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Bots From Extension: rda_agents

RDA Agent Based Bots

This extension provides 23 bots.

Bot @agent:agent-alertproc-companion:alertproccompanionagent:canResolveAlerts

Bot Position In Pipeline: Sink

[Agent: agent-alertproc-companion, Group: alertproccompanionagent] Check whether a alert can be resolved based on the correlation policy definition.

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
alert_id* Text Name of the column containing Alert IDs

Bot @agent:agent-alertproc:alertprocagent:clearAlerts

Bot Position In Pipeline: Sink

[Agent: agent-alertproc, Group: alertprocagent] Clear Alerts

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
alert_id* Text Name of the column containing Alert IDs
cleared_notes Text Cleared Notes
cleared_by Text Cleared By

Bot @agent:agent-alertproc:alertprocagent:savePolicy

Bot Position In Pipeline: Sink

[Agent: agent-alertproc, Group: alertprocagent] Create or Update policy definition applied on alerts to CORRELATE or SUPPRESS.

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
customer_id* Text Customer Id for which policy is created/updated
project_id* Text Project Id for which policy is created/updated
name* Text Name of the policy
severity* Text severity
description Text Description of the policy
precedence* Text Precedenc for the policy
criteria Text Filter to apply on alerts
group_by Text Specify group by comma separated attributes, which is used while doing correlation of the alerts
revive_on_expiry Text Specify whether to auto revive on group expiry, allowed values yes/no
auto_resolve_on_expiry Text Specify whether to auto resolve on group expiry, allowed values yes/no
schedule* Text Selection Criteria

Bot @agent:agent-collab:collabagent:addExternalTicket

Bot Position In Pipeline: Sink

[Agent: agent-collab, Group: collabagent] Add External Ticket Info

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Bot @agent:agent-collab:collabagent:append-message

Bot Position In Pipeline: Sink

[Agent: agent-collab, Group: collabagent] Add a message to an Incident. Shows up in Collab acivity screen

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Bot @agent:agent-collab:collabagent:external-ticket

Bot Position In Pipeline: Sink

[Agent: agent-collab, Group: collabagent] Get External Ticket

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Bot @agent:agent-collab:collabagent:getAlertSource

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source Sink

[Agent: agent-collab, Group: collabagent] Get Alert Source for the given Incident

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
project_id* Text The ProjectId
incident_id* Text The IncidentID linked to the Incident and ExternalTicket
field_name* Text Alert Source field name. Default 'Alert_Source')

Bot @agent:agent-collab:collabagent:getExternalTicket

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source Sink

[Agent: agent-collab, Group: collabagent] Get Linked External Ticket Info for the given OIA Incident

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
project_id* Text The ProjectId linked to the Incident and ExternalTicket
incident_id Text The IncidentID linked to the Incident and ExternalTicket
ticket_id Text The External TicketId linked to the Incident and ExternalTicket
ticket_number Text The External TicketNumber linked to the Incident and ExternalTicket
team_id Text The TeamID linked to the Incident and ExternalTicket
collab_type Text The CollabType linked to the Incident and ExternalTicket

Bot @agent:agent-collab:collabagent:getIncidentAlertAttributes

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source Sink

[Agent: agent-collab, Group: collabagent] Get Incident Alert Attributes for the given OIA IncidentId

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
project_id* Text The ProjectId
incident_id Text The IncidentID
source_key Text The Incident SourceKey
alert_id Text The AlertId
fields Text Specify fields that are to fetched from each alert
mode Text Concatinated Columns or Seperate Columns? Works with fields

Bot @agent:agent-collab:collabagent:getIncidentAlerts

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source Sink

[Agent: agent-collab, Group: collabagent] Get Incident Alerts for the given OIA IncidentId

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
project_id* Text The ProjectId
incident_id* Text The IncidentID
alert_id Text The AlertId
fields Text Specify fields that are to fetched from each alert
mode Text Concatinated Columns or Seperate Columns? Works with fields
alerts_count Text Number of latest alerts to pull
line_break Text Line break to use. <br> (default) or /n

Bot @agent:agent-collab:collabagent:getIncidentData

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source Sink

[Agent: agent-collab, Group: collabagent] Get Incident Details for the given OIA IncidentId

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
project_id* Text The ProjectId linked to the Incident
incident_id* Text The IncidentID
fields Text Specify fields that are to fetched from each alert
mode Text Concatinated Columns or Seperate Columns? Works with fields
line_break Text Line break to use. <br> (default) or /n

Bot @agent:agent-collab:collabagent:getOperationMode

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source Sink

[Agent: agent-collab, Group: collabagent] Gets if this should be Create or Update

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
project_id* Text The ProjectId
incident_id* Text The IncidentID linked to the Incident and ExternalTicket
collab_type Text For which specific CollabType?

Bot @agent:agent-collab:collabagent:getTeamAttributes

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source Sink

[Agent: agent-collab, Group: collabagent] Get All Team and Attributes for a given Collaboration Type

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
project_id* Text The ProjectId
collab_type Text Fetch the teams matching collabType. Ex ServiceNow
team_name Text Fetch the teams matching Name. Ex PC-SRMV
attribute Text Auto Share Attribute (autoShareAttributes)

Bot @agent:agent-collab:collabagent:team-attributes

Bot Position In Pipeline: Sink

[Agent: agent-collab, Group: collabagent] Get Team Attributes

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Bot @agent:agent-config:configagent:getTeamsByCollabType

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source Sink

[Agent: agent-config, Group: configagent] Get All Teams for a given Collaboration Type

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
collab_type Text Fetch the teams matching collabType. Ex ServiceNow

Bot @agent:agent-irm:irmagent:addIncidents

Bot Position In Pipeline: Sink

[Agent: agent-irm, Group: irmagent] Add new incident

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Bot @agent:agent-irm:irmagent:getIncidentAlertsCount

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source Sink

[Agent: agent-irm, Group: irmagent] Fetch alerts' count by ipaddress for an incident

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
roomId Text The room-id for which the alerts counts are to be fetched
incidentId* Text The incident-id for which the alerts counts are to be fetched

Bot @agent:agent-irm:irmagent:getIncidentDetails

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source Sink

[Agent: agent-irm, Group: irmagent] get incident details

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
roomId* Text The room-id for which the incident details are to be fetched
incidentId* Text the incident ID whose details are to be fetched

Bot @agent:agent-irm:irmagent:getOiaConfigFile

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source Sink

[Agent: agent-irm, Group: irmagent] get response of getOiaConfigFile

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
roomId Text The room-id for which the configured file is to be fetched. If it is not provided then global
file details will be fetched.
filepath* Text Path of the configuration file under incident-rooms minio bucket

Bot @agent:agent-irm:irmagent:updateIncidents

Bot Position In Pipeline: Sink

[Agent: agent-irm, Group: irmagent] Update existing incident details

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Bot @agent:agent-irm:irmagent:updateOiaConfigFile

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source Sink

[Agent: agent-irm, Group: irmagent] get response of updateOiaConfigFile

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
roomId Text The room-id for which the configured file is to be updated. If it is not provided then the
updated file will be applied for all projects/rooms/customers
filepath* Text Path of the configuration file under incident-rooms MINIO bucket
data* Text Stringified JSON object which contains the updated data to be saved at specified file path

Bot @agent:agent-ml:mlagent:alerts-cluster-retrain

Bot Position In Pipeline: Sink

[Agent: agent-ml, Group: mlagent] Create new experiment and run clustering on it

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Bot @agent:agent-ml:mlagent:ml-model-meta-retriever

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source Sink

[Agent: agent-ml, Group: mlagent] Retrive ML model meta data and save in context

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
experiment_name* Text Name of the Experiment to use
version_name Text Name of the Version to use. if not provided default will use latest version
tenant_id* Text Id of the Customer/Tenant to use. can be passes as $tenantId and replaced in backend