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Pipeline: ebonding-stream-to-elasticsearch-kibana-v2

## Read incidents from stream
            name = "snow-incidents"   &
            group = "group-elastic"
    ## push data into elasticsearch - Kibana dashboard tied to this index will show latest data
    --> @es-dev-v2:append-index
    ## update stats
    --> @rn:write-stats-to-stream
            name = "ebonding-analytics" &
            type = "Elasticsearch-Kibana"

Extensions used in this Pipeline

Source Name Extension Type
rn rn
es-dev-v2 elasticsearch_v2

Artifacts used in this Pipeline

Artifact Type Artifact Name Access
rda-network-stream snow-incidents read
rda-network-stream ebonding-analytics write

Bots used in this Pipeline

@rn:read-stream @es-dev-v2:append-index @rn:write-stats-to-stream