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1. What is a Dashboard

Dashboards feature in RDA Fabric platform provides analytics and reporting using which different UI views can be created for different user personas such as executives, IT admins and operators etc. Dashboards are composable and customizable to fit specific user needs within the IT operations landscape.

Below are some of the available different data types in RDA Fabric platform using which Dashboards can be created, but not limited to.

  • Metrics
  • Alerts / Events
  • Logs
  • Traces
  • Asset Inventory
  • Tickets
  • Other IT operations & service management data

2. Creating a Dashboard

Follow the below steps to access the Dashboard feature in RDA Fabric platform

2.1 Dashboard Configuration

Step-1: Login into RDA Fabric platform as a MSP Admin user.

Step-2: Go to Main Menu --> Configuration --> RDA Administration --> Dashboards

Step-3: Click on Add button to create a new Dashboard.

Dashboard configuration need to be provided in JSON / YAML format. Below is a sample configuration to create a new Dashboard.

    "name": "rdaf-platform-log-analytics-2",
    "label": "RDAF Platform Logs2",
    "description": "RDAF Platform service's log analysis dashboard",
    "version": "",
    "enabled": true,
    "dashboard_style": "tabbed",
    "status_poller": {},
    "dashboard_filters": {
        "time_filter": true,
        "columns_filter": [],
        "group_filters": []
    "dashboard_sections": [],
    "dashboard_type": "app",
    "dashboard_pages": []

Please refer the below table for details about Dashboard's configuration parameters.

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
name yes Unique name or ID for the Dashboard. May contain letters, digits and hyphen only.
label yes Label for the dashboard. This is visible to users of the dashboard
description yes Description for the dashboard. This is also visible to the users
version no Dashboard version to track the changes for better management of it's configuration. Ex: YYYY.MM.DD.NUMBER 2022.12.01.01 or any alphanumerical value which uniquely distinguishes between each version.
enabled yes Specifies if the dashboard to be enabled / disabled. If not enabled, Dashboard would not be visible to users. Valid values are true or false. Default is false
dashboard_style no Dashboards can be tabbed or sectioned. If set to auto, tabs will be shown only if more than one section is specified under dashboard_sections. Default is auto
dashboard_folder no Specify the folder name under which the dashboard to be created. When it is not specified, it is placed under Default folder.
status_poller no It is a smart dashboard UI refresh feature. When used, it will refresh the Dashboard with new data within the user defined polling frequency automatically. It will refresh the Dashboard UI only if there is new data since last poll.
dashboard_filters yes This object defines if and how filtering should be enabled for dashboard.
dashboard_sections yes This is list of objects which specify list of sections, and widgets in each section. How to add the widgets to the Dashboard Section Refer Widgets Type
dashboard_type no Specify the Dashboard type. Supported values are app.
dashboard_pages no Specify the sub Dashboard configuration parameters. This parameter is needed when dashboard_type is set to app

2.2 Status Poller

It is a smart dashboard UI refresh feature. When used, it will refresh the Dashboard with new data within the user defined polling frequency automatically. It will refresh the Dashboard UI only if there is new data since last poll.

Please refer the below sample configuration settings to enable Status Poller feature within the Dashboard configuration.

    "status_poller": {
        "stream": "rdaf_pstream_name",
        "frequency": 30,
        "columns": [
        "sorting": [
                "timestamp": "desc"
        "query": "timestamp is after '${timestamp}'",
        "defaults": {
            "timestamp": "$UTCNOW"
        "action": "refresh"

Please refer the below table for details about Status poller's configuration parameters.

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
stream yes Persistent stream name from which the data to be polled to refresh the data within the Dashboard.
frequency yes Specify the polling frequency in Seconds. Ex: 15 or 30 or 60 etc.
columns no Specify the timestamp column within the persistent stream name. It is an array field and supports multiple values. Default value is timestamp
sorting no Specifies the sorting to be applied on the queried data. Default setting is desc. Supported values as desc and asc
query yes Specify the query in CFXQL format to query the data during the refresh poll.
defaults yes Specify the timestamp format of the RDA Fabric system, UTC vs Local time. Syntax is { "timestamp": "$UTCNOW" }. timestamp is timestamp column within the specified pstream name. Supported values are $NOW and $UTCNOW
action yes Supported value is refresh

2.3 Dashboard Filters

Dashboard filters is a feature within each Dashboard which allows the user to expose selective columns from supported datasources such as persistent stream or a dataset as Filters.

  • Time Filters
  • Column Filters
  • Group Filters

Dashboard_Filter_Bar Dashboard_Group_Filter_Bar

Time Filters: When the time filter is set to true, it allows for the adjustment or re-arrangement of intervals for a timestamp column. This feature enables users to manipulate and organize the time intervals displayed or analyzed within the dashboard. By setting the time filter to true, users gain the capability to modify how the timestamps are grouped, displayed, or analyzed based on their preferences or requirements.

Default Time Filter Labels: The default_time_filter_labels feature establishes a preset interval as the default selection for the dashboard when using time filters. This means that when a user accesses the dashboard or interface, it will automatically display or use the specified time interval as the default option for filtering or organizing the time-based data without requiring the user to manually select it each time.

Below is the sample configuration to specify Default Time Filter Labels

"dashboard_filters": {
  "time_filter": true,
  "default_time_filter_labels": [
    "Last 1 month"


Make sure the time_filter is enabled and set to true

Custom Time Filters: When custom time filters are enabled along with the time filter, users can define precise intervals for their timestamp data. This functionality permits users to customize intervals, like minutes (m), hours (h), days (d), weeks (w), months (M), and years (y). However, it's important to note that, users must input a number followed by the interval type letter. Just providing the 'm' designation won't display any results; users need to adhere to the format of providing a numerical value followed by the interval type letter to ensure accurate interval definitions.

Below is the sample configuration to specify Custom Time Filter

"dashboard_filters": {
"time_filter": true,
"custom_time_filters": [
Custom Time Filters


Make sure the time_filter is enabled and set to true

Column Filters: option allows the user to query and filter the data on one or more selected column(s) using the dashboard's filter bar on demand.

    "dashboard_filters": {
        "time_filter": true,
        "columns_filter": [
                "id": "timestamp",
                "label": "Timestamp",
                "type": "DATETIME"
                "id": "host",
                "label": "IP Address",
                "type": "TEXT"

Please refer the below table for details about Dashboard filter's configuration parameters.

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
time_filter no This parameter is to enable time filter or not for the dashboard. Supported values are true or false.
columns_filter no Configure the parameters and specify the columns which need to be exposed as filterable columns.
group_filters no Configure the parameters and specify the columns which need to be exposed as group or quick (drop down) filters.

Please refer the below table for details about Column filter's configuration parameters.

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
id yes Column name from the persistent stream or dataset.
label yes Specify the label for the selected column under id parameter.
type yes Specify the selected column's data type. Supported values are TEXT, DATETIME

Group Filters: option acts as a quick filter, when defined, it provides a simple drop down with unique filtered values from the selected column and allows the user to select one or more values to filter the data quickly.


Both Column Filters and Group Filters are optional within the Dashboard configuration.

    "group_filters": [
                "stream": "rdaf_services_logs",
                "title": "Log Severity",
                "group_by": [
                "ts_column": "@timestamp",
                "agg": "value_count",
                "column": "_id",
                "type": "int",
                "show_counts": true,
                "stream": "rdaf_services_logs",
                "title": "RDA Host IPAddress",
                "group_by": [
                "ts_column": "@timestamp",
                "agg": "value_count",
                "column": "_id",
                "type": "int"

Please refer the below table for details about Group filter's configuration parameters.

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
stream yes Specify the persistent stream.
title yes Specify the label for group filter
group_by yes Specify one or more columns to apply the group_by. This parameter supports multiple column values. Ex: "group_by": [ "column_01", "column_02", "column_n"]
column yes Specify the column name that is to uniquely identify the selected group_by column values within each record of persistent stream or dataset.
ts_column yes Specify the timestamp column name within the selected persistent stream. It is optional when dataset is used.
agg yes Specify the aggregation function. Supported values are value_count (shows total count) and cardinality (shows unique count)
type no Specify the data type while performing aggregation function. Supported values are int and str. int option is valid only for min, max, sum, mean aggregation operations and these are not applicable for group filters.
show_counts no This Parameter is used to show or hide counts in group filters. supported values are true or false

2.4 Dashboard Pages

Dashboards can be grouped and used as sub dashboards within another main dashboard and they are configured as Dashboard Pages.

Below is the configuration format for Dashboard Pages.

    "dashboard_pages": [
            "name": "CFX Incidents - Dashboard",
            "label": "Incidents",
            "icon": "incident.svg",
            "group": "group1"
            "name": "Operational Metric - Dashboard",
            "label": "Metric Analysis",
            "icon": "metrics.svg",

Please refer the below table for details about Dashboard page(s) configuration parameters.

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
name yes Specify name of the Dashboard which need to be added as a page.
label yes Specify the label for Dashboard page.
icon no Specify an icon image file name which can be used for the Dashboard page. The Page Menu Icons section below displays a few of the system's icons.
group no Specify multiple pages under single group


Please click on the Hamburger Menu to hide the page layout and increase the width

Below is the sample screenshot of Dashboard Pages


2.5 Dashboard Groups

Dashboards can be used to group multiple pages in a single group and used as sub dashboards within another main dashboard and they are configured as Dashboard Groups. Once we specify the groups, later we can arrange which page can be used in which group.

Below is the configuration format for Dashboard Groups.

"dashboard_groups": {
"group1": {
"icon": "overall.svg",
"label": "Network"
"group2": {
"icon": "jobs.svg",
"label": "vCenter"
"dashboard_pages": [
"name": "aia-network-overall",
"label": "Network",
"icon": "hardware.svg",
"group": "group1"
Please refer the below table for details about Dashboard group(s) configuration parameters.

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
icon no Specify an icon image file name which can be used for the Dashboard group
label yes Specify the label for Dashboard group

Below is the sample screenshot of Dashboard Groups


2.6 Dashboard Grid Layout


RDA Dashboards use a grid to display specified widgets. Grid width is always 12. column parameter of the layout can be between 0 (left most()) to 11 (right most). Grid Height is indefinite. row parameter of layout can start 0 for first row at these top.

RDA Dashboard uses an automated algorithm to layout the specified widgets in a dashboard.

Each widget's size and dimensions within a Dashboard is configured using the below parameters.

  • min_width
  • height
  • max_width

Please refer the below configuration example and highlighted parameters

  "name": "my-dashboard",
  "label": "My Dashboard",
  "description": "Example dashboard",
  "enabled": true,
  "dashboard_style": "tabbed",
  "dashboard_filters": {
    "time_filter": true,
    "columns_filter": [
        "id": "sys_created_on",
        "label": "Created On",
        "type": "DATETIME"
        "id": "assigned_to",
        "label": "Assigned To",
        "type": "TEXT"
  "dashboard_sections": [
      "title": "Service Now",
      "show_filter": true,
      "widgets": [
          "title": "Sample Data",
          "widget_type": "tabular",
          "min_width": 8,
          "height": 8,
          "max_width": 12,
          "timestamp": "sys_created_on",
          "columns": {
            "assigned_to": "Assigned To",
            "sys_created_on": "Created On",
            "severity": "Severity"
          "dataset": "servicenow_data"

3. Dashboard Charts / Widgets

Dashboards support many different types of charts / widgets using which data can be presented and visualized as per the targeted user persona requirements.

Below are the supported widget types & features.

  1. Pie Chart
  2. Tabular Report
  3. Counter Chart
  4. Bar Chart
  5. Multi Bar Chart
  6. Line Graph/Timeseries Chart
  7. Data Flow Chart
  8. Image Chart
  9. 3-Column Navigator
  10. Shaded Chart
  11. Label Chart
  12. Features

Please refer the below widget parameter table which has the associated type value for each of the above widgets / charts.

Widget / Chart Parameter Name
pie_chart A pie chart is a circle / a donut that is divided into areas, or slices. Each area / slice represents the count or percentage of the observations of a level for the variable.
tabular Tabular report is used to visualize the data in tabular format using one or more selected fields.
custom_counter Custom counter chart is used to show the total count of the selected field's value.
expressions_counter Expression counter chart can be used to show the derived computed values using one more fields value.
bar_chart Bar chart can be used to display the selected fields values as individual bars (horizontal / vertical) whose height is determined by the value.
topology Topology chart is used to visualize the relationship between different nodes or components which exchanges the data between them.
timeseries Timeseries is a line graph chart to visualize any timeseries metric data
timeseries_multisource Timeseries multisource is another type of line graph chart to visualize any timeseries metric data from more than one datasource
dataflow Dataflow chart is used to visualize the dataflow between different end points within the RDA Fabric platform.
image Image chart is used to add and visualize any URL based image within a Dashboard.
shaded Shaded chart is used to display the Train and Predict Data
label Label Chart is used as a Label inside the Dashboard Section
3-column navigator A 3-column navigator is a type of website or application layout where the screen is divided into three vertical sections or columns

3.1 Pie Chart

Please refer the below configuration parameter table which are used to configure a pie chart within the dashboard.

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
title yes Specify the label for the pie chart.
widget_type yes Specify the chart / widget type. i.e. pie_chart
stream no Specify the persistent stream. Note: Either of persistent stream or dataset parameter is needed.
dataset no Specify the dataset name. Note: Either of persistent stream or dataset parameter is needed
ts_column yes Specify the timestamp column name within the selected persistent stream. It is optional when dataset is used.
extra_filter no Use this parameter to filter the data from from one or more selected field(s). It supports CFXQL query format.
column yes Specify the column name that is to uniquely identify the selected group_by column values within each record of persistent stream or dataset.
agg yes Specify the aggregation function. Supported values are value_count (shows total count) and cardinality (shows unique count)
group_by yes Specify one or more columns to apply the group_by. This parameter supports multiple column values. Ex: "group_by": [ "column_01", "column_02", "column_n"]
type no Specify the data type while performing aggregation function. Supported values are int and str. int option is valid only for min, max, sum, mean aggregation functions.
style no Using this parameter, each grouped value can be visualized using a specific color using color-map parameter as shown in the one of the below examples.
min_width no Specify the chart / widget's minimum width size, range is 0 to 12.
height no Specify the chart / widget's height, range is 0 to n.
max_width no Specify the chart / widget's maximum width size, range is 0 to 12.
formatting no To format number with localized units, Use the style & unit option
notation no We can specify as standard, compact, scientific and engineering Standard Notation: is the implied default, Compact Notation: uses locale-specific symbols to represent large numbers. It is a more human-friendly alternative to scientific notation, Scientific Notation: will only have one significant digit, Engineering Notation: will have three significant digits Note: By default, Compact Notation rounds to the nearest integer, but always keeps 2 significant digits. You can set any of minimum, maximumFractionDigits or minimum, maximum SignificantDigits to override that behavior
style no The possible values for style are currency & unit
unit no The unit can have following values angle: degree, area: acre , hectare concentration: percent digital: bit, byte, kilobit, kilobyte, megabit, megabyte, gigabit, gigabyte, terabit, terabyte, petabyte duration: millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year length: millimeter, centimeter, meter, kilometer, inch, foot, yard, mile, mile-scandinavian mass: gram, kilogram, ounce, pound, stone temperature: celsius, fahrenheit volume: liter, milliliter, gallon, fluid-ounce speed: meter-per-second
currency no The Possible value for currency is USD
SignDisplay no It helps to explicitly display the sign, even when the number is positive. The possible values are always To prevent showing the sign when the value is 0, use signDisplay: exceptZero
currencySign no when the currencySign is set to accounting it enables a locale-specific format for negative currency amounts. example, wrapping the amount in parentheses
top_n no Filters top x values to show ex. When top_n:2 then the top 2 values are shown in the chart
bottom_n no Filters bottom x values to show ex. When bottom_n:2 then the bottom 2 values are shown in the chart
others_spec no This Parameter will help in sorting, limiting & labeling the others column
name_based_limit no This Parameter is used to sort the report by name in ascending order
limit no This Parameter is used to limit the visible reports
label no This Parameter is used to rename the others column. By default we have others
segment_filter no When we set this filter as false we don't have the ability to filter when we click on the segment Note: By default its TRUE

Below is the sample configuration of Pie Chart / Widget.

  "widget_type": "pie_chart",
  "title": "Logs by RDA Host",
  "stream": "rdaf_services_logs",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "extra_filter": "log_severity in ['ERROR', 'DEBUG', 'INFO']",
  "column": "_id",
  "agg": "value_count",
  "group_by": [
  "type": "str",
  "min_width": 4,
  "height": 2,
  "max_width": 4

3.1.1 Sample Pie Chart

Pie Chart Using Group By Example: Pie Chart Using Group By Example Percentage:
PieChart_Group_By_Example PieChart_Group_By_Example_Percentage

3.1.2 Pie Chart using extra_filter

  "widget_type": "pie_chart",
  "title": "Pie Chart Using Extra Filter Example",
  "stream": "rdaf_services_logs",
  "extra_filter": "log_severity in ['ERROR', 'DEBUG', 'INFO']",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "column": "_id",
  "agg": "value_count",
  "group_by": [
  "type": "str"

3.1.3 Pie Chart with color-mapping

  "widget_type": "pie_chart",
  "title": "Pie Chart with Color Map Example",
  "stream": "rdaf_services_logs",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "column": "_id",
  "agg": "value_count",
  "group_by": [
  "type": "str",
  "style": {
    "color-map": {
      "ERROR": [
      "WARNING": [
      "INFO": [
      "DEBUG": [
      "UNKNOWN": [

3.1.4 Pie Chart Showing Bottom N Values

Below is the sample configuration of Pie Chart Showing Bottom N Values

  "widget_type": "pie_chart",
  "title": "City",
  "duration_hours": 1080,
  "stream": "people_custom_timestamp",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "extra_filter": null,
  "column": "count_",
  "agg": "sum",
  "group_by": [
  "bottom_n": 3,
  "type": "int",
  "min_width": 3,
  "height": 3,
  "max_width": 6

3.1.5 Pie Chart Using Formatting Options

Below is the sample configuration of Pie Chart Using Formatting Options

  "widget_type": "pie_chart",
  "title": "Pie Chart",
  "duration_hours": 1080,
  "stream": "main",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "extra_filter": null,
  "column": "count_",
  "agg": "sum",
  "group_by": [
  "formatting": {
    "style": "unit",
    "unit": "percent",
    "signDisplay": "always"
  "type": "int",
  "min_width": 3,
  "height": 3,
  "max_width": 6
Piechart_Formatting Example

3.1.6 Pie Chart Using Others Spec

Below is the sample configuration of Pie Chart Using Others Spec

  "widget_type": "pie_chart",
  "title": "Name- Pie chart",
  "duration_hours": 10800,
  "stream": "main",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "extra_filter": null,
  "column": "count_",
  "agg": "sum",
  "group_by": [
  "others_spec": {
  "city": {
  "name_based_limit": true
  "type": "int",
  "min_width": 6,
  "height": 6,
  "max_width": 6

3.1.7 Pie Chart Using Sorting Type

Please refer the below configuration parameter table which are additionally used to configure a Pie Chart Using Sorting Type within the dashboard.


semantic sort: is used to sort data by month, weekday, date, severity, priority

ordinal sort: is used for custom ordering that is specified by an ordered set in widget definition

lexical sort: is used to have control over case sensitivity in standard sort

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
groups_meta yes This Parameter is used for sorting groups in reports. Possible values are type,ignore_case,order,format
type yes This Parameter is used to specify the sorting type, Expected Parameters are month, weekday , date , severity , priority, custom
order no is to specify a custom ordered set when the type is custom, Expected Order to Pass <str1>, <str2>, <str3>….<strn>
format no This Parameter is to specify the date format using the python date format rules, Expected format %d %b %Y,%d-%b-%Y
ignore_case no This Parameter specifies if the data values must be a case sensitive match to the Ordinal values, Expected Parameters are true or false

Below is the sample configuration of Pie Chart Using Sorting Type / Widget.

  "widget_type": "pie_chart",
  "title": "Date based Pie_chart",
  "duration_hours": 10800,
  "stream": "trail",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "extra_filter": null,
  "column": "count_",
  "agg": "value_count",
  "group_by": [
  "groups_meta": {
    "type": "date",
    "format": "%d-%b-%y"
  "type": "int",
  "limit": 15,
  "min_width": 6,
  "height": 5,
  "max_width": 6

3.1.8 Pie Chart with No Filter Option

Below is the sample configuration of Pie Chart Using Sorting Type / Widget.

  "widget_type": "pie_chart",
  "title": "Pie Chart ",
  "stream": "main",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "description": "Pie Charts",
  "segment_filter": false,
  "column": "donation",
  "agg": "sum",
  "group_by": [
  "min_width": 3,
  "max_width": 4,
  "type": "str"
Piechart_ Segment


When user clicks on the segment and when the segment_filter is set to false user would not have the ability to filter

3.2 Tabular Report

Please refer the below configuration parameter table which are used to configure a Tabular report within the dashboard.

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
title yes Specify the label for the Tabular report.
widget_type yes Specify the chart / widget type. i.e. tabular
stream no Specify the persistent stream. Note: Either of persistent stream or dataset parameter is needed.
dataset no Specify the dataset name. Note: Either of persistent stream or dataset parameter is needed.
query no Specify CFXQL based query to filter the data. * gets all of the data from the selected persistent stream or dataset.
truncateColumns no Specify the array of fields / columns (comma separated) which need to be truncated if the length of the value is very long. It shows the full value on mouse hover.
resizableColumns no Specify true or false to enable or disable to enable the flexibility of adjusting each column's width
paginated no Specify true or false to enable or disable paginated data for tabular report.
virtual_scrolling no Specify true or false to enable or disable this parameter. It allows to scroll through the paginated data instead of manually going through one page at a time.
showRowSummary no Specify true or false to enable or disable this parameter. It provides a clickable UI option for each row to view it's summary that includes all of the columns and their values in a vertical form.
max_rows no Specify the maximum number of rows to be shown within a page.
sorting no Specify the column / field names on which the sorting to enabled. Supported values for sorting is desc or asc. The default value is desc
columns yes Specify one or more columns / fields to be shown in the tabular report. Syntax is as shown above. columns: { "column_a_name": "column a label", "column_b_name": "column b label", ...}
min_width no Specify the chart / widget's minimum width size, range is 0 to 12.
height no Specify the chart / widget's height, range is 0 to n.
max_width no Specify the chart / widget's maximum width size, range is 0 to 12.
ts_column yes Specify the timestamp column name within the selected persistent stream. It is optional when dataset is used.
widget_id no Every widget will be represented with Unique id at the end, Its Autogenerated if not provided
remote_searchable no is set to true by default. If users want local search, they can set it to false.
remote_searchable_cols no is set, we will honor the fields in here for remote search. If it is not set, we will use up-to 10 TEXT visible columns defined in the table.
remote_search_columns_count no is set, to specify how many columns to pick for remote search.
custom_columns no Allows user to add the expression to the columns.
columnGroupLabel no Allows user to add Header to multiple columns.
Pivot no Pivot table is used to arrange, group and summarize for an easy analysis of large sets of data in a tabular form.Supported values are pivot_type, agg,group_by, columns, series.
pivot_type no Supported pivot types are standard, extended and advanced. By default its standard
group_by yes Specify column to apply
agg yes Specify the aggregation function. Supported values are value_count (shows total count), min, max & cardinality (shows unique count)
column yes Name of the column in the data to perform aggregations
series no if pivot_type is extended or advanced, this is mandatory
label yes if new column is created, then this will let user to add the label to that column

3.2.1 Sample Tabular Report

Below is the sample configuration of Tabular Report / Widget.

  "title": "Tabular with Pstream Query Example",
  "widget_type": "tabular",
  "stream": "dli-synthetic-logs-raw",
  "query": "*",
  "min_width": 6,
  "height": 8,
  "max_width": 6,
  "paginated": true,
  "remote_searchable": true,
  "remote_searchable_cols": [
  "max_rows": 50,
  "sorting": [
      "timestamp": "desc"
  "columns": {
    "timestamp": "Timestamp",
    "device": "Device",
    "count_": "Count",
    "message": "Message"
  "widget_id": "94a3fc11"


3.2.2 Tabular Report with truncateColumns

Below is the sample configuration of Tabular Report / Widget with truncateColumns parameter.

  "title": "Tabular chart with truncate columns",
  "widget_type": "tabular",
  "stream": "main",
  "columns": {
    "name": {
      "title": "Name",
      "formatter": "truncate"
    "city": {
      "title": "City"

tabular report truncate Columns

3.2.3 Tabular Report with resizableColumns

Below is the sample configuration of Tabular Report / Widget with resizableColumns parameter.

  "title": "Tabular with Pstream Query resizableColumns Example",
  "widget_type": "tabular",
  "stream": "dli-synthetic-logs-raw",
  "query": "*",
  "min_width": 6,
  "height": 8,
  "max_width": 6,
  "resizableColumns": true,
  "paginated": true,
  "max_rows": 50,
  "sorting": [
      "timestamp": "desc"
  "columns": {
    "timestamp": "Timestamp",
    "device": "Device",
    "count_": "Count",
    "message": "Message"
  "widget_id": "94a3fc11"



3.2.4 Tabular Report with virtual_scrolling & showRowSummary

Below is the sample configuration of Tabular Report / Widget with Virtual_scrolling & showRowSummary parameter.

  "title": "virtual_scrolling and showRowSummary",
  "widget_type": "tabular",
  "stream": "rda_synthetic_metrics",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "query": "*",
  "min_width": 6,
  "height": 8,
  "max_width": 6,
  "paginated": true,
  "virtual_scrolling": true,
  "showRowSummary": true,
  "max_rows": 50,
  "sorting": [
      "timestamp": "desc"
  "columns": {
    "timestamp": "Timestamp",
    "metric_name": "metric_name",
    "count_": "Count",
    "source_tool": "source_tool",
    "stack_name": "stack_name"
  "widget_id": "94a3fc11"


Below is the sample configuration of Tabular Report / Widget with Column specific Hyperlink.

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
appName yes Specify the appName. Supported values are user-dashboard
permission yes Specify the permission in order to enable Hyperlink. Supported values are aia:page:view, oia:page:view
drillDownContext yes Context column-id that needs to be passed to the landing dashboard
drillDownLinkField yes Column-id that needs to be enabled with hyperlink
identifier yes Column-id that needs to be enabled with hyperlink
selectionType yes Specify the selectionType. Supported values are SINGLE
stateName yes Specify the stateName. Supported values are app.featureapp
title yes Specify the label for the action
actionCondition no Enables hyperlink when it satisfies action conditions
actionControl no Specify the actionControl. Supported values are SHOW_IF
conditionType no Specify the conditionType. Supported values are EQUAL
conditionValue no Matches according to the value present in stream data
fieldId no Need to pass column-id that has condition value specified
type yes Specify the app type. Supported values are GO_TO_APP_STATE.
"actions": [
    "appName": "user-dashboard",
    "permission": "aia:page:view",
    "drillDownContext": "id",
    "drillDownLinkField": "dns_name",
    "identifier": "dns_name",
    "selectionType": "SINGLE",
    "stateName": "app.featureapp",
    "title": "View Details",
    "actionCondition": {
      "actionControl": "SHOW_IF",
      "conditionalField": [
          "conditionType": "EQUAL",
          "conditionValue": "CHASSIS",
          "fieldId": "equipment_type"
    "type": "GO_TO_APP_STATE"


Mentioned below needs to be part of the columns list and the value needs to be replaced with the template/dashboard/app name

Ex: user-dashboard-<template/dashboard/app name>

"id": {
       "title": "ID",
       "value": "user-dashboard-aia-network-drilldown-app",
       "key": true,
       "type": "FIXED_VALUE",
       "hidden": true,
       "visible": false


All the report definitions that are part of the above template/dashboard/app needs to be added with mentioned below parameters

"include_context_in_query": true
"include_context_keys" : ["column1","column2","column3"]


In order to pass column(s) as a context to template/dashboard/app, make sure the list of include_context_keys mentioned above are the key column(s)

"dns_name": {
              "title": "DNS Name",
              "type": "TEXT",
              "key": true

Below is the sample configuration of Tabular Report / Widget with External URL Hyperlink.


Make sure the URL values are present as one of the column value in Pstream/Dataset as shown in Below Example

Below is how the column needs to be added in order to enable External URL on Specific column

"<column-id>": {
        "title": "<label>",
        "htmlTemplateForRow": "<a href=\"{{row.<column-id>}}\" target='_blank'>{{row.<column-id>}}</a>"
"drilldown_url": {
        "title": "Drilldown_URL",
        "htmlTemplateForRow": "<a href=\"{{row.drilldown_url}}\" target='_blank'>{{row.controller_name}}</a>"


Same URL link can be launched by enabling hyperlink on different column, Below is the syntax for column Definition

"drilldown_url": {
        "title": "Controller",
        "htmlTemplateForRow": "<a href=\"{{row.drilldown_url}}\" target='_blank'>{{row.controller_name}}</a>"

3.2.7 Tabular Report with Custom Columns

Please refer the below configuration parameter table which are additionally used to configure a Tabular Report Using Custom Columns within the dashboard.

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
id yes It will be the column_id for the custom column, If you want to use that column any where else you can refer with that column id
expr yes The expression on any arithmetic operations on given columns will support the following syntax for example: expr: "((input-output)/input) * 100"
label yes This will specify the label for obtained column

Below is the sample configuration of Tabular Report / Widget with custom_columns.

  "widget_type": "tabular",
  "title": "Summary Report",
  "stream": "network-devices-inventory",
  "ts_column": "collection_timestamp",
  "sorting": [],
  "extra_filter": "up_eth_ports is not None",
  "columns": {
    "up_eth_ports": "UP ETH PORTS",
    "total_eth_ports": "TOTAL ETH PORTS"
  "custom_columns": [
      "id": "avg_up_ports",
      "label": "Avg UP Ports(%)",
      "expr": "((up_eth_ports / total_eth_ports) * 100) "


Below is the sample configuration of Tabular Report / Widget with remote search & local search.

  "title": "Tabular report with Remote Search enabled on first column only",
  "widget_type": "tabular",
  "duration_hours": 10000,
  "stream": "people_1k",
  "min_width": 8,
  "height": 5,
  "paginated": true,
  "max_rows": 50,
  "defaultColumnWidth": 100,
  "remote_search_columns_count": 1,
  "remote_searchable_cols": [
  "columns": {
    "name": "Name",
    "city": "City",
    "age": "Age",
    "timestamp": "Timestamp"

Remote Search_Example

  "title": "Tabular report with Local Search",
  "widget_type": "tabular",
  "stream": "main",
  "min_width": 8,
  "height": 5,
  "paginated": true,
  "max_rows": 50,
  "defaultColumnWidth": 100,
  "remote_searchable": false,
  "columns": {
    "name": "Name",
    "city": {
      "title": "City"
    "timestamp": {
      "title": "Timestamp"

Remote Search_Example

3.2.9 Tabular Report with Grouped Columns

Below is the sample configuration of Tabular Report / Widget with Grouped Columns.

  "title": "Grouping in Tabular",
  "widget_type": "tabular",
  "stream": "main",
  "columns": {
    "name": {
      "title": "Name",
      "columnGroupLabel": "Group 1",
      "defaultColumnWidth": 60,
      "visible": true
    "city": {
      "title": "City",
      "columnGroupLabel": "Details 1",
      "defaultColumnWidth": 60,
      "visible": true
    "age": {
      "title": "Age",
      "columnGroupLabel": "Group 1",
      "defaultColumnWidth": 20,
      "visible": true
    "timestamp": {
      "title": "Timestamp",
      "type": "DATETIME",
      "columnGroupLabel": "Details 2",
      "defaultColumnWidth": 300
Grouped Columns

3.2.10 Pivot Tabular Report

Below is the sample configuration of Pivot Tabular Report.

  "title": "Mock Data Standard",
  "widget_type": "tabular",
  "stream": "mock_data",
  "min_width": 12,
  "height": 6,
  "max_width": 12,
  "columns": {
    "A": "A",
    "B": "B"
  "pivot": {
    "pivot_type": "standard",
    "group_by": [
    "column": "count_",
    "agg": "value_count"
Standard Pivot

3.2.11 Extended Pivot Tabular Report

Below is the sample configuration of Extended Pivot Tabular Report.

  "title": "Mock Data Extended",
  "widget_type": "tabular",
  "stream": "mock_data",
  "min_width": 12,
  "height": 6,
  "max_width": 12,
  "columns": {
    "A": "A",
    "B": "B"
  "pivot": {
    "pivot_type": "extended",
    "group_by": [
    "series": [
        "column": "count_",
        "agg": "value_count",
        "type": "int",
        "label": "Count"
Extended Pivot

3.2.12 Advanced Pivot Tabular Report

Below is the sample configuration of Advanced Pivot Tabular Report.

  "title": "Mock Data Advanced",
  "widget_type": "tabular",
  "stream": "mock_data",
  "min_width": 12,
  "height": 6,
  "max_width": 12,
  "columns": {
    "A": "A",
    "B": "B"
  "pivot": {
    "pivot_type": "advanced",
    "group_by": [
    "series": [
        "column": "count_",
        "agg": "value_count",
        "type": "int",
        "label": "Count"
Advanced Pivot

3.3 Counter Chart

Please refer the below configuration parameter table which are used to configure a simple Counter chart within the dashboard.

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
title yes Specify the label for the Group Chart.
widget_type yes Specify the chart / widget type. i.e. counter,custom_counter,expression_counter
formatter no Formats integer values as K for thousands, M for Millions. If the input value is already a counted as thousands, optional value multiplier can be specified.
stream no Specify the persistent stream. Note: Either of persistent stream or dataset parameter is needed.
ts_column yes Specify the timestamp column name within the selected persistent stream. It is optional when dataset is used.
duration_hours no this parameter specifies how many hours in the past should the data be fetched. If time_filter is set to true, time filter will override this value.
column yes Name of the column in the data that contains numerical data to perform aggregations
agg yes Specify the aggregation function. Supported values are value_count (shows total count) and cardinality (shows unique count)
type yes Specify the data type while performing aggregation function. Supported values are int or float option is valid only for min, max, sum, mean aggregation functions.
expression yes the expression on any arithmetic operations on given columns will support Example syntax: "expression": "((input-output)/input) * 100" needed only for expression_counter not needed for other counter types
unit yes Units to be displayed next to the value
segments yes Segments is a list of objects. Each segment defines a variable to be computed. needed only for expression_counter
extra_filter no Use this parameter to filter the data from from one or more selected field(s). It supports CFXQL query format.
min_Width no Specify the timestamp column name within the selected persistent stream or dataset.
max_width no Specify the chart / widget's maximum width size, range is 0 to 12.
type yes Specify the data type while performing aggregation function. Supported values are int or float option is valid only for min, max, sum, mean
variable no Name of the variable to be computed. Note This variable name may be used in expression.
duration_hours no This parameter specifies how many hours in the past should the data be fetched. If time_filter is set to true, time filter will override this value.
group_by yes Specify one or more columns to apply the group_by. This parameter supports multiple column values. Ex: "group_by": [ "column_01", "column_02", "column_n"]
formatter yes Formats integer values as K for thousands, M for Millions. If the input value is already a counted as thousands, optional value multiplier can be specified.
style no Using this parameter, each grouped value can be visualized using a specific color using color-map parameter as shown in the above example. Note not needed in custom_counter and expression_counter
limit no Limiting of groups/segments
sparkline no Optional visualization configuration for the grouped counts with default interval as 1D, fill as True and smooth also as True
widget_id no Every widget will be represented with Unique id at the end, it is autogenerated if not provided
total_counter no When widget_type is set to counter this parameter enables showing an additional counter chart that sums up the values of counter charts and shows the total.

3.3.1 Simple Counter Chart Example

Below is a sample configuration of Counter Chart / Widget.

  "title": "Simple Counter Example",
  "widget_type": "custom_counter",
  "formatter": "DescriptiveCountFormatter",
  "stream": "rda_system_worker_trace_summary",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "duration_hours": 96,
  "column": "num_bot_executions",
  "agg": "sum",
  "type": "int",
  "widget_id": "02be1e20"


3.3.2 Expression Counter Example

Below is a sample configuration of Counter Chart / Widget with expression_counter and expression.

  "title": "Expression Counter Example",
  "widget_type": "expression_counter",
  "expression": "((input-output)/input) * 100",
  "unit": "%",
  "segments": [
      "variable": "output",
      "stream": "dli-log-stats",
      "extra_filter": "mode is 'processed'",
      "ts_column": "timestamp",
      "duration_hours": 720,
      "group_by": [
      "column": "count",
      "agg": "sum",
      "type": "int"
      "variable": "input",
      "stream": "dli-log-stats",
      "extra_filter": "mode is 'ingested'",
      "ts_column": "timestamp",
      "duration_hours": 720,
      "group_by": [
      "column": "count",
      "agg": "sum",
      "type": "int"


3.3.3 Group Counter Chart Example


To show up the Total Counter, Use the following parameters:

show - Set it to true for total counter chart to show up.

label - Optional. Default: “Total”.

location - Where to show the total counter. Optional. Default: “left”.

color - Hex Color Code

Below is a sample configuration of Counter Chart / Widget grouping multiples of them.

  "title": "Group Counter Chart Example",
  "widget_type": "counter",
  "min_width": 12,
  "max_width": 12,
  "stream": "main",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "style": {
    "color-map": {
      "Chennai": "#388e3c",
      "Delhi": "#8e24aa",
      "Mumbai": "#d32f2f"
  "sparkline": {
    "interval": "1d"
  "group_by": [
  "total_counter": {
    "show": true,
    "label": "Total Count",
    "location": "right",
    "color": "#0096FF"
  "column": "count_",
  "agg": "sum",
  "type": "int"

3.4 Bar Chart

Please refer the below configuration parameter table which are used to configure a Bar chart within the dashboard.

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
title yes Specify the label for the Bar Chart.
widget_type yes Specify the chart / widget type. i.e. bar_chart
stream no Specify the persistent stream. Note: Either of persistent stream or dataset parameter is needed.
chartProperties chartProperties defines the representation of data using Yaxis, Xaxis & Various other Combinations like zooming,color etc...
dataset no Specify the dataset name. Note: Either of persistent stream or dataset parameter is needed
ts_column yes Specify the timestamp column name within the selected persistent stream. It is optional when dataset is used.
duration hours no This parameter specifies how many hours in the past should the data be fetched. If time_filter is set to true, time filter will override this value.
group by yes Specify one or more columns to apply group_by. This parameter supports multiple column values. Ex: "group_by": [ "column_01", "column_02", "column_n"]
extra_filter no use this parameter to filter the data from from one or more selected field(s). It supports CFXQL query format.
column yes Name of the column in the data that contains numerical data to perform aggregations
agg yes Specify the aggregation function. Supported values are value_count (shows total count) and cardinality (shows unique count)
type no Specify the data type while performing aggregation function. Supported values are int and str. int option is valid only for min, max, sum, mean aggregation functions.
widget_id no Every widget will be represented with Unique id at the end, Its Autogenerated if not provided
formatting no To format number with localized units, Use the style & unit option
notation no We can specify as standard, compact, scientific and engineering Standard Notation: is the implied default, Compact Notation: uses locale-specific symbols to represent large numbers. It is a more human-friendly alternative to scientific notation, Scientific Notation: will only have one significant digit, Engineering Notation: will have three significant digits Note: By default, Compact Notation rounds to the nearest integer, but always keeps 2 significant digits. You can set any of minimum, maximumFractionDigits or minimum, maximum SignificantDigits to override that behavior
style no The possible values for style are currency & unit
unit no The unit can have following values angle: degree, area: acre , hectare concentration: percent digital: bit, byte, kilobit, kilobyte, megabit, megabyte, gigabit, gigabyte, terabit, terabyte, petabyte duration: millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year length: millimeter, centimeter, meter, kilometer, inch, foot, yard, mile, mile-scandinavian mass: gram, kilogram, ounce, pound, stone temperature: celsius, fahrenheit volume: liter, milliliter, gallon, fluid-ounce speed: meter-per-second
currency no The Possible value for currency is USD
SignDisplay no It helps to explicitly display the sign, even when the number is positive. The possible values are always To prevent showing the sign when the value is 0, use signDisplay: exceptZero
currencySign no when the currencySign is set to accounting it enables a locale-specific format for negative currency amounts. example, wrapping the amount in parentheses
top_n no Filters top x values to show ex. When top_n:2 then the top 2 values are shown in the chart
bottom_n no Filters bottom x values to show ex. When bottom_n:2 then the bottom 2 values are shown in the chart
others_spec no This Parameter will help in sorting, limiting & labeling the others column
name_based_limit no This Parameter is used to sort the report by name in ascending order
limit no This Parameter is used to limit the visible reports
label no This Parameter is used to rename the others column. By default we have others

3.4.1 Bar Chart Example

Below is a sample of Bar Chart / Widget configuration.

  "title": "Bar Chart Example",
  "widget_type": "bar_chart",
  "stream": "rda_microservice_traces",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "chartProperties": {
    "yAxisLabel": null,
    "xAxisLabel": "Count",
    "stacked": true,
    "legendLocation": "none",
    "orientation": "vertical"
  "duration_hours": 24,
  "group_by": [
  "column": "duration",
  "agg": "value_count",
  "type": "int",
  "widget_id": "f4786acb"


3.4.2 Bar Chart with extra filter

Below is a sample of Bar Chart / Widget configuration with extra_filter

  "title": "Bar Chart Example",
  "widget_type": "bar_chart",
  "stream": "rda_microservice_traces",
  "extra_filter": "request_type != 'are-you-there'",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "chartProperties": {
    "yAxisLabel": null,
    "xAxisLabel": "Count",
    "stacked": true,
    "legendLocation": "none",
    "orientation": "vertical"
  "duration_hours": 24,
  "group_by": [
  "column": "duration",
  "agg": "value_count",
  "type": "int",
  "widget_id": "f4786acb"


3.4.3 Bar Chart with Formatting Option

Below is a sample configurations of Bar Chart with Formatting Options / Widget.

  "widget_type": "bar_chart",
  "title": "BAR CHART with formatting option",
  "stream": "main",
  "chartProperties": {
    "orientation": "vertical"
  "formatting": {
    "style": "unit",
    "unit": "percent",
    "signDisplay": "exceptZero"
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "column": "count_",
  "agg": "value_count",
  "group_by": [
  "type": "str"


  "widget_type": "bar_chart",
  "title": "City asset value",
  "stream": "people_custom_timestamp",
  "chartProperties": {
    "barThickness": 10,
    "orientation": "vertical"
  "formatting": {
    "style": "currency",
    "currency": "USD"
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "column": "count_",
  "agg": "value_count",
  "group_by": [
  "type": "str"


  "widget_type": "bar_chart",
  "title": "City Donation Value",
  "stream": "donationn",
  "chartProperties": {
    "orientation": "vertical"
  "formatting": {
    "notation": "standard"
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "column": "donation",
  "agg": "sum",
  "group_by": [
  "type": "int"


  "widget_type": "bar_chart",
  "title": "City Donation Value",
  "stream": "donationn",
  "chartProperties": {
    "orientation": "vertical"
  "formatting": {
    "notation": "compact"
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "column": "donation",
  "agg": "sum",
  "group_by": [
  "type": "int"

3.4.4 Bar Chart Showing Top N Values

Below is a sample configuration of Bar Chart Showing Top N Values / Widget.

  "widget_type": "bar_chart",
  "title": "City Donation Value",
  "stream": "donationn",
  "chartProperties": {
    "orientation": "vertical"
  "formatting": {
    "notation": "compact"
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "top_n": 3,
  "column": "donation",
  "agg": "sum",
  "group_by": [
  "type": "str"


3.4.5 Bar Chart With Others Spec

Below is a sample configuration of Bar Chart With Others Spec / Widget.

  "widget_type": "bar_chart",
  "title": "Name based sort in Bar",
  "duration_hours": 1080,
  "stream": "main",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "extra_filter": null,
  "column": "count_",
  "agg": "sum",
  "group_by": [
    "others_spec": {
    "label": "other state",
    "Country": {
    "name_based_limit": true
  "type": "int",
  "min_width": 6,
  "height": 6,
  "max_width": 6


3.4.6 Bar Chart Using Sorting Type

Please refer the below configuration parameter table which are additionally used to configure a Bar Chart Using Sorting Type within the dashboard.


semantic sort: is used to sort data by month, weekday, date, severity, priority

ordinal sort: is used for custom ordering that is specified by an ordered set in widget definition

lexical sort: is used to have control over case sensitivity in standard sort

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
groups_meta yes This Parameter is used for sorting groups in reports. Possible values are type,ignore_case,order,format
type yes This Parameter is used to specify the sorting type, Expected Parameters are month, weekday , date , severity , priority, custom
order no This Parameter is to specify a custom ordered set when the type is custom, Expected Order to Pass <str1>, <str2>, <str3>….<strn>
format no This Parameter is to specify the date format using the python date format rules, Expected format %d %b %Y,%d-%b-%Y
ignore_case no This Parameter specifies if the data values must be a case sensitive match to the Ordinal values, Expected Parameters are trueor false

Below is the sample configuration of Bar Chart Using Sorting Type / Widget.

  "widget_type": "bar_chart",
  "title": "Month based Bar",
  "duration_hours": 10800,
  "stream": "trail",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "extra_filter": null,
  "column": "count_",
  "agg": "value_count",
  "group_by": [
  "groups_meta": {
    "type": "month"
  "type": "int",
  "limit": 15,
  "min_width": 6,
  "height": 5,
  "max_width": 6

3.4.7 Fixed Bar Width Chart

Please refer the below configuration parameter table which are used to configure a Fixed Bar Width Chart within the dashboard.

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
title yes Specify the label for the FIXED_BAR_WIDTH_CHART.
widget_type yes Specify the chart / widget type. i.e. fixed_bar_width_chart
stream no Specify the persistent stream. Note: Either of persistent stream or dataset parameter is needed.
chartProperties yes chartProperties defines the representation of data using Yaxis, Xaxis & Various other Combinations like barThickness, zooming, color etc...
dataset no Specify the dataset name. Note: Either of persistent stream or dataset parameter is needed
ts_column yes Specify the timestamp column name within the selected persistent stream. It is optional when dataset is used.
duration hours no This parameter specifies how many hours in the past should the data be fetched. If time_filter is set to true, time filter will override this value.
group by yes Specify one or more columns to apply group_by. This parameter supports multiple column values. Ex: "group_by": [ "column_01", "column_02", "column_n"]
extra_filter no use this parameter to filter the data from from one or more selected field(s). It supports CFXQL query format.
column yes Name of the column in the data that contains numerical data to perform aggregations
agg yes Specify the aggregation function. Supported values are value_count (shows total count) and cardinality (shows unique count)
type no Specify the data type while performing aggregation function. Supported values are int and str. int option is valid only for min, max, sum, mean aggregation functions.
widget_id no Every widget will be represented with Unique id at the end, Its Autogenerated if not provided

Below is a sample configuration of Fixed Bar Width Chart / Widget.

  "widget_type": "fixed_bar_width_chart",
  "stream": "people_custom_timestamp",
  "chartProperties": {
    "barThickness": 100
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "column": "age",
  "agg": "value_count",
  "group_by": [

3.5 Multi Bar Chart

Please refer the below configuration parameter table which are used to configure a Multi Bar chart within the dashboard.

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
title yes Specify the label for the Multi Bar Chart.
widget_type yes Specify the chart / widget type. i.e. multi_bar_chart
stream no Specify the persistent stream. Note: Either of persistent stream or dataset parameter is needed.
extra_filter no use this parameter to filter the data from from one or more selected field(s). It supports CFXQL query format.
ts_column yes Specify the timestamp column name within the selected persistent stream. It is optional when dataset is used.
chartProperties chartProperties defines the representation of data using Yaxis, Xaxis & Various other Combinations like zooming,color etc...
duration hours no This parameter specifies how many hours in the past should the data be fetched. If time_filter is set to true, time filter will override this value.
group_by yes Specify one or more columns to apply the group_by. This parameter supports multiple column values. Ex: "group_by": [ "column_01", "column_02", "column_n"]
Column yes Name of the column in the data that contains numerical data to perform aggregations
agg yes Specify the aggregation function. Supported values are value_count (shows total count) and cardinality (shows unique count)
type yes Specify the data type while performing aggregation function. Supported values are int and str. int option is valid only for min, max, sum, mean aggregation functions.
widget_id no Every widget will be represented with Unique id at the end, Its Autogenerated if not provided
limit no Limiting of groups/segments
formatting no To format number with localized units, Use the style & unit option
notation no We can specify as standard, compact, scientific and engineering Standard Notation: is the implied default, Compact Notation: uses locale-specific symbols to represent large numbers. It is a more human-friendly alternative to scientific notation, Scientific Notation: will only have one significant digit, Engineering Notation: will have three significant digits Note: By default, Compact Notation rounds to the nearest integer, but always keeps 2 significant digits. You can set any of minimum, maximumFractionDigits or minimum, maximum SignificantDigits to override that behavior
style no The possible values for style are currency & unit
unit no The unit can have following values angle: degree, area: acre , hectare concentration: percent digital: bit, byte, kilobit, kilobyte, megabit, megabyte, gigabit, gigabyte, terabit, terabyte, petabyte duration: millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year length: millimeter, centimeter, meter, kilometer, inch, foot, yard, mile, mile-scandinavian mass: gram, kilogram, ounce, pound, stone temperature: celsius, fahrenheit volume: liter, milliliter, gallon, fluid-ounce speed: meter-per-second
currency no The Possible value for currency is USD
SignDisplay no It helps to explicitly display the sign, even when the number is positive. The possible values are always To prevent showing the sign when the value is 0, use signDisplay: exceptZero
currencySign no when the currencySign is set to accounting it enables a locale-specific format for negative currency amounts. example, wrapping the amount in parentheses
others_spec no This Parameter will help in sorting, limiting & labeling the others column
largest no This Parameter is used to sort the report by largest value in asc order
descending_order no This Parameter is used to sort the report by largest value in descending order
name_based_limit no This Parameter is used to sort the report by name in ascending order
limit no This Parameter is used to limit the visible reports
label no This Parameter is used to rename the others column. By default we have others

3.5.1 Multi Bar Chart Example

Below is a sample configuration of Multi Bar Chart / Widget .

  "title": "Multi Bar Chart Example",
  "widget_type": "multi_bar_chart",
  "stream": "rda_microservice_traces",
  "extra_filter": "request_type != 'are-you-there'",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "chartProperties": {
    "yAxisLabel": "Duration",
    "xAxisLabel": "Services",
    "stacked": true,
    "legendLocation": "right",
    "orientation": "vertical"
  "duration_hours": 24,
  "group_by": [
  "column": "duration",
  "agg": "value_count",
  "type": "int",
  "widget_id": "172919af"


3.5.2 Multi Bar Chart with extra filter

Below is a sample configuration of Multi Bar Chart / Widget with extra_filter

  "title": "Multi Bar Chart Example",
  "widget_type": "multi_bar_chart",
  "stream": "rda_microservice_traces",
  "extra_filter": "source in ['scheduler', 'alert-ingester']",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "chartProperties": {
    "yAxisLabel": "Duration",
    "xAxisLabel": "Services",
    "stacked": true,
    "legendLocation": "right",
    "orientation": "vertical"
  "duration_hours": 24,
  "group_by": [
  "column": "duration",
  "agg": "value_count",
  "type": "int",
  "widget_id": "172919af"


3.5.3 Multi Bar Chart Without Filters

  "title": "Multi Bar Chart Example",
  "widget_type": "multi_bar_chart",
  "stream": "rda_microservice_traces",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "chartProperties": {
    "yAxisLabel": "Duration",
    "xAxisLabel": "Services",
    "stacked": true,
    "legendLocation": "right",
    "orientation": "vertical"
  "duration_hours": 24,
  "group_by": [
  "column": "duration",
  "agg": "value_count",
  "type": "int",
  "widget_id": "172919af"


3.5.4 Multi Bar Chart With Formatting Options

Below is a sample configuration of Multi Bar Chart With Formatting Options.

  "title": "Multi Bar Chart Format",
  "widget_type": "multi_bar_chart",
  "stream": "main",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "group_by": [
  "formatting": {
    "notation": "compact",
    "style": "unit",
    "unit": "percent",
    "signDisplay": "always"
  "chartProperties": {
    "yAxisLabel": null,
    "xAxisLabel": "name",
    "stacked": false,
    "legendLocation": "right",
    "orientation": "vertical",
    "barThickness": 100
  "column": "donation",
  "agg": "sum",
  "type": "str"

3.5.5 Multi Bar Chart Showing Top N Values

Below is a sample configuration of Bar Chart Showing Top N Values.

  "title": "Multi Bar Chart",
  "widget_type": "multi_bar_chart",
  "stream": "donationn",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "group_by": [
  "chartProperties": {
    "yAxisLabel": null,
    "xAxisLabel": "name",
    "stacked": false,
    "legendLocation": "right",
    "orientation": "vertical"
  "others_spec": {
  "limit": 2,
  "show_others": false
  "column": "donation",
  "agg": "sum",
  "type": "str"


3.5.6 Multi Bar Chart Using Others Spec

Below is a sample configuration of Multi Bar Chart Using Others Spec

  "title": "Multi Bar Chart Format desc Based",
  "widget_type": "multi_bar_chart",
  "stream": "main",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "group_by": [
  "formatting": {
    "notation": "compact",
    "style": "unit",
    "unit": "percent"
  "chartProperties": {
    "yAxisLabel": null,
    "xAxisLabel": "name",
    "stacked": false,
    "legendLocation": "right",
    "orientation": "vertical"
  "descending_order": true,
  "others_spec": {
    "limit": 3,
    "label": "Other Names",
    "show_others": true,
    "city": {
      "largest": false,
      "name_based_limit": false
    "name": {
      "largest": false,
      "name_based_limit": false
  "column": "donation",
  "agg": "sum",
  "type": "str"

3.5.7 Multi Bar Chart Using Sorting Type

Please refer the below configuration parameter table which are additionally used to configure a Multi Bar Chart Using Sorting Type within the dashboard.


semantic sort: is used to sort data by month, weekday, date, severity, priority

ordinal sort: is used for custom ordering that is specified by an ordered set in widget definition

lexical sort: is used to have control over case sensitivity in standard sort

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
groups_meta yes This parameter is used for sorting groups in reports. Possible values are type,ignore_case,order,format
series_meta yes This parameter is used for For sorting the series (segments of each bar) in Multi Bar chart, Possible values are type, ignore_case,order,format
type yes This parameter is used to specify the sorting type, Expected Parameters are month, weekday , date , severity , priority, custom
order no is to specify a custom ordered set when the type is custom, Expected Order to Pass <str1>, <str2>, <str3>….<strn>
format no This parameter is to specify the date format using the python date format rules, Expected format %d %b %Y,%d-%b-%Y
ignore_case no This Parameter specifies if the data values must be a case sensitive match to the Ordinal values, Expected Parameters are true or false

Below is the sample configuration of Multi Bar Chart Using Sorting Type / Widget.

  "widget_type": "multi_bar_chart",
  "title": "Week based Multibar",
  "duration_hours": 10800,
  "stream": "mw1",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "extra_filter": null,
  "column": "count_",
  "agg": "value_count",
  "group_by": [
  "groups_meta": {
    "type": "date"
  "series_meta": {
    "type": "weekday"
  "type": "int",
  "min_width": 6,
  "height": 5,
  "max_width": 6

3.6 Mixed Chart Bucket

Please refer the below configuration parameter table which are used to configure a Mixed Chart Bucket within the dashboard.

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
title yes Specify the label for the Mixed Chart.
widget_type yes Specify the chart / widget type. i.e. mixed_chart_buckets
stream no Specify the persistent stream. Note: Either of persistent stream or dataset parameter is needed.
extra_filter no use this parameter to filter the data from from one or more selected field(s). It supports CFXQL query format.
ts_column yes Specify the timestamp column name within the selected persistent stream. It is optional when dataset is used.
chartProperties no chartProperties defines the representation of data using Yaxis, Xaxis & Various other Combinations like zooming,color etc...
duration hours no This parameter specifies how many hours in the past should the data be fetched. If time_filter is set to true, time filter will override this value.
group_by yes Specify one or more columns to apply the group_by. This parameter supports multiple column values. Ex: "group_by": [ "column_01", "column_02", "column_n"]
Column yes Name of the column in the data that contains numerical data to perform aggregations
agg yes Specify the aggregation function. Supported values are value_count (shows total count) and cardinality (shows unique count)
type yes Specify the data type while performing aggregation function. Supported values are int and str. int option is valid only for min, max, sum, mean aggregation functions.
widget_id no Every widget will be represented with Unique id at the end, Its Autogenerated if not provided
axis no To provide another y-axis support we will add the new definition here Note: Cannot have more than 2 axis entries in the array.
graph_type no It expects two parameters bar & line, Note: Default is bar
group_label no This Parameter if specified avoids multiple names, when same group_by is passed in different axis we can assign a name for group_label
formatting no To format number with localized units, Use the style & unit option
notation no We can specify as standard, compact, scientific and engineering Standard Notation: is the implied default, Compact Notation: uses locale-specific symbols to represent large numbers. It is a more human-friendly alternative to scientific notation, Scientific Notation: will only have one significant digit, Engineering Notation: will have three significant digits Note: By default, Compact Notation rounds to the nearest integer, but always keeps 2 significant digits. You can set any of minimum, maximumFractionDigits or minimum, maximum SignificantDigits to override that behavior
style no The possible values for style are currency & unit
unit no The unit can have following values angle: degree, area: acre , hectare concentration: percent digital: bit, byte, kilobit, kilobyte, megabit, megabyte, gigabit, gigabyte, terabit, terabyte, petabyte duration: millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year length: millimeter, centimeter, meter, kilometer, inch, foot, yard, mile, mile-scandinavian mass: gram, kilogram, ounce, pound, stone temperature: celsius, fahrenheit volume: liter, milliliter, gallon, fluid-ounce speed: meter-per-second
currency no The Possible value for currency is USD
SignDisplay no It helps to explicitly display the sign, even when the number is positive. The possible values are always To prevent showing the sign when the value is 0, use signDisplay: exceptZero
currencySign no when the currencySign is set to accounting it enables a locale-specific format for negative currency amounts. example, wrapping the amount in parentheses


The formatting provided in one axis will be used for both.

Below is a sample configuration of Mixed Chart Bucket / Widget.

  "title": "Mixed Chart",
  "widget_type": "mixed_chart_buckets",
  "axis": [
      "stream": "people_custom_timestamp",
      "ts_column": "timestamp",
      "chartProperties": {
        "yAxisLabel": "Same name people in City",
        "xAxisLabel": "Name",
        "stacked": false,
        "legendLocation": "right",
        "orientation": "vertical"
      "group_by": [
      "column": "_RDA_Id",
      "agg": "value_count",
      "type": "int"
      "stream": "people_custom_timestamp",
      "ts_column": "timestamp",
      "chartProperties": {
        "yAxisLabel": "Number of people in Age group",
        "xAxisLabel": "Name"
      "group_by": [
      "group_label": "People in Age group",
      "column": "_RDA_Id",
      "agg": "value_count",
      "type": "int",
      "graph_type": "line"

3.7 Line Graph / Timeseries Chart

Please refer the below configuration parameter table which are used to configure a Line Graph/Timeseries Chart within the dashboard.

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
title yes Specify the label for the Line Graph chart.
widget_type yes Specify the chart / widget type. i.e. timeseries
stream no Specify the persistent stream. Note: Either of persistent stream or dataset parameter is needed.
dataset no Specify the dataset name. Note: Either of persistent stream or dataset parameter is needed
max_width no Specify the chart / widget's maximum width size, range is 0 to 12.
min_Width no Specify the timestamp column name within the selected persistent stream or dataset.
height no Specify the chart / widget's height, range is 0 to n.
chartProperties no chartProperties defines the representation of data using Yaxis, Xaxis & Various other Combinations like zooming,color etc...
interval yes Displays the report according to the prescribed time frame, Supported units are auto, milliseconds (ms), seconds (s), minutes (m), hours (h), days (d). example: '5m' means 5 minutes
interval_type no When the interval_type is set to calender. Note: the possible values for interval are minute,hour,day,week,month,quarter,year
gap_interval no This expects join, keep, skip ex. keep - Drops the value to 0 for missing intervals, join - Draws the lines for missing intervals, skip - Shows gaps. Note: Default is keep
group_by yes Splitting and defining reports which are identical and showing them categorically
series_spec yes Its more about how many series to show and which data points to show
column yes Name of the column in the data that contains numerical data to perform aggregations
agg yes Specify the aggregation function. Supported values are value_count (shows total count), cardinality (shows unique count), min, max and avg
type yes Specify the data type while performing aggregation function. Supported values are int and str. int option is valid only for min, max, sum, mean aggregation functions.
widget_id no Every widget will be represented with Unique id at the end, Its Autogenerated if not provided
fixTimeWindow no By specifying fixTimeWindow as true X-axis time window will show user selected duration even if the data is only for subset of the time
customIntervalMap no which can contain from and to range expressed in hours, and interval for that time range. If this map is not specified, backend defaults to a built in range.
style no Using this parameter, each grouped value can be visualized using a specific color using color-map parameter as shown in the one of the below examples.
alert_markers no This parameter helps us to add markers in Time Series Graph.
group_selection no This parameter allows sorting the output in either ascending or descending order using the column, agg, limit, and orderby parameters. The column parameter specifies the column to group the selection and display the values. The agg parameter determines the type of aggregation to perform. The limit parameter restricts the visible output, with a default value of 20. The orderby parameter sorts the results in either ascending or descending order, with descending as the default.

Below is a sample configuration of Line Graph/Timeseries Chart / Widget.

  "title": "Time Series using Stream Example",
  "widget_type": "timeseries",
  "stream": "rdaf_services_logs",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "max_width": 12,
  "height": 3,
  "min_width": 12,
  "chartProperties": {
    "yAxisLabel": "Count",
    "xAxisLabel": null,
    "legendLocation": "bottom"
  "interval": "15Min",
  "group_by": [
  "series_spec": [
      "column": "log_severity",
      "agg": "value_count",
      "type": "int"

3.7.1 Line Graph / Timeseries Chart With Fix Time Window

Below is a sample configuration of Line Graph/Timeseries Chart With Fix Time Window / Widget.

  "title": "Time Series using Stream Example",
  "widget_type": "timeseries",
  "stream": "rda_microservice_traces",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "max_width": 12,
  "height": 3,
  "min_width": 12,
  "fixTimeWindow": true,
  "chartProperties": {
    "yAxisLabel": "Count",
    "xAxisLabel": null,
    "legendLocation": "bottom"
  "interval": "auto",
  "group_by": [
  "series_spec": [
      "column": "request_type",
      "agg": "value_count",
      "type": "int"
  "widget_id": "121762cf"


User Selected Duration


3.7.2 Line Graph / Timeseries Chart with Interval and Interval Type

Below is a sample configuration of Line Graph/Timeseries Chart with Interval and Interval Type

  "title": "Time Series (Calendar Interval month)",
  "widget_type": "timeseries",
  "stream": "covid19",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "width": 12,
  "height": 6,
  "chartProperties": {
    "yAxisLabel": "Confirmed Count",
    "xAxisLabel": "months",
    "legendLocation": "bottom"
  "interval": "month",
  "interval_type": "calendar",
  "series_spec": [
      "column": "Confirmed",
      "agg": "value_count",
      "type": "int"


3.7.3 Line Graph / Timeseries Chart with Gap Interval

Below is a sample configuration of Line Graph/Timeseries Chart with Gap Interval - Keep / Widget configuration

  "title": "Time Series (Gap Interval Keep)",
  "widget_type": "timeseries",
  "gap_interval": "keep",
  "stream": "covi19",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "max_width": 12,
  "height": 3,
  "min_width": 12,
  "chartProperties": {
    "yAxisLabel": "Count",
    "xAxisLabel": "Timestamp",
    "legendLocation": "bottom"
  "interval": "5m",
  "series_spec": [
      "column": "Confirmed",
      "agg": "sum",
      "type": "int"

Below is a sample configuration of Line Graph/Timeseries Chart with Gap Interval - Join / Widget configuration

  "title": "Time Series (Gap Interval Join)",
  "widget_type": "timeseries",
  "gap_interval": "join",
  "stream": "covi19",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "max_width": 12,
  "height": 3,
  "min_width": 12,
  "chartProperties": {
    "yAxisLabel": "Count",
    "xAxisLabel": "Timestamp",
    "legendLocation": "bottom"
  "interval": "5m",
  "series_spec": [
      "column": "Confirmed",
      "agg": "sum",
      "type": "int"

Below is a sample configuration of Line Graph/Timeseries Chart with Gap Interval - Skip / Widget configuration

  "title": "Time Series (Gap Interval Skip)",
  "widget_type": "timeseries",
  "gap_interval": "skip",
  "stream": "covi19",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "max_width": 12,
  "height": 3,
  "min_width": 12,
  "chartProperties": {
    "yAxisLabel": "Count",
    "xAxisLabel": "Timestamp",
    "legendLocation": "bottom"
  "interval": "5m",
  "series_spec": [
      "column": "Confirmed",
      "agg": "sum",
      "type": "int"

3.7.4 Line Graph / Timeseries Chart with Color Map

Below is a sample configuration of Line Graph/Timeseries Chart with Color Map / Widget configuration

  "title": "Time Series",
  "widget_type": "timeseries",
  "gap_interval": "keep",
  "stream": "people_custom_timestamp",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "width": 4,
  "height": 4,
  "chartProperties": {
    "yAxisLabel": "Count",
    "xAxisLabel": null,
    "legendLocation": "bottom"
  "interval": "24h",
  "series_spec": [
      "column": "name",
      "agg": "value_count",
      "type": "int"
  "group_by": "city",
  "style": {
    "color-map": {
      "Austin": [
      "Portland": [
      "San Francisco": [
      "Hyderabad": [


Color Map with Label

Below is a sample configuration of Line Graph Chart with Color Map with Label / Widget configuration

  "title": "Time Series (Color-map with label)",
  "widget_type": "timeseries",
  "gap_interval": "keep",
  "stream": "people_custom_timestamp",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "width": 4,
  "height": 4,
  "chartProperties": {
    "yAxisLabel": "Count",
    "xAxisLabel": null,
    "legendLocation": "bottom"
  "interval": "24h",
  "series_spec": [
      "column": "name",
      "agg": "value_count",
      "type": "int",
      "label": "City"
  "group_by": "city",
  "style": {
    "color-map": {
      "City (Portland)": [
      "City (San Francisco)": [
      "City (Hyderabad)": [
      "City (Austin)": [


3.7.5 Line Graph / Timeseries Chart with Alert Markers

Please refer the below configuration parameter table which are additionally used to configure a Line Graph/Timeseries Chart with Alert Markers within the dashboard.

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
alert_markers yes This parameter helps us to add markers in Time Series Graph
ts_column yes Specify the timestamp column name within the selected persistent stream. It is optional when dataset is used.
stream yes Specify the persistent stream
message_column yes This parameter will display a message when hovered on the graph, This parameter expects the message column to be displayed
extra_filter no This parameter is used to filter the data from from one or more selected field(s). It supports CFXQL query format
severity_column yes This parameter is used to specify the severity column for alert marker

Below is a sample configuration of Line Graph / Timeseries Chart with Alert Markers / Widget configuration

  "widget_type": "timeseries",
  "title": "Alert Trend",
  "stream": "oia-alerts-stream",
  "min_width": 9,
  "height": 3,
  "max_width": 9,
  "interval": "auto",
  "ts_column": "a_created_ts",
  "fixTimeWindow": true,
  "group_by": [
  "alert_markers": [{
    "stream": "oia-alerts-stream",
    "ts_column": "a_created_ts",
    "message_column": "a_message",
    "extra_filter": "a_severity is 'CRITICAL'",
    "severity_column": "a_severity"
  "series_spec": [
      "agg": "sum",
      "column": "count_",
      "type": "int",
      "label": "Alert Count"
  "chartProperties": {
    "yAxisLabel": "Alert Count",
    "xAxisLabel": null,
    "legendLocation": "right"


3.7.6 Line Graph / Timeseries Chart with Auto Intervals


This widget computes aggregation based on Time Range selected (Not based on Data Availability)

Below is a sample configuration of Line Graph / Timeseries Chart with Auto Intervals / Widget configuration

  "title": "Time Series using Stream Example",
  "widget_type": "timeseries",
  "stream": "company_alerts",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "max_width": 12,
  "height": 7,
  "min_width": 12,
  "chartProperties": {
    "yAxisLabel": "Count",
    "xAxisLabel": null,
    "legendLocation": "bottom"
  "fixTimeWindow": true,
  "interval": "auto",
  "series_spec": [
      "column": "count_",
      "agg": "sum",
      "type": "int"

3.7.7 Line Graph / Timeseries Chart with Full Timeseries Data

As the user drills down into specific timestamp ranges from the time series chart, the system should provide more granular data for enhanced visibility.

Type Description
Scenario 1 Default Setting By default, the interval is set to auto, and getDataOnZoom is set to true, allowing users to see more granular data as they zoom in on specific timestamp ranges.
Scenario 2 Fixed Data Points If getDataOnZoom is set to false, the user will only be able to zoom into the initially visible data, without gaining access to more granular details.

By default, the user will now see more granular data, and the interval is automatically set to auto if not explicitly defined.


When the interval is auto, getDataOnZoom is set to true.

Below is a sample configuration of Line Graph / Timeseries Chart with Full Timeseries Data for Scenario 1

  "title": "Time Series",
  "widget_type": "timeseries",
  "gap_interval": "keep",
  "stream": "test_gh",
  "ts_column": "time_value",
  "width": 6,
  "height": 6,
  "chartProperties": {
    "yAxisLabel": "Count",
    "xAxisLabel": null,
    "xAxisTickOrientation": "STAGGERED",
    "legendLocation": "right",
    "mode": "selection",
    "column-id": "timestamp",
    "options": {
      "axes": {
        "display": false
  "interval": "auto",
  "series_spec": [
      "column": "ID",
      "label": "ID",
      "agg": "value_count",
      "type": "int"
      "column": "Age",
      "label": "Age",
      "agg": "max",
      "type": "int"

Timeseries Fulldata 1

Timeseries Zoom

Timeseries Scenario

If getDataOnZoom is set to false, the user will not be able to see granular data and can only zoom into the data that was initially visible, with the same data points.

Below is a sample configuration of Line Graph / Timeseries Chart with Full Timeseries Data for Scenario 2

  "title": "Time Series -getDataOnZoom false",
  "widget_type": "timeseries",
  "gap_interval": "keep",
  "stream": "test_gh",
  "ts_column": "time_value",
  "width": 6,
  "height": 6,
  "chartProperties": {
    "getDataOnZoom": false,
    "yAxisLabel": "Count",
    "xAxisLabel": null,
    "xAxisTickOrientation": "STAGGERED",
    "legendLocation": "right",
    "mode": "selection",
    "column-id": "timestamp",
    "options": {
      "axes": {
        "display": false
  "series_spec": [
      "column": "ID",
      "label": "ID",
      "agg": "value_count",
      "type": "int"
      "column": "Age",
      "label": "Age",
      "agg": "max",
      "type": "int"
Timeseries Fulldata 1

Timeseries Zoom

Timeseries Scenario

3.7.8 Line Graph / Timeseries Chart with Sorting Abilities

The group_selection feature enables sorting and grouping of data, allowing users to organize and aggregate results efficiently. It offers options to limit the output and control the order of the displayed results, ensuring that the most relevant data is highlighted.

Below is a sample configuration of Line Graph / Timeseries Chart with Sorting Abilities/ Widget configuration

  "title": "Time Series asc",
  "widget_type": "timeseries",
  "stream": "people_custom_timestamp",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "width": 6,
  "height": 6,
  "chartProperties": {
    "yAxisLabel": "Count",
    "xAxisLabel": null,
    "legendLocation": "bottom"
  "interval": "30Min",
  "group_by": [
  "group_selection": {
    "column": "count_",
    "agg": "sum",
    "limit": 3,
    "orderby": "asc"
  "series_spec": [
      "column": "count_",
      "agg": "sum",
      "type": "int"
Timeseries Top N

3.8 Data Flow Chart

Please refer the below configuration parameter table which are used to configure a Data flow chart within the dashboard.

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
title yes Specify the label for the Data Flow chart.
widget_type yes Specify the chart / widget type. i.e. dataflow,eventflow
chart properties yes chartProperties defines the representation of data using Yaxis, Xaxis & Various other Combinations like zooming,color etc...
stream no Specify the persistent stream. Note: Either of persistent stream or dataset parameter is needed.
dataset no Specify the dataset name. Note: Either of persistent stream or dataset parameter is needed
max_width no Specify the chart / widget's maximum width size, range is 0 to 12.
min_Width no Specify the timestamp column name within the selected persistent stream or dataset.
height no Specify the chart / widget's height, range is 0 to n.
formatter no Formats integer values as K for thousands, M for Millions. If the input value is already a counted as thousands, optional value multiplier can be specified.
extra_filter no se this parameter to filter the data from from one or more selected field(s). It supports CFXQL query format.
ts_column yes Specify the timestamp column name within the selected persistent stream. It is optional when dataset is used.
duration_hours no This parameter specifies how many hours in the past should the data be fetched. If time_filter is set to true, time filter will override this value.
group_by yes Splitting and defining reports which are identical and showing them categorically
column yes Name of the column in the data that contains numerical data to perform aggregations
agg yes Specify the aggregation function. Supported values are value_count (shows total count) and cardinality (shows unique count)
type yes Specify the data type while performing aggregation function. Supported values are int and str. int option is valid only for min, max, sum, mean aggregation functions.
widget_id no Every widget will be represented with Unique id at the end, Its Autogenerated if not provided

Below is the sample of Data Flow Chart / Widget configuration.

  "title": "Event Flow Graph",
  "widget_type": "dataflow",
  "chartProperties": {
    "layoutDirection": "tb",
    "userZoomingEnabled": false,
    "hasToolbar": false
  "output": {
    "formatter": "DescriptiveCountFormatter",
    "stream": "dli-log-stats",
    "extra_filter": "mode is 'processed' and device not in ['ERROR','INFO','WARNING']",
    "ts_column": "timestamp",
    "duration_hours": 720,
    "group_by": [
    "column": "count",
    "agg": "sum",
    "type": "int"
  "input": {
    "formatter": "DescriptiveCountFormatter",
    "stream": "dli-log-stats",
    "extra_filter": "mode is 'ingested' and device not in ['ERROR','INFO','WARNING']",
    "ts_column": "timestamp",
    "duration_hours": 720,
    "group_by": [
    "column": "count",
    "agg": "sum",
    "type": "int",
    "widget_id": "da16c98b"
  "widget_id": "66b927bc"


3.9 Image Chart

Image widget can show any image that is accessible through a URL.

Please refer the below configuration parameter table which are used to configure an Image chart / widget within the dashboard.

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
title yes Specify the label for the Image chart
widget_type yes Specify the chart / widget type. i.e. image
max_width no Specify the chart / widget's maximum width size, range is 0 to 12.
min_width no Specify the timestamp column name within the selected persistent stream or dataset.
imageUrl yes Specify the url of the image thats needs to be represented in the chart
widget_id no Every widget will be represented with Unique id at the end, Its Autogenerated if not provided

Below is a sample configuration of Image Chart / Widget.

  "title": "Ocean",
  "widget_type": "image",
  "max_width": 6,
  "min_width": 4,
  "height": 6,
  "imageUrl": "",
  "widget_id": "6e8df419"

3.10 3-Column Navigator

A 3 column navigator is a type of website or application layout where the screen is divided into three vertical sections or columns.

Please refer the below configuration parameter table which are used to configure 3-Column Navigator within the dashboard.

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
tree_data yes It is the first visible column among 3-column navigator. Mandatory parameters are column_name & pstream_name
tree_details yes It is the second visible column among the 3-column navigator. Mandatory parameters are display_column& pstream_name
showNodeIcon no It is used to pass the icons beside tree data
showSearchBox no It is used to pass the search within tree details


Any widget part of dashboard section will be visible as third column in the 3-column navigator.

Below is the sample configuration of 3-Column Navigator.

  "name": "navigator",
  "label": "Navigator",
  "description": "Navigator",
  "enabled": true,
  "dashboard_style": "auto",
  "dashboard_type": "template",
  "short_label": "Stack",
  "context_label_id": "stack_name",
  "dashboard_folder": "Default",
  "version": "",
  "dashboard_filters": {
    "time_filter": true,
    "default_time_filter_labels": [
      "Last 1 month"
  "template_variables": {
    "CITY": {
      "contextId": [
    "NAME": {
      "contextId": [
  "navigation_dashboards": {
    "tree_data": {
      "column_name": "city",
      "pstream_name": "main",
      "cfxql_query": "timestamp is after -720d "
    "tree_detail": {
      "display_column": "name",
      "pstream_name": "main",
      "cfxql_query": "timestamp is after -720d "
    "showNodeIcon": false,
    "showSearchBox": true
  "dashboard_sections": [
      "title": "Node Details",
      "widgets": [
          "title": "Details",
          "widget_type": "tabular",
          "extra_filter": "(name is '{{NAME}}') and (city is '{{CITY}}')",
          "stream": "main",
          "max_width": 12,
          "height": 8,
          "min_width": 12,
          "widget_id": "cc9a9626"
  "saved_time": "2023-11-02T08:25:25.205071"


3.11 Shaded Chart

Please refer the below configuration parameter table which are used to configure Shaded Chart / widget within the dashboard.


This chart/widget is only specific to Machine Learning Data & not for Generic Use

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
title yes Specify the label for the Shaded Chart.
widget_type yes Specify the chart / widget type. i.e. shaded_chart_multisource
stream yes Specify the persistent stream
chart properties yes chartProperties defines the representation of data using Yaxis, Xaxis & Various other Combinations like zooming,color etc...
downsample no if set to true chart will downsample the number of datapoints maintaining overall pattern of data else plot entire data
baseline_column yes column name representing actual data
anomalies_column yes column name representing anomaly values
predicted_column yes column name representing predicted values by the model
predicted_anomalies yes column name representing predicted anomaly values by the model
upperBound_column yes column name representing upper bound values
lowerBound_column yes column name representing lower bound values
show-markers no if set to true charts will show an yellow vertical line which denotes Prediction start time
type yes This attribute accepts two types of data train&predict train: refers to historical trained data source & predict: refers to live data source that contains live data and live anomalies
ts_column yes Specify the timestamp column name within the selected persistent stream. It is optional when dataset is used.

Below is a sample configuration of Shaded Chart / Widget.

  "widget_type": "shaded_chart_multisource",
  "title": "Forecasting and Anomaly Detection",
  "show-markers": true,
  "max_width": 12,
  "min_width": 12,
  "height": 8,
  "chartProperties": {
    "yAxisLabel": "Value",
    "xAxisLabel": "Time"
  "sources": [
      "type": "train",
      "downsample": false,
      "stream": "regression-train-output",
      "ts_column": "timestamp",
      "baseline_column": "baseline",
      "anomalies_column": "anomalies",
      "predicted_column": "predicted",
      "predicted_anomalies": "predicted_anomalies",
      "upperBound_column": "upperBound",
      "lowerBound_column": "lowerBound",
      "duration_hours": 1000000,
      "synchronized-group": 0
      "type": "predict",
      "downsample": false,
      "stream": "regression-live-output",
      "ts_column": "live_timestamp",
      "baseline_column": "baseline",
      "anomalies_column": "anomaly",
      "predicted_column": "predicted",
      "predicted_anomalies": "predicted_anomalies",
      "upperBound_column": "upperBound",
      "lowerBound_column": "lowerBound",
      "duration_hours": 1000000,
      "synchronized-group": 0
  "widget_id": "7a134625"

  "widget_type": "shaded_chart_multisource",
  "title": "Forecasting and Anomaly Detection (Memory Usage -",
  "show-markers": true,
  "max_width": 12,
  "min_width": 12,
  "height": 8,
  "chartProperties": {
    "yAxisLabel": "Memory Usage (bytes)",
    "xAxisLabel": "Time"
  "sources": [
      "type": "train",
      "downsample": false,
      "stream": "regression-train-output",
      "extra_filter": "status is 'Success'",
      "ts_column": "timestamp",
      "baseline_column": "baseline",
      "anomalies_column": "anomalies",
      "predicted_column": "predicted",
      "predicted_anomalies": "predicted_anomalies",
      "upperBound_column": "upperBound",
      "lowerBound_column": "lowerBound",
      "duration_hours": 1000000,
      "synchronized-group": 0
      "type": "predict",
      "downsample": false,
      "stream": "regression-live-output",
      "extra_filter": "status is 'Success'",
      "ts_column": "live_timestamp",
      "baseline_column": "baseline",
      "anomalies_column": "anomaly",
      "predicted_column": "predicted",
      "predicted_anomalies": "predicted_anomalies",
      "upperBound_column": "upperBound",
      "lowerBound_column": "lowerBound",
      "duration_hours": 1000000,
      "synchronized-group": 0
  "widget_id": "7a134625"


3.12 Label Chart

This widget can be used as a label Chart inside the dashboard section.

Please refer the below configuration parameter table which are used to configure Label Chart widget within the dashboard.

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
label yes Specify the content in the html format ex.heading in <h1> to <h6>
widget_type yes Specify the widget_type as label
  "widget_type": "label",
  "label": "<div style='text-align:center;width:100%;'><h1><a style='text-decoration:none;color:#0066ff;' target='_blank'> Welcome to RDAF Community </a></h1></div>"


  "widget_type": "label",
  "min_width": 4,
  "height": 3,
  "max_width": 4,
  "sorting": [
      "endTime": "desc"
  "label": "{% set all_latest_data = {} %}\r\n{% for latest in latest_end_time %}\r\n    {% set last_updated_time = latest.get(\"label\") %}\r\n    {% set _ = all_latest_data.update({ \"latest\": last_updated_time }) or \"\" %}\r\n{% endfor %}\r\n\r\n<br><br> <center><h4> Last Collected at </h4></center><br><center><h3>{{all_latest_data.get(\"latest\")}}</h3></center>",
  "segments": [
      "stream": "main",
      "variable": "latest_end_time",
      "ts_column": "timestamp",
      "agg": "value_count",
      "group_by": "endTime",
      "column": "city"


3.13 Connectivity Chart

The objective is to create a connected graph illustrating the interrelationships among various columns. Upon mouseover, additional details should be displayed. Clicking or hovering should highlight both incoming and outgoing links. In the case of numerous columns, a horizontal scroll bar should be available for navigation.


This is not network connectivity or topology.

Please refer the below configuration parameter table which are used to configure Connectivity Chart

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
title yes Specify the label for the Connectivity Chart.
widget_type yes Specify the chart / widget type. i.e. connectivity_chart
stream no Specify the persistent stream.
columns yes Specify one or more columns / fields to be shown in the Connectivity Chart. This parameter expects group_by,limit(default is 10),label& color-map. Here limit,color-map is optional
agg yes Specify the aggregation function. Supported values are sum, min and max
agg_column yes Specify the column name that has the values to apply aggregate function on.
min_width no Specify the chart / widget's minimum width size, range is 0 to 12.
height no Specify the chart / widget's height, range is 0 to n.
max_width no Specify the chart / widget's maximum width size, range is 0 to 12.
ts_column yes Specify the timestamp column name within the selected persistent stream.
widget_id no Every widget will be represented with Unique id at the end, Its Autogenerated if not provided
extra_filter no Use this parameter to filter the data from from one or more selected field(s). It supports CFXQL query format.

  "widget_type": "connectivity_chart",
  "title": "People",
  "stream": "main",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "min_width": 12,
  "max_width": 12,
  "height": 8,
  "agg": "sum",
  "agg_column": "count_",
  "columns": [
      "group_by": "city",
      "label": "For City",
      "color-map": {
        "Portland": [
        "San Francisco": [
        "Austin": [
        "Hyderabad": [
      "group_by": "name",
      "label": "For Name",
      "color-map": {
        "James": [
      "group_by": "age",
      "label": "For Age"
      "group_by": "donation",
      "label": "For Donation"

3.14 Markdown

This Widget will parse Markdown text and display it as an HTML-like view. This functionality is intended to facilitate the presentation of documentation . The widget should specifically support Markdown content sourced from rda_object(Object Store from artifacts) for integration within the dashboard. This feature will enhance the user experience by providing neatly formatted documentation within the Dashboard interface.


Step-1: Go to Main Menu --> Configuration --> RDA Administration --> Object Store

Step-2: Click on Upload to update rda object.

Please refer the below configuration parameter table which are used to configure Markdown Widget

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
widget_type yes markdown
folder yes Folder name defined in rda_object(Object Store from artifacts)
objectName yes Object name defined in rda_object(Object Store from artifacts)

Below is a sample configuration of Markdown / Widget.

"widget_type": "markdown",
"folder": "markdown_syntax",
"objectName": "markdown"

3.15 Features

3.15.1 Library

By using a library, Once a widget is specified it can be called any number of times. Any dashboard can be a widget library and can import widgets from any library. This approach helps users to reduce the time spent creating the same widget multiple times in various dashboards.

Please refer the below configuration parameter table which are used to configure Library within the dashboard.

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
name yes Specify name of the Dashboard which need to be added as a page.
label yes Specify the label for Dashboard page.
title yes Specify the title
stream no Specify the persistent stream. Note: Either of persistent stream or dataset parameter is needed.
library yes Any Dashboard can be a widget library. Note: Any other dashboard can import any widget from any library
import no from (the library dashboard name) and as (rename that dashboard temporary as) ex.from: "covi-library-1", as: "lib1"
extends yes will get the name of library within the definition or from other dashboard ex. "extends": "self:covi_count" / "extends": "lib1:covi_counter" Note: self is used when we call the library within the definition & name of the library if its imported

Library Defined

Below is a sample configuration of Library / Widget.

  "name": "covi-library-1",
  "label": "Test Library for Sample Widgets",
  "enabled": "false",
  "description": "Sample library",
  "library": {
    "widgets": {
      "covi_counter": {
        "title": "Deaths",
        "min_width": 6,
        "height": 4,
        "max_width": 6,
        "widget_type": "custom_counter",
        "formatter": "DescriptiveCountFormatter",
        "stream": "covid19",
        "ts_column": "timestamp",
        "duration_hours": 9600,
        "sparkline": {
          "interval": "360h"
        "style": {
          "color-list": [
        "column": "Deaths",
        "agg": "sum"


Library Being Called from the above Definition

Below is a sample configuration of Library Being Called from the above Definition / Widget.

  "name": "covi-library-2",
  "label": "Library Widget Covid",
  "description": "Covid data",
  "enabled": "false",
  "dashboard_type": "dashboard",
  "dashboard_folder": "Default",
  "import": [
      "from": "covi-library-1",
      "as": "lib1"
  "dashboard_sections": [
      "title": "SECTION 1",
      "show_filter": true,
      "widgets": [
          "extends": "self:covi_count",
          "widget_id": "e1201b84"
          "extends": "lib1:covi_counter",
          "widget_id": "c3ac1d59"
  "library": {
    "widgets": {
      "covi_count": {
        "title": "Confirmed",
        "min_width": 6,
        "height": 4,
        "max_width": 6,
        "widget_type": "custom_counter",
        "formatter": "DescriptiveCountFormatter",
        "stream": "covid19",
        "ts_column": "timestamp",
        "duration_hours": 8990,
        "sparkline": {
          "interval": "360h"
        "style": {
          "color-list": [
        "column": "Confirmed",
        "agg": "sum"


3.15.2 Stream Query Mapping

This feature enables to mix and match data from different PStreams into a single Dashboard.

Even though you can already do that today, when filters are applied, usually it breaks several widgets to avoid it we have introduced the new feature which helps break free connectivity within the dashboard

Please refer the below configuration parameter table which are used to configure Stream Query Mapping

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
stream yes Name of the stream which needs to be passed


When specifying a replacement column, both columns must be of same type

Below is a sample configuration of Stream Query Mapping / Widget

"stream_query_mapping": {
        "oia-incidents-stream": {
            "timestamp": "i_created_ts",
            "a_severity": null
        "oia-alerts-stream": {
            "timestamp": "a_created_ts",
            "i_priority_label": null


By adding above section to any dashboard, it will alter queries sent to OpenSearch based which stream it is querying. If filter contains column "timestamp", replace it with i_created_ts If the filter contains a_severity column skip that specific filter in the query (rest of the conditions will still apply)

  "name": "oia-trends----rv",
  "label": "Trends",
  "description": "Trends",
  "version": "23.8.9",
  "enabled": true,
  "debug": true,
  "dashboard_style": "auto",
  "dashboard_type": "template",
  "stream_query_mapping": {
    "oia-incidents-stream": {
      "timestamp": "i_created_ts",
      "a_severity": null
    "oia-alerts-stream": {
      "timestamp": "a_created_ts",
      "i_priority_label": null
  "dashboard_filters": {
    "time_filter": true,
    "default_time_filter_non_removable": true,
    "show_default_time_filter": true,
    "additional_datetime_column_filters": [
        "id": "timestamp",
        "label": "Timestamp"
    "default_time_filter_labels": [
      "Last 24 hours"
    "group_filters": [
        "stream": "oia-alerts-stream",
        "title": "Source",
        "group_by": [
        "ts_column": "a_updated_ts",
        "agg": "value_count",
        "column": "a_id",
        "type": "str"
  "dashboard_sections": [
      "title": "Trends",
      "show_filter": true,
      "widgets": [
          "widget_type": "timeseries",
          "title": "Alert Trend",
          "stream": "oia-alerts-stream",
          "min_width": 9,
          "height": 3,
          "max_width": 9,
          "interval": "auto",
          "ts_column": "a_created_ts",
          "fixTimeWindow": true,
          "group_by": [
          "alert_markers": [{
            "stream": "oia-incidents-stream",
            "ts_column": "i_created_ts",
            "message_column": "i_summary",
            "extra_filter": "i_priority_label is 'Critical'",
            "severity_column": "i_priority_label"
          "series_spec": [
              "agg": "sum",
              "column": "count_",
              "type": "int",
              "label": "Alert Count"
          "chartProperties": {
            "yAxisLabel": "Alert Count",
            "xAxisLabel": null,
            "legendLocation": "right",
            "options": {
              "elements": {
                "line": {
                  "borderWidth": 1
                "point": {
                  "radius": 0,
                  "hitRadius": 3,
                  "hoverRadius": 2
          "widget_id": "e146eb95"
          "widget_type": "timeseries multi markers",
          "title": "Incident Trend",
          "stream": "oia-incidents-stream",
          "min_width": 9,
          "height": 3,
          "max_width": 9,
          "interval": "auto",
          "ts_column": "timestamp",
          "fixTimeWindow": true,
          "group_by": [
          "alert_markers": [
              "stream": "oia-alerts-stream",
              "ts_column": "timestamp",
              "message_column": "a_message",
              "extra_filter": "a_severity is 'CRITICAL'",
              "severity_column": "a_severity"
          "series_spec": [
              "agg": "sum",
              "column": "count_",
              "type": "int",
              "label": "Incident Count"
          "chartProperties": {
            "yAxisLabel": "Incident Count",
            "xAxisLabel": null,
            "legendLocation": "right",
            "options": {
              "elements": {
                "line": {
                  "borderWidth": 1
                "point": {
                  "radius": 0,
                  "hitRadius": 3,
                  "hoverRadius": 2
          "widget_id": "17004a8e"
  "saved_time": "2023-12-13T04:47:16.762883"

3.15.3 Generating Dashboard using Pstream

This feature enables the user to take data and load a dashboard from the stream specified in less time.

Using RDA Portal

Step-1: Login into RDA Fabric platform as a MSP Admin user.

Step-2: Go to Main Menu --> Configuration --> RDA Administration --> Persistent Stream

Step-3: Click on Menu button from the stream name and click Generate Dashboard.


Step-4: Fill the Dashboard label and Dashboard folder, change the dashboard name if required.

Step-5: Need to select Publish Dashboard option to publish the generated dashboard. If the dashboard with name already exists you can select Overwrite Existing Dashboard option to overwrite existing dashboard


Using Command

Login to ssh session, run the below command

rdac dashboard generate --stream STREAM –name NAME –publish

rdac dashboard generate --stream covi19 --name dya_covi --publish
The above mentioned command gives the following output


3.15.4 UI Menus

UI Menus

UI Menu -> Add Menu Folder

After Clicking on Add Folder option from “Top Level” we will get a floating tab to add the label of parent folder, Add the name of the folder and icon name as desired and click on Add

Once we add them click on save


Create a child folder

Click on the Menu Folder -> add Child Folder -> click on Add



Once Menu is saved successfully. Refresh browser to reflect changes.

Now Assign a dashboard to the saved UI menus

Assigning a dashboard


Select Menu Where Dashboard will show up


Once we Click on Save, Dashboard association to menu will be saved successfully. Now refresh browser to reflect changes.


Re-ordering by Weight

To re-arrange the folder level by ordering the menu order (Set bigger number to position lower)


Menu order is set to 1 for Open Search Based OIA Alerts


Menu order is set to 5 for OIA Alert Group View details


Unassign Dashboard from Menu

To Remove the UI menu associated with a particular dashboard, we can unassign them by following the below methods

3.15.5 Template Variable

A template variable is a placeholder for a value that will be filled in at runtime. It is often used in report definition, where it allows functions and classes to operate with generic types. This allows a function or class to be written once and then be used with various data types without being rewritten for each one. The template variable is specified in the function or class definition and then the actual data type is provided when the function or class is used.

Below is the sample configuration of Template Variable.

"template_variables": {
  "CITY": {
    "contextId": [
  "NAME": {
    "contextId": [


Template Variable should be passed only when dashboard type is set to Template

  "title": "Details",
  "widget_type": "tabular",
  "extra_filter": "(name is '{{NAME}}') and (city is '{{CITY}}')",
  "stream": "main",
  "max_width": 12,
  "height": 8,
  "min_width": 12,
  "widget_id": "cc9a9626"

3.15.6 Dynamic Forms

With this feature, we can make forms and actions right within the dashboard. An example usage of this is to provide Add, Edit, Delete operations on a tabular view. When user uses the form, it updates the stream or runs a pipeline, or both. We can line up actions when the form is submitted, and they happen one after the other.

Please refer the below configuration parameter table which are used to configure Dynamic Forms within the dashboard.

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
type yes Supported values are UPDATE_PSTREAM & RUN_PIPELINE
pstreamName yes This will update the Pstream directly
operation yes By default Value is ADD Other supported values are UPDATE & DELETE
cfxql_query no Need to specify when operation is UPDATE & DELETE
pipelineName yes This will trigger the specified pipeline
isSync no Runs pipeline in the background if isSync is False. Otherwise, it waits for the pipeline to be completed before going to the next action


cfxql_query, operation and pstreamName are applicable only if type is UPDATE_PSTREAM and isSync and pipelineName are applicable only if type is RUN_PIPELINE

"pstreamName": "main",
"operation": "UPDATE",
"cfxql_query": "_RDA_Id is '{{_RDA_Id}}'"
"type": "RUN_PIPELINE",
"pipelineName": "simple_pipeline",
"isSync": true

The pipeline used in the below example is simple_pipeline, It will get the input from the dashboard to the temp-dataset

The content of the pipeline is as below.

→ @exec:get-input
→ @dm:save name=”temp-dataset”

Below is a sample configuration which performs actions using Dynamic Forms.

  "name": "Dynamic forms",
  "label": "Dynamic forms",
  "is_template": false,
  "description": "Dynamic forms",
  "version": "",
  "enabled": true,
  "dashboard_type": "dashboard",
  "dashboard_folder": "Default",
  "dashboard_style": "auto",
  "stream": "main",
  "dashboard_sections": [
      "title": "Student App",
      "widgets": [
          "title": "Registration Details",
          "widget_type": "tabular",
          "stream": "main",
          "timebased": false,
          "remote_searchable": true,
          "ts_column": "timestamp",
          "paginated": true,
          "height": 10,
          "min_wdith": 12,
          "columns": {
            "name": {
              "title": "Name",
              "key": true
            "city": {
              "title": "City",
              "key": true
            "age": {
              "title": "Age",
              "key": true
            "Month": {
              "title": "Month",
              "key": true
            "donations": {
              "title": "Donations",
              "key": true
            "_RDA_Id": {
              "title": "RDA ID",
              "key": true,
              "visible": false
          "actions": [
              "permission": "rda:github:view",
              "title": "Onboard Details",
              "type": "POPUP_FORM",
              "selectionType": "NONE",
              "identifier": "saas-service-action:userdashboard-add-yaml",
              "api-endpoint": {
                "service-name": "saas-reports",
                "methodName": "getForm",
                "stringified-params": true,
                "parse-output": false,
                "params": [
                    "formId": "rda.saas.dynamic.form",
                    "formDefinition": {
                      "id": "rda.saas.dynamic.form",
                      "refreshRequired": true,
                      "formFieldList": [
                          "help": "User Name",
                          "dataType": "string",
                          "controlType": "TEXT_FIELD",
                          "required": true,
                          "editable": true,
                          "label": "User Name",
                          "hidden": false,
                          "fieldId": "name"
                          "help": "City Name",
                          "dataType": "string",
                          "controlType": "TEXT_FIELD",
                          "required": true,
                          "editable": true,
                          "label": "City Name",
                          "hidden": false,
                          "fieldId": "city"
                          "help": "Age",
                          "required": false,
                          "editable": true,
                          "label": "Age",
                          "hidden": false,
                          "fieldId": "age",
                          "dataType": "INT",
                          "controlType": "INT",
                          "defaultValue": false
                          "help": "Month",
                          "required": false,
                          "editable": true,
                          "label": "Month",
                          "hidden": false,
                          "fieldId": "Month",
                          "dataType": "string",
                          "controlType": "TEXT_FIELD",
                          "defaultValue": false
                          "help": "Donations",
                          "required": false,
                          "editable": true,
                          "label": "Donations",
                          "hidden": false,
                          "fieldId": "donations",
                          "dataType": "INT",
                          "controlType": "INT",
                          "defaultValue": false
                    "actions": [
                        "type": "UPDATE_PSTREAM",
                        "pstreamName": "main"
                        "type": "RUN_PIPELINE",
                        "pipelineName": "simple_pipeline",
                        "isSync": true
              "permission": "rda:github:view",
              "title": "Edit User",
              "type": "POPUP_FORM",
              "selectionType": "SINGLE",
              "identifier": "saas-service-action:userdashboard-add-yaml",
              "api-endpoint": {
                "service-name": "saas-reports",
                "methodName": "getForm",
                "stringified-params": true,
                "parse-output": false,
                "params": [
                    "formId": "rda.saas.dynamic.form",
                    "formDefinition": {
                      "id": "rda.saas.dynamic.form",
                      "refreshRequired": true,
                      "formFieldList": [
                          "help": "User Name",
                          "dataType": "string",
                          "controlType": "TEXT_FIELD",
                          "required": true,
                          "editable": true,
                          "label": "User Name",
                          "hidden": false,
                          "fieldId": "name"
                          "help": "City Name",
                          "dataType": "string",
                          "controlType": "TEXT_FIELD",
                          "required": true,
                          "editable": true,
                          "label": "City Name",
                          "hidden": false,
                          "fieldId": "city"
                          "help": "Age",
                          "required": false,
                          "editable": true,
                          "label": "Age",
                          "hidden": false,
                          "fieldId": "age",
                          "dataType": "INT",
                          "controlType": "INT",
                          "defaultValue": false
                          "help": "Month",
                          "required": false,
                          "editable": true,
                          "label": "Month",
                          "hidden": false,
                          "fieldId": "Month",
                          "dataType": "string",
                          "controlType": "TEXT_FIELD",
                          "defaultValue": false
                          "help": "Donations",
                          "required": false,
                          "editable": true,
                          "label": "Donations",
                          "hidden": false,
                          "fieldId": "donations",
                          "dataType": "INT",
                          "controlType": "INT",
                          "defaultValue": false
                    "actions": [
                        "type": "UPDATE_PSTREAM",
                        "pstreamName": "main",
                        "operation": "UPDATE",
                        "cfxql_query": "_RDA_Id is '{{_RDA_Id}}'"
                        "type": "RUN_PIPELINE",
                        "pipelineName": "simple_pipeline",
                        "isSync": true
              "permission": "rda:github:view",
              "title": "Delete User",
              "type": "POPUP_FORM",
              "selectionType": "SINGLE",
              "identifier": "saas-service-action:userdashboard-add-yaml",
              "api-endpoint": {
                "service-name": "saas-reports",
                "methodName": "getForm",
                "stringified-params": true,
                "parse-output": false,
                "params": [
                    "formId": "rda.saas.dynamic.form",
                    "formActionList": {
                      "formActions": [
                          "identifier": "Submit",
                          "actionLabel": "Delete"
                    "formDefinition": {
                      "id": "rda.saas.dynamic.form",
                      "refreshRequired": true,
                      "formFieldList": [
                          "help": "Do you want to delete the onboarded User?",
                          "dataType": "string",
                          "controlType": "LABEL",
                          "required": false,
                          "editable": false,
                          "label": "Do you want to delete the onboarded User?",
                          "hidden": false,
                          "fieldId": "name"
                    "actions": [
                        "type": "UPDATE_PSTREAM",
                        "pstreamName": "main",
                        "operation": "DELETE",
                        "cfxql_query": "_RDA_Id is '{{_RDA_Id}}'"
                        "type": "RUN_PIPELINE",
                        "pipelineName": "simple_pipeline",
                        "isSync": true


As shown in the screenshot below, we've used operations like 'ADD' for 'Onboard Details', 'UPDATE' for 'Edit User', and 'DELETE' for 'Delete User' which are highlighted in the above Configuration.


3.15.7 Multi Widget Support

This feature empowers users to organize multiple widgets within a dashboard layout by specifying their grouping or location. For example, assigning the widget_group as "group1" consolidates all widgets into one layout, while setting it as "group2" accomplishes the same for another distinct set of widgets, continuing similarly for additional groups as needed.

Please refer the below configuration parameter table which are used to configure Multi Widget Support within the dashboard.

Parameter Name
Mandatory Description
widget_group No Name of the group were it belongs

Below is a sample configuration for Multi Widget Support.

  "widget_group": "group",
  "min_width": 6,
  "height": 8,
  "max_width": 12,
  "widget_type": "pie_chart",
  "title": "Widget 1",
  "stream": "rdaf_services_logs",
  "extra_filter": "log_severity in ['ERROR', 'DEBUG', 'INFO']",
  "ts_column": "timestamp",
  "column": "_id",
  "agg": "value_count",
  "group_by": [
  "type": "str"
  "name": "Multi_support",
  "label": "Multi Support Widget",
  "description": "GH_2745",
  "version": "",
  "enabled": true,
  "dashboard_type": "dashboard",
  "dashboard_filters": {
    "time_filter": true
  "dashboard_folder": "Default",
  "dashboard_sections": [
      "title": "Student App",
      "show_filter": true,
      "widgets": [
          "widget_group": "group2",
          "title": "Student city",
          "widget_type": "pie_chart",
          "stream": "main",
          "column": "count_",
          "min_width": 6,
          "group_by": [
          "type": "int",
          "agg": "value_count",
          "ts_column": "timestamp"
          "widget_group": "group2",
          "title": "Student name",
          "widget_type": "counter",
          "stream": "main",
          "column": "count_",
          "min_width": 6,
          "group_by": [
          "type": "int",
          "agg": "value_count",
          "ts_column": "timestamp"
          "title": "Student donation",
          "label": "Donation",
          "widget_group": "group1",
          "widget_type": "bar_chart",
          "min_width": 6,
          "stream": "main",
          "column": "count_",
          "group_by": [
          "type": "int",
          "agg": "value_count",
          "ts_column": "timestamp"


Multiwidget Student Name

3.15.8 Context Enrichment

Context enrichment involves adding additional data to the current dashboard context by querying a dataset or a PStream. This query uses current context variables to retrieve more attributes and update the existing context. This feature also enables developers to integrate data from various streams or datasets during dashboard loading time. Combined with other new features, it even allows for the dynamic usage of different dashboards based on runtime conditions or context variable values.


This enrichment is supported exclusively in App-Type Dashboards.

Enriching from a Dataset

Below is a sample configuration for Enriching from a Dataset

"context_enrichment": {
    # Mandatory
    "dataset": "name-of-dataset",

    # mandatory. 
    # Substitues current context variables in query and then 
    # applies filter on data
    "query_template": "projectId = '$project_id'", 

    # Mandatory. if query matches, add these variables from the dataset 
    # into current context
    "enrich_columns": [ "bpaURL", "accedianURL" ], 

    # Optional. If specified, and if the query does not result any rows
    # add following defaultValues into context
    "defaultValues": {},

    # This context enrichment would be done only the context_filter matches
    # if the context_filter is not specified, enrichment is always performed
    "context_filter": "vendorOS contains 'Juniper'"

Enriching from a Stream

Below is a sample configuration for Enriching from a Stream

"context_enrichment": {
    # Mandatory
    "stream": "name-of-stream", 

    # mandatory. 
    # Substitues current context variables in query and then 
    # applies filter on stream
    "query_template": "projectId = '$project_id'", 

    # Mandatory. if query matches, add these variables from the stream 
    # into current context
    "enrich_columns": [ "bpaURL", "accedianURL" ], 

    # Optional. If specified, and if the query does not result any rows
    # add following defaultValues into context
    "defaultValues": {},

    # Optional
    # specifies sorting crtitea (in case query matches more than 1 row)
    # allows to sort specific and get the only first row
    "sorting": [ { "timestamp": "desc" } ],

    # This context enrichment would be done only the context_filter matches
    # if the context_filter is not specified, enrichment is always performed
    "context_filter": "vendorOS contains 'Juniper'"

"context_enrichment": {
        "dataset": "sample_dataset",
        "enrich_columns": [
        "query_template": "ID = '$ID' and cust_id ='$cust_id' ",
        "defaultValues": {}
Context Enrichment

3.15.9 Conditional Page Inclusion

This allows App level Dashboard pages to be included only if it matches a condition based on context variables, this enrichment is also supported to widgets and dashboard section so that user can see the content based on the context they are trying to filter in context

Conditional Dashboard Pages

Below is a sample configuration for Conditional Dashboard Pages

"dashboard_pages": [
      "name": "juniper_device_metrics",
      "label": "Metrics",
      "icon": "license.svg",
      "context_filter": "vendorOS contains 'Juniper'"
      "name": "cisco_device_metrics",
      "label": "Metrics",
      "icon": "license.svg",
      "context_filter": "vendorOS contains 'Cisco'"
      "name": "generic_device_metrics",
      "label": "Metrics",
      "icon": "license.svg",
      "context_filter": "vendorOS not conatains 'Juniper' and vendorOS not conatains 'Cisco'"

Conditional Dashboard Section

Below is a sample configuration for Conditional Dashboard Section

    "name": "animal",
    "label": "day1_01",
    "description": "animal: Insights",
    "dashboard_folder": "day1",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "enabled": false,
    "stream": "animal",
    "dashboard_type": "dashboard",
    "live_edit": true,
    "dashboard_filters": {
        "time_filter": true,
        "default_time_filter_labels": [
            "Last 12 months"
    "dashboard_sections": [
            "title": "day1_01",
            "show_filter": true,
            "context_filter":"week contains 'monday'",
            "widgets": []

Conditional Dashboard Widgets

Below is a sample configuration for Conditional Dashboard Widgets

  "widget_type": "pie_chart",
  "context_filter":"week contains 'monday'",
  "title": "Week",
  "duration_hours": 1080,
  "stream": "animal",
  "ts_column": "time_value",
  "extra_filter": null,
  "column": "count_",
  "agg": "sum",
  "group_by": [
  "type": "int",
  "min_width": 3,
  "height": 3,
  "max_width": 6  

3.15.10 Substituting Context Variables in Dashboard Page Attributes

This feature will let the user pick the specified column to launch the URL

The below sample dataset that can be used for creating Variable URL fields

Below is the sample configuration for Substituting Context Variables under Dashboard Pages Attributes of app type of dashboard


User needs to have a column which has the links, and user needs to use the same column under launchURL attributes where user wants the app to redirect to the same URL.

"dashboard_pages": [
    "name": "URL_Link_1",
    "label": "End Visibility",
    "template_attrs": [
    "icon": "insights.svg",
    "launchURL": "$url1",
    "context_filter": "url1 is not null"
    "name": "URL_Link_2",
    "label": "Config Orchestration",
    "icon": "insights.svg",
    "template_attrs": [
    "launchURL": "$url2",
    "context_filter": "url2 is not null"

3.15.11 UI Display Dashboard Title

This feature will let the user add the dashboard label as header

Below is a sample configuration to enable the Dashboard Title

    "name": "documentation",
    "label": "Multi Support Widget",
    "description": "Multi Support Widget",
    "showTitle": true,
    "version": "",
    "enabled": true,
    "live_edit": true,
    "status_poller": {},
    "dashboard_filters": {
        "time_filter": true,
        "columns_filter": [],
        "group_filters": []
    "dashboard_sections": [],
    "dashboard_type": "dashboard",
    "dashboard_pages": [],
    "dashboard_folder": "Default"

Show Title

3.15.12 Live Edit

This support lets users Edit dashboard definition within the dashboard which can be shown up on top right portion of the dashboard, by default live_edit feature is disabled

The user will have the ability to perform the following actions when live edit is enabled

1) View Json -> Displays current dashboard definition

2) View Context -> Displays current dashboard context

3) View Dependencies -> Displays dependencies of current dashboard

4) Audit Logs -> Displays audit logs for current dashboard

5) Edit Json -> Enables to edit the current dashboard and save the changes without leaving the dashboard

To enable the actions user needs to follow the below configuration

    "name": "live edit",
    "label": "Live Edit",
    "live_edit": true,
    "description": "Testing live edit",
    "version": "",
    "enabled": true,
    "dashboard_filters": {
        "time_filter": true,
        "columns_filter": [],
        "group_filters": []
    "dashboard_sections": [],
    "dashboard_type": "dashboard",
    "dashboard_pages": [],
    "dashboard_folder": "Default"
when the live_edit is set to true User would have the ability to edit the dashboard as highlighted below

Live Edit Page

when the live_edit is set to false the user would not have the ability to edit the dashboard

Without Live Edit

To enable live edit at Dashboard App user needs follow the below configuration


If enabled at app level all the dashboard pages within the app will have live edit feature

    "name": "Live_edit_app",
    "label": "Dashboards",
    "description": "examples",
    "version": "",
    "custom_context": {
        "rda-dashboard-live-edit": true
    "enabled": true,
    "dashboard_sections": [
            "title": "Widgets"
    "dashboard_type": "app",
    "dashboard_pages": [
            "name": "gd_pie_chart1",
            "label": "Pie Chart",
            "icon": "white_label.svg"
when the rda-dashboard-live-edit is set to true User would have the ability to edit the dashboard as highlighted below

Live Edit App

when the rda-dashboard-live-edit is set to false the user would not have the ability to edit the dashboard

Without Live Edit App