help
usage: bot-package [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular
  • Following is the syntax for bot-package list
rdac bot-package list
Name                       Version    Description                              Has Dist    Publisher    Saved Time
-------------------------  ---------  ---------------------------------------  ----------  -----------  --------------------------
botpkg_demo_proactivecase  22.11.9    ProctiveCase API for ServiceNow Tickets  Yes         CloudFabrix  2022-11-14T21:16:30.201550

Sub Command: get

Description: Get meta data for a Bot Package

rdac bot-package get --help

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --name PACKAGE_NAME  Name of the Bot Package
* Following is the syntax for bot-package get

rdac bot-package get --name botpkg_demo_proactivecase
  namespace: demo
  type: proactivecase
  version: 22.11.9
  description: ProctiveCase API for ServiceNow Tickets
  default_name: proactivecase
  publisher: CloudFabrix
    hostname: null
    port: 443
    uri_suffix: internal/proactiveCaseAPI/v1.1
    client_id: null
    secret: null
    - secret
    - hostname
    - client_id
    - secret
      hostname: Host
      port: Port
      client_id: Client ID
      secret: Secret Value
    code: proactivecase.ProactiveCase
- name: get-ticket
  description: Get ServiceNow Ticket
  bot_type: source
  model_type: api
  - name: ticket_id
    description: comma separated ticket IDs
    type: text
    mandatory: true
  - name: source
    description: Source
    type: text
    mandatory: true

Sub Command: generate

Description: Generate the specified bot package

rdac bot-package generate --help
usage: bot-package [-h] --namespace NAMESPACE --name NAME [--version VERSION]
                   [--bots NUM_OF_BOTS] --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --namespace NAMESPACE
                        Namespace for Bot extension
  --name NAME           Name of the bot extension package
  --version VERSION     Version for Bot extension
  --bots NUM_OF_BOTS    Number of Bots to be added to the package
  --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Output directory for creating bot package
  • Following is the syntax for bot-package generate
rdac bot-package generate --namespace demo --name proactivecasenew --version 23.01.03 --bot 2 --output_dir new11
Configure : Custom Bot 1

Name*: get-ticket
Bot Type*: source
Number of bot input parameters*: 2

Configure : Bot input parameter 1

Name*: ticket_id
Type: text
Is mandatory[yes/no]*: yes

Configure : Bot input parameter 2

Name*: source
Type: text
Is mandatory[yes/no]*: yes

Configure : Custom Bot 2

Name*: get-ticket1
Bot Type*: source
Number of bot input parameters*: 1

Configure : Bot input parameter 2 1

Name*: ticket_id1
Type: text
Is mandatory[yes/no]*: yes
Generated: new11/bots.yml

Sub Command: list-runtimes

Description: List available Bot Package runtime environments on each worker

bot-package list-runtimes --help
optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular

  • Following is the syntax for bot-package list-runtimes
rdac bot-package list-runtimes
2022-12-22:09:44:17 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
| Host         | Pod ID   | Site        | Python3.7   | Python3.9   | Python3.10   | Java11   |
| 05969789d903 | b6bb8486 | rda-site-01 | yes         |             |              |          |

Sub Command: bots-by-source

Description: List bots available for given sources

rdac bots-by-source --help
Usage: bots-by-source  [-h] [--sources SOURCES] [--group WORKER_GROUP]
            [--site WORKER_SITE] [--lfilter LABEL_FILTER]
            [--rfilter RESOURCE_FILTER] [--maxwait MAX_WAIT] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --sources SOURCES     Comma separated list of sources to find bots (in
                        addition to built-in sources)
  --group WORKER_GROUP  Deprecated. Use --site option. Specify a worker site
                        name. If not specified, will use any available worker.
  --site WORKER_SITE    Specify a worker site name. If not specified, will use
                        any available worker.
  --lfilter LABEL_FILTER
                        CFXQL style query to narrow down workers using their
                        CFXQL style query to narrow down workers using their
  --maxwait MAX_WAIT    Maximum wait time (seconds) for credential check to
  --json                Print detailed information in JSON format instead of
                        tabular format
  • Following is the syntax for bots-by-source
 rdac bots-by-source --group rda-site-01 --maxwait 10
  "status": "started",
  "reason": "",
  "results": [],
  "now": "2023-01-03T06:20:38.129086",
  "status-subject": "",
  "jobid": "b244f76f663a4033964301e7c3916ddc"
Bot                                     Type                  Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Source
--------------------------------------  --------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------
@c:new-block                            api-endpoint          Start a new block within the pipeline                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      c
@c:simple-loop                          api-endpoint          Start a simple looping block using 'loop_var' as list of values                                                                                                                                                                                                            c
@c:data-loop                            api-endpoint          Start a looping block using 'dataset' name of the saved dataset, and unique values from 'columns'                                                                                                                                                                          c
@c:count-loop                           api-endpoint          Start a looping block that counts from 'start' to 'end' with 'increment' numerical values                                                                                                                                                                                  c
@c:timed-loop                           api-endpoint          Start a looping block that waits 'interval' seconds between each iteration                               

Sub Command: check-credentials

Description: Perform credential check for one or more sources on a worker pod

Usage: check-credentials  [-h] --config CONFIG [--group WORKER_GROUP] [--site WORKER_SITE]
            [--maxwait MAX_WAIT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG       File containing pipeline contents or configuration
  --group WORKER_GROUP  Deprecated. Use --site. Specify a worker site name. If
                        not specified, will use any available worker.
  --site WORKER_SITE    Specify a worker Site name. If not specified, will use
                        any available worker.
  --maxwait MAX_WAIT    Maximum wait time (seconds) for credential check to
  • Following is the syntax for check-credentials
rdac check-credentials --config aws.json --group cfx-lab --maxwait 30

Initiating Credential check
  "status": "started",
  "reason": "",
  "results": [],
  "now": "2021-07-28T02:12:46.577687",
  "status-subject": "",
  "jobid": "328ea2d5f0454ed29b64ccdb287c5626"
  "jobid": "328ea2d5f0454ed29b64ccdb287c5626",
  "status-subject": ""
| Source Name   | Source Type   | Status   | Reason   |   Duration (ms) |
| aws-dev       | aws           | OK       |          |         1473.79 |
| aws-prod      | aws           | OK       |          |         1404.15 |

Sub Command: checksum

Description: Compute checksums for pipeline contents locally for a given JSON file

Usage: checksum  [-h] --pipeline PIPELINE

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --pipeline PIPELINE  File containing pipeline information in JSON format

Sub Command: content-to-object

Description: Convert data from a column into objects

Usage: content-to-object  [-h] --inpcol INPUT_CONTENT_COLUMN --outcol OUTPUT_COLUMN --file
            INPUT_FILE --outfolder OUTPUT_FOLDER --outfile OUTPUT_FILE

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Name of the column in input that contains the data
  --outcol OUTPUT_COLUMN
                        Column name where object names will be inserted
  --file INPUT_FILE     Input csv filename
  --outfolder OUTPUT_FOLDER
                        Folder name where objects will be stored
  --outfile OUTPUT_FILE
                        Name of output csv file that has object location

Sub Command: copy-to-objstore

Description: Deploy files specified in a ZIP file to the Object Store

Usage: copy-to-objstore  [-h] --file ZIP_FILENAME [--verify] [--force]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --file ZIP_FILENAME  ZIP filename (or URL) containing bucket/object entries.
                       If bucket name is 'default', this tool will use the
                       target bucket as specified in configuration.
  --verify             Do not upload files, only verify if the objects in the
                       ZIP file exists on the target object store
  --force              Upload the files even if they exist on the target
                       system with same size

Sub Command: dashboard

Following are the valid Sub-Commands for the dashboard

Sub Commands
add Add or update dashboard
get Get YAML data for a dashboard
list List all dashboards
convert Convert all dashboards from YAML to JSON
delete Delete a dashboard
enable Change the status of a dashboard to 'enabled'
disable Change the status of a dashboard to 'disabled'
verify Verify the dashboard and any pages inside it for PStreams and columns
to-app Convert a tabbed or sectioned dashboard into multi-paged app
live-edit Supports live edit of dashboards using local editor

rdac dashboard --help
Following are valid sub-commands for dashboard:
  add                       Add or update dashboard
  get                       Get YAML data for a dashboard
  list                      List all dashboards
  convert                   Convert all dashboards from YAML to JSON
  delete                    Delete a dashboard
  enable                    Change the status of a dashboard to 'enabled'
  disable                   Change the status of a dashboard to 'disabled'
  verify                    Verify the dashboard and any pages inside it for PStreams and columns
  to-app                    Convert a tabbed or sectioned dashboard into multi-paged app
  live-edit                 Supports live edit of dashboards using local editor
Sub Command: add

Description: Add or update dashboard

rdac dashboard add --help
optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --file INPUT_FILE  YAML file containing dashboard definition
  --overwrite        Overwrite even if a dashboard already exists with the
                     specified name.


Before running the add cmd ,create a yaml file containing dashboard definition

  • Following is the syntax for dashboard add
rdac dashboard add --file dashboard.yml
2023-01-04:10:24:09 [1] INFO nats_client Creating new SharedPool ...
2023-01-04:10:24:09 [1] INFO nats_client Initiallzing PubMgr for pid=1
2023-01-04:10:24:09 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
Added dashboard Appdynamics cpu metrics analysis-shaded chartnew

Sub Command: get

Description: Get YAML data for a dashboard

rdac dashboard get --help
usage: dashboard [-h] --name DASHBOARD_NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Name of the dashboard

  • Following is the syntax for dashboard get
rdac dashboard get --name "Appdynamics cpu metrics analysis-shaded chart"
label: Appdynamics CPU metrics
description: Shaded chart for Appdynamics metrics
enabled: true
dashboard_style: tabbed
  time_filter: true
  columns_filter: []
  group_filters: []
debug: true
- title: Appdynamics_cpu_metrics
  show_filter: true
  - widget_type: shaded_chart
    title: Appdynamics-cpumetrics
    stream: Appdynamics_cpu_metrics
    ts_column: timestamp
    baseline_column: baseline
    anomalies_column: anomalies
    predicted_column: predicted
    upperBound_column: upperBound
    lowerBound_column: lowerBound
    duration_hours: 5000
    synchronized-group: 0
    - message: Now
      color: '#E53935'
      timestamp: 1647814186
    - message: Tomorrow
      color: '#E53935'
      timestamp: 1648937386
    - message: Current
      color: '#E53935'
      timestamp: 1658355595
    show-markers: true
    downsample: true
    downsample-to-percent: 10
    downsample-limit-rows: 500
    widget_id: b0d45ad1
saved_time: '2022-12-14T06:07:11.835323'

Sub Command: list

Description: List all dashboards

rdac dashboard list --help
optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular

  • Following is the syntax for dashboard list
rdac dashboard list
    name                                                  dashboard_type    label                                                      description                                                                                                                                enabled    saved_time
---  ----------------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------------------------
  0  rda-mgmt-page-alert-rules                             dashboard         Alert Rules                                                Alert Rules Page                                                                                                                           True       2022-10-06T13:43:06.707246
  1  rda-mgmt-page-credentials                             dashboard         Credentials                                                Credentials Management Page                                                                                                                True       2022-10-06T13:43:07.346093
  2  Test_IFRAME                                           dashboard         IFRAME Test                                                ACME Platform Sanity Dash                                                                                                                  False      2022-10-06T13:43:07.367278
  3  olb-observability-data_page_Incidents                 dashboard         OLB L2/L3 Dashboard, Page: Incidents                       Online Banking App Observability Data for L2/L3 Users, Page: Incidents                                                                     False      2022-11-18T09:24:50.445315
  4  olb-experience-desk_page_KPIs                         template          Experience Desk Dashboard, Page: KPIs                      Equipped with Events, Alerts and Incidents Information to Maximize Customer Experience and Satisfaction, Page: KPIs                        False      2022-10-06T13:43:07.443675
  5  ACME_Test_Preview_App                                 template          Test Case Preview                                          Dashboard to preview commits and logs for a test case                                                                                      False      2022-10-06T13:43:07.509264
  6  l1-service-health                                     template          Service Health - L1 Users                                  L1 Service Health                                                                                                                          False      2022-12-21T05:19:02.332379
  7  rda-integrations-app                                  app               RDA Integrations                                           Robotic Data Automation Integrations                                                                                                       True       2022-10-06T13:43:07.622712
  8  l2-l3-dashboard                                       app               L2/L3 Dashboard                                            Dashboard L2/L3 Users                                                                                                                      True       2022-12-21T05:19:02.396260
  9  rda-dashboard-errors                                  dashboard         Dashboard Errors                                           Query errors in RDA Dashboard widgets                                                                                                      True       2022-10-07T01:49:51.552796
 10  Appdynamics cpu metrics analysis-shaded chart         dashboard         Appdynamics CPU metrics                                    Shaded chart for Appdynamics metrics                                                                                                       True       2022-12-14T06:07:11.835323

Sub Command: convert

Description : Convert all dashboards from YAML to JSON

rdac dashboard convert --help
optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

  • Following is the syntax for dashboard convert
rdac dashboard convert
Migrating to JSON: rda-mgmt-page-alert-rules
2023-01-04:05:30:41 [1] INFO nats_client Creating new SharedPool ...
2023-01-04:05:30:41 [1] INFO nats_client Initiallzing PubMgr for pid=1
2023-01-04:05:30:41 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
Migrating to JSON: rda-mgmt-page-credentials
Migrating to JSON: Test_IFRAME
Migrating to JSON: olb-observability-data_page_Incidents
Migrating to JSON: olb-experience-desk_page_KPIs
Migrating to JSON: ACME_Test_Preview_App
Migrating to JSON: l1-service-health
Migrating to JSON: rda-integrations-app
Migrating to JSON: l2-l3-dashboard
Migrating to JSON: rda-dashboard-errors
Migrating to JSON: Appdynamics cpu metrics analysis-shaded chart
Migrating to JSON: metric_anomalies_template
Migrating to JSON: olb-engineering-dashboard_page_Metrics
Migrating to JSON: olb-observability-data_page_Metrics__with_Anomalies
Migrating to JSON: olb-observability-data_page_Metric Analysis

Sub Command: delete

Description: Delete a dashboard

rdac dashboard delete --help
usage: dashboard [-h] --name DASHBOARD_NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Name of the dashboard to delete
  • Following is the syntax for dashboard delete
rdac dashboard delete --name 'Appdynamics cpu metrics analysis-shaded chart 2'
2023-01-04:09:34:58 [1] INFO nats_client Creating new SharedPool ...
2023-01-04:09:34:58 [1] INFO nats_client Initiallzing PubMgr for pid=1
2023-01-04:09:34:58 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
Deleted dashboard: Appdynamics cpu metrics analysis-shaded chart 2

Sub Command: enable

Description: Change the status of a dashboard to 'enabled'

rdac dashboard enable --help
usage: dashboard [-h] --name DASHBOARD_NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Name of the dashboard

  • Following is the syntax for dashboard enable
rdac dashboard enable --name 'Appdynamics cpu metrics analysis-shaded chart'
2023-01-04:05:45:46 [1] INFO nats_client Creating new SharedPool ...
2023-01-04:05:45:46 [1] INFO nats_client Initiallzing PubMgr for pid=1
2023-01-04:05:45:46 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
Changed status of Appdynamics cpu metrics analysis-shaded chart to enabled

Sub Command: disable

Description: Change the status of a dashboard to 'disabled'

rdac dashboard disable --help
usage: dashboard [-h] --name DASHBOARD_NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Name of the dashboard
  • Following is the syntax for dashboard disable
rdac dashboard disable 'Appdynamics cpu metrics analysis-shaded chart'
2023-01-04:05:44:47 [1] INFO nats_client Creating new SharedPool ...
2023-01-04:05:44:47 [1] INFO nats_client Initiallzing PubMgr for pid=1
2023-01-04:05:44:47 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
Changed status of Appdynamics cpu metrics analysis-shaded chart to disabled

Sub Command: verify

Description: Verify the dashboard and any pages inside it for PStreams and columns

rdac dashboard verify --help
usage: dashboard [-h] --name DASHBOARD_NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Name of the dashboard to verify

  • Following is the syntax for dashboard verify
rdac dashboard verify --name 'Appdynamics cpu metrics analysis-shaded chart'
2023-01-04:06:28:41 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
    "dashboard": "Appdynamics cpu metrics analysis-shaded chart",
    "type": "widget",
    "widget_type": "shaded_chart",
    "title": "Appdynamics-cpumetrics",
    "stream": "Appdynamics_cpu_metrics",
    "columns": "timestamp",
    "stream_status": "found",
    "missing_columns": ""

Sub Command: to-app

Description: Convert a tabbed or sectioned dashboard into multi-paged app

rdac dashboard to-app --help
usage: dashboard [-h] --name DASHBOARD_NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Name of the dashboard
  • Following is the syntax for dashboard to-app
rdac dashboard to-app --name rda-microservice-traces
Adding new internal dashboard: rda-microservice-traces_page_Traces
2023-01-04:06:37:48 [1] INFO nats_client Creating new SharedPool ...
2023-01-04:06:37:48 [1] INFO nats_client Initiallzing PubMgr for pid=1
2023-01-04:06:37:48 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
Adding new internal dashboard: rda-microservice-traces_page_Healthchecks
Updating dashboard {dashboard_name} as app...

Sub Command: dashgroup

Following are the valid Sub-Commands for the dashgroup

Sub Commands
add Add or update dashboard group
get Get JSON data for a dashboard group
list List all dashboard groups
delete Delete a dashboard group
enable Change the status of a dashboard group to 'enabled'
disable Change the status of a dashboard group to 'disabled'
rdac dashgroup --help
Following are valid sub-commands for dashgroup:
  add                       Add or update dashboard group
  get                       Get JSON data for a dashboard group
  list                      List all dashboard groups
  delete                    Delete a dashboard group
  enable                    Change the status of a dashboard group to 'enabled'
  disable                   Change the status of a dashboard group to 'disabled'

Sub Command: add

Description: Add or update dashboard group

rdac dashgroup add --help
usage: dashgroup [-h] --file INPUT_FILE [--overwrite]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --file INPUT_FILE  JSON file containing dashboard group definition
  --overwrite        Overwrite even if a dashboard group already exists with
                     the specified name.


Before running the add cmd ,create a JSON file containing dashboard group definition

  • Following is the syntax for dashgroup add
 rdac dashgroup add --file  dashgroup.json
2023-01-04:11:13:12 [1] INFO nats_client Creating new SharedPool ...
2023-01-04:11:13:12 [1] INFO nats_client Initiallzing PubMgr for pid=1
2023-01-04:11:13:12 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
Added dashboard group l1-user new

Sub Command: get

Description: Get JSON data for a dashboard group

rdac dashgroup get --help
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Name of the dashboard group
  • Following is the syntax for dashgroup get
 rdac dashgroup get --name l1-users
    "name": "l1-users",
    "label": "L1 Users",
    "dashboardList": [
            "id": "user-dashboard-incident-topology",
            "name": "incident-topology"
            "id": "user-dashboard-incident-metrics",
            "name": "incident-metrics"
            "id": "user-dashboard-incident-collaboration",
            "name": "incident-collaboration"
            "id": "user-dashboard-l1-main-app",
            "name": "l1-main-app"
    "users": "",
    "enabled": true,
    "description": "Dashboards for L1 Users",
    "saved_time": "2022-09-28T05:56:11.325672"

Sub Command: list

Description: List all dashboard groups

rdac dashgroup list --help
usage: dashgroup [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular
  • Following is the syntax for dashgroup list
rdac dashgroup list

    name                     label                description                               enabled    saved_time
--  -----------------------  -------------------  ----------------------------------------  ---------  --------------------------
 0  Test                     Admin Group                                                    True       2022-12-21T16:59:47.419691
 1  l1-users                 L1 Users             Dashboards for L1 Users                   True       2022-09-28T05:56:11.325672
 2  executives               Executives           Dashboards for Executives                 True       2022-09-29T03:00:33.425663
 3  Experience Desk          Experience Desk      Dashboards for Experience Desk            True       2022-09-28T05:56:05.969015
 4  DevOps                   Users                                                          True       2022-09-28T19:21:38.852671
 5  TestGroup                TestGroup                                                      True       2022-09-28T03:59:14.609687
 6  Reression Training Test  Admin Group                                                    False      2022-09-28T05:56:07.802828
 7  Partner                  Admin                All Partner Dashboards                    True       2022-09-28T05:56:06.961122
 8  Acme                     Acme                                                           True       2022-10-23T22:03:29.461241
 9  bizops                   Business Operations  Dashboards for Business Operations Users  True       2022-09-29T03:11:06.780365
10  l2-users                 L2 Users             Dashboards for L2 Users                   True       2022-09-28T05:56:12.239130
11  l1-l3 Dashboard          l1-l3 Dashboard                                                True       2022-12-21T05:28:23.966417
12  Biz Command Center       Biz Command Center   Dashboards for Biz Command Center         True       2022-09-28T05:56:03.338590
13  Engineering              Engineering Group    Dashboards for Engineering Group          True       2022-09-28T05:56:05.072187
Sub Command: delete

Description: Delete a dashboard group

rdac dashgroup delete --help
usage: dashgroup [-h] --name DASHBOARD_GROUP_NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Name of the dashboard group to delete
  • Following is the syntax for dashgroup delete
 rdac dashgroup delete --name 'synthetics-control'
2023-01-04:12:02:37 [1] INFO nats_client Creating new SharedPool ...
2023-01-04:12:02:37 [1] INFO nats_client Initiallzing PubMgr for pid=1
2023-01-04:12:02:37 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
Deleted dashboard group: synthetics-control

Sub Command: enable

Description: Change the status of a dashboard group to 'enabled'

rdac dashgroup enable --help
usage: dashgroup [-h] --name DASHBOARD_GROUP_NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Name of the dashboard group
  • Following is the syntax for dashgroup enable
rdac dashgroup enable --name l1-users
2023-01-04:10:54:08 [1] INFO nats_client Creating new SharedPool ...
2023-01-04:10:54:08 [1] INFO nats_client Initiallzing PubMgr for pid=1
2023-01-04:10:54:08 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
Changed status of l1-users to enabled

Sub Command: disable

Description: Change the status of a dashboard group to 'disabled'

rdac dashgroup disable --help
usage: dashgroup [-h] --name DASHBOARD_GROUP_NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Name of the dashboard group
  • Following is the syntax for dashgroup disable
rdac dashgroup disable --name l1-users
2023-01-04:10:53:16 [1] INFO nats_client Creating new SharedPool ...
2023-01-04:10:53:16 [1] INFO nats_client Initiallzing PubMgr for pid=1
2023-01-04:10:53:16 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
Changed status of l1-users to disabled

Sub Command: dataset

Following are the valid Sub-Commands for the dataset

Sub Commands
list List datasets from the object store
get Download a dataset from the object store
meta Download metadata for a dataset from the object store
add Add a new dataset to the object store
delete Delete a dataset from the object store
bounded-list List bounded datasets from the object store
bounded-get Download a bounded dataset from the object store
bounded-meta Download metadata for a bounded dataset from the object store
bounded-add Add a new bounded dataset to the system
bounded-import Import the data for a bounded dataset and store it in the object store
bounded-delete Delete a bounded dataset from the object store

rdac dataset --help
Dataset management commands

Following are valid sub-commands for dataset:
  list                      List datasets from the object store
  get                       Download a dataset from the object store
  meta                      Download metadata for a dataset from the object store
  add                       Add a new dataset to the object store
  delete                    Delete a dataset from the object store
  bounded-list              List bounded datasets from the object store
  bounded-get               Download a bounded dataset from the object store
  bounded-meta              Download metadata for a bounded dataset from the object store
  bounded-add               Add a new bounded dataset to the system
  bounded-import            Import the data for a bounded dataset and store it in the object store
  bounded-delete            Delete a bounded dataset from the object store

Sub Command: list

Description: List datasets from the object store

rdac dataset list --help
usage: dataset [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular
  • Following is the syntax for dataset list
rdac dataset list
     name                                                    format      mem_size_mb    num_rows    num_columns  saved_time
---  ------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------------  ----------  -------------  --------------------------
  0  Appdynamics_cpu_metrics                                 csv               0.092        1000             12  2022-12-14T05:48:07.940815
  1  Appdynamics_cpu_metrics_new                             csv               0.092        1000             12  2023-01-04T12:00:17.628034
  2  Balancing_Control_to_Platform_Standardizer              csv               0               1              3  2022-10-19T00:32:51.328289
  3  DATASET-SERVICEWOW                                      csv               0.015        2000              1  2022-10-13T14:35:08.843641
  4  Data_Masking_to_hive_load                               csv               0               1              3  2022-10-19T00:32:51.657829
  5  Data_Parsing_to_Balancing_Control                       csv               0               1              3  2022-10-19T00:32:51.213174
  6  Feed_Data_Standardizer_to_Data_Masking                  csv               0               1              3  2022-10-19T00:32:51.550645
  7  Metadata_Validator_to_Preprocessing                     csv               0               1              3  2022-10-19T00:32:50.999017
  8  Online_Banking_Stack_Metrics                            csv               0.001           6             12  2022-09-29T04:01:45.875869
  9  Platform_Standardizer_to_Feed_Data_Standardizer         csv               0               1              3  2022-10-19T00:32:51.433995
 10  Preprocessing_to_Data_Parsing                           csv               0               1              3  2022-10-19T00:32:51.101942
 11  SS-AWS-event-groups                                     csv               0               3              9  2022-11-08T14:39:47.207992

Sub Command: get

Description: Download a dataset from the object store

rdac dataset get --help
usage: dataset [-h] --name NAME [--tofile SAVE_TO_FILE] [--json]
               [--format DATA_FORMAT] [--viz]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Dataset name
  --tofile SAVE_TO_FILE
                        Save the data to the specified file (CSV or JSON if
                        --json is specified)
  --json                Export data as a JSON formatted rows. ** Deprecated.
                        Use --format **
  --format DATA_FORMAT  Save the downloaded data in the specified format.
                        Valid values are csv, json, parquet. If format is
                        'auto', format is determined from extension
  --viz                 Open Dataframe visualizer to show the data
  • Following is the syntax for dataset get
rdac dataset get --name Online_Banking_Stack_Metrics --viz
Downloaded dataset. Number of Rows: 6, Columns: 12
[DFViz:1] Rows 6, Cols 12 | View Rows 0-6, Cols: 0-4 | Press 'q' to exit, '?' for help
          Data Filter:  | Col Filter:  | Data Sort:  | cfxql:
|    | component   | count_   | layer                 | metric_name                 | node_id                  |
|  0 |             |          | Application Component | db_slow_queries             |   |
|  1 |             |          | Application Component | total_response_time         |  |
|  2 |             |          | Application Component | consumer_lag                | |
|  3 |             |          | Application Component | under_replicated_partitions | |
|  4 |             |          | Application Component | db_connections              |   |
|  5 |             |          | Application Component | transaction_time            |  |

Sub Command: meta

Description: Download metadata for a dataset from the object store

rdac dataset meta --help
usage: dataset [-h] --name NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --name NAME  Dataset name

  • Following is the syntax for dataset meta
rdac dataset meta --name Online_Banking_Stack_Metrics
  "name": "Online_Banking_Stack_Metrics",
  "format": "csv",
  "datafile": "cfxdm-saved-data/Online_Banking_Stack_Metrics-data.csv",
  "mem_size_mb": 0.001,
  "num_rows": 6,
  "num_columns": 12,
  "saved_time": "2022-09-29T04:01:45.875869",
  "dtypes": {
    "component": "float64",
    "count_": "float64",
    "layer": "object",
    "metric_name": "object",
    "node_id": "object",
    "node_label": "object",
    "node_type": "object",
    "source_tool": "object",
    "stack_name": "object",
    "timestamp": "object",
    "unit": "object",
    "value": "float64"

Sub Command: add

Description: Add a new dataset to the object store

rdac dataset add --help
usage: dataset [-h] [--folder FOLDER] --name NAME --file INPUT_FILE
               [--local_format LOCAL_FORMAT] [--remote_format REMOTE_FORMAT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --folder FOLDER       Dataset Folder
  --name NAME           Dataset name
  --file INPUT_FILE     CSV or parquet formatted file from which dataset will
                        be added
  --local_format LOCAL_FORMAT
                        Local file format (auto or csv or parquet or json).
                        'auto' means format will be determined from filename
  --remote_format REMOTE_FORMAT
                        Remote file format (csv or parquet).
  • Following is the syntax for dataset add
rdac dataset add --name metricsdata --file metrics.csv --local_format auto
Loaded dataset from file. Number of Rows: 100000, Columns: 13
Dataset 'metricsdata' not found in the object storage.
2023-01-05:05:13:37 [1] INFO nats_client Creating new SharedPool ...
2023-01-05:05:13:37 [1] INFO nats_client Initiallzing PubMgr for pid=1
2023-01-05:05:13:37 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem

Added dataset 'metricsdata'

Sub Command: delete

Description: Delete a dataset from the object store

rdac dataset delete --help
usage: dataset [-h] --name NAME [--yes]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --name NAME  Dataset name
  --yes        Delete without prompting
  • Following is the syntax for dataset delete
rdac dataset delete --name metricsdata
Confirm deletion of dataset (y/n)? y
2023-01-05:05:21:39 [1] INFO nats_client Creating new SharedPool ...
2023-01-05:05:21:39 [1] INFO nats_client Initiallzing PubMgr for pid=1
2023-01-05:05:21:39 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem

Sub Command: bounded-list

Description: List bounded datasets from the object store

rdac dataset bounded-list --help
usage: dataset [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular
  • Following is the syntax for dataset bounded-list
rdac dataset bounded-list
   drafts      mem_size_mb  name         num_columns    num_rows  saved_time                  schema
--  --------  -------------  ---------  -------------  ----------  --------------------------  ---------
 0  []                    0  Schema-QA              6           0  2023-01-05T04:39:16.255705  Schema-QA
 1  []                    0  Test                   3           0  2023-01-05T04:39:24.660053  Test

Sub Command: bounded-get

Description: Download a bounded dataset from the object store

rdac dataset bounded-get --help
usage: dataset [-h] --name NAME [--tofile SAVE_TO_FILE] [--format DATA_FORMAT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Dataset name
  --tofile SAVE_TO_FILE
                        Save the data to the specified file (CSV or JSON if
                        --json is specified)
  --format DATA_FORMAT  Save the downloaded data in the specified format.
                        Valid values are csv, json, parquet. If format is
                        'auto', format is determined from extension
  --viz                 Open Dataframe visualizer to show the data
  • Following is the syntax for dataset bounded-get
rdac dataset bounded-get --name Schema-QA --viz
Downloaded bounded dataset. Number of Rows: 0, Columns: 7
[DFViz:1] Rows 0, Cols 7 | View Rows 0-0, Cols: 0-4 | Press 'q' to exit, '?' for help
          Data Filter:  | Col Filter:  | Data Sort:  | cfxql:
| text   | enum   | bool   | enum_array   | int   |

Sub Command: bounded-meta

Description: Download metadata for a bounded dataset from the object store

rdac dataset bounded-meta --help

usage: dataset [-h] --name NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --name NAME  Dataset name
* Following is the syntax for dataset bounded-meta

rdac dataset bounded-meta --name Schema-QA
  "name": "Schema-QA",
  "mem_size_mb": 0,
  "num_rows": 0,
  "drafts": [],
  "saved_time": "2023-01-05T04:39:16.255705",
  "schema": "Schema-QA",
  "num_columns": 6

Sub Command: bounded-add

Description: Add a new bounded dataset to the system

rdac dataset bounded-add --help
usage: dataset [-h] --name NAME --schema SCHEMA_NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Dataset name
  --schema SCHEMA_NAME  Validate data against given schema. When schema is
                        given, the dataset is added as 'schema bounded
  • Following is the syntax for dataset bounded-add
rdac dataset bounded-add --name 'Example Schema' --schema 'Example Schema'
2023-01-05:04:54:02 [1] INFO nats_client Creating new SharedPool ...
2023-01-05:04:54:02 [1] INFO nats_client Initiallzing PubMgr for pid=1
2023-01-05:04:54:02 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
Successfully added bounded dataset Example Schema

Sub Command: bounded-delete

Description: Delete a bounded dataset from the object store

rdac dataset bounded-delete --help
usage: dataset [-h] --name NAME [--yes]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --name NAME  Dataset name
  --yes        Delete without prompting
* Following is the syntax for dataset bounded-delete

rdac dataset bounded-delete --name 'Example Schema'

Confirm deletion of dataset (y/n)? y
Successfully deleted all drafts of Example Schema
2023-01-05:04:55:43 [1] INFO nats_client Creating new SharedPool ...
2023-01-05:04:55:43 [1] INFO nats_client Initiallzing PubMgr for pid=1
2023-01-05:04:55:43 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
Successfully deleted bounded data set Example Schema
Sub Command: bounded-import

Description: Import the data for a bounded dataset and store it in the object store

rdac dataset bounded-import --help
usage: dataset [-h] --name NAME --file INPUT_FILE
               [--local_format LOCAL_FORMAT] [--yes] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Dataset name
  --file INPUT_FILE     CSV or parquet formatted file from which dataset will
                        be added
  --local_format LOCAL_FORMAT
                        Local file format (auto or csv or parquet or json).
                        'auto' means format will be determined from filename
  --yes                 Delete without prompting
  --json                Print detailed information in JSON format instead of
                        tabular format

  • Following is the syntax for dataset bounded-import
rdac dataset bounded-import --name Test --file metrics.csv
rdac dataset add --name metricsdata --file metrics.csv --local_format auto

Sub Command: demo

Following are the valid Sub-Commands for the demo

Sub Commands
backup Export dashboards and all related artifact meta data in to a folder
setup Setup a target system for demo
diff Compare two backup directories

rdac demo--help
Demo related commands

Following are valid sub-commands for demo:
  backup                    Export dashboards and all related artifact meta data in to a folder
  setup                     Setup a target system for demo
  diff                      Compare two backup directories

rdac demo backup --to_dir <foldername>
tar -cvzf filename.tar.gz <foldername>/


To create demo.tar.gz file from the output folder use the below mentioned commands

cd demo
tar -cvzf /tmp/demo.tar.gz .

Sub Command: backup

Description: Export dashboards and all related artifact meta data in to a folder

rdac demo backup --help
usage: demo [-h] --to_dir TO_DIR [--yaml]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --to_dir TO_DIR  Output directory
  --yaml           Export in YAML format (default is JSON)
  • Following is the syntax for demo backup
rdac demo backup --to_dir demo
Backing up 109 Dashboards
Backing up 16 Dashboard Groups
Backing up 52 Published Pipelines
Backing up 11 Blueprints
Backing up 4 Synthetic Profiles
Backing up 4 Stacks used in Synthetic Profiles
2023-01-05:06:31:18 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
Backing up 16 Endpoints
Backing up 9 Mappings
Backing up 98 Persistent Streams

Sub Command: diff

Description: Compare two backup directories

rdac demo diff --help
usage: demo [-h] --first FIRST --second SECOND [--details] [--side]
            [--no_ident] [--opts OPTIONS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --first FIRST    First Directory where demo setup artifacts are stored.
  --second SECOND  Second Directory where demo setup artifacts are stored.
  --details        Show detailed diffs between files
  --side           While Showing diffs use side-by-side format
  --no_ident       Exclude Identical Objects from output
  --opts OPTIONS   Comma separated list of artifacts names to restrict: stacks
                   (st), pstreams (ps), dashboards (d), dashboard_groups
                   (dg),synthetic_profiles (syn)
  • Following is the syntax for demo diff
 rdac demo diff --first demo --second demo2
Dashboard        l1-main-app                                        Identical
Dashboard        olb-engineering-dashboard_page_Metric Analysis     Identical
Dashboard        rda-mgmt-page-blueprints                           Identical
Dashboard        olb-business-command-center                        Identical
Dashboard        rda-microservice-traces_page_Healthchecks          Identical
Dashboard        rda-mgmt-page-stagingarea                          Identical
Dashboard        incident-metrics                                   Identical
Dashboard        ss_ch_all_sources                                  Identical
Dashboard        alert-incident-summary                             Identical
Dashboard        l2-l3-incidents                                    Identical
Dashboard        olb-observability-data_page_Metric Analysis        Identical
Dashboard        incident-topology                                  Identical
Dashboard        olb-bizops-observability_page_Incidents_network    Identical
Dashboard        ss_ch_pal_page_Analytics                           Identical
Dashboard        olb-bizops-observability                           Identical
  • Following is the syntax No.2 for demo diff
 rdac demo diff --first demo --second demo2 --no_ident
286 Identical, 0 Only In First, 0 Only In Second, 0 Differ

Sub Command: setup

Description: Setup a target system for demo

rdac demo setup --help
usage: demo [-h] --dir FOLDER --ip PLATFORM_IP [--port WEBHOOK_PORT]
            [--protocol  WEBHOOK_PROTO] [--pipelines PIPELINES]
            [--blueprints BLUEPRINTS] [--verify_only]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dir FOLDER          Directory where demo setup artifacts are stored. Most
                        contain a settings.json in that folder
  --ip PLATFORM_IP      Target platform Public IP Address
  --port WEBHOOK_PORT   Port for webhook server (Default 7443)
  --protocol  WEBHOOK_PROTO
                        Protocol for Webhook server (Default https)
  --pipelines PIPELINES
                        Comma seperated list of Pipeline names to deploy them
  --blueprints BLUEPRINTS
                        Comma seperated list of Blueprint names to deploy them
  --verify_only         Verify Only. Do not push changes to target system
  • Following is the syntax for demo setup
rdac demo setup --dir demo --ip

WARNING: dashboards directory not found, skipping
WARNING: dashboard_groups directory not found, skipping
WARNING: stacks directory not found, skipping
WARNING: synthetic_profiles directory not found, skipping
WARNING: persistent_streams directory not found, skipping
WARNING: pipelines directory not found, skipping
WARNING: blueprints directory not found, skipping
WARNING: endpoints directory not found, skipping
WARNING: mappings directory not found, skipping
Performing Audit ...
2023-01-05:06:22:58 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
Skipping audit for pstreams
Skipping audit for dashboards
Skipping audit for Dashboard Groups
Skipping audit for Stacks
Skipping audit for Synthetic Profiles
Skipping audit for Publish Pipelines
Skipping audit for Blueprints

Everyhing configured (Total Checks 2)

Sub Command: bundle-deploy

rdac bundle-deploy --help
optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  --file BUNDLE_FILE  Bundle file to be deployed. Must be in .tar.gz format
  --type TYPE         Deploy only specified types. Comma separated list. (d:
                      dashboard, b: blueprint, p: pipeline)
  --compare           Compare bundle vs currently deployed. Do not deploy any
rdac bundle-deploy --file demo.tar.gz --type p
Deployed following artifacts from this bundle:

    type      name
--  --------  ---------------------------------------------------
 0  pipeline  vmware_vcenter_inventory_pipeline_v1_c1
 1  pipeline  vmware_vcenter_inventory_topology_pipeline_v1_c2
 2  pipeline  windows_host_os_system_inventory_and_topology_v1_c1
 3  pipeline  irm-stream-missing-columns-update
 4  pipeline  netapp_cmode_storage_arrays_inventory_v1
 5  pipeline  vmware_vcenter_inventory_pipeline_v1_c2
 6  pipeline  vmware_vcenter_inventory_topology_pipeline_v1_c1
 7  pipeline  linux_host_os_system_inventory_and_topology_v1_c2
 8  pipeline  linux_host_os_system_inventory_and_topology_v1_c3
 9  pipeline  oia-sources-streams-merge
10  pipeline  netapp_storage_array_topology_pipeline_v1
11  pipeline  kubernetes_cluster_inventory_pipeline_v1
12  pipeline  cisco_ucs_cimc_inventory_v1
13  pipeline  linux_host_os_system_inventory_and_topology_v1_c1
14  pipeline  windows_host_os_system_inventory_and_topology_v1_c2
15  pipeline  kubernetes_cluster_topology_pipeline_v1
16  pipeline  cisco-ucsm-infra-topology-pipeline-v1
17  pipeline  NetApp_7Mode_inventroy


Similar to the pipeline bundle deployment in the example shown above, We can deploy for Dashboards and Service Blueprints

Sub Command: deployment

Following are the valid Sub-Commands for the deployment

Sub Commands
activity List recent deployment activities
status Display status of all deployments
audit-report Display Audit report for a given deployment ID
add Add a new Deployment to the repository. Deployment specification must be in valid YML format
enable Enable an existing deployment if it is not already enabled
disable Disable an existing deployment if it is not already disabled
delete Delete an existing deployment from repository
dependencies List all artifact dependencies used by the deployment
svcs-status List current status of all service pipelines in a deployment
map Print service map information in JSON format for the given deployment
rdac deployment --help
Following are valid sub-commands for deployment:

  activity                  List recent deployment activities
  status                    Display status of all deployments
  audit-report              Display Audit report for a given deployment ID
  add                       Add a new Deployment to the repository. Deployment specification must be in valid YML format
  enable                    Enable an existing deployment if it is not already enabled
  disable                   Disable an existing deployment if it is not already disabled
  delete                    Delete an existing deployment from repository
  dependencies              List all artifact dependencies used by the deployment
  svcs-status               List current status of all service pipelines in a deployment
  map                       Print service map information in JSON format for the given deployment

Sub Command: activity

Description: List recent deployment activities

rdac deployment activity --help
usage: deployment [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular

  • Following is the syntax for deployment activity
rdac deployment activity
    timestamp                   severity    message
--  --------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 0  2022-12-21T09:05:13.943451  WARNING     Re-Created Job: f5cc308e6d014173ac2a7893b1bae564 for Deployment Name: Demo_vmware_service_blueprint, Id: b744c8c2. Restart Count: 213
 1  2022-12-21T09:05:13.301284  WARNING     Re-Created Job: 19c5ad1f4b5442a6a662bfd0493cc3db for Deployment Name: Service Action schedule pipeline, Id: b744c8c0. Restart Count: 213
 2  2022-12-21T09:05:12.817716  WARNING     Re-Created Job: 8cc74ba0d633413faea5230aa2590d41 for Deployment Name: Blueprint_18_11_2022, Id: b744c873. Restart Count: 213
 3  2022-12-21T09:04:02.257588  WARNING     Re-Created Job: 4d2b3770013b462db8cbcc421084a057 for Deployment Name: Demo_vmware_service_blueprint, Id: b744c8c2. Restart Count: 212
 4  2022-12-21T09:04:01.482574  WARNING     Re-Created Job: e37777adca0a4a3fb6eeb431e0b9acca for Deployment Name: Service Action schedule pipeline, Id: b744c8c0. Restart Count: 212
 5  2022-12-21T09:04:00.992727  WARNING     Re-Created Job: b792ae4110a6469883abcdf709692dee for Deployment Name: Blueprint_18_11_2022, Id: b744c873. Restart Count: 212
 6  2022-12-21T09:02:50.307263  WARNING     Re-Created Job: f9e9a10bf1dd46e8a14049d0ac26a87a for Deployment Name: Demo_vmware_service_blueprint, Id: b744c8c2. Restart Count: 211

Sub Command: status

Description: Display status of all deployments

rdac deployment status --help
usage: deployment [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular

  • Following is the syntax for deployment status
rdac deployment status
    id                                      category                                name                                    description                                                                                     enabled      errors    warnings
--  --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------  ----------
 0  41e33973                                ITSM                                    eBonding                                eBond ServiceNow incidents to PagerDuty, Twilio-SMS, Elasticsearch/Kibana, Slack, Email         no                0           0
 1  81a1a030                                ITOM                                    ML-Experiments                          ML Experiments                                                                                  yes               0           0
 2  81a1a2202                               ITOM                                    OIA                                     Ops Intelligence & Analytics                                                                    yes               0           0
 3  81a1a2203                               ITOM                                    Stacks                                  Stacks                                                                                          yes               0           0
 4  V2tdZpEs                                Dependency Mapping                      AWS Dependency Mapper                   AWS Dependency mapping with updates every hour                                                  yes               2           0
 5  b744c873                                Service Action schedule pipeline        Blueprint_18_11_2022                    Service Action schedule pipeline example                                                        yes               0           2
 6  b744c8c0                                Service Action schedule pipeline        Service Action schedule pipeline        Service Action schedule pipeline example                                                        yes               0           1
 7  b744c8c1                                Service Action schedule pipeline        Blueprint_16_11_2022                    Service Action schedule pipeline example                                                        no                0           0
 8  b744c8c2                                vmware schedule pipeline                Demo_vmware_service_blueprint           vmware schedule pipeline                                                                        yes               0           0
 9  exec_dashboard_kpi_metrics_querystream  exec_dashboard_kpi_metrics_querystream  exec_dashboard_kpi_metrics_querystream  exec_dashboard_kpi_metrics_querystream                                                          yes               0           0
10  guide001                                Log Analytics                           Beginner Guide Blueprint                Generate Synthetic Syslogs, Save all logs to Log Archive, send processed logs to a NULL stream  yes               0           0

Sub Command: audit-report

Description: Display Audit report for a given deployment ID

rdac deployment audit-report --help
usage: deployment [-h] --id DEPLOYMENT_ID [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  --id DEPLOYMENT_ID  Deployment ID
  --json              Print detailed information in JSON format instead of
                      tabular format

  • Following is the syntax for deployment audit-report
rdac deployment audit-report --id V2tdZpEs
    type                      severity    message
--  ------------------------  ----------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 0  Verify Pipeline           INFO        Pipeline with name 'aws-dependency-mapper' and version '22_02_16_1' loaded
 1  Verify Pipeline           INFO        Pipeline with name 'aws-dependency-mapper-inner-pipeline' and version '2022_02_16_1' loaded
 2  Verify Pipeline           ERROR       No published versions found for pipline: aws-dependency-mapper2
 3  Verify Site               ERROR       No sites matched the regex 'cfx.*' or no active workers found
 4  Verify Source             INFO        Credential found for Integration: aws, Type: aws_v2
 5  Verify Persistent Stream  INFO        PStream rda_worker_resource_usage found
 6  Verify Persistent Stream  INFO        PStream rda_system_worker_trace_summary found
 7  Verify Persistent Stream  INFO        PStream rda_worker_resource_usage found
 8  Verify Persistent Stream  INFO        PStream rda_system_worker_trace_summary found
 9  Verify Persistent Stream  INFO        PStream rda_system_deployment_updates found
10  Verify Persistent Stream  INFO        PStream rda_system_gw_endpoint_metrics found

Sub Command: add

Description: Add a new Deployment to the repository. Deployment specification must be in valid YML format

rdac deployment add --help
usage: deployment [-h] --file INPUT_FILE [--overwrite]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --file INPUT_FILE  YAML file containing Deployment specification
  --overwrite        Overwrite even if a ruleset already exists with a name.

  • Following is the syntax for deployment add
rdac deployment add --file blueprint.yml
  • sample blueprint.yml file
cat > blueprint.yml << 'EOF'
name: Blueprint_Example
id: b744c873a
version: '2022_12_19_01'
category: Service Action schedule pipeline
comment: Service Action schedule pipeline example
enabled: true
type: Service
auto_deploy: false
provider: CloudFabrix Software Inc.
attrs: {}
    -   name: Service_Pipeline
        label: Service Pipelines
        version: '*'
        site: rda-site-01
        site_type: regex
        instances: 1
            min_instances: 1
            max_instances: 1
    -   name: Action_Pipeline
        label: Action Pipelines
        version: '*'
        site: rda-site-01
        site_type: regex
        instances: 1
            min_instances: 1
            max_instances: 1
    -   name: schedule_pipeline
        label: Scheduled Pipelines
        version: '*'
        site: rda-site-01
        cron_expression: '*/5 * * * *'
        site_type: regex
        instances: 1
            min_instances: 1
            max_instances: 1

Added deployment spec with Name: Blueprint_Example, ID: b744c873a

Sub Command: enable

Description: Enable an existing deployment if it is not already enabled

rdac deployment enable --help
Usage: deployment-enable  [-h] --id DEP_ID

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --id DEP_ID  Deployment ID
  • Following is the syntax for deployment enable
rdac deployment disable --id b744c8c1
Updated deployment with ID ID: b744c8c1

Sub Command: disable

Description: Disable an existing deployment if it is not already disabled

rdac deployment enable --help
Usage: deployment-disable  [-h] --id DEP_ID

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --id DEP_ID  Deployment ID
  • Following is the syntax for deployment disable
rdac deployment disable --id b744c8c1
Updated deployment with ID ID: b744c8c1

Sub Command: delete

Description: Delete an existing deployment from repository

rdac deployment delete --help
usage: deployment [-h] --id DEP_ID

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --id DEP_ID  Deployment ID

  • Following is the syntax for deployment delete
rdac deployment delete --id 44de62c6
2022-12-22:08:49:02 [1] INFO nats_client Creating new SharedPool ...
2022-12-22:08:49:02 [1] INFO nats_client Initiallzing PubMgr for pid=1
2022-12-22:08:49:02 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
Deleted deployment with ID ID: 44de62c6

Sub Command: dependencies

Description: List all artifact dependencies used by the deployment

rdac deployment-dependencies --help
Usage: deployment-dependencies  [-h] --id DEPLOYMENT_ID [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  --id DEPLOYMENT_ID  Deployment ID
  --json              Print detailed information in JSON format instead of
                      tabular format
  • Following is the syntax for deployment dependencies
rdac deployment dependencies --id V2tdZpEs
    type      name                                  read    write
--  --------  ------------------------------------  ------  -------
 0  pipeline  aws-dependency-mapper                 True    False
 1  pipeline  aws-dependency-mapper-inner-pipeline  True    False
 2  dataset   cfx-aws-ec2-instances                 True    True
 3  dataset   cfx-aws-ec2-instance-types            True    True
 4  dataset   cfx-aws-ec2-volumes                   True    True
 5  dataset   cfx-aws-ec2-vpcs                      True    True
 6  dataset   cfx-aws-ec2-efs-filesystems           True    True
 7  dataset   cfx-aws-ec2-security-groups           True    True
 8  dataset   cfx-aws-ec2-subnets                   True    True
 9  dataset   cfx-aws-ec2-internet-gateways         True    True
10  dataset   cfx-aws-ec2-security-group-nodes      True    True

Sub Command: svcs-status

Description: List current status of all service pipelines in a deployment

rdac deployment svcs-status --help
usage: deployment [-h] --id DEPLOYMENT_ID [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  --id DEPLOYMENT_ID  Deployment ID
  --json              Print detailed information in JSON format instead of
                      tabular format
  • Following is the syntax for deployment svcs-status
deployment svcs-status --id 41e33973
  label                                                         pipeline_name                               version      min_instances    max_instances    instances    num_jobs
--  ------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------------  ---------------  -----------  ----------
 0  Read incidents from ServiceNow write to stream                ebonding-servicenow-to-stream-v2            *                        1                4            1           0
 1  Read incidents from stream and write to Elasticsearch/Kibana  ebonding-stream-to-elasticsearch-kibana-v2  *                        0                4            1           0
 2  Read incidents from stream and write to Twilio-SMS            ebonding-stream-to-twilio-sms-v2            *                        0                4            1           0
 3  Read incidents from stream and write to PagerDuty             ebonding-stream-to-pagerduty                *                        0                4            1           0
 4  Read incidents from stream and write to Slack                 ebonding-stream-to-slack                    *                        0                4            1           0
 5  Read incidents from stream and write to Email                 ebonding-stream-to-email                    *                        0                4            1           0

Sub Command: map

Description: Print service map information in JSON format for the given deployment

rdac deployment map --help
Usage: deployment-map  [-h] --id DEPLOYMENT_ID

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  --id DEPLOYMENT_ID  Deployment ID
  • Following is the syntax for deployment map
rdac deployment map --id 41e33973
  "status": "ok",
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "stack": {
      "name": "eBonding",
      "description": "Service map for blueprint: eBonding",
      "nodes": [
          "node_id": "rda-network-stream-ebonding-analytics",
          "node_type": "rda-network-stream",
          "layer": "RDA Stream",
          "iconURL": "Stream",
          "node_label": "ebonding-analytics"
          "node_id": "pstream-ebonding-analytics",
          "node_type": "Persistent Stream",
          "node_label": "ebonding-analytics",
          "layer": "Persistent Stream",
          "iconURL": "Persistent_Stream"
          "node_id": "rda-network-stream-rda_worker_resource_usage",
          "node_type": "rda-network-stream",
          "layer": "RDA Stream",
          "iconURL": "Stream",
          "node_label": "rda_worker_resource_usage",
          "defaultVisibility": "hidden"
          "node_id": "pstream-rda_worker_resource_usage",
          "node_type": "Persistent Stream",
          "node_label": "rda_worker_resource_usage",
          "layer": "Persistent Stream",
          "iconURL": "Persistent_Stream",
          "defaultVisibility": "hidden"
          "node_id": "rda-network-stream-rda_system_worker_trace_summary",
          "node_type": "rda-network-stream",
          "layer": "RDA Stream",
          "iconURL": "Stream",
          "node_label": "rda_system_worker_trace_summary",
          "defaultVisibility": "hidden"
          "node_id": "pstream-rda_system_worker_trace_summary",
          "node_type": "Persistent Stream",
          "node_label": "rda_system_worker_trace_summary",
          "layer": "Persistent Stream",
          "iconURL": "Persistent_Stream",
          "defaultVisibility": "hidden"
          "node_id": "rda-network-stream-rda_system_deployment_updates",
          "node_type": "rda-network-stream",
          "layer": "RDA Stream",
          "iconURL": "Stream",
          "node_label": "rda_system_deployment_updates",
          "defaultVisibility": "hidden"
          "node_id": "pstream-rda_system_deployment_updates",
          "node_type": "Persistent Stream",
          "node_label": "rda_system_deployment_updates",
          "layer": "Persistent Stream",
          "iconURL": "Persistent_Stream",
          "defaultVisibility": "hidden"
      "relationships": [
          "left_id": "rda-network-stream-ebonding-analytics",
          "right_id": "pstream-ebonding-analytics",
          "description": "Stream persistence",
          "relationship_type": "uses"
          "left_id": "rda-network-stream-rda_worker_resource_usage",
          "right_id": "pstream-rda_worker_resource_usage",
          "description": "Stream persistence",
          "relationship_type": "uses"
          "left_id": "rda-network-stream-rda_system_worker_trace_summary",
          "right_id": "pstream-rda_system_worker_trace_summary",
          "description": "Stream persistence",
          "relationship_type": "uses"
          "left_id": "rda-network-stream-rda_worker_resource_usage",
          "right_id": "pstream-rda_worker_resource_usage",
          "description": "Stream persistence",
          "relationship_type": "uses"
          "left_id": "rda-network-stream-rda_system_worker_trace_summary",
          "right_id": "pstream-rda_system_worker_trace_summary",
          "description": "Stream persistence",
          "relationship_type": "uses"
          "left_id": "rda-network-stream-rda_system_deployment_updates",
          "right_id": "pstream-rda_system_deployment_updates",
          "description": "Stream persistence",
          "relationship_type": "uses"

Sub Command: event-gw-status

Description: List status of all ingestion endpoints at all the event gateways

rdac event-gw-status --help

usage: rdac [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular
* Following is the syntax for event-gw-status

rdac event-gw-status
No Event gateways found

Sub Command: evict

Description: Evict a job from a worker pod

Usage: evict  [-h] --jobid JOBID [--yes]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --jobid JOBID  RDA worker jobid. If partial must match only one job.
  --yes          Do not prompt for confirmation, evict if job is found

Sub Command: file-ops

Description: Perform various operations on local files

rdac file-ops --help

Usage: file-ops copy                      Copy dataframe from one format to another. Format is inferred from extension. Examples are csv, parquet, json
  csv-to-parquet            Copy data from CSV to parquet file using chunking
  test-formats              Run performance test on various formats

positional arguments:
  subcommand  File ops sub-command

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
* Following is the syntax for file-ops

rdac file-ops csv-to-parquet --from metrics.csv --to metrics_parquet
Output File:
      File Size:       1,687,359
      Copy time (ms): 585.7

Sub Command: file-to-object

Description: Convert files from a column into objects

Usage: file-to-object  [-h] --inpcol INPUT_FILENAME_COLUMN --outcol OUTPUT_COLUMN --file
            INPUT_FILE --outfolder OUTPUT_FOLDER --outfile OUTPUT_FILE

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Name of the column in input that contains the
  --outcol OUTPUT_COLUMN
                        Column name where object names will be inserted
  --file INPUT_FILE     Input csv filename
  --outfolder OUTPUT_FOLDER
                        Folder name where objects will be stored
  --outfile OUTPUT_FILE
                        Name of output csv file that has object location

Sub Command: fmt-template-delete

Description: Delete Formatting Template

Usage: fmt-template-delete  [-h] --name NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --name NAME  Formatting Template Name

Sub Command: fmt-template-get

Description: Get Formatting Template

Usage: fmt-template-get  [-h] --name NAME [--tofile SAVE_TO_FILE] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Formatting Template Name
  --tofile SAVE_TO_FILE
                        Save the data to the specified file
  --json                Export data as a JSON formatted rows. ** Deprecated.
                        Use --format **

Sub Command: fmt-template-list

Description: List Formatting Templates

Usage: fmt-template-list  [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular

Sub Command: healthcheck

Description: Perform healthcheck on each of the Pods

Usage: healthcheck  [-h] [--json] [--type POD_TYPE] [--infra] [--apps] [--simple]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --json           Print detailed information in JSON format instead of
                   tabular format
  --type POD_TYPE  Show only the pods that match the specified pod type
  --infra          List only RDA Infra pods. not compatible with --apps option
  --apps           List only RDA App pods. not compatible with --infra option
  --simple         When showing in tabular format, show in a easy to read

Sub Command: invoke-agent-bot

Description: Invoke a bot published by an agent

Usage: invoke-agent-bot  [-h] --type AGENT_TYPE --group AGENT_GROUP --bot BOT_NAME
            [--query QUERY] [--input INPUT_FILE] [--output OUTPUT_FILE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --type AGENT_TYPE     Agent type
  --group AGENT_GROUP   Agent group
  --bot BOT_NAME        Bot name
  --query QUERY         Bot Query (CFXQL)
  --input INPUT_FILE    Input Dataframe (CSV File)
  --output OUTPUT_FILE  Output Dataframe (CSV File)

Sub Command: jobs

Description: List all jobs for the current tenant

rdac jobs --help

usage: rdac [-h] [--json] [--all] [--pipeline_name PIPELINE_NAME]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --json                Print detailed information in JSON format instead of
                        tabular format
  --all                 Retrieve all jobs not just active jobs
  --pipeline_name PIPELINE_NAME
                        Get all jobs for given pipeline name
* Following is the syntax for jobs

rdac jobs --pipeline_name 'oia-new-incidents-to-snowv2'
2023-01-09:05:58:09 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
worker pipeline name: oia-new-incidents-to-snowv2
| Host         | Pod ID   | Job ID                           |   PID | Created             | Age             | Pipeline                    | Status       | Reason   |
| 05969789d903 | 88c26bbe | 5c93dc55cfd84586921aad41b9e7358e |   761 | 2023-01-07T14:00:03 | 1 day, 15:58:06 | oia-new-incidents-to-snowv2 | Initializing |          |
| 05969789d903 | 88c26bbe | f0f1d6a240cb45fabf3e65f0c4eb9cfe |  1605 | 2023-01-07T14:35:02 | 1 day, 15:23:07 | oia-new-incidents-to-snowv2 | Initializing |          |
| 05969789d903 | 88c26bbe | 384acd9ef4c240aa88c629a75523bc56 |  2352 | 2023-01-07T15:05:02 | 1 day, 14:53:07 | oia-new-incidents-to-snowv2 | Initializing |          |
| 05969789d903 | 88c26bbe | 84d8547509c94a4eaf695c57aa139506 | 17718 | 2023-01-08T01:30:02 | 1 day, 4:28:07  | oia-new-incidents-to-snowv2 | Initializing |          |
| 05969789d903 | 88c26bbe | 58848c8d5a7e4c54a08e01d25155f22e | 18097 | 2023-01-08T01:45:01 | 1 day, 4:13:08  | oia-new-incidents-to-snowv2 | Initializing |          |
| 05969789d903 | 88c26bbe | 32faf9f9ba2445b4b1cc2fb625538f35 | 19080 | 2023-01-08T02:25:02 | 1 day, 3:33:07  | oia-new-incidents-to-snowv2 | Initializing |          |
| 05969789d903 | 88c26bbe | b5dc599ce659485f9139242d05c9875e | 23632 | 2023-01-08T05:30:02 | 1 day, 0:28:07  | oia-new-incidents-to-snowv2 | Initializing |          |
| 05969789d903 | 88c26bbe | fd361ae94358405cbb9f2ac1d75c142c | 39213 | 2023-01-08T14:20:02 | 15:38:07        | oia-new-incidents-to-snowv2 | Initializing |          |
| 05969789d903 | 88c26bbe | 07da31424e18492e976db4451ce82252 | 44773 | 2023-01-08T18:05:02 | 11:53:07        | oia-new-incidents-to-snowv2 | Initializing |          |
| 05969789d903 | 88c26bbe | f332d5c0055f43839dffd906c04fb842 | 50985 | 2023-01-08T22:20:01 | 7:38:08         | oia-new-incidents-to-snowv2 | Initializing |          |
| 05969789d903 | 88c26bbe | 43b00217d5854d4cb5ab7497929b8369 | 57340 | 2023-01-09T03:30:03 | 2:28:06         | oia-new-incidents-to-snowv2 | Initializing |          |
| 05969789d903 | 88c26bbe | 78ab3c2492aa4781820c0be9013cc6d9 | 59707 | 2023-01-09T05:25:02 | 0:33:07         | oia-new-incidents-to-snowv2 | Initializing |          |

Sub Command: logarchive-add-platform

Description: Add current platform Minio as logarchive repository

Usage: logarchive-add-platform  [-h] --repo REPO --prefix OBJECT_PREFIX
            [--retention RETENTION_DAYS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --repo REPO           Log archive repository name to be created
  --prefix OBJECT_PREFIX
                        Object prefix to be used for the archive
  --retention RETENTION_DAYS
                        Data retention period in number of days. If not
                        specified, RDA will not manage the data retention.

Sub Command: logarchive-data-read

Description: Read the data from given archive for a specified time interval

Usage: logarchive-data-read  [-h] --repo REPO --name ARCHIVE_NAME [--from TIMESTAMP]
            [--minutes MINUTES] [--max_rows MAX_ROWS] [--speed SPEED] [--line]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --repo REPO          Log archive repository name
  --name ARCHIVE_NAME  Name of the log archive within the repository
  --from TIMESTAMP     From Date & time in text format (ex: ISO format).
                       Timezone must be UTC. If not specified, it will use
                       current time minus specified minutes
  --minutes MINUTES    Number of minutes from specified date & time. Default
                       is 15
  --max_rows MAX_ROWS  If value is specified > 0, stop after reading max_rows
                       from the archive
  --speed SPEED        Replay speed. 0 means no delay, 1.0 means closer to
                       original rate, < 1.0 means slower, > 1.0 means faster
  --line               Instead of JSON format, print one message per line

Sub Command: logarchive-data-size

Description: Show size of data available for given archive for a specified time interval

Usage: logarchive-data-size  [-h] --repo REPO --name ARCHIVE_NAME [--from TIMESTAMP]
            [--minutes MINUTES] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --repo REPO          Log archive repository name
  --name ARCHIVE_NAME  Name of the log archive within the repository
  --from TIMESTAMP     From Date & time in text format (ex: ISO format).
                       Timezone must be UTC. If not specified, it will use
                       current time minus specified minutes
  --minutes MINUTES    Number of minutes from specified date & time. Default
                       is 15
  --json               Print detailed information in JSON format instead of
                       tabular format

Sub Command: logarchive-download

Description: Download the data from given archive for a specified time interval

Usage: logarchive-download  [-h] --repo REPO --name ARCHIVE_NAME [--from TIMESTAMP]
            [--minutes MINUTES] --out OUTPUT_DIR [--flatten]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --repo REPO          Log archive repository name
  --name ARCHIVE_NAME  Name of the log archive within the repository
  --from TIMESTAMP     From Date & time in text format (ex: ISO format).
                       Timezone must be UTC. If not specified, it will use
                       current time minus specified minutes
  --minutes MINUTES    Number of minutes from specified date & time. Default
                       is 15
  --out OUTPUT_DIR     Output directory where to save the downloaded data
  --flatten            Flatten directory structure of the files, which
                       otherwise stores in yyyy/mm/dd/HH/MM/ directory

Sub Command: logarchive-names

Description: List archive names in a given repository

Usage: logarchive-names  [-h] --repo REPO [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --repo REPO  Name of the log archive repository
  --json       Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular

Sub Command: logarchive-replay

Description: Replay the data from given archive for a specified time interval with specified label

Usage: logarchive-replay  [-h] --repo REPO --name ARCHIVE_NAME [--from TIMESTAMP]
            [--minutes MINUTES] [--max_rows MAX_ROWS] [--speed SPEED]
            [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] --stream STREAM [--label LABEL] --site

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --repo REPO           Log archive repository name
  --name ARCHIVE_NAME   Name of the log archive within the repository
  --from TIMESTAMP      From Date & time in text format (ex: ISO format).
                        Timezone must be UTC. If not specified, it will use
                        current time minus specified minutes
  --minutes MINUTES     Number of minutes from specified date & time. Default
                        is 15
  --max_rows MAX_ROWS   If value is specified > 0, stop after reading max_rows
                        from the archive
  --speed SPEED         Replay speed. 0 means no delay, 1.0 means closer to
                        original rate, < 1.0 means slower, > 1.0 means faster
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Number of rows to return for each iteration
  --stream STREAM       Name of the stream to write to
  --label LABEL         Label for the replay job
  --site SITE           Site name to run this on a worker

Sub Command: logarchive-repos

Description: List of all log archive repositories

rdac logarchive-repos --help
Usage: logarchive-repos  [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular
  • Following is the syntax for logarchive-repos
rdac logarchive-repos
| Repository Name   | Endpoint           | Bucket Name                              | Object Prefix   |
| demo_logarchive   | | tenants.ae144f67d2a24034ad6920ace6809763 | demo_logs/      |

Sub Command: merge-logarchive-files

Description: Merge multiple locally downloaded Log Archive (.gz) filles into a single CSV/Parquet file

Usage: merge-logarchive-files  [-h] --folder FOLDER --tofile TOFILE [--sample SAMPLE_RATE]
            [--ts TIMESTAMP]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --folder FOLDER       Path to the folder where locally downloaded .gz files
                        are available
  --tofile TOFILE       Save the output to specified file
  --sample SAMPLE_RATE  Data sample rate must be >0 and <= 1.0
  --ts TIMESTAMP        Timestamp column, if specified will sort the data
                        after merge

Sub Command: object

Description: RDA Object management commands

Following are the valid Sub-Commands for the object

Sub Commands
list List objects from the object store
get Download a object from the object store
meta Download metadata for an object from the object store
add Add a new object to the object store
delete Delete object from the object store
to-file Convert object pointers from a column into file
to-content Convert object pointers from a column into content
delete-list Delete list of objects
rdac object --help
RDA Object management commands

Following are valid sub-commands for object:
  list                      List objects from the object store
  get                       Download a object from the object store
  meta                      Download metadata for an object from the object store
  add                       Add a new object to the object store
  delete                    Delete object from the object store
  to-file                   Convert object pointers from a column into file
  to-content                Convert object pointers from a column into content
  delete-list               Delete list of objects

Sub Command: object-add

Description: Add a new object to the object store

rdac object-add --help
Usage: object-add  [-h] --name NAME --folder FOLDER --file INPUT_FILE
            [--descr DESCRIPTION] [--overwrite OVERWRITE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Object name
  --folder FOLDER       Folder name on the object storage
  --file INPUT_FILE     file from which object will be added
  --descr DESCRIPTION   Description
  --overwrite OVERWRITE
                        If file already exists, overwrite without prompting.
                        Accepted values (yes/no)

Sub Command: object-delete

rdac object-delete --help

Description: Delete object from the object store

Usage: object-delete  [-h] --name NAME --folder FOLDER

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --name NAME      Object name
  --folder FOLDER  Folder name on the object storage
  • Following is the syntax for object-get
rdac object delete --name testobjectnew --folder testobj-foldernew
Done deleting objects

Sub Command: object-delete-list

Description: Delete list of objects

rdac object-delete-list --help
Usage: object-delete-list  [-h] --inpcol INPUT_OBJECT_COLUMN --file INPUT_FILE --outfile

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Column with object names
  --file INPUT_FILE     Input csv filename
  --outfile OUTPUT_FILE
                        Name of output csv file that has result for deletion

Sub Command: object-get

Description: Download a object from the object store

rdac object-get --help
usage: rdac [-h] --name NAME --folder FOLDER [--tofile SAVE_TO_FILE]
            [--todir SAVE_TO_DIR]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Object name
  --folder FOLDER       Folder name on the object storage
  --tofile SAVE_TO_FILE
                        Save the downloaded object to specified file
  --todir SAVE_TO_DIR   Save the downloaded object to specified directory
  • Following is the syntax for object-get
rdac object get --name testobject --folder testobj-folder
Object saved to /tmp/rda-object-cache/8a2e7e88e5548c33/testobject.csv

Sub Command: object-list

Description: List objects from the object store

rdac object-list --help
usage: rdac [-h] [--folder FOLDER] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --folder FOLDER  Folder name on the object storage
  --json           Print detailed information in JSON format instead of
                   tabular format
  • Following is the syntax for object-list
rdac object list
folder             name           description    file_type      file_size  saved_time
-----------------  -------------  -------------  -----------  -----------  --------------------------
testobj-folder     testobject     testobjct      csv             15303849  2023-01-09T06:12:03.413276
testobj-foldernew  testobjectnew  testobjctnew   csv             15303849  2023-01-09T06:12:55.904404

Sub Command: object-meta

rdac object-meta --help
Description: Download metadata for an object from the object store

Usage: object-meta  [-h] --name NAME --folder FOLDER

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --name NAME      Dataset name
  --folder FOLDER  Folder name on the object storage
* Following is the syntax for object-meta

rdac object meta --name testobject --folder testobj-folder
  "name": "testobject",
  "folder": "testobj-folder",
  "description": "testobjct",
  "saved_time": "2023-01-09T06:12:03.413276",
  "data_path": "rda-objects/data/testobj-folder/",
  "file_type": "csv",
  "file_size": 15303849

Sub Command: object-to-content

Description: Convert object pointers from a column into content

rdac object-to-content --help
Usage: object-to-content  [-h] --inpcol INPUT_OBJECT_COLUMN --outcol OUTPUT_COLUMN --file
            INPUT_FILE --outfile OUTPUT_FILE

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Name of the column in input that contains the object
  --outcol OUTPUT_COLUMN
                        Column name where content will be inserted
  --file INPUT_FILE     Input csv file
  --outfile OUTPUT_FILE
                        Name of output csv file that has content inserted

Sub Command: object-to-file

Description: Convert object pointers from a column into file

rdac object-to-file --help
usage: rdac [-h] --inpcol INPUT_OBJECT_COLUMN --outcol OUTPUT_COLUMN --file
            INPUT_FILE --outfile OUTPUT_FILE

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Name of the column in input that contains the objects
  --outcol OUTPUT_COLUMN
                        Column name where filenames need to be inserted
  --file INPUT_FILE     Input csv file
  --outfile OUTPUT_FILE
                        Name of output csv file that has filename inserted

Sub Command: output

Description: Get the output of a Job using jobid.

rdac output --help
Usage: output  [-h] --jobid JOBID [--tofile SAVE_TO_FILE] [--format DATA_FORMAT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --jobid JOBID         Job ID (either partial or complete)
  --tofile SAVE_TO_FILE
                        Save the data to the specified file (CSV)
  --format DATA_FORMAT  Format for the saved file. Valid values are auto, csv,
                        json, parquet. If 'auto' format will be determined
                        from extension
  --viz                 Open Dataframe visualizer to show the data

Sub Command: pipeline

Description: Pipeline management commands

Following are the valid Sub-Commands for the Pipeline

Sub Commands
list List published pipelines
get-versions Get versions for the pipeline
get Get pipeline by name and version
delete Delete pipeline by name and version
convert-to-json Convert all pipelines in folder from yaml to json
publish Publish the pipeline on a worker pod
published-run Run a published pipeline on a worker pod

rdac pipeline --help
Following are valid sub-commands for pipeline:
  list                      List published pipelines
  get-versions              Get versions for the pipeline
  get                       Get pipeline by name and version
  delete                    Delete pipeline by name and version
  convert-to-json           Convert all pipelines in folder from yaml to json
  publish                   Publish the pipeline on a worker pod
  published-run             Run a published pipeline on a worker pod

Sub Command: list

Description: Get pipeline by name and version

rdac pipeline-list --help
usage: rdac [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular

  • Following is the syntax for pipeline-list
 rdac pipeline list
category                 description    name                                    saved_time                  usecase                                                              version
-----------------------  -------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------

Sub Command: get-versions

Description: Get versions for the pipeline

rdac pipeline-get-versions --help
Usage: pipeline-get-versions  [-h] --name NAME [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --name NAME  Get versions of pipeline specified by name
  --json       Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular
  • Following is the syntax for pipeline-get-versions

=== "Example Output"


<a name='pipeline-list'></a>

### Sub Command: `pipeline-list`

Description: List published pipelines

Usage: pipeline-list  [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular

Sub Command: get

Description: Get pipeline by name and version

rdac pipeline-get --help
usage: rdac [-h] --name NAME --version VERSION [--tofile SAVE_TO_FILE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Pipeline name
  --version VERSION     Pipeline version
  --tofile SAVE_TO_FILE
                        Save the downloaded pipeline to specified file
  --json                Print detailed information in JSON format instead of
                        tabular format
  • Following is the syntax for pipeline-get
rdac pipeline get --name regression_metrics_data --version 2022_12_09_1
{'name': 'regression_metrics_data', 'description': 'test pipeline', 'usecase': '', 'category': '1', 'version': '2022_12_09_1', 'sources': {'files': {'name': 'files', 'type': 'file'}, 'cfxml': {'name': 'cfxml', 'type': 'cfxai_regression'}, 'rn': {'name': 'rn', 'type': 'rn'}}, 'data': {'name': 'regression_metrics_data', 'sequence': [{'tag': '@files:loadfile', 'query': "filename = ''"}, {'tag': '@cfxml:regression', 'query': "value_column = 'value' and\nts_column = 'timestamp' and\nfrequency = '4H' and\nagg_func = 'mean'"}, {'tag': '@dm:change-time-format', 'query': "columns='timestamp' &\nfrom_format='datetimestr' &\nto_format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'", 'comment': 'Changing time format before writing to stream'}, {'tag': '@rn:write-stream', 'query': 'name = "regression_metrics_data"'}]}, 'artifacts': [{'artifact_type': 'rda-network-stream', 'artifact_name': 'regression_metrics_data', 'access': 'write'}], 'html_data': "\n        <style>\n\n        .tooltip {\n            position: relative;\n            display: inline-block;\n            border-bottom: 1px dotted black; /* If you want dots under the hoverable text */\n            }\n\n        /* Tooltip text */\n        .tooltip .tooltiptext {\n            visibility: hidden;\n            width: 120px;\n            background-color: black;\n            color: #fff;\n            text-align: center;\n            padding: 5px 0;\n            border-radius: 6px;\n            \n            /* Position the tooltip text - see examples below! */\n            position: absolute;\n   

Sub Command: delete

Description: Delete pipeline by name and version

rdac pipeline-delete --help
Usage: pipeline-delete  [-h] --name NAME --version VERSION

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --name NAME        Pipeline name
  --version VERSION  Version for pipeline
  • Following is the syntax for pipeline-delete
 rdac pipeline delete --name nifty50_new --version 2023_01_10

2023-01-10:07:37:49 [1] INFO nats_client Creating new SharedPool ...
2023-01-10:07:37:49 [1] INFO nats_client Initiallzing PubMgr for pid=1
2023-01-10:07:37:49 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
Done deleting pipeline
Sub Command: convert-to-json

Description: Convert all pipelines in folder from yaml to json

rdac pipeline convert-to-json --help
usage: pipeline [-h] --pipetype PIPE_TYPE

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --pipetype PIPE_TYPE  Type of pipelines to convert : Published/Draft. It
                        converts all pipelines in published/draft folder to
                        json format.
  • Following is the syntax for pipeline convert-to-json
rdac pipeline convert-to-json --pipetype Draft
2023-01-09:11:19:40 [1] INFO nats_client Creating new SharedPool ...
2023-01-09:11:19:40 [1] INFO nats_client Initiallzing PubMgr for pid=1
2023-01-09:11:19:40 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem

Converted following pipelines from yaml to json

    pipeline_name                                 version
--  ---------------------------------------  ------------
 0  all-stacks-join                          2022_09_28_1
 1  appd_stack                               2022_09_28_1
 2  appdynamics-enrichment                   2022_09_28_1
 3  db_alerts_clustering                     2022_09_28_1
 4  db_alerts_clustering                     2022_11_17_1
 5  db_alerts_regression                     2022_09_28_1
 6  db_alerts_regression                     2022_11_17_1
 7  db_incidents_clustering                  2022_09_28_1
 8  db_incidents_clustering                  2022_11_17_1
 9  db_incidents_regression                  2022_09_28_1
10  db_incidents_regression                  2022_11_17_1
11  file_upload_alerts_clustering            2022_09_28_1
12  file_upload_alerts_clustering            2022_11_17_1
13  file_upload_incidents_clustering         2022_09_28_1
14  file_upload_incidents_clustering         2022_11_17_1
15  fileupload_alerts_regression             2022_09_28_1
16  fileupload_alerts_regression             2022_11_17_1
17  incident_notify_email                    2022_09_28_1
18  incident_notify_jenkins                  2022_09_28_1
19  incident_notify_msteams                  2022_09_28_1
20  incident_stack_asset_attributes_mapping  2022_09_28_1
21  incident_stack_generator                 2022_09_28_1

Sub Command: publish

Description: Publish the pipeline on a worker pod

rdac pipeline publish --help
usage: rdac [-h] --pipeline PIPELINE --name NAME --version VERSION --category
            CATEGORY [--usecase USECASE] [--folder FOLDER]
            [--group WORKER_GROUP] [--site WORKER_SITE]
            [--lfilter LABEL_FILTER] [--rfilter RESOURCE_FILTER]
            [--maxwait MAX_WAIT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --pipeline PIPELINE   File containing pipeline contents
  --name NAME           Pipeline name
  --version VERSION     Pipeline version
  --category CATEGORY   Pipeline category
  --usecase USECASE     Pipeline usecase
  --folder FOLDER       Pipeline Folder
  --group WORKER_GROUP  Deprecated. Use --site option. Specify a worker site
                        name. If not specified, will use any available worker.
  --site WORKER_SITE    Specify a worker site name. If not specified, will use
                        any available worker.
  --lfilter LABEL_FILTER
                        CFXQL style query to narrow down workers using their
                        CFXQL style query to narrow down workers using their
  --maxwait MAX_WAIT    Maximum wait time (seconds) for credential check to
  • Following is the syntax for pipeline publish
rdac pipeline publish --pipeline testpipelinenew --name nifty_fifty --version 2023_01_10 --category test
2023-01-10:09:04:06 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
  "status": "started",
  "reason": "",
  "results": [],
  "now": "2023-01-10T09:04:06.130688",
  "status-subject": "",
  "jobid": "fa81de86812f4770a0ff8b700749f934"
Publishing Pipeline:

Sub Command: published-run

Description: Run a published pipeline on a worker pod

rdac pipeline published-run --help
usage: pipeline [-h] --name NAME --version VERSION [--group WORKER_GROUP]
                [--site WORKER_SITE] [--lfilter LABEL_FILTER]
                [--rfilter RESOURCE_FILTER] [--maxwait MAX_WAIT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Pipeline name
  --version VERSION     Pipeline version
  --group WORKER_GROUP  Deprecated. Use --site option. Specify a worker site
                        name. If not specified, will use any available worker.
  --site WORKER_SITE    Specify a worker site name. If not specified, will use
                        any available worker.
  --lfilter LABEL_FILTER
                        CFXQL style query to narrow down workers using their
                        CFXQL style query to narrow down workers using their
  --maxwait MAX_WAIT    Maximum wait time (seconds) for credential check to
  • Following is the syntax for pipeline published-run
rdac pipeline published-run --name nifty_fifty --version 2023_01_10
2023-01-10:09:05:31 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
  "status": "started",
  "reason": "",
  "now": "2023-01-10T09:05:31.126185",
  "pipeline-name": "nifty_fifty",
  "status-subject": "",
  "jobid": "1ec46b3ad80d496380ad1f9eb73482eb",
  "attributes": {
    "is_draft": "no"
  "pipeline-checksums": {
    "nifty_fifty": "785e1b5b"

Sub Command: pods

Description: List all pods for the current tenant

rdac pods --help
usage: rdac [-h] [--json] [--type POD_TYPE] [--versions] [--infra] [--apps]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --json           Print detailed information in JSON format instead of
                   tabular format
  --type POD_TYPE  Show only the pods that match the specified pod type
  --versions       Show versions for each pod in tabular format, not
                   compatible with --json option
  --infra          List only RDA Infra pods. not compatible with --apps option
  --apps           List only RDA App pods. not compatible with --infra option
  • Following is the syntax for pods
rdac pods --type worker --json
2023-01-10:10:37:12 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
        "now": "2023-01-10T10:37:12.289225",
        "started_at": "2023-01-07T13:30:42.380413",
        "pod_type": "worker",
        "pod_category": "rda_infra",
        "pod_id": "88c26bbe",
        "hostname": "05969789d903",
        "proc_id": 10,
        "labels": {
            "rda_platform_version": "",
            "rda_messenger_version": "",
            "rda_pod_version": "22.12.14",
            "rda_license_valid": "no",
            "rda_license_not_expired": "no",
            "rda_license_expiration_date": ""
        "build_tag": "daily",
        "requests": {
            "auto": "",
            "direct": ""
        "resources": {
            "cpu_count": 4,
            "cpu_load1": 6.7,
            "cpu_load5": 7.08,
            "cpu_load15": 7.14,
            "mem_total_gb": 39.16,
            "mem_available_gb": 15.34,
            "mem_percent": 60.8,

Sub Command: pod-logging

Following are the valid Sub-Commands for the pod-logging

Sub Commands
get Get logging configuration of given pod
set Update the logging level of a logging component for a given RDA Pod
handler-set Update the logging level of a handler for a given RDA Pod
handler-get Get all logging handlers and handler configuration for a given RDA Pod

rdac pod-logging --help
pod logging commands

Following are valid sub-commands for pod-logging:
  get                       Get logging configuration of given pod
  set                       Update the logging level of a logging component for a given RDA Pod
  handler-set               Update the logging level of a handler for a given RDA Pod
  handler-get               Get all logging handlers and handler configuration for a given RDA Pod

Sub Command: get

Description: Get logging configuration of given pod

rdac pod-logging get --help
usage: pod-logging [-h] --id POD_ID [--logger LOGGER_NAME]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --id POD_ID           pod_id of the pod for which the logging level need to
                        be retrieved
  --logger LOGGER_NAME  Logging Name. By default it sets the root logger.

Sub Command: set

Description: Update the logging level of a logging component for a given RDA Pod

rdac pod-logging set --help
usage: pod-logging [-h] --id POD_ID --level LEVEL [--logger LOGGER_NAME]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --id POD_ID           pod_id of the pod for which the logging level need to
                        be configured
  --level LEVEL         Logging level. Must be one of DEBUG INFO WARNING ERROR
  --logger LOGGER_NAME  Logging Name. By default it sets the root logger.
  • Following is the Syntax for pod-logging set
rdac set-pod-log-level --id <required pod id> --level <required log level>
rdac set-pod-log-level --id 07a337e5 --level DEBUG
Successfully updated logging level for pod 07a337e5

Sub Command: handler-set

Description: Update the logging level of a handler for a given RDA Pod

rdac pod-logging handler-set --help
usage: pod-logging [-h] --id POD_ID --level LEVEL [--handler HANDLER_NAME]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --id POD_ID           pod_id of the pod for which the logging level need to
                        be configured
  --level LEVEL         Logging level. Must be one of DEBUG INFO WARNING ERROR
  --handler HANDLER_NAME
                        Logging Handler name. (e.g. console/file_handler) as
                        specified in logging configuration file. If not
                        specified, all the handlers will be set to the level
  • Following is the Syntax for pod-logging handler-set
rdac pod-logging handler-set --id <required pod id> --level <required log level>
rdac pod-logging handler-set --id 07a337e5 --level DEBUG
Successfully updated logging level for pod 07a337e5

Sub Command: handler-get

Description: Get all logging handlers and handler configuration for a given RDA Pod

rdac pod-logging handler-get --help
usage: pod-logging [-h] --id POD_ID

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --id POD_ID  pod_id of the pod for which the logging level need to be

Sub Command: pod-logging-handler-set

Description: To change log levels for any required pod

rdac pod-logging-handler-set --help

usage: rdac [-h] --id POD_ID --level LEVEL [--handler HANDLER_NAME]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --id POD_ID           pod_id of the pod for which the logging level need to
                        be configured
  --level LEVEL         Logging level. Must be one of DEBUG INFO WARNING ERROR
  --handler HANDLER_NAME
                        Logging Handler name. (e.g. console/file_handler) as
                        specified in logging configuration file. If not
                        specified, all the handlers will be set to the level

Sub Command: project

Following are the valid Sub-Commands for the project

Sub Commands
add Add or update project
get Get YAML data for a project
list List all projects
delete Delete a project
enable Change the status of a project to 'enabled'
disable Change the status of a project to 'disabled'

rdac project --help
Project management commands. Projects can be used to link different tenants / projects from this RDA Fabric or a remote RDA Fabric.

Following are valid sub-commands for project:
  add                       Add or update project
  get                       Get YAML data for a project
  list                      List all projects
  delete                    Delete a project
  enable                    Change the status of a project to 'enabled'
  disable                   Change the status of a project to 'disabled'

Sub Command: add

Description: Add or update project

rdac project add --help
usage: project [-h] --file INPUT_FILE [--overwrite] [--rda_config RDA_CONFIG]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --file INPUT_FILE     YAML file containing project definition
  --overwrite           Overwrite even if a project already exists with the
                        specified name.
  --rda_config RDA_CONFIG
                        JSON file containing RDA Credentials (if the project
                        belongs to a remote system)
  • Following is the syntax for project add
rdac project add --file projecttest.yml
Added project oia-2


Create a project YAML file before adding a new project

name: "oia-2"
customerId: "3edd7c702f5d442982dfcd493d2fe7b3"
projectId: "3f9ef108-62b8-46d3-bc9e-caee1c53c174"
userId: ""
label: "ACME 2"
Sub Command: list

Description: List all projects

rdac project list --help
usage: project [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular
* Following is the syntax for project list

rdac project list
    name    label          enabled    customerId    projectId    tenant_id    nats_url    minio_host    saved_time
--  ------  -------------  ---------  ------------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ------------  --------------------------
 0  n-bank  National Bank  yes        ae144f**      c2b89a**                                            2022-09-28T05:50:06.285929
 1  oia-2   ACME 2         no         3edd7c**      3f9ef1**                                            2023-01-23T05:11:28.716514

Sub Command: enable

Description: Change the status of a project to 'enabled'

rdac project enable --help
usage: project [-h] --name PROJECT_NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --name PROJECT_NAME  Name of the project
* Following is the syntax for project enable

rdac project enable --name oia-2

Changed status of oia-2 to enabled
Sub Command: disable

Description: Change the status of a project to 'disabled'

rdac project disable --help
usage: project [-h] --name PROJECT_NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --name PROJECT_NAME  Name of the project
* Following is the syntax for project disable

rdac project disable  --name oia-2
Changed status of oia-2 to disabled

Sub Command: get

Description: Get YAML data for a project

rdac project get --help
usage: project [-h] --name PROJECT_NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --name PROJECT_NAME  Name of the project
* Following is the syntax for project get

rdac project get --name oia-2
name: oia-2
customerId: 3edd7c702f5d442982dfcd493d2fe7b3
projectId: 3f9ef108-62b8-46d3-bc9e-caee1c53c174
label: ACME 2
saved_time: '2023-01-23T05:11:28.716514'
enabled: false

Sub Command: delete

Description: Delete a project

rdac project delete --help
usage: project [-h] --name PROJECT_NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --name PROJECT_NAME  Name of the project to delete
  • Following is the syntax for project delete
rdac project delete --name oia-2
Deleted project: oia-2

Sub Command: pstream

Following are the valid Sub-Commands for the pstream

Sub Commands
list List persistent streams
status Status of the persistent streams
get Get information about a persistent stream
metadata Get metadata information about a persistent stream
add Add a new persistent stream
delete Delete a persistent stream
query Query persistent stream data via collector
delete-by-query Delete persistent stream data via CFXQL query
update-by-query Update column(s) in persistent stream data via CFXQL query
add-column Add column to the persistent stream records that don't have it and set a value via expression
tail Query a persistent stream and continue to query for incremental data every few seconds
export Query a persistent stream and export data to CSV or JSON file
export-chunks Query a persistent stream and export data as minio chunks
migrate Query a persistent stream and export to another stream with optional type conversion
load Load data from a CSV file into a persistent stream with optional type conversion
ingest Ingest data to persistent stream by directly adding data to Opensearch
evict Evict ingestion Job
evict-export Evict Export Chunks Job
rdac pstream --help
Persistent Stream management commands

Following are valid sub-commands for pstream:

  list                      List persistent streams
  status                    Status of the persistent streams
  get                       Get information about a persistent stream
  metadata                  Get metadata information about a persistent stream
  add                       Add a new Persistent stream
  delete                    Delete a persistent stream
  query                     Query persistent stream data via collector
  delete-by-query           Delete persistent stream data via CFXQL query
  update-by-query           Update column(s) in persistent stream data via CFXQL query
  add-column                Add column to the persistent stream records that don't have it and set a value via expression
  tail                      Query a persistent stream and continue to query for incremental data every few seconds
  export                    Query a persistent stream and export data to CSV or JSON file
  export-chunks             Query a persistent stream and export data as minio chunks
  migrate                   Query a persistent stream and export to another stream with optional type conversion
  load                      Load data from a CSV file into a persistent stream with optional type conversion
  ingest                    Ingest data to pstream by directly adding data to Open Search
  evict                     Evict Ingestion Job
  evict-export              Evict Export Chunks Job

Sub Command: list

Description : List persistent streams

rdac pstream list --help
usage: pstream [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular
  • Following is the syntax for pstream list
rdac pstream list
Detected OS Name: Linux
Detected docker version: 20.10.12
    name                                       index_name                                                                                  saved_time                  retention_days
--  -----------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------
 0  rda_synthetic_metrics                      f92bc678629540f0bcaf7749177acccb-stream-03e632e0-rda_synthetic_metrics                      2022-11-15T04:15:41.692800  31
 1  oia-incidents-data-coll-stream             f92bc678629540f0bcaf7749177acccb-stream-09c0c9b9-oia-incidents-data-coll-stream             2022-11-14T10:39:14.080246  7
 2  rdaf_services_logs                         f92bc678629540f0bcaf7749177acccb-stream-rdaf_services_logs                                  2022-11-14T10:29:40.564683  15
 3  dli-synthetic-logs-processed               f92bc678629540f0bcaf7749177acccb-stream-10fe40a6-dli-synthetic-logs-processed               2022-11-14T15:33:16.490331  31
 4  test_oia-incident-inserts-pstream          f92bc678629540f0bcaf7749177acccb-stream-1eb8a4d3-test_oia-incident-inserts-pstream          2022-12-05T07:22:48.543676  7
 5  oia-incidents-collaboration-stream         f92bc678629540f0bcaf7749177acccb-stream-23f2f83a-oia-incidents-collaboration-stream         2022-11-14T10:36:52.070142  7
 6  dli-log-stats                              f92bc678629540f0bcaf7749177acccb-stream-25235c4a-dli-log-stats                              2022-11-14T15:33:16.356427  90
  • Another example syntax for pstream list
rdac pstream list --json
    "attrs": {
      "unique_keys": [
      "system_defined": "yes"
    "datastore_type": "OS",
    "index_name": "cf75a3efaa26491b9efea482d2ac981c-stream-01970753-rda_secrets_meta",
    "name": "rda_secrets_meta",
    "saved_time": "2023-11-08T07:45:44.541749",
    "status": "Running"

Sub Command: status

Description : Status of the persistent streams

rdac pstream status --help
usage: pstream [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular
  • Following is the syntax for pstream status
rdac pstream status
Detected OS Name: Linux
Detected docker version: 20.10.12
    name                                       index_exists      docs_count    size_in_bytes    shards_failed    shards_successful    shards_total  status
--  -----------------------------------------  --------------  ------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------------  --------------  --------
 0  rda_synthetic_metrics                      True                  100000         10929315                0                    3               6  OK
 1  oia-incidents-data-coll-stream             True                       0              690                0                    3               6  OK
 2  rdaf_services_logs                         True                17733976       8751155216                0                    3               6  OK
 3  dli-synthetic-logs-processed               True                 4964025        697988506                0                    3               6  OK
 4  test_oia-incident-inserts-pstream          True                       0              690                0                    3               6  OK
 5  oia-incidents-collaboration-stream         True                       0              690                0                    3               6  OK
 6  dli-log-stats                              True                 1028976         77565766                0                    3               6  OK
 7  regression-aggregated-anomalies            True                    2529           731537                0                    3               6  OK
 8  oia-incidents-delta-stream                 True                       0              690                0                    3               6  OK
 9  dli-synthetic-logs-dropped                 True                       0            71681                0                    3               6  OK
10  oia-alerts-kpi-stream                      True                      44            26682                0                    3               6  OK
  • Another example syntax for pstream status
rdac pstream status --json
  "status": "ok",
  "reason": "",
  "data": [
      "name": "rda_secrets_meta",
      "datastore_type": "OS",
      "index_exists": true,
      "docs_count": 0,
      "size_in_bytes": 624,
      "shards_total": 6,
      "shards_successful": 3,
      "shards_failed": 0,
      "status": "OK"

Sub Command: get

Description : Get information about a persistent stream

rdac pstream get --help
usage: pstream [-h] --name NAME [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --name NAME  Persistent Stream name
  --json       Print in JSON format instead of text format
  • Following is the syntax for pstream get
rdac pstream get --name  test_oia-incident-inserts-pstream
Detected OS Name: Linux
Detected docker version: 20.10.12
Stream Name: test_oia-incident-inserts-pstream
Index  Name: f92bc678629540f0bcaf7749177acccb-stream-1eb8a4d3-test_oia-incident-inserts-pstream
Saved Time : 2022-12-05T07:22:48.543676
  retention_days: 7
  unique_keys: ['project_id']
  timestamp: timestamp
  • Another example syntax for pstream get
rdac pstream get --name oia-metrics-data --json
  "name": "oia-metrics-data",
  "datastore_type": "OS",
  "attrs": {
    "case_insensitive": true,
    "unique_keys": [
    "retention_days": "90"
  "saved_time": "2023-11-08T09:10:06.755111",
  "index_name": "cf75a3efaa26491b9efea482d2ac981c-stream-08d2fd46-oia-metrics-data",
  "status": "Running"

Sub Command: metadata

Description : Get metadata information about a persistent stream

rdac pstream metadata --help
usage: pstream [-h] --name NAME [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --name NAME  Persistent Stream name
  --json       Print in JSON format instead of text format
  • Following is the syntax for pstream metadata
rdac pstream metadata --name rda_synthetic_metrics
Detected OS Name: Linux
Detected docker version: 20.10.12
    columnId             keywordColumn        mappedType    parent       type
--  -------------------  -------------------  ------------  -----------  -------
 0  component.keyword                         TEXT          component    keyword
 1  component            component.keyword    TEXT                       text
 2  count_                                    DOUBLE                     long
 3  layer.keyword                             TEXT          layer        keyword
 4  layer                layer.keyword        TEXT                       text
 5  metric_name.keyword                       TEXT          metric_name  keyword
 6  metric_name          metric_name.keyword  TEXT                       text
 7  node_id.keyword                           TEXT          node_id      keyword
 8  node_id              node_id.keyword      TEXT                       text
 9  node_label.keyword                        TEXT          node_label   keyword
10  node_label           node_label.keyword   TEXT                       text
11  node_type.keyword                         TEXT          node_type    keyword
12  node_type            node_type.keyword    TEXT                       text
13  source_tool.keyword                       TEXT          source_tool  keyword
14  source_tool          source_tool.keyword  TEXT                       text
15  stack_name.keyword                        TEXT          stack_name   keyword
16  stack_name           stack_name.keyword   TEXT                       text
17  timestamp                                 DATETIME                   date
18  unit.keyword                              TEXT          unit         keyword
19  unit                 unit.keyword         TEXT                       text
20  value                                     DOUBLE                     float

Sub Command: add

Description : Add a new Persistent stream

rdac pstream add --help
usage: pstream [-h] --name NAME [--index INDEX_NAME]
               [--attr [ATTRS [ATTRS ...]]] [--retention_days RETENTION_DAYS]
               [--unique_keys UNIQUE_KEYS] [--auto_expand AUTO_EXPAND]
               [--drop DROP] [--computed COMPUTED] [--timestamp TIMESTAMP]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Persistent Stream name
  --index INDEX_NAME    OpenSearch index name to store Persistent Stream
  --attr [ATTRS [ATTRS ...]]
                        Optional name=value pairs to add to attributes of
                        persistent stream
  --retention_days RETENTION_DAYS
                        Number of days to retain the data
  --unique_keys UNIQUE_KEYS
                        Comma separated list of column names to make each row
  --auto_expand AUTO_EXPAND
                        Comma separated list of column names that should
                        parsed as JSON dicts and expanded
  --drop DROP           Comma separated list of column names that should be
                        dropped before persisting
  --computed COMPUTED   JSON fille containing computed column definition
  --timestamp TIMESTAMP
                        Timestamp column name
  • Following is the syntax for pstream add
rdac pstream add --name test_oia-incident-inserts-pstream --retention_days 7 --unique_keys project_id --timestamp timestamp

Detected OS Name: Linux
Detected docker version: 20.10.12
  "retention_days": 7,
  "unique_keys": [
  "timestamp": "timestamp"
Persistent stream saved.
* Following is the syntax for pstream add with attr, auto_expand & Compute

rdac pstream add --name oia-incidents-stream --attr 'retention_days=1' --auto_expand "resolved_at,created" --computed test.json
  "retention_days": "1",
  "auto_expand": [
  "search_case_insensitive": true,
  "computed_columns": {
    "ttr_minutes": {
      "expr": "(resolved_at - created)/(1000.0*60)",
      "default": null
    "created_iso": {
      "expr": "ms_to_isoformat(created)"
    "resolved_at_iso": {
      "expr": "ms_to_isoformat(resolved_at)"
Persistent stream saved.

When a pstream is created, the corresponding Index name is automatically generated and created. Please run rdac pstream list to see the associated Index name.

Index name has below format.


Below is an example of system generated Index name as part of pstream creation.


pstream add also supports creating user defined Index name, however, the Index name should always be pre-fixed with tenant-id as shown above.

Organization ID can be found at RDAF UI portal --> Main Menu --> Configuration --> RDA Admin --> Network


  • Following is the syntax for pstream add with user specified Index name.
rdac pstream add --name server_cpu_metrics --retention_days 7 --timestamp timestamp --index 79cc72a1697b487fb2da7b99f0a0cc1a-stream-server_cpu_metrics


Index name always should start with Organization ID. If Organization id is not prefixed as part of user defined index name, the data ingestion into pstream will be failed with permission errors.

Sub Command: delete

Description : Delete a persistent stream

rdac pstream delete --help
usage: pstream [-h] --name NAME [--delete_index]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  --name NAME     Persistent Stream name
  --delete_index  Delete all the data and metadata from open search

  • Following is the syntax for pstream delete
rdac pstream delete --name test_oia-incident-inserts-pstream
Detected OS Name: Linux
Detected docker version: 20.10.12
Deleted persistent stream

By default, pstream delete will not delete the associated Index which contains the data. If associated Index also to be deleted along with the persistent steam, use --delete_index option.


Please be aware that --delete_index deletes the persistent stream's index permanently which contains the data.

Sub Command: query

Description : Query persistent stream data via collector

rdac pstream query --help
usage: pstream [-h] --name NAME [--max_rows MAX_ROWS] [--query CFXQL_QUERY]
               [--aggs AGGS] [--groupby GROUPBY] [--sortby SORT_BY]
               [--order SORT_ORDER] [--ts TS_COLUMN] [--json] [--no_sort]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --name NAME          Persistent Stream name
  --max_rows MAX_ROWS  Max rows in output
  --query CFXQL_QUERY  CFXQL Query
  --aggs AGGS          Optional aggs, specified as 'sum:field_name'
  --groupby GROUPBY    Comma separated list of columns to groupby. Used only
                       when --aggs is used
  --sortby SORT_BY     Comma separated list of columns to sort by. Default is
                       timestamp column.
  --order SORT_ORDER   Sort oder. Must be one 'asc' or 'desc'. Default is
  --ts TS_COLUMN       Timestamp column for sorting. Default is 'timestamp'
  --json               Print detailed information in JSON format instead of
                       tabular format
  --no_sort            Do not sort by timestamp field

  • Following is the syntax for pstream query
pstream query --name rda_synthetic_metrics --query "* GET metric_name" --max 5
Detected OS Name: Linux
Detected docker version: 20.10.12
--  ------------------------------
 0  host_cpu_usage
 1  host_mem_usage
 2  transaction_time
 3  shared_svc_total_response_time
 4  total_response_time

Query persistent stream with CFXQL filters, in this example, querying the data and get one of the data record within last 5 mins. Since @timestamp has special character, it need to be escaped as shown below.

rdac pstream query --name rdaf_services_logs --json --query '"\`@timestamp\`" is after -5min' --max_rows 1
    "_id": "BjhB7oQBXeLk1V97kTCm",
    "_index": "79cc72a1697b487fb2da7b99f0a0cc1a-stream-rdaf_services_logs",
    "sort": [
    "_score": null,
    "process_name": "systemd-networkd",
    "log_message": "veth7809965: Gained IPv6LL",
    "host": "",
    "service_category": "rda_infra_svcs",
    "service_host": "rdaflogstream",
    "hostname": "rdaflogstream",
    "received_from": "",
    "log": "2022-12-07T20:23:05.275427+00:00 rdaflogstream systemd-networkd[1110]: veth7809965: Gained IPv6LL",
    "log_severity": "UNKNOWN",
    "service_name": "rda_os_syslog",
    "@timestamp": "2022-12-07T20:23:05.275Z",
    "@version": "1",
    "fluentbit_timestamp": "2022-12-07T20:23:05.275Z",
    "process_id": "1110"

Below is another example of CFXQL query when the column name service-category has a special character.

rdac pstream query --name rdaf_services_logs --json --query '"\`@timestamp\`" is after -5min and "\`service-category\`" = "rda_infra_svcs"' --max_rows 1


When using CFXQL, column names that has special characters such as @ -, need to be escaped as shown in the above examples.

Below is another example of aggs & groupby arguments when the column name is service_name.

rdac pstream query --name rdaf_services_logs --ts @timestamp --query '"\`@timestamp\`" is after -1d and log_severity = 'ERROR' get service_name,log' --aggs value_count:_id --groupby service_name
Detected OS Name: Linux
Detected docker version: 20.10.12
   * Label: _id_value_count
       * Value: 39,918

     Group: rda_nats

   * Label: _id_value_count
       * Value: 5,412

     Group: rda_scheduler

   * Label: _id_value_count
       * Value: 72

     Group: rda_file_browser

   * Label: _id_value_count
       * Value: 48

     Group: rda_resource_manager

Below is another example of sum aggregation of the column name duration.

python3 pstream query --name rda_microservice_traces --aggs sum:duration --groupby source --order asc
Detected OS Name: Linux
Detected docker version: 20.10.12
   * Label: duration_sum
       * Value: 270,762.0

     Group: scheduler

   * Label: duration_sum
       * Value: 166,608.0

     Group: dataset-caas

   * Label: duration_sum
       * Value: 44,937.0

     Group: api-server

   * Label: duration_sum
       * Value: 81,265.0

     Group: cfxdimensions-app-file-browser

Below is another example of value count aggregation of the column name Maths.

rdac pstream query --name sample-test-scores --aggs 'value_count:Maths' --groupby section
   * Label: Maths_value_count
       * Value: 5

     Group: A

   * Label: Maths_value_count
       * Value: 5

     Group: B

Below is another example of cardinality aggregation of the column name Maths.

rdac pstream query --name sample-test-scores --aggs 'cardinality:Maths' --groupby section

   * Label: Maths_cardinality
       * Value: 5

     Group: A

   * Label: Maths_cardinality
       * Value: 4

     Group: B
Below is another example of avg aggregation of the column name Maths.

rdac pstream query --name sample-test-scores --aggs 'avg:Maths' --groupby section
   * Label: Maths_avg
       * Value: 57.6

     Group: A

   * Label: Maths_avg
       * Value: 77.8

     Group: B

Below is another example of max aggregation of the column name Maths.

rdac pstream query --name sample-test-scores --aggs 'max:Maths' --groupby section
   * Label: Maths_max
       * Value: 87.0

     Group: A

   * Label: Maths_max
       * Value: 90.0

     Group: B

Sub Command: delete-by-query

Description: Delete persistent stream data via CFXQL query

rdac pstream delete-by-query -h
usage: pstream [-h] --name NAME --query CFXQL_QUERY [--timeout TIMEOUT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --name NAME          Persistent Stream name
  --query CFXQL_QUERY  CFXQL Query
  --timeout TIMEOUT    Timeout in seconds to wait for response. Default 60
  • Following is the syntax for pstream delete-by-query
rdac pstream delete-by-query --name rda_logs_test --query 'artifact_name  is "login_post" and operation = "LOGIN"'
Deleted all the data that matched the query
{'status': 'ok', 'reason': '', 'data': {'took': 14, 'timed_out': False, 'total': 4, 'deleted': 4, 'batches': 1, 'version_conflicts': 0, 'noops': 0, 'retries': {'bulk': 0, 'search': 0}, 'throttled_millis': 0, 'requests_per_second': -1.0, 'throttled_until_millis': 0}, 'now': '2023-11-09T08:23:39.800946'}


pstream delete-by-query deletes the records from persistent stream, please make sure the given CFXQL query is appropriate to filter and delete the intended records. As a pre-caution, use pstream query with CFXQL filter to validate the query results before running pstream delete-by-query command.

Sub Command: update-by-query

Description: Update column(s) in persistent stream data via CFXQL query

rdac pstream update-by-query -h
usage: pstream [-h] --name NAME --query CFXQL_QUERY --columns COLUMNS --values
               VALUES [--timeout TIMEOUT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --name NAME          Persistent Stream name
  --query CFXQL_QUERY  CFXQL Query
  --columns COLUMNS    Comma separated list of column names that needs to be
                       updated for all the records that match the query.
                       Example: city,state,zipcode
  --values VALUES      Set the value to specified column or columns (comma
                       separated). The specified number of columns should
                       match 'columns' column(s). Example: San Jose,CA,12345
  --timeout TIMEOUT    Timeout in seconds to wait for response. Default 60
  • Following is the syntax for pstream update-by-query
rdac pstream update-by-query --name rda_logs_test --query 'artifact_name  is "login_post"' --columns artifact_name --values 'login_test1'

Updated all the data that matched the query
{'status': 'ok', 'reason': '', 'data': {'took': 578, 'timed_out': False, 'total': 2, 'updated': 2, 'deleted': 0, 'batches': 1, 'version_conflicts': 0, 'noops': 0, 'retries': {'bulk': 0, 'search': 0}, 'throttled_millis': 0, 'requests_per_second': -1.0, 'throttled_until_millis': 0, 'failures': []}, 'now': '2023-11-09T08:38:54.026199'}
* Following is the syntax for pstream update-by-query with multiple columns

rdac pstream update-by-query --name sample-test-scores --query 'name  is "tej"' --columns "Maths,english" --values "85,54"
Updated all the data that matched the query
{'status': 'ok', 'reason': '', 'data': {'took': 22, 'timed_out': False, 'total': 1, 'updated': 1, 'deleted': 0, 'batches': 1, 'version_conflicts': 0, 'noops': 0, 'retries': {'bulk': 0, 'search': 0}, 'throttled_millis': 0, 'requests_per_second': -1.0, 'throttled_until_millis': 0, 'failures': []}, 'now': '2023-11-20T05:54:21.625365'}

Sub Command: add-column

Description: Add column to the persistent stream records that don't have it and set a value via expression

rdac pstream add-column -h
usage: pstream [-h] --name NAME --column COLUMN --expression EXPRESSION

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Persistent Stream name
  --column COLUMN       Field name. Example: full_name
  --expression EXPRESSION
                        Open Search painless script. Example:
                        "ctx._source['first_name'] + ' ' +
  • Following is the syntax for pstream add-column

Run rdac command without arguments to enter into rdac command shell and followed by pstream add-column command as shown below.

pstream add-column --name rda_logs_test --column artifact add --expression "ctx._source['artifact_type'] + ' ' + ctx._source['artifact_name']"

Added column 'artifactadd' for all the records that don't have it
{'status': 'ok', 'reason': '', 'data': {'took': 111, 'timed_out': False, 'total': 33, 'updated': 33, 'deleted': 0, 'batches': 1, 'version_conflicts': 0, 'noops': 0, 'retries': {'bulk': 0, 'search': 0}, 'throttled_millis': 0, 'requests_per_second': -1.0, 'throttled_until_millis': 0, 'failures': []}, 'now': '2023-11-09T10:59:28.158594'}


When adding a new column using the --expression option, it uses Opensearch painless scripted language which will have special characters. To prevent issues with these special characters, it is recommended to execute this command within the rdac shell.

Sub Command: tail

Description : Query a persistent stream and continue to query for incremental data every few seconds

rdac pstream tail --help
usage: pstream [-h] --name NAME [--max_rows MAX_ROWS] [--query CFXQL_QUERY]
               [--ts TS_COLUMN] [--format FORMAT] [--out_cols OUTPUT_COLUMNS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Persistent Stream name
  --max_rows MAX_ROWS   Max rows in output for initial query
  --query CFXQL_QUERY   CFXQL Query
  --ts TS_COLUMN        Timestamp column for sorting. Default is 'timestamp'
  --format FORMAT       Format string in {field1:<8} {field2:,.2f} style
  --out_cols OUTPUT_COLUMNS
                        Comma separated list of column names to be included in
                        output. If not specified, all columns will be included
  --json                Print detailed information in JSON format instead of
                        tabular format

--query supports CFXQL query. However it doesn't support get columns option.

--out_cols use this option to get specific attributes from the pstream as shown in the above example.

--json use this option to get the log output in JSON format. However, it doesn't support limiting the selective attributes listed under --out_cols option.

  • Following is the syntax for pstream tail
rdac pstream tail --name rda_synthetic_metrics
Detected OS Name: Linux
Detected docker version: 20.10.12
7 3hSAeYQBuQsspbunzGjR 1 Application Component app_vm_mem_usage fin-web01 Webserver AppDynamics Online_Banking_Stack 2022-11-15T04:05:13.584582 % 60.48
8 3xSAeYQBuQsspbunzGjR 1 Application Component total_response_time fin-web01 Webserver ThousandEyes Online_Banking_Stack 2022-11-15T04:05:13.584582 ms 65.72
9 4BSAeYQBuQsspbunzGjR 1 Application Component app_vm_cpu_usage fin-web01 Webserver AppDynamics Online_Banking_Stack 2022-11-15T04:05:13.584582 % 69.24
4 2xSAeYQBuQsspbunzGjR 1 Application Component total_response_time fin-web01 Webserver ThousandEyes Online_Banking_Stack 2022-11-15T04:05:13.921674 ms 29.11
5 3BSAeYQBuQsspbunzGjR 1 Application Component app_vm_cpu_usage fin-web01 Webserver AppDynamics Online_Banking_Stack 2022-11-15T04:05:13.921674 % 69.28
6 3RSAeYQBuQsspbunzGjR 1 Application Component app_vm_mem_usage fin-web01 Webserver AppDynamics Online_Banking_Stack 2022-11-15T04:05:13.921674 % 60.75
3 2hSAeYQBuQsspbunzGjR 1 Shared Service shared_svc_total_response_time IdentityProvider ThousandEyes Online_Banking_Stack 2022-11-15T04:05:16.339953 ms 50.31
2 2RSAeYQBuQsspbunzGjR 1 Application Component transaction_time fin-app01 Appserver AppDynamics Online_Banking_Stack 2022-11-15T04:05:18.318154 ms 4.35
0 1xSAeYQBuQsspbunzGjR 1 Host host_cpu_usage esxi-server-04 EsxiHost VROps Online_Banking_Stack 2022-11-15T04:05:23.190271 % 78.13
1 2BSAeYQBuQsspbunzGjR 1 Host host_mem_usage esxi-server-04 EsxiHost VROps Online_Banking_Stack 2022-11-15T04:05:23.190271 % 69.05
  • Below is an example of pstream tail with CFXQL query to filter and tail selected output column(s) specified with --out_cols
rdac pstream tail --name rdaf_services_logs --ts @timestamp --query "service_name = 'rda_registry'" --out_cols 'log'
2022-12-07:20:50:53 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
2022-12-07 20:50:51,245 [PID=9:TID=Thread-9:cfx.rda_messaging.nats_client:cb:1021] INFO - Sending request-reply to _INBOX.RZtDMglua05ndrDR200bGx.RZtDMglua05ndrDR200bJ8

2022-12-07 20:50:51,274 [PID=9:TID=Thread-10:cfx.rda_registry.registry_main:registry_requests:501] INFO - received registry request on subject get-pods

2022-12-07 20:50:51,274 [PID=9:TID=Thread-10:cfx.rda_registry.registry_main:registry_requests:546] INFO - Returning 1 pods

2022-12-07 20:50:51,275 [PID=9:TID=Thread-10:cfx.rda_messaging.nats_client:cb:1021] INFO - Sending request-reply to _INBOX.AeVKdrtKiJGJtMSKQEfui2.AeVKdrtKiJGJtMSKQEfukt


When using CFXQL, column names that has special characters such as @ -, need to be escaped. Please refer pstream query section for reference examples.

Sub Command: export

Description : Query a persistent stream and export data to CSV or JSON file

rdac pstream export --help
usage: pstream [-h] --name NAME [--max_rows MAX_ROWS] [--limit LIMIT]
               [--query CFXQL_QUERY] [--ts TS_COLUMN] --to_file TO_FILE

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --name NAME          Persistent Stream name
  --max_rows MAX_ROWS  Max rows in each batch
  --limit LIMIT        Total limit on downloaded rows
  --query CFXQL_QUERY  CFXQL Query
  --ts TS_COLUMN       Timestamp column for sorting. Default is 'timestamp'
  --to_file TO_FILE    Output filename (CSV or JSON)

  • Following is the syntax for pstream export
rdac pstream export --name oia-alerts-stream --max_rows 100 --limit 100 --query "a_status is ACTIVE" --to_file ./test.csv

Detected OS Name: Linux
Detected docker version: 20.10.12
Fetching offset 0, totalResults=?, limit=100
Completed download of 100 rows
Sub Command: export-chunks

Description: Query a persistent stream and export data as minio chunks

rdac pstream export-chunks --help

usage: pstream [-h] --name NAME [--query CFXQL_QUERY] [--limit LIMIT]
               [--ts TS_COLUMN]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --name NAME          Persistent Stream name
  --query CFXQL_QUERY  CFXQL Query
  --limit LIMIT        Total limit exported rows
  --ts TS_COLUMN       Timestamp column for sorting. Default is 'timestamp'
* Following is the syntax for pstream export-chunks

rdac pstream export-chunks --name "rda_logs_test" --q 
"timestamp is after -2 days"
Check 'rda_system_collector_export_job_status' stream for updates for export job: rda_logs_test-6ebeeb88
Exiting out of LogRecordSocketReceiver. pid: 1. Socket file: /tmp/rdf_log_socket_2bef0dfa-8c71-466a-a592-25d33326b8c7

Sub Command: migrate

Description : Query a persistent stream and export to another stream with optional type conversion

rdac pstream migrate --help
usage: pstream [-h] --name NAME [--max_rows MAX_ROWS] [--limit LIMIT]
               [--query CFXQL_QUERY] [--ts TS_COLUMN] --dest_stream
               DEST_STREAM [--to_int TO_INT] [--to_float TO_FLOAT]
               [--to_text TO_TEXT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Persistent Stream name
  --max_rows MAX_ROWS   Max rows in each batch
  --limit LIMIT         Total limit on downloaded rows
  --query CFXQL_QUERY   CFXQL Query
  --ts TS_COLUMN        Timestamp column for sorting. Default is 'timestamp'
  --dest_stream DEST_STREAM
                        Output PStream name
  --to_int TO_INT       Comma separated list of columns to be converted to int
  --to_float TO_FLOAT   Comma separated list of columns to be converted to
  --to_text TO_TEXT     Comma separated list of columns to be converted to

  • Following is the syntax for pstream migrate
rdac pstream migrate --name oia-incidents-stream --max_rows 100 --limit 100 --dest_stream test_pstream --to_int i_ttr_millis
Detected OS Name: Linux
Detected docker version: 20.10.12
Fetching offset 0, totalResults=?, limit=100
Completed migration of 100 rows, with 0 mapping errors

Sub Command: load

Description : Load data from a CSV file into a persistent stream with optional type conversion

rdac pstream load --help
usage: pstream [-h] --name NAME --data DATA_FILE [--limit LIMIT]
               [--filter CFXQL_QUERY] [--to_ts TO_TS] [--timestamp TIMESTAMP]
               [--to_int TO_INT] [--to_float TO_FLOAT] [--to_text TO_TEXT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Destination Persistent Stream name
  --data DATA_FILE      Input data file (CSV)
  --limit LIMIT         Total limit on published rows
  --filter CFXQL_QUERY  CFXQL Query to apply on loaded dataframe before
  --to_ts TO_TS         Comma separated list of timestamp columns (ISO format)
  --timestamp TIMESTAMP
                        Create Timestamp column from a an existing column
  --to_int TO_INT       Comma separated list of columns to be converted to int
  --to_float TO_FLOAT   Comma separated list of columns to be converted to
  --to_text TO_TEXT     Comma separated list of columns to be converted to
  • Following is the syntax for pstream load
rdac pstream load --name rda_synthetic_metrics --data time_series_data_test.csv
Detected OS Name: Linux
Detected docker version: 20.10.12
Reading input data file...
Input data file has 12 Rows and 9 Columns
Publishing 12 rows..
Completed loading of 12 rows into stream rda_synthetic_metrics in 0.3 seconds

Sub Command: ingest

Description : Ingest data to pstream by directly adding data to Open Search

rdac pstream ingest --help
usage: pstream [-h] --name NAME [--minio_object_prefix MINIO_OBJECT_PREFIX]
               [--local_directory LOCAL_DIRECTORY]
               [--filename_pattern FILENAME_PATTERN] [--dataset DATASET]
               [--num_rows NUM_ROWS] [--replace]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Destination Persistent Stream name
  --minio_object_prefix MINIO_OBJECT_PREFIX
                        Platform's minio object prefix. Example: /data/
  --local_directory LOCAL_DIRECTORY
                        Local directory of input file.
  --filename_pattern FILENAME_PATTERN
                        File criteria in regex format. Only files with csv
                        extension (or csv file compressesd as .gz file) are
                        supported. Applicable if 'minio_object_prefix' or
                        'local_directory' is provided
  --dataset DATASET     Dataset name
  --num_rows NUM_ROWS   Number of rows to fetch in each chunk
  --replace             Delete any existing data in the index and load new

  • Following is the syntax for pstream ingest
rdac pstream ingest --name test_pstream --filename_pattern csv --dataset time_series_data_test --num_rows 100 --replace
Detected OS Name: Linux
Detected docker version: 20.10.12
Check 'rda_system_collector_ingestion_job_status' stream for updates for ingestion job: test_pstream-2115d970
  • Following is the syntax for pstream ingest --minio_object_prefix
rdac pstream ingest --name demo-test --filename_pattern csv --dataset sample-test-scores --minio_object_prefix cfxdm-saved-data

=== Example Output Two

Check 'rda_system_collector_ingestion_job_status' stream for updates for ingestion job: demo-test-3824eb70

Sub Command: evict

Description : Evict Ingestion Job

usage: pstream [-h] --name NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --name NAME  Ingestion Job name


evict command will work only when the ingest job status is Ingesting. Ingestion job status is captured in rda_system_collector_ingestion_job_status persistent stream.

  • Following is the syntax to check pstream ingestion status pstream query --name <ingestion status pstream name>
rdac pstream query --name rda_system_collector_ingestion_job_status
Detected OS Name: Linux
Detected docker version: 20.10.12
      count_  dataset                ingest_job_name                   row_count  status     stream                 timestamp
--  --------  ---------------------  ------------------------------  -----------  ---------  ---------------------  --------------------------
 0         1  rda_synthetic_metrics  test_pstream-9721ebd0                 78900  Ingesting  test_pstream           2022-12-07T05:45:18.348868
 1         1  rda_synthetic_metrics  test_pstream-618b8063                100000  Done       test_pstream           2022-12-07T05:06:56.391054
 2         1  rda_synthetic_metrics  test_pstream-becb20a7                100000  Done       test_pstream           2022-12-06T15:03:04.692909
 3         1  rda_synthetic_metrics  test_pstream-60b98c94                100000  Done       test_pstream           2022-12-06T14:32:52.728035


To evict the pstream ingestion job (when the status is Ingesting ) run the evict command to terminate the ingestion job

  • Following is the syntax for pstream evict
rdac pstream evict --name <ingest job name> pstream evict --name test_pstream-9721ebd0
Detected OS Name: Linux
Detected docker version: 20.10.12
Job Evicted Successfully

Sub Command: evict-export

Description: Evict Export Chunks Job

rdac pstream evict-export --help
optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --name NAME  Export Chunk Job name
  • Following is the syntax for pstream evict-export
rdac pstream evict-export --name epss_test_logs-bb1c56ea
Job Evicted Successfully

Sub Command: purge-outputs

Description: Purge outputs of completed jobs

Usage: purge-outputs  [-h] --hours OLDER_THAN_HOURS

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Purge jobs older than specified number of hours. Must
                        be >= 1

Sub Command: read-stream

Description: Read messages from an RDA stream

Usage: read-stream  [-h] --name STREAM_NAME [--group GROUP] [--delay DELAY]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  --name STREAM_NAME  Stream name to read from
  --group GROUP       Message consumer group name
  --delay DELAY       Simulate processing delay between each read message
  --show_rate         Do not print messages, just show rate per minute and

Sub Command: run

Description: Run a pipeline on a worker pod

Usage: run  [-h] --pipeline PIPELINE [--nowait] [--log LOGLEVEL]
            [--group WORKER_GROUP] [--site WORKER_SITE]
            [--lfilter LABEL_FILTER] [--rfilter RESOURCE_FILTER] [--dryrun]
            [--save_jobid SAVE_JOBID]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --pipeline PIPELINE   File containing pipeline information in JSON format
  --nowait              If specified, command does not wait for the completion
                        of the pipeline
  --log LOGLEVEL        Specify logging level as none,
  --group WORKER_GROUP  Deprecated. Use --site option. Specify a worker site
                        name. If not specified, will use any available worker.
  --site WORKER_SITE    Specify a worker site name. If not specified, will use
                        any available worker.
  --lfilter LABEL_FILTER
                        CFXQL style query to narrow down workers using their
                        CFXQL style query to narrow down workers using their
  --dryrun              Do not run pipeline but show which worker nodes would
                        have been selected for run
  --save_jobid SAVE_JOBID
                        Save the jobid to a specified file

Sub Command: run-get-output

Description: Run a pipeline on a worker, wait for the completion, get the final output

Usage: run-get-output  [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--site SITE] [--pipeline PIPELINE]
            [--max_rows MAX_ROWS] [--md] [--onerow] [--vault] [--tocsv TO_CSV]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG      Additional configurations defined in a YAML or JSON
  --site SITE          Site name regex
  --pipeline PIPELINE  Plain text Pipeline filename. If not specified, will
                       read from STDIN.
  --max_rows MAX_ROWS  Max rows to print on screen.
  --md                 Print in markdown format on screen instead of text
                       table format
  --onerow             Print fist row in a vertical format (in addition to
  --vault              Use RDA Vault for credentials if not specified locally
                       in a JSON file
  --tocsv TO_CSV       Save the output to CSV formatted file

Sub Command: schedule-add

Description: Add a new schedule for pipeline execution

Usage: schedule-add  [-h] --pipeline PIPELINE [--log LOGLEVEL] --name SCHEDULENAME
            --type SCHEDULE_TYPE [--startdate STARTDATE]
            [--starttime STARTTIME] [--enddate ENDDATE] [--weekdays WEEKDAYS]
            [--freq FREQUENCY] [--tz TIMEZONE] --group GROUP
            [--retries RETRIES] [--retry-intervals RETRYINTERVALS]
            [--parallel-instances PARALLELINSTANCES]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --pipeline PIPELINE   File containing pipeline contents
  --log LOGLEVEL        Specify logging level as none,
  --name SCHEDULENAME   Schedule name to use
  --type SCHEDULE_TYPE  Schedule Type (Once, Minutes, Hourly, Daily, Weekly,
  --startdate STARTDATE
                        Start date for schedule in YYYY-MM-DD format
  --starttime STARTTIME
                        Start time for schedule in HH:MM format
  --enddate ENDDATE     End date for schedule in YYYY-MM-DD format
  --weekdays WEEKDAYS   Comma separated Day(s) of the week. Mandatory weekly
                        schedule type. Possible values:'MON',
  --freq FREQUENCY      Default 1 except for minutes, where it is 15 minutes
  --tz TIMEZONE         Timezone name
  --group GROUP         Worker group name
  --retries RETRIES     Maximum Retries
  --retry-intervals RETRYINTERVALS
                        Retry intervals. Example 5,10,15. Delay time interval
                        in minutes between each retry
  --parallel-instances PARALLELINSTANCES
                        Parallel instances number should range in between
                        1-10. Example 1,2,3

Sub Command: schedule-delete

Description: Delete an existing schedule

Usage: schedule-delete  [-h] --scheduleId SCHEDULEID

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --scheduleId SCHEDULEID
                        Schedule ID

Sub Command: schedule-edit

Description: Edit an existing schedule

Usage: schedule-edit  [-h] --scheduleId SCHEDULEID --type SCHEDULE_TYPE
            [--startdate STARTDATE] [--starttime STARTTIME]
            [--enddate ENDDATE] [--weekdays WEEKDAYS] [--freq FREQUENCY]
            [--tz TIMEZONE] [--group GROUP] [--retries RETRIES]
            [--retry-intervals RETRYINTERVALS]
            [--parallel-instances PARALLELINSTANCES]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --scheduleId SCHEDULEID
                        Schedule ID
  --type SCHEDULE_TYPE  Schedule Type (Once, Minutes, Hourly, Daily, Weekly,
  --startdate STARTDATE
                        Start date for schedule in YYYY-MM-DD format
  --starttime STARTTIME
                        Start time for schedule in HH:MM format
  --enddate ENDDATE     End Date for schedule in YYYY-MM-DD format
  --weekdays WEEKDAYS   Comma separated Day(s) of the week. Mandatory weekly
                        schedule type. Possible values:'MON',
  --freq FREQUENCY      Default 1 except for minutes, where it is 15 minutes
  --tz TIMEZONE         Timezone name
  --group GROUP         Worker group name
  --retries RETRIES     Maximum Retries
  --retry-intervals RETRYINTERVALS
                        Retry intervals
  --parallel-instances PARALLELINSTANCES
                        Parallel instances number should range in between 1-10

Sub Command: schedule-info

Description: Get details of a schedule

Usage: schedule-info  [-h] --scheduleId SCHEDULEID [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --scheduleId SCHEDULEID
                        Schedule ID
  --json                Print detailed information in JSON format instead of
                        tabular format

Sub Command: schedule-list

Description: List all schedules

Usage: schedule-list  [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular

Sub Command: schedule-update-status

Description: Update status of an existing schedule

Usage: schedule-update-status  [-h] --scheduleId SCHEDULEID --status STATUS

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --scheduleId SCHEDULEID
                        Schedule ID
  --status STATUS       Status

Sub Command: schema

Following are the valid Sub-Commands for the schema

Sub Commands
list List schemas from the object store
get Download a schema from the object store
add Add a new schema to the object store
delete Delete a schema from the object store

rdac schema --help
Dataset Model Schema management commands

Following are valid sub-commands for schema:
  list                      List schemas from the object store
  get                       Download a schema from the object store
  add                       Add a new schema to the object store
  delete                    Delete a schema from the object store

Sub Command: list

Description: List schemas from the object store

Usage: schema-list  [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular
  • Following is the syntax for schema-list
rdac schema list --help
   name              num_columns  saved_time                  title
--  --------------  -------------  --------------------------  -----------------------------
 0  Example Schema              5  2023-01-05T04:52:38.182396  Example Schema
 1  Schema-QA                   6  2023-01-05T04:38:41.935552  QA Schema
 2  Test                        3  2023-01-05T04:39:03.106297  Pager Duty Urgency Enrichment

Sub Command: get

Description: Download a schema from the object store

rdac schema get --help
Usage: schema-get  [-h] --name NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --name NAME  Schema name
  • Following is the syntax for schema-get
 rdac schema get --name Test
  "title": "Pager Duty Urgency Enrichment",
  "properties": {
    "rule": {
      "type": "string"
    "rule_id": {
      "type": "string"
    "urgency_id": {
      "type": "string",
      "default": "low",
      "enum": [
  "required": [
  "name": "Test",
  "date": "2023-01-05T04:39:03.106297"

Sub Command: add

Description: Add a new schema to the object store

rdac schema add --help
Usage: schema-add  [-h] --name NAME --file INPUT_FILE

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --name NAME        Schema name
  --file INPUT_FILE  File (or URL) containing the json schema as per
  • Following is the syntax for schema-add
rdac schema add --name Schematest --file schematest.json
Successfully loaded schema Schematest and validated.
Unknown schema Schematest

Added/modified schema Schematest


Before adding the schema, create a JSON input_file containing the json schema.

  "title": "New Pager Duty Urgency Enrichment",
  "properties": {
    "rule": {
      "type": "string"
    "rule_id": {
      "type": "string"
    "urgency_id": {
      "type": "string",
      "default": "low",
      "enum": [
  "required": [
  "name": "Test",
  "date": "2023-01-24T04:39:03.106297"

Sub Command: delete

Description: Delete a schema from the object store

rdac schema delete --help

Usage: schema-delete  [-h] --name NAME [--yes]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --name NAME  Schema name
  --yes        Delete without prompting
  • Following is the syntax for schema-delete
rdac schema delete --name Schematest

Confirm deletion of schema (y/n)? y
Schema deleted.

Sub Command: secret

Description: Credentials (Secrets) management commands

Following are the valid Sub-Commands for the secret

Sub Commands
types List of all available secret types
add Add a new secret to the vault
delete Delete a secret from the vault
list List names and types of all secrets in vault

rdac secret
Credentials (Secrets) management commands

Following are valid sub-commands for secret:
  types                     List of all available secret types
  add                       Add a new secret to the vault
  delete                    Delete a secret from the vault
  list                      List names and types of all secrets in vault
Sub Command: types

Description: List of all available secret types

rdac secret-types --help
Usage: secret-types  [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular
* Following is the syntax for secret-types

rdac secret-types
| Type                  | Description                                                                                                     |
| aiaexpress            | CloudFabrix AIA Express                                                                                         |
| ansible               | Ansible - Run Ansible playbook defined in the input dataset                                                     |
| appdynamics           | AppDynamics - Inventory and Metrics collection from AppDynamics                                                 |
| arcsight              | ArcSight - Get event details from ArcSight                                                                      |
| arista-bigswitch      | Arista Bigswitch Fabric Inventory Collection                                                                    |
| aws                   | AWS EC2                                                                                                         |
| aws-cloudwatch        | AWS CloudWatch - Logs and Metric collection from AWS Cloudwatch                                                 |
| aws-cloudwatch-v2     | AWS CloudWatch - Logs and Metric collection from AWS Cloudwatch                                                 |
| aws-kinesis           | AWS Kinesis - Read and Write data on AWS Kinesis streams                                                        |
| aws-sqs               | AWS SQS - Read and Write data to SQS stream                                                                     |
| aws_v2                | AWS EC2 - Collect inventory details from EC2 instances                                                          |
| azure                 | Microsoft Azure - Collect inventory details from Microsoft Azure                                                |
| azure-insights        | Microsoft Azure Insights - Collect metrics and logs from Azure                                                  |
| blob_aws              | Pull/Push blobs from AWS Cloud object stores                                                                    |
| blob_azure            | Pull/Push blobs from Azure Cloud object stores                                                                  |
| blob_gcp              | Pull/Push blobs from GCP Cloud object stores                                                                    |
| cfxai_classification  | CloudFabrix ML - Classification                                                                                 |

Sub Command: add

Sub Command: secret-add

Description: Add a new secret to the vault

Usage: secret-add  [-h] --type SECRET_TYPE

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  --type SECRET_TYPE  Secret type (use secret-list command to see available
                      secret types)

Sub Command: list

Description: List names and types of all secrets in vault

Usage: secret-list  [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular
* Following is the syntax for secret-list

rdac secret-list
    name    type              saved_time                  checksum
--  ------  ----------------  --------------------------  --------------------------------
 0  cfxml   cfxai_regression  2023-01-12T05:49:39.325308  def3259af30655a412beb39a8a99e53a

Sub command: set-pod-log-level

Description: Update the logging level for a given RDA Pod

usage: rdac [-h] --id POD_ID --level LEVEL [--logger LOGGER_NAME]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --id POD_ID           pod_id of the pod for which the logging level need to
                        be configured
  --level LEVEL         Logging level. Must be one of DEBUG INFO WARNING ERROR
  --logger LOGGER_NAME  Logging Name. By default it sets the root logger.


This command is deprecated. It is recommended to use pod-logging instead

Sub Command: site-profile

Description: Site Profile management commands

Following are the valid Sub-Commands for the site-profile

Sub Commands
Following are valid sub-commands for site-profile:
add Add a new site profile
edit Update a site profile
get Get a site profile data
delete Delete a site profile
list List all site profiles
rdac site-profile --help
Site Profile management commands

Following are valid sub-commands for site-profile:
  add                       Add a new site profile
  edit                      Update a site profile
  get                       Get a site profile data
  delete                    Delete a site profile
  list                      List all site profiles

Sub Command: site-profile-add

Description: Add a new site profile

Usage: site-profile-add  [-h] --name NAME --site SITE [--description DESCRIPTION]
            [--sources SOURCES]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Name of Site Profile
  --site SITE           Site name or a regular expression
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Description of Site Profile
  --sources SOURCES     Comma separated list of sources

Sub Command: site-profile-delete

Description: Delete a site profile

Usage: site-profile-delete  [-h] --name NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --name NAME  Name of the site profile to delete

Sub Command: site-profile-edit

Description: Update a site profile

Usage: site-profile-edit  [-h] --name NAME [--site SITE] [--description DESCRIPTION]
            [--sources SOURCES]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Name of Site Profile
  --site SITE           Site name or a regular expression
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Description of Site Profile
  --sources SOURCES     Comma separated list of sources

Sub Command: site-profile-get

Description: Get a site profile data

Usage: site-profile-get  [-h] --name NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --name NAME  Name of the site profile to display

Sub Command: site-profile-list

Description: List all site profiles.

rdac site-profile-list --help

Usage: site-profile-list  [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular
* Following is the syntax for site-profile-list

rdac site-profile-list
    name     description           site    sources    saved_time
--  -------  --------------------  ------  ---------  --------------------------
 0  default  Default Site Profile  .*      cfxml      2023-01-12T05:49:39.425974

Sub Command: site-summary

Description: Show summary by Site and Overall

rdac site-summary --help

usage: rdac [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular
* Following is the syntax for site-summary

rdac site-summary
       Infra Pod Count: 25
       Worker Count: 1
       Worker Group Count: 4
       Site Count: 4
       Cpu Cores: 4
       Memory Gb: 31.3
       Active Jobs: 3
       Total Jobs: 10
       Agent Count: 3
       Site Names: collabagent, mlagent, irmagent, rda-site-01

    By Site
      * Name: collabagent
        Worker Count: 0
        Cpu Cores: 0
        Memory Gb: 0
        Active Jobs: 0
        Total Jobs: 0
        Agent Count: 1
        Agent Names: agent-collab

      * Name: irmagent
        Worker Count: 0
        Cpu Cores: 0
        Memory Gb: 0
        Active Jobs: 0
        Total Jobs: 0
        Agent Count: 1
        Agent Names: agent-irm

Sub Command: stack

Following are valid sub-commands for stack:

Sub Commands
cache-list List cached stack entries from asset-dependency service
search Search in a stack using asset-dependency service
search-json Search in a stack using asset-dependency service, load search criteria from a JSON file
impact-distance Find the impact distances in a stack using asset-dependency service, load search criteria from a JSON file

Sub Command: cache-list

Description: List cached stack entries from asset-dependency service

rdac stack cache-list --help
usage: stack [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print results in JSON format

  • Following is the syntax for stack cache-list
rdac stack cache-list --json

{ "status": "ok", "data": [], "now": "2023-01-23T07:04:25.597835" }

Sub Command: impact-distance

Description: Find the impact distances in a stack using asset-dependency service, load search criteria from a JSON file

rdac stack impact-distance --help

usage: stack [-h] --name STACK_NAME --search_file SEARCH_FILE [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name STACK_NAME     Stack name
  --search_file SEARCH_FILE
                        Filename with JSON based search criteria
  --json                Print results in JSON format
* Following is the syntax for stack impact-distance

rdac stack-impact-distance  --name vcenter_topology_stacks --search_file /tmp/search.json
 node_id                   node_label              layer      node_type   distance via
-- ------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- -------------- ----------- ---------- ------------------------------------------
 0 423306a6-f91e-ed00-c1dc-d5b3a004659a     Virtualization VM          -1
 1 42330bd2-019b-3f22-c629-29824bc07ab7  Virtualization VM          -1
 2 42331120-6a91-ce70-f8f2-3bfe6620c4f1    macaw0vf1.0.0-Ch           Virtualization VM          -1
 3 42333b86-240a-eddd-0b33-fadc6e242c25    MacawOVFPlatformPOC-v1.0.0      Virtualization VM          -1
 4 42336507-674d-0d86-d8a2-508518fdf9f8    SNMPSimulator-macaw-219       Virtualization VM          -1
 5 4233a553-8746-5ee6-02d8-87423d388ba1 Virtualization VM          -1
 6 4233ab94-559d-892d-7130-b0ec1d237d11    windows2008r2enterprise       Virtualization VM          -1
 7 4233ee33-5cd3-2a90-0a11-65e2db7ce9dc Virtualization VM          -1
 8 4233f1eb-3ddc-7464-08f9-d536844c10e9    SNMPSimulator-238          Virtualization VM          -1
 9 4233f62f-7f59-fb80-31d3-a89ab6108df1   Virtualization VM          -1
10 4233f6a4-5870-48f4-9d61-af0a0f455593    Promotheus_windows_vm_testing    Virtualization VM          -1
11 4233ffd3-2061-59fd-fe2c-832097ccc1f6 Virtualization VM          -1
12 564d3503-5fe7-d5a0-70b8-e1adf218ffaa    Virtualization VM          -1
13 564d3c15-d2a9-e904-0c21-bf53301960f7   Virtualization VM          -1
14 564d4711-398f-34f1-7f3f-919d3b4eadcd    SNMPSimulator-macaw-214       Virtualization VM          -1

Description: Search in a stack using asset-dependency service

Usage: stack-search  [-h] --name STACK_NAME --values VALUES --attrs ATTRS --types TYPES
            [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--depth DEPTH]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --name STACK_NAME  Stack name
  --values VALUES    Attribute values to search for. Multiple values may be
                     specified separated by a comma
  --attrs ATTRS      Comma separated list of node attribute names
  --types TYPES      Comma separated list of node types to search
  --exclude EXCLUDE  Comma separated list of node types to exclude in search
  --depth DEPTH      Max depth

Sub Command: stack-search-json

Description: Search in a stack using asset-dependency service, load search criteria from a JSON file

Usage: stack-search-json  [-h] --name STACK_NAME --search_file SEARCH_FILE

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name STACK_NAME     Stack name
  --search_file SEARCH_FILE
                        Filename with JSON based search criteria

Sub Command: staging-area-add

Description: Add or update staging area

Usage: staging-area-add  [-h] --file INPUT_FILE [--overwrite]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --file INPUT_FILE  YAML file containing staging area definition
  --overwrite        Overwrite even if a staging area already exists with a

Sub Command: staging-area-delete

Description: Delete a staging area

Usage: staging-area-delete  [-h] --name STAGING_AREA_NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Name of the staging area to delete

Sub Command: staging-area-get

Description: Get YAML data for a staging area

Usage: staging-area-get  [-h] --name STAGING_AREA_NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Name of the staging area

Sub Command: staging-area-list

Description: List all staging areas.

Usage: staging-area-list  [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular

Sub Command: subscription

Description: Show current CloudFabrix RDA subscription details

Usage: subscription  [-h] [--json] [--details]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular
  --details   Show full details when showing plain text format

Sub Command: synthetics

Description: Data synthesizing management commands

Following are the valid Sub-Commands for the synthetics

Sub Commands
add Add or update Synthetic Profile
get Get JSON data for a Synthetic Profile
list List all Synthetic Profiles
delete Delete a Synthetic Profile
enable Change the status of a Synthetic Profile to 'enabled'
disable Change the status of a Synthetic Profile to 'disabled'
status List status of all active synthetic profiles
reset Reset all active situations in a single synthetic profile
situation Activate a specific situtation in a given synthetic profile
webhooks-list List all Webhook Targets for Synthesizer
webhooks-update Update Webhook Targets for Synthesizer
generate-ml-dataset Generate ML dataset from input alerts & incidents stream and write to an output stream
rdac synthetics --help
Data synthesizing management commands

Following are valid sub-commands for synthetics:
  add                       Add or update Synthetic Profile
  get                       Get JSON data for a Synthetic Profile
  list                      List all Synthetic Profiles
  delete                    Delete a Synthetic Profile
  enable                    Change the status of a Synthetic Profile to 'enabled'
  disable                   Change the status of a Synthetic Profile to 'disabled'
  status                    List status of all active synthetic profiles
  reset                     Reset all active situations in a single synthetic profile
  situation                 Activate a specific situtation in a given synthetic profile
  webhooks-list             List all Webhook Targets for Synthesizer
  webhooks-update           Update Webhook Targets for Synthesizer
  generate-ml-dataset       Generate ML dataset from input alerts & incidents stream and write to an output stream

Sub Command: get

Description: Get JSON data for a Synthetic Profile

rdac synthetics get --help
usage: synthetics [-h] --name SYNTHETIC_PROFILE_NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Name of the synthetic_profile
* Following is the syntax for synthetics get

rdac synthetics get --name Online_Banking_App_Profile
    "name": "Online_Banking_App_Profile",
    "label": "Online Banking App Synthetics",
    "enabled": true,
    "version": "",
    "stack": "Online_Banking_Stack",
    "metric_stream": "rda_synthetic_metrics",
    "alert_stream": "rda_synthetic_alerts",
    "diagnostics": [
            "id": "db_storage",
            "label": "Check Database Storage",
            "rules": {
                "tlog": {
                    "name": "Transaction Log Free Disk Space",
                    "check": "Ensure 100GB of free disk space",
                    "status": {
                        "NORMAL": "Available Disk space is 100GB oe more",
                        "WARNING": "Available disk space is between 75GB to 100GB",
                        "CRITICAL": "Available disk space is less than 50GB"
                "backup": {
                    "name": "Backup Volume Free Disk Space",
                    "check": "Ensure 500GB of free disk space",
                    "status": {

Sub Command: list

Description: List all Synthetic Profiles

rdac synthetics list --help
usage: synthetics [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular
  • Following is the syntax for synthetics list
rdac synthetics list
name                        label                          enabled    saved_time
--  --------------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  --------------------------
 0  Pet_Clinic_App_Profile1     Pet Clinic App Synthetics1     no         2022-10-04T23:01:52.860735
 1  log-profile-example-1       ACME Log Synthetics            yes        2023-01-23T22:13:48.183910
 2  Pet_Clinic_App_Profile      Pet Clinic App Synthetics      no         2022-09-28T05:51:51.861521
 3  Online_Banking_App_Profile  Online Banking App Synthetics  yes        2023-01-10T01:51:32.625109

Sub Command: status

Description: List status of all active synthetic profiles

rdac synthetics status --help
usage: synthetics [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular
  • Following is the syntax for synthetics status
rdac synthetics status --json
2023-02-10:09:59:38 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "metrics": 0,
            "alerts": 0,
            "profile_name": "log-profile-example-1",
            "stack": "Enterprise_Data_and_Analytics_Stack",
            "active_situations": ""
            "metrics": 26,
            "alerts": 1,
            "profile_name": "Online_Banking_App_Profile",
            "stack": "Online_Banking_Stack",
            "active_situations": ""
    "now": "2023-02-10T09:59:38.147686"

Sub Command: enable

Description: Change the status of a Synthetic Profile to 'enabled'

rdac synthetics enable --help
usage: synthetics [-h] --name SYNTHETIC_PROFILE_NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Name of the synthetic profile
  • Following is the syntax for synthetics enable
rdac synthetics enable  Pet_Clinic_App_Profile1
2023-02-10:09:58:02 [1] INFO nats_client Creating new SharedPool ...
2023-02-10:09:58:02 [1] INFO nats_client Initiallzing PubMgr for pid=1
2023-02-10:09:58:02 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
Changed status of Pet_Clinic_App_Profile1 to enabled

Sub Command: disable

Description: Change the status of a Synthetic Profile to 'disabled'

rdac synthetics disable --help
usage: synthetics [-h] --name SYNTHETIC_PROFILE_NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Name of the synthetic profile
  • Following is the syntax for synthetics disable
 rdac synthetics disable  --name  Pet_Clinic_App_Profile1
2023-02-10:09:58:45 [1] INFO nats_client Creating new SharedPool ...
2023-02-10:09:58:45 [1] INFO nats_client Initiallzing PubMgr for pid=1
2023-02-10:09:58:45 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
Changed status of Pet_Clinic_App_Profile1 to disabled

Sub Command: verify-pipeline

Description: Verify the pipeline on a worker pod

Usage: verify-pipeline  [-h] --pipeline PIPELINE [--group WORKER_GROUP]
            [--site WORKER_SITE] [--lfilter LABEL_FILTER]
            [--rfilter RESOURCE_FILTER] [--maxwait MAX_WAIT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --pipeline PIPELINE   File containing pipeline contents
  --group WORKER_GROUP  Deprecated. Use --site option. Specify a worker site
                        name. If not specified, will use any available worker.
  --site WORKER_SITE    Specify a worker site name. If not specified, will use
                        any available worker.
  --lfilter LABEL_FILTER
                        CFXQL style query to narrow down workers using their
                        CFXQL style query to narrow down workers using their
  --maxwait MAX_WAIT    Maximum wait time (seconds) for credential check to
  • Following is the syntax for verify-pipeline
rdac verify-pipeline --pipeline jira.json --group aws-qa-102-200 --rfilter "cpu_count = 8" --lfilter "rda_messenger_version = ''"
Initiating verify pipeline
  "status": "started",
  "reason": "",
  "results": [],
  "now": "2021-08-06T15:35:11.078751",
  "status-subject": "",
  "jobid": "39e2cf7970b144fe911ec51f7a9f5a35"

Sub Command: viz

Description: Visualize data from a file within the console (terminal)

Usage: viz  [-h] --file INPUT_FILE [--format FILE_FORMAT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --file INPUT_FILE     CSV or parquet or JSON formatted file which will be
  --format FILE_FORMAT  Input file format (csv or parquet or json). 'auto'
                        means format will be derived from file extension

Sub Command: watch

Following are the valid Sub-Commands for the watch

Sub Commands
registry Start watching updates published by the RDA pod registry
logs Start watching logs produced by the pipelines
traces Start watching traces produced by the pipelines

rdac watch --help
Commands to watch various streams such sas trace, logs and change notifications by microservices

Following are valid sub-commands for watch:
  registry                  Start watching updates published by the RDA pod registry
  logs                      Start watching logs produced by the pipelines
  traces                    Start watching traces produced by the pipelines

Sub Command: registry

Description: Start watching updates published by the RDA pod registry

rdac watch registry --help
usage: watch [-h] [--json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular
  • Following is the syntax for watch registry
rdac watch registry
 Update Type  Pod Type     Pod ID       Host         Pod Started At
2023-02-01:13:39:54 [1] INFO nats_client Creating new SharedPool ...
2023-02-01:13:39:54 [1] INFO nats_client Initiallzing SubMgr for pid=1
2023-02-01:13:39:54 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
2023-02-01:13:39:54 [1] INFO nats_client Creating thread-pool of size: 4, PID=1

Sub Command: logs

Description: Start watching logs produced by the pipelines

rdac watch logs --help
usage: watch [-h] [--json] [--attr ATTR]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --json       Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular
  --attr ATTR  Filter for a specific attribute. Example: --attr
  • Following is the syntax for watch logs
rdac watch logs
2023-02-01:13:40:37 [1] INFO nats_client Creating new SharedPool ...
2023-02-01:13:40:37 [1] INFO nats_client Initiallzing SubMgr for pid=1
2023-02-01:13:40:37 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
2023-02-01:13:40:37 [1] INFO nats_client Creating thread-pool of size: 4, PID=1
 13:40:37.316 da9d9b28 INFO                [Job da9d9b28a0954327a19c941302ce7947] Status update pipeline=reg-predict-parent-pipeline, type=in-progress
 13:40:37.337 da9d9b28 INFO                [Job da9d9b28a0954327a19c941302ce7947] Status update pipeline=reg-predict-parent-pipeline, type=in-progress
 13:40:37.355 da9d9b28 INFO                [Job da9d9b28a0954327a19c941302ce7947] Status update pipeline=reg-predict-parent-pipeline, type=in-progress
 13:40:38.376 da9d9b28 INFO                [Job da9d9b28a0954327a19c941302ce7947] Status update pipeline=reg-predict-parent-pipeline, type=in-progress
 13:40:38.406 da9d9b28 INFO                Executing inner pipeline 'reg-predict-child-pipeline', previous_pipelines = ['reg-predict-parent-pipeline']
 13:40:38.407 da9d9b28 INFO     Executing pipeline reg-predict-child-pipeline
 13:40:38.408 da9d9b28 INFO     Executing block reg-predict-child-pipelineb0
 13:40:38.408 da9d9b28 INFO                [Job da9d9b28a0954327a19c941302ce7947] Status update pipeline=reg-predict-parent-pipeline, type=in-progress
 13:40:38.429 da9d9b28 INFO                [Job da9d9b28a0954327a19c941302ce7947] Status update pipeline=reg-predict-parent-pipeline, type=in-progress

Sub Command: traces

Description: Start watching traces produced by the pipelines

rdac watch traces --help

usage: watch [-h] [--json] [--ts] [--attr ATTR]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --json       Print detailed information in JSON format instead of tabular
  --ts         Show timestamp when printing traces in plain text format
  --attr ATTR  Filter for a specific attribute. Example: --attr
* Following is the syntax for watch traces

rdac watch traces

Host         Pipeline                       JobID    Seq Status      Bot                       Dataframe  Error Message
2023-02-01:13:41:38 [1] INFO nats_client Creating new SharedPool ...
2023-02-01:13:41:38 [1] INFO nats_client Initiallzing SubMgr for pid=1
2023-02-01:13:41:38 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
2023-02-01:13:41:38 [1] INFO nats_client Creating thread-pool of size: 4, PID=1
 05969789d903 reg-predict-child-pipeline     da9d9b28 605 in-progress @dm:enrich                0x12
 05969789d903 reg-predict-child-pipeline     da9d9b28 605 in-progress @dm:add-missing-columns   0x12
 05969789d903 reg-predict-child-pipeline     da9d9b28 605 in-progress @dm:eval                  0x14
 05969789d903 reg-predict-child-pipeline     da9d9b28 605 in-progress @dm:eval                  0x15
 05969789d903 reg-predict-child-pipeline     da9d9b28 605 in-progress @dm:eval                  0x16
 05969789d903 reg-predict-child-pipeline     da9d9b28 605 in-progress @dm:eval                  0x17
 05969789d903 reg-predict-child-pipeline     da9d9b28 605 in-progress @dm:eval                  0x18
 05969789d903 reg-predict-child-pipeline     da9d9b28 605 in-progress @dm:change-time-format    0x18
 05969789d903 reg-predict-child-pipeline     da9d9b28 605 in-progress @rn:write-stream          0x18
 05969789d903 reg-predict-child-pipeline     da9d9b28 605 in-progress @dm:empty                 0x0
 05969789d903 reg-predict-child-pipeline     da9d9b28 605 in-progress @dm:addrow                0x0
 05969789d903 reg-predict-child-pipeline     da9d9b28 605 in-progress #dm:query-persistent-stre 1x2
 05969789d903 reg-predict-child-pipeline     da9d9b28 605 in-progress @dm:save                  0x0
 05969789d903 reg-predict-child-pipeline     da9d9b28 605 in-progress @dm:recall                0x0
 05969789d903 reg-predict-child-pipeline     da9d9b28 605 in-progress *dm:filter                10x12
* Following is the syntax for watch traces

rdac watch traces --json
2023-02-10:07:51:23 [1] INFO nats_client Creating new SharedPool ...
2023-02-10:07:51:23 [1] INFO nats_client Initiallzing SubMgr for pid=1
2023-02-10:07:51:23 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
2023-02-10:07:51:24 [1] INFO nats_client Creating thread-pool of size: 4, PID=1
  "msg_version": "rda:1",
  "proc_id": "57",
  "proc_info": {
    "hostname": "05969789d903",
    "cpu_percent": 0.0,
    "memory_percent": 1.21,
    "mem_mb": 486.3,
    "create_time": 1675792948.18,
    "cpu_time_user": 111524.55,
    "cpu_time_system": 10933.69,
    "system_cpu_percents": [
  "tenant_id": "ae144f67d2a24034ad6920ace6809763",
  "pod_id": "d08072c8",
  "pod_group": "rda-site-01",
  "group_id": "f4a56ba6388c",

Sub Command: worker-obj-info

Description: List all worker pods with their current Object Store configuration

rdac worker-obj-info --help
Usage: worker-obj-info  [-h]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  • Following is the syntax for worker-obj-info
rdac worker-obj-info
Client is configured with following object store
     Host          :
     Config Cheksum: b469ce79

2023-02-01:08:49:34 [1] INFO nats_client Saving NATS certificate to file: /tmp/nats_cert_custom_461dedd908ef2d75e509377dfe35be02_1.pem
| Host         | ID       | Group       | Object Store       | Object Store Config Checksum   |
| 05969789d903 | a92cd27b | rda-site-01 | | b469ce79                       |

Sub Command: write-stream

Description: Write data to the specified stream

Usage: write-stream  [-h] --name STREAM_NAME --data DATA [--delay DELAY] [--compress]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  --name STREAM_NAME  Stream name to write to
  --data DATA         File containing either single JSON dict or a list
  --delay DELAY       Delay between each publish message
  --compress          Enable compression of the data