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RDA Extension List: L to N

Extension: linux-inventory

Linux OS & Application Inventory Collection

Most recent version of the extension is 24.3.4

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname Text Host name for verifying credentials.
Username* Text Username for CLI access
Password Password Password for CLI access
Private Key Passphrase Password Private key passphrase for protected private key
SSH Private Key Text Provide private key as an alternative to password for login
Port* Text

Explore Bots

Extension: me-appmanager

ManageEngine Applications Manager - Inventory and Metrics collection bots for ManageEngine Applications Manager

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname* Text Hostname or IP Address of ManageEngine OpManager
Protocol Choice [http, https] https
Port Number 8443
API Token* Password
Timeout (sec) Text 60 Timeout in seconds
Verify SSL Certificate Boolean

Explore Bots

Extension: me-opmanager

ManageEngine OpManager - Inventory and Metrics collection bots for ManageEngine OpManager

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Host* Text Hostname or IP Address of ManageEngine OpManager
Port Text 8060
API Token* Password
Timeout (sec) Text 60 Timeout in seconds
Verify SSL Certificate Boolean

Explore Bots

Extension: microsoft-scvmm

SCVMM Inventory Collection (winrm)

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname Text Host name or IP Address for verifying credentials.
Username* Text
Password* Password
Port Text 5985
Transport Protocol Text http
Auth Protocol Text ntlm
Provider Text wsman

Explore Bots

Extension: microsoft-scvmm-ssh

SCVMM Inventory Collection (ssh)

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname Text Host name for verifying credentials.
Username* Text Username for CLI access
Password Password Password for CLI access
Private Key Passphrase Password Private key passphrase for protected private key
SSH Private Key Text Provide private key as an alternative to password for login
Port* Text

Explore Bots

Extension: minio


Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Minio Host* Text
Secure Boolean
Port Number 9000
Access Key* Text
Secret Key* Password
Bucket* Text
Object Prefix* Text

Explore Bots

Extension: mongodb

MongoDB - Read, Write and Update collections in MongoDB

Most recent version of the extension is 23.9.12

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname* Text DNS Name or IP Address of MongoDB Server
Username* Text
Password* Password
Port Number 27017

Explore Bots

Extension: motadata

Motadata - Infrastructure and Metrics collection from Motadata

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Host* Text
Port* Text
Protocol* Choice [http, https]
Timeout(sec) Number 60
API Token* Password

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: mqtt

MQTT - Publish and Subscribe to a topic in MQTT stream

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
MQTT Broker* Text
Port Text 1883

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: ms-teams-rooms

MS Teams Rooms - Inventory collection from MS Teams Rooms using Graph API

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Tenant ID* Text Tenant ID
Client ID* Text
Client Secret Value* Password
Timeout (sec) Number 60

Explore Bots

Extension: msp

Managed Service Provider

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension does not need any specific inputs. Extension can be added by simply providing a name.

Explore Bots

Extension: msteams

Mictosoft Teams - Send messages to channels in Microsoft Teams

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Channels JSON Object [{'name': 'channel_name', 'url': 'webhook_url'}] Channel List with name and url parameters
Timeout (sec) Number 60 Timeout in seconds

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: mysql


Most recent version of the extension is 24.1.31


  • This extension has been deprecated
  • You may continue to use the extension but replacement extension mysql_v2 is recommended

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname* Text
Username* Text
Password* Password
Port Text 3306
Wildcard Names Text
Tags JSON Object [{'tag': 'table1', 'db': 'db1', 'table': 'tableName1'}, {'tag': 'logdata', 'db': 'db1', 'table': 'examplelogs', 'update-mode': 'append'}, {'tag': 'inventorydata', 'db': 'db1', 'table': 'exampleinventory', 'update-mode': 'replace'}]

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: mysql_v2

MySQL - Read, Write and Update tables in MySQL / MariaDB

Most recent version of the extension is 24.1.31

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname* Text Hostname for MySQL / MariaDB System
Username* Text
Password* Password
Port Number 3306
Timeout (sec) Number 60 Timeout in seconds

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: nagios

Nagios XI - Inventory, metrics and logs collection bots for Nagios XI

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname* Text Hostname or IP Address of Nagios system
API Key* Password
Port Number 443
Protocol Choice [http, https] https Protocol, must be one of http or https
Verify SSL Certificate Boolean
Timeout (sec) Number 60 Timeout in seconds

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: nats

NATS Messaging - Stream and Write data to a NATS Subject

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Authentication Type* Choice [No Authentication, Username & Password, Token, TLS]
Username Text
Password Text
Token Text
TLS CA Cert Text
TLS Client Cert Text
TLS Client Key Text

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: nats-stats

NATS Statistics - Collects statistics from NATS (connection, routes, gateways, etc.)

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
URL Text

Explore Bots

Extension: neo4j

Neo4j GraphDB

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
User* Text Username
Password* Password
Hostname* Text
Port Text 7687
protocol Choice [http, https, bolt] bolt
Timeout (sec) Number 60 Timeout in seconds
Verify SSL Certificate Boolean

Explore Bots

Extension: netapp-ontap-7mode

NetApp Ontap 7 Mode - Inventory collection bots for storage devices monitored by NetApp ONTAP 7 mode

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Storage IP Text Storage IP of NetApp ONTAP 7 mode system
Username* Text
Password* Password
Port* Text
Protocol* Text Protocol, must be one of http or https
Timeout Text 60

Explore Bots

Extension: netapp-ontap-cmode

NetApp Ontap C-Mode - Inventory collection bots for storage devices monitored by NetApp ONTAP C-Mode

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Cluster IP Text Cluster IP of NetApp ONTAP C mode system
Username* Text
Password* Password
Port* Text
Protocol* Choice [http, https]
Timeout(sec) Number 60 Timeout in seconds

Explore Bots

Extension: network_device

Run commands on Network Devices and parse using the provided TextFSM templates

Most recent version of the extension is 24.4.2

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname Text Host name for verifying credentials.
Username* Text Username for CLI access
Password Password Password for CLI access
Port Number 22
Private Key Passphrase Password Private key passphrase for protected private key
SSH Private Key Text Provide private key as an alternative to password for login

Explore Bots