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Kubernetes Cluster

Kubernetes is a portable, extensible, open source orchestration platform for managing containerized workloads and services, that facilitates both declarative configuration and automation. CloudFabrix's RDA supports integrating with Kubernetes cluster through it's CLI interface (kubectl) over SSH or HTTP API interface to collect the inventory of Kubernetes resources such as pods, nodes, services, deployments etc.. on-demand or on schedule basis.

1. Prerequisites:

Create a service user account with SSH login privileges to connect to one of the Kubernetes master node (on which kubectl was installed) to collect the inventory data. The user should have privileges to run the below command.

  • kubectl get *


If kubectl is enabled only for root user, provide sudo privileges to service user account that was created in the above step.

2. Inventory collection using kubectl over SSH:

On CentOS, RHEL & Ubuntu, edit /etc/sudoers file and add the kubetctl command for the user account that is used for data collection. Below configuration setting restricts the service user account to execute only the kubectl get * commands and does not allow any other administrative commands.

user_name ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/kubectl get *


SSH user authentication supports both password and SSH key.

3. Inventory collection using HTTP API:

Follow the below steps to create a service user account with read-only permissions to Kubernetes resources for inventory data collection using Kubernetes HTTP API interface.

Step-1: Create a Namespace for service user account

kubectl create namespace cfx-kube-discovery
Step-2: Create a service user account and associate it to the above namespace.

kubectl create serviceaccount cfx-api-access -n cfx-kube-discovery

Step-3: Create a a role for service user account with below configuration contents and apply the role configuration.

cat > cfx-api-access-role.yml << 'EOF'
kind: ClusterRole
  name: cfx-api-access-role
  namespace: cfx-kube-discovery
  - apiGroups: [""]
    resources: ["*"]
    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
  - apiGroups: ["apps"]
    resources: ["*"]
    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]

kubectl apply -f cfx-api-access-role.yml

Step-4: Create a role binding for the service user account with the below configuration contents and apply the role bindings configuration.

cat > cfx-api-access-role-binding.yml << 'EOF'
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: cfx-api-access-role-binding
  namespace: cfx-kube-discovery
- namespace: cfx-kube-discovery
  kind: ServiceAccount
  name: cfx-api-access 
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cfx-api-access-role

kubectl apply -f cfx-api-access-role-binding.yml

Step-5: Get the secret name for service user account.

kubectl get serviceaccount cfx-api-access -o=jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}' -n cfx-kube-discovery


In the latest versions of Kubernetes, secrets and tokens are not generated automatically for service accounts. If you see an empty output to the above command, Please follow the steps below to create a secret and token manually.

Create a secret for API service account cfx-api-access

cat > cfx-api-access-secret.yml << 'EOF'
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: cfx-api-access-secret
  namespace: cfx-kube-discovery
  annotations: cfx-api-access


Run the command below to update the cfx-api-access service account with the previously created secret cfx-api-access-secret.

kubectl patch serviceaccount cfx-api-access -p '{"secrets":[{"name":"cfx-api-access-secret"}]}' -n cfx-kube-discovery

Get the secret name for service user account.

kubectl get serviceaccount cfx-api-access -o=jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}' -n cfx-kube-discovery

Step-6: Get the secret token of service user account and decode it. It shows the HTTP bearer token for service account.


The secret name for the cfx-api-access service account is provided in the output of the command executed in Step 5.

kubectl get secrets cfx-api-access-token-XXXXX -o=jsonpath='{.data.token}' -n cfx-kube-discovery | base64 -d
Step-7: Verify the Kubernetes cluster's HTTP API access using the below sample curl command which should list all namespaces that are configured in the Kubernetes cluster.
curl -k  https://kube-cluster-ip:6443/api/v1/namespaces -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer token>" --insecure

4. Adding Kubernetes Cluster as Datasource/Extension in RDA Studio

Kubernetes Cluster or any other datasource/extension's configuration is configured in RDA's user interface. Login into RDA's user interface using a browser.



Default username and password of standalone RDA Studio is rdademo and rdademo1234

Under Notebook, click on CFXDX Python 3 box


In the 'Notebook' command box, type botadmin() and alt (or option) + Enter to open datasource administration menu. Click on 'Add' menu and under Type drop down, select kubernetes-inventory


Select API or SSH to access Kubernetes cluster resources for inventory data collection.

Login Method: API (configure the below options)

  • Hostname (IP Address or DNS name of Kubernetes cluster)
  • Port (HTTP API access port, ex: 6443)
  • Protocol (http or https)
  • API Token (Service user account's bearer token extracted in Step-6)
  • Verify SSL Certificate (Optional)

Login Method: SSH (configure the below options)

  • Hostname (IP Address or DNS name of Kubernetes cluster)
  • Username (Service user account for SSH access)
  • Password (Enter the user's password only when password based authentication is used)
  • Private Key Passphrase (Enter the key passphrase only when SSH key based authentication is used)
  • SSH Private Key (Enter the SSH RSA key only when SSH key based authentication is used)
  • Port (SSH port, default is set to 22)

For the details on Kubernetes cluster inventory data collection bots, refer CloudFabrix RDA Bot Documentation