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Bots From Extension: thousandeyes

Cisco ThousandEyes

This extension provides 14 bots.

Bot @thousandeyes:get-active-alerts

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source

List active alerts from ThousandEyes

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
timestamp DateTime Timestamp is the duration where data is required. Valid operands for timestamp are 'after',
'before' and 'during'

Bot @thousandeyes:get-end-to-end-metrics

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source

Get network metrics from each endpoint agent from ThousandEyes.

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
testId* Text ThousandEyes Test Id. List of tests can be obtained using list-endpoint-tests bot.
timestamp DateTime Timestamp is the duration where data is required. Valid operands for timestamp are 'after',
'before' and 'during'

Bot @thousandeyes:get-path-viz-detail

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source

Get hop-by-hop summary of the path trace data collected during path visualization from ThousandEyes

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
testId* Text ThousandEyes Test Id. List of testID can be obtained using list-endpoint-tests bot.
agentId* Text Agent ID of the ThousandEyes. List of agentsId can be obtained using list-agents bot.
roundId* Text Round ID for which you wish to obtain data. Equals the beginning of the testing round. It should
be in epoch time format Ex:1435680900

Bot @thousandeyes:get-path-viz-summary

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source

Get summary of the path visualization data from ThousandEyes for a given test id

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
testId* Text ThousandEyes Test Id. List of tests can be obtained using list-endpoint-tests bot.
timestamp DateTime Timestamp is the duration where data is required. Valid operands for timestamp are 'after',
'before' and 'during'

Bot @thousandeyes:get-test-data

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source

Get test data from ThousandEyes for a given test id and metric name

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
test_id* Text ThousandEyes Test Id. List of tests can be obtained using list-tests bot.
metric_name* Text ThousandEyes Metric Name. List of possible metric names can be obtained using list-test-metric-names
timestamp DateTime Timestamp is the duration where data is required. Valid operands for timestamp are 'after',
'before' and 'during'

To get list of list of valid values for test_id, bot *thousandeyes:list-tests can be used.

Following is an example list of metrics supported:

description name
(Network) End-to-End Metrics net/metrics
(Network) Path visualization net/path-vis
(Network) BGP metrics net/bgp-metrics
(Web) HTTP server web/http-server
(Web) Page load web/page-load
(Web) Transactions web/transactions
(Web) FTP server web/ftp-server
(DNS) Domain trace dns/trace
(DNS) DNSSEC dns/dnssec
(Voice) SIP server voice/sip-server
(Voice) RTP stream voice/rtp-stream

Bot @thousandeyes:get-test-details

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source

Get test details from ThousandEyes

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
test_id* Text ThousandEyes Test Id. List of tests can be obtained using list-tests bot.

Bot *thousandeyes:list-agents

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source

List agents from ThousandEyes

This bot expects a Full CFXQL.

Bot applies the Query on the data that is already loaded from previous bot or from a source.

Bot *thousandeyes:list-endpoint-agents

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source

List all endpoint agents configured in ThousandEyes.

This bot expects a Full CFXQL.

Bot applies the Query on the data that is already loaded from previous bot or from a source.

Bot *thousandeyes:list-endpoint-tests

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source

List all endpoint tests configured in ThousandEyes.

This bot expects a Full CFXQL.

Bot applies the Query on the data that is already loaded from previous bot or from a source.

Bot *thousandeyes:list-endpoint-users

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source

List all endpoint users configured in ThousandEyes.

This bot expects a Full CFXQL.

Bot applies the Query on the data that is already loaded from previous bot or from a source.

Bot *thousandeyes:list-labels

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source

List labels from ThousandEyes

This bot expects a Full CFXQL.

Bot applies the Query on the data that is already loaded from previous bot or from a source.

Bot *thousandeyes:list-reports

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source

List reports from ThousandEyes

This bot expects a Full CFXQL.

Bot applies the Query on the data that is already loaded from previous bot or from a source.

Bot *thousandeyes:list-test-metric-names

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source

List test metric names from ThousandEyes

This bot expects a Full CFXQL.

Bot applies the Query on the data that is already loaded from previous bot or from a source.

Following is an example list of metrics supported:

description name
(Network) End-to-End Metrics net/metrics
(Network) Path visualization net/path-vis
(Network) BGP metrics net/bgp-metrics
(Web) HTTP server web/http-server
(Web) Page load web/page-load
(Web) Transactions web/transactions
(Web) FTP server web/ftp-server
(DNS) Domain trace dns/trace
(DNS) DNSSEC dns/dnssec
(Voice) SIP server voice/sip-server
(Voice) RTP stream voice/rtp-stream

Bot *thousandeyes:list-tests

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source

List tests from ThousandEyes

This bot expects a Full CFXQL.

Bot applies the Query on the data that is already loaded from previous bot or from a source.