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Managing Service Blueprints using RDA CLI

1. Prerequisites

User must have following :

  1. Access the rdac cli
  2. Worker Site name/Label
  3. Required bot source credentials if any
  4. Published pipeline name and version

2. Steps to follow to deploy service blueprint using RDAC CLI

Run below command to verify necessary microservices are running: pods --v

Output should be similar to:

Detected OS Name: Linux
Detected docker version: 20.10.12
| Cat   | Pod-Type            | Host         | ID       | Site          | Age            | Pod Version   | Messenger Version   | Platform Version   | Build Tag   |
| App   | alert-state-manager | 667de09aa8e8 | 80334eea |               | 1 day, 5:46:40 |               |           |                    | daily       |
| Infra | collector           | b4ca2fae6c5b | ec9da6b4 |               | 1 day, 5:52:41 |     |           |                    | daily       |
| Infra | registry            | 2839102b0fe8 | 31acab9f |               | 1 day, 5:52:42 |      |           |                    | daily       |
| Infra | scheduler           | eddb1a147f5f | e4ac4817 | *leader*      | 1 day, 5:52:42 |     |           |                    | daily       |
| Infra | schedulerAdmin      | e73e42ec5cbe | 59558b8f |               | 1 day, 5:52:42 |     |           |                    | daily       |
| Infra | worker              | a1079bec23ce | 2401cc8c | rda-worker-01 | 0:14:57        |     |           |          | daily       |
rda-worker-01 is the site label here .

2.2 Service blueprint template

Template are defined in YAML format. Following is a simple example file. Going forward this file will be referred to as service-blueprint.yml

name: bookmark-test
id: bookmarktest2022_06_22_01
version: '2022_06_22_01'
category: bookmark-tests
comment: bookmark-tests
enabled: true
type: Service
provider: RDA CloudFabrix

    -   name: bookmark-tests
        label: bookmark-tests
        version: '*'
        site: rda-worker-01
        site_type: regex
        instances: 1
            min_instances: 1
            max_instances: 1
service-blueprint.yml file needs to update by the user sections: service_pipelines and deployment details.

Following are the parameters we used in the Service Blueprint:

name: Name of the Blueprint. This is visible in the Services.

id: Unique ID for the service. Each Service Blueprint ID in an RDA Fabric should be unique.

version: Version of the blueprint in YYYY_MM_DD_n format.

category: Optional label for the blueprint category. Example categories are ITSM, ITOM, AIOPS, Log Analytics. Optional.

comment: A descriptive text explaining the blueprint purpose. Optional

enabled: Boolean value. If set to false, blueprint will be disabled and pipelines will not be scheduled for execution.

type: Must be set to 'Service'.

provider: Name of the company or contact information creator of the blueprint. Optional.

service_pipelines: List. Zero or more objects listing pipelines that are part of the Service. See below for more details.

2.3 Service Pipelines Section (service_pipelines)

In RDA Service Blueprints, the term Service Pipeline implies that pipeline must be in always running mode. These pipelines are typically infinite looping pipelines or pipelines reading from a stream. RDAF monitors the status of each Service Pipeline continuously. If any of the Service Pipeline exits or fails, it will restart.

Let us take a look at the first Service Pipeline in our blueprint above:

    -   name: bookmark-tests
        label: bookmark-tests
        version: '*'
        site: rda-worker-01
        site_type: regex
        instances: 1
            min_instances: 1
            max_instances: 1
Service Pipeline parameters:

name: Name of the Pipeline

label: Label for the Pipeline

version: Version of the pipeline to use. * implies any latest version of the pipeline.

site_type: Valid values are regex or name. If set to regex, the site parameter is interpreted as a regular expression. If set to name, the site parameter is interpreted as an exact name of the site. Default is regex

site: Either name of pattern identifying the Site for the RDA Worker(s). RDAF uses prefix cfx- for all workers hosted in cfxCloud.

instances: Number of instances to start for this Service Pipeline. Default is 1. If set to 0, no instances would be scheduled. User can configure this value from RDA Portal.

scaling_policy: Defines manual scaling policy for this service pipeline.

min_instances: Minimum number of instances user is allowed to configure for this service pipeline.

max_instances: Maximum number of instances user is allowed to configure for this service pipeline.

After updated the all details save the file name as service-blueprint.yml

3. Finding the bot sources and type from the published pipeline

Run below command to list published pipelines  pipeline list

Detected OS Name: Linux
Detected docker version: 20.10.12
category                                         description    name                        saved_time                  usecase                                                 version
-----------------------------------------------  -------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  -----------------------------------------------  --------------
                                                 test pipeline  basic-test                  2022-04-26T17:40:55.243861                                                    2022_04_26_01
bookmark-test                                    test pipeline  bookmark-test               2022-06-22T21:53:09.233161  bookmark-test                                    2022_06_22_02
bookmark-tests                                   test pipeline  bookmark-tests              2022-06-22T22:18:21.281638  bookmark-tests                                    2022_06_22_02
Consume synthetic logs, Archive and then Filter  test pipeline  guide-example-consume-logs  2022-06-22T17:43:31.559167  Consume synthetic logs, Archive and then Filter   2022_06_21_01
Produce Synthetic Syslog                         test pipeline  guide-example-produce-logs  2022-06-22T17:42:29.147322  Produce Synthetic Syslog                          2022_06_21_01
Command to get published pipeline details  pipeline get --name <pipeline_name> --version <version>
Example :  pipeline get --name bookmark-tests --version 2022_06_22_02
Detected OS Name: Linux
Detected docker version: 20.10.12
name: bookmark-tests
description: test pipeline
usecase: bookmark-tests
category: bookmark-tests
version: '2022_06_22_02'
    name: snowv2
    type: servicenow_v2
    name: rn
    type: rn
  name: bookmark-tests
  - tag: '@c:bookmark-loop'
    query: 'bookmark = ''ebonding-snow-incidents''

      & initial_value = ''-1 hour''

      & offset_reset = "latest"'
    comment: Create a bookmark for streaming data.
  - tag: '@dm:empty'
  - tag: '@dm:addrow'
    query: 'table="incident" &

  - tag: '#snowv2:query-table'
    query: sys_created_on is after '${bookmark}'
  - tag: '@rn:write-stream'
    query: name = "snow-incidents"
    comment: write incident to the stream
  - tag: '@dm:save_bookmark'
    query: 'name = ''ebonding-snow-incidents'' &

      value_column = ''sys_created_on'' &

      value_type = ''timestamp'' &

      value_func = ''max'''
    comment: update bookmark
  - tag: '@rn:write-stats-to-stream'
    query: 'name = "ebonding-analytics" &

      groupby = "category,priority,severity,company" &

      type = "ServiceNow" &

      mode = "input"'
    comment: update stats
- artifact_type: rda-network-stream
  artifact_name: snow-incidents
  access: write
- artifact_type: bookmark
  artifact_name: ebonding-snow-incidents
  access: write
- artifact_type: rda-network-stream
  artifact_name: ebonding-analytics
  access: write

Let us take a look at the sections: sources from above:

    name: snowv2
    type: servicenow_v2
user need to add secrets for listed bot source

3.3 Adding secrets credentials using RDAC CLI

Adding bot source with name: snowv2 and type: servicenow_v2 secret-add --type servicenow_v2 

Detected OS Name: Linux
Detected docker version: 20.10.12
Configure : ServiceNow - Read, Write and Update ServiceNow tables

Name*: snowv2
Instance ID: dev96995
Username*: admin
Add to Default Site Profile: yes
Similarly we need to add other secrets / credentials, if we list in sections: sources from above:

4. Deploying Service blueprints

Command to deploy blueprints deployment add --file <serviceblueprintfilename.yaml>
Example : deployment add --file service-blueprint2.yaml

Output should be similar to:

Detected OS Name: Linux
Detected docker version: 20.10.12
Added deployment spec with Name: Beginner Guide Blueprint, ID: rdaccli2022062201

ID is the deployment_id .

Command to check audit-reports deployment audit-report --id <deployment_id>
Example : deployment audit-report --id bookmarktest2022_06_22_01

Output should be similar to:

Detected OS Name: Linux
Detected docker version: 20.10.12
    type             severity    message
--  ---------------  ----------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 0  Verify Pipeline  INFO        Pipeline with name 'bookmark-tests' and version '2022_06_22_01' loaded
 1  Verify Site      INFO        Site rda-worker-01 has 1 active workers(s)
 2  Verify Source    INFO        Credential found for Integration: snowv2, Type: servicenow_v2

If we see any ERROR in severity user need to fix based on the message.

Command to check service status deployment svcs-status --id <deployment_id>
Example : deployment svcs-status --id bookmarktest2022_06_22_01

Output should be similar to:

Detected OS Name: Linux
Detected docker version: 20.10.12
    label           pipeline_name    version      min_instances    max_instances    instances    num_jobs
--  --------------  ---------------  ---------  ---------------  ---------------  -----------  ----------
 0  bookmark-tests  bookmark-tests   *                        1                1            1           1

Command to check watch traces watch traces --attr deployment_id=<deployment_id>
Example : watch traces --attr deployment_id=bookmarktest2022_06_22_01

Output should be similar to:

Detected OS Name: Linux
Detected docker version: 20.10.12
 Host         Pipeline                       JobID    Seq Status      Bot                       Dataframe  Error Message 
 a1079bec23ce bookmark-tests                 88182d7f 109 in-progress @rn:write-stream          0x0         
 a1079bec23ce bookmark-tests                 88182d7f 109 in-progress @dm:save_bookmark         0x0         
 a1079bec23ce bookmark-tests                 88182d7f 109 in-progress @rn:write-stats-to-stream 0x0         
 a1079bec23ce bookmark-tests                 88182d7f 109 in-progress @dm:empty                 0x0         
 a1079bec23ce bookmark-tests                 88182d7f 109 in-progress @dm:addrow                0x0         
 a1079bec23ce bookmark-tests                 88182d7f 109 in-progress #snowv2:query-table       1x2         
 a1079bec23ce bookmark-tests                 88182d7f 109 in-progress @rn:write-stream          0x0         
 a1079bec23ce bookmark-tests                 88182d7f 109 in-progress @dm:save_bookmark         0x0         
 a1079bec23ce bookmark-tests                 88182d7f 109 in-progress @rn:write-stats-to-stream 0x0