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Schedule Pipelines within Service Blueprints

Scheduled Pipelines Section (scheduled_pipelines)

Instead of having Service Pipeline that always run, the user can have the pipelines to run on a schedule basis.

Here is a sample blueprint with scheduled pipeline definitions. It has the following scheduled pipeline definitions:

  • sample-scheduled-pipeline-1: Executes once a day at a certain time
  • sample-scheduled-pipeline-3: Executes every 30 minutes
  • sample-scheduled-pipeline-3: Incorrect schedule
name: Sample Scheduled Blueprint
id: sample scheduled blueprint
category: sample
type: Service
provider: CloudFabrix Software, Inc.
    -   name: sample-scheduled-pipeline-1
        label: Sample scheduled pipeline 1
        version: '*'
        site: rda.*
        cron_expression: 0 12 * * *
        site_type: regex
    -   name: sample-scheduled-pipeline-2
        label: Sample scheduled pipeline 2
        version: '*'
        site: rda.*
        cron_expression: '*/30 * * * *'
        site_type: regex
        max_execution_mins: 5
    -   name: sample-scheduled-pipeline-3
        label: Sample scheduled pipeline 3
        version: '*'
        site: rda.*
        cron_expression: '* 25 * * *'
        site_type: regex
enabled: true

Scheduled Pipeline parameters:

  • name: Name of the Pipeline
  • label: Label for the Pipeline
  • version: Version of the pipeline to use. * implies any latest version of the pipeline.
  • site_type: Valid values are regex or name. If set to regex, the site parameter is interpreted as a regular expression. If set to name, the site parameter is interpreted as an exact name of the site. Default is regex
  • site: Either name of pattern identifying the Site for the RDA Worker(s). RDAF uses prefix cfx- for all workers hosted in cfxCloud.
  • cron_expression: Cron schedule expression. You can use to come up with cron expression.
  • max_execution_mins: Optional field. This can be used to evict the scheduled pipeline that runs longer than expected.
  • initialize_timeout_seconds: Evict the job if it's stuck in Initialization for longer than the value specified. Default is 30 and that would be the minimum value we allow.
  • restart_count_on_failure: Number of times to retry on failure. Default value is 0. This is applicable when the job fails or gets stuck in Initialization state as well

Understanding scheduled pipeline within service blueprint details dashboard

When you drill down into Details of the blueprint, it would look something like this:



  • Audit Report: Shows list of audit checks performed and their status. If any of the scheduled pipelines has an invalid cron expression, it will show up as a warning. Refer to the picture above.


This tab shows current status of all scheduled pipelines in the blueprint. The screenshot below shows the scheduled pipeline information, related jobs etc..
