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Pipeline: ebonding-stream-to-email

## read incidents from stream
            name = "snow-incidents" &
            group = "group-email"
    ## update stats
    --> @rn:write-stats-to-stream
            name = "ebonding-analytics" &
            type = "Email"
    --> @dm:eval
            recipient = "''" &
            subject = "'E-Bonding from ServiceNow: ' + str(number) + ': ' + short_description" &
            message_mime_type = "'html'"
    ## apply formatting template to beautify data
    --> @dm:apply-template-by-row
            template_name = "Email HTML Template" &
            output_col = "message"
    ## send email
    --> @smtp:sendmail-bulk
            email_status_col = "email_status"

Extensions used in this Pipeline

Source Name Extension Type
rn rn
smtp email_sender

Artifacts used in this Pipeline

Artifact Type Artifact Name Access
rda-network-stream snow-incidents read
rda-network-stream ebonding-analytics write
formatting-template Email HTML Template read

Bots used in this Pipeline

@rn:read-stream @rn:write-stats-to-stream @dm:eval @dm:apply-template-by-row @smtp:sendmail-bulk