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RDA Extension List: D to E

Extension: datadog

DataDog - Asset Inventory and Metrics collection bots for DataDog

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
API Key* Password
Application Key* Password

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: datanetwork

Data Network - Read, Write and poll data from internal Kafka topics

Most recent version of the extension is 24.4.17

NOTE: This extension is automatically initialized by the platform. No configuration is needed.

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: dell-ome

DELL OME - Inventory and Metrics collection bots for Dell EMC OpenManage Enterprise

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname Text Hostname or IP Address for Dell EMC OpenManage Enterprise
Username* Text
Password* Password
SSL Certificate Verification Boolean
Timeout (seconds) Text 60 Timeout in seconds

Explore Bots

Extension: device-host-ssh

Manage CFX Edgecollector Agent's Host SSH credential source

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
IP Address* Text Hostname or IP Address
Username* Text Username for SSH based access
Password* Password Password for SSH based access
Port* Text
Protocol* Text
SSH Private Key Password Provide private key as an alternative to password for SSH based login
Private Key Passphrase Password Private key passphrase for protected private key

Explore Bots

Extension: device-snmp-v1v2

Manage CFX Edgecollector Agent's SNMP credential source

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
IP Address* Text Hostname or IP Address
Port* Text
Protocol Choice [snmpv2c, snmpv1] snmpv2c
Read Community* Password Read Community is like a user id or password that is sent along with each SNMP Get-Request

Explore Bots

Extension: device-snmp-v3

Manage CFX Edgecollector Agent's SNMP-V3 credential source

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
IP Address* Text Hostname or IP Address
Port Text 161
Protocol* Choice [snmpv3]
SNMPv3 User* Text SNMPv3 Username
Auth Protocol Choice [MD5, SHA, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512] Authentication Protocol
Auth Key Password Authentication Key
Priv Protocol Choice [DES, 3DES, AES128, AES192, AES256] Privacy Protocol
Priv Key Password Privacy Key

Explore Bots

Extension: diagnostictools

Diagnostictools - Bots to run diagnostics on host like ping, traceroute and tcp check

Most recent version of the extension is 24.2.5

Configuring the Extension

This extension does not need any specific inputs. Extension can be added by simply providing a name.

Explore Bots

Extension: dimensions_aia_export

Upload dimensions zip file to CloudFabrix Asset Intelligence & Analytics Solution

Most recent version of the extension is 24.2.23

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
IpAddress* Text
AccessKey* Text
Retry_count Text 3
Wait Time in Seconds Text 300
Timeout in Seconds Text 60

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: dimensions_bulk

CFX Dimensions Bulk Data Download

Most recent version of the extension is 24.2.23

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Host* Text
Port Number 9443
Access Key* Text
Secret Key* Password
Use SSL Boolean True

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: discovery

Bots relating to discovering devices using various discovery techniques (e.g. nmap).

Most recent version of the extension is 24.1.16

Configuring the Extension

This extension does not need any specific inputs. Extension can be added by simply providing a name.

Explore Bots

Extension: dynatrace

Dynatrace - Asset Inventory and Metric collection bots for Dynatrace

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
SaaS Domain Name* Text Domain Name for Dynatrace SaaS Instance
URL Suffix Text
Port Text 443
Protocol Text https Protocol, must be one of http or https
API Token* Password
Timeout Text 60
Verify SSL Certificate Boolean

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: elasticsearch


Most recent version of the extension is 24.5.28


  • This extension has been deprecated
  • You may continue to use the extension but replacement extension elasticsearch_v2 is recommended

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname* List
URL Prefix Text /elasticsearch
Username Text
Password Password
HTTP(s) Port Number 443
Protocol Choice [http, https] https
Tags JSON Object [{'tag': 'netflow', 'index': 'netflow-oib*'}]

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: elasticsearch_v2

Elasticsearch - Read, Write and Append data to Elasticsearch / Opensearch Indices

Most recent version of the extension is 24.5.28

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname* Text Hostname or IP Address of Elasticsearch system
URL Prefix Text Prefix path to be added to the Elasticsearch server
Username Text
Password Password
HTTP(s) Port Number 9200
Protocol Choice [http, https] http
Timeout(sec) Text 30
Verify SSL Certificate Boolean

Explore Bots

Example Pipelines Using this Extension:

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: email-graph-api

Email Graph API - Read emails and create subscription to Graph API

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Tenant ID* Text Tenant ID
Client ID* Text
Client Secret Value* Password
Mailbox Name Text
Timeout (sec) Number 60

Explore Bots

Extension: email-mapi

Microsoft Exchange Email Reader

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Username* Text
Password* Password
Account Text
MAPI Server* Text
Folder Text Inbox

Explore Bots

Extension: email_reader

Email Reader - Read emails through IMAP server

Most recent version of the extension is 24.5.16

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Username* Text
Password* Password
IMAP Server* Text
Security Text SSL
IMAP Port Text 993

Explore Bots

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: email_sender

SMTP Email Sender - Send Emails through SMTP Server

Most recent version of the extension is 24.5.16

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Sender Email Address* Text Email Address of the sender
Username Text
Password Password
SMTP Server* Text
Security Text TLS SMTP server security protocol. Supports TLS, SSL or None
Port Text 587

Explore Bots

Example Pipelines Using this Extension:

Configuration UI Examples:

Extension: emc-isilon

EMC Isilon - Asset Inventory collection bots for Dell EMC Isilon

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Hostname Text Host name or IP Address of EMC Isilon system.
Port Number 8080
Username* Text
Password* Password
SSH Username Text
SSH Password Password
SSL Certificate Verification Boolean
Timeout (seconds) Text 60

Explore Bots

Extension: emc-unity

EMC Unity - Inventory and Metrics collection bots for Dell EMC Unity Storage Array

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Storage IP Text
Username* Text
Password* Password
Protocol* Text Protocol, must be one of http or https
Port* Text

Explore Bots

Extension: emc-xtremio

Dell EMC XtremIO - Inventory and Metrics collection bots for Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Array

Most recent version of the extension is

Configuring the Extension

This extension requires following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
Storage IP Text
Username* Text
Password* Password
Protocol* Text
Port* Text

Explore Bots

Extension: exec

Bot and Pipeline Execution

Most recent version of the extension is

NOTE: This extension is automatically initialized by the platform. No configuration is needed.

Explore Bots

Example Pipelines Using this Extension: