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Guide to Install RDAF deployment CLI for Non-Kubernetes Environment.

1. RDAF Deployment CLI for Non-Kubernetes

RDA Fabric deployment CLI is a comprehensive command line management tool that is used to setup, install/deploy and manage CloudFabrix on-premise Docker registry, RDA Fabric platform, infrastructure and application services.

RDA Fabric platform, infrastructure and application services are supported to be deployed on a Kubernetes Cluster or as a Standalone Container Services using docker-compose utility.

Please refer for RDAF Platform deployment on Kubernetes Cluster

RDAF CLI uses docker-compose as underlying container management utility for deploying and managing RDA Fabric environment when it need to be deployed on non-kubernetes cluster environment.

RDAF CLI can be installed on on-premise docker registry VM if it is provisioned or on one of the RDA Fabric platform VMs or both to install, configure and manage on-premise docker registry service and RDA Fabric platform services.

1.1 CLI Installation or Upgrade:

Please download the RDAF deployment bundles from the below provided links.


In a restricted environment where there is no direct internet access, please download RDAF Deployment CLI offline bundle.

RDAF Deployment CLI offline bundle for RHEL: offline-rhel-1.2.2.tar.gz

RDAF Deployment CLI offline bundle for Ubuntu: offline-ubuntu-1.2.2.tar.gz

RDAF Deployment CLI bundle: rdafcli-1.2.2.tar.gz


For latest RDAF Deployment CLI versioned package, please contact

Login as rdauser user into on-premise docker registry or RDA Fabric Platform VM using any SSH client tool (ex: putty)

Run the following command to install or upgrade the RDA Fabric deployment CLI tool.

pip install --user --upgrade pip
pip install --user rdafcli-1.2.2.tar.gz


Once the above commands run successfully, logout and logback in to a new session.

Run the below command to verify installed RDAF deployment CLI version

rdaf --version

Run the below command to view the RDAF deployment CLI help

rdaf --help
Documented commands (type help <topic>):

app     help   platform      rdac_cli  reset    setregistry  status    worker
backup  infra  prune_images  registry  restore  setup        validate

1.2 On-premise Docker Registry setup:

CloudFabrix support hosting an on-premise docker registry which will download and synchronize RDA Fabric's platform, infrastructure and application services from CloudFabrix's public docker registry that is securely hosted on AWS and from other public docker registries as well. For more information on on-premise docker registry, please refer Docker registry access for RDAF platform services.

1.2.1 rdaf registry setup

Run rdaf registry --help to see available CLI options to deploy and manage on-premise docker registry.

rdaf registry --help

usage: ('registry',) [--insecure] [-h] [--debug]
                     {setup,upgrade,install,fetch,delete-images,list-tags} ...

Manage the Docker registry

positional arguments:
    setup               Setup Docker Registry
    upgrade             Upgrade Registry locally
    install             Install Registry locally
    fetch               Fetch from configured Docker registries
    delete-images       Deletes tag(s) and corresponding docker images
    list-tags           Lists all the tags for all images in the docker

optional arguments:
  --insecure            Ignore SSL certificate issues when communicating with
                        various hosts
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug               Enable debug logs for the CLI operations

Run rdaf registry setup --help to see available CLI options.

rdaf registry setup --help

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --install-root INSTALL_ROOT
                        Path to a directory where the Docker registry will be
                        installed and managed
  --docker-server-host DOCKER_SERVER_HOST
                        Host name or IP address of the host where the Docker
                        registry will be installed
  --docker-registry-source-host DOCKER_SOURCE_HOST
                        The hostname/IP of the source docker registry
  --docker-registry-source-port DOCKER_SOURCE_PORT
                        port of the docker registry
  --docker-registry-source-user DOCKER_SOURCE_USER
                        The username to use while connecting to the source
                        docker registry
  --docker-registry-source-password DOCKER_SOURCE_PASSWORD
                        The password to use while connecting to the source
                        docker registry
  --no-prompt           Don't prompt for inputs

Run the below command to setup and configure on-premise docker registry service. In the below command example, is the machine on which on-premise registry service is going to installed. is the CloudFabrix's public docker registry hosted on AWS from which RDA Fabric docker images are going to be downloaded.

rdaf registry setup --docker-server-host \
    --docker-registry-source-host \
    --docker-registry-source-port 443 \
    --docker-registry-source-user readonly \
    --docker-registry-source-password readonly

1.2.2 rdaf registry install

Run the below command to install the on-premise docker registry service.

rdaf registry install --tag 1.0.3


  • For latest tag version, please contact
  • On-premise docker registry service runs on port TCP/5000. This port may need to be enabled on firewall device if on-premise docker registry service and RDA Fabric service VMs are deployed in different network environments.

Run the below command to upgrade the on-premise docker registry service to latest version.

rdaf registry upgrade --tag <tag-name>

To check the status of the on-premise docker registry service, run the below command.

docker ps -a | grep docker-registry

1.2.3 rdaf registry fetch

Once on-premise docker registry service is installed, run the below command to download one or more tags to pre-stage the docker images for RDA Fabric services deployment for fresh install or upgrade.

rdaf registry fetch --tag,3.4.2,7.4.2,1.0.3

Minio object storage service image need to be downloaded explicitly using the below command.

rdaf registry fetch --minio-tag RELEASE.2023-09-30T07-02-29Z


Note: It may take few minutes to few hours depends on the outbound internet access bandwidth and the number of docker images to be downloaded. The default location path for the downloaded docker images is /opt/rdaf-registry/data/docker/registry. This path can be overridden/changed during rdaf registry setup command using --install-root option if needed.

1.2.4 rdaf registry list-tags

Run the below command to list the downloaded images and their corresponding tags / versions.

rdaf registry list-tags

1.2.5 rdaf registry delete-images

Run the below command to delete one or more tags and corresponding docker images from on-premise docker registry.

rdaf registry delete-images --tag <tag-1>,<tag-2>


When on-premise docker repository service is used, please make sure to add the insecure-registries parameter to /etc/docker/daemon.json file and restart the docker daemon as shown below on all of RDA Fabric VMs before the deployment.

 "tls": true, 
 "tlscacert": "/etc/tlscerts/ca/ca.pem", 
 "tlsverify": true, 
 "storage-driver": "overlay2", 
 "hosts": [
 "tlskey": "/etc/tlscerts/server/server.key", 
 "debug": false, 
 "tlscert": "/etc/tlscerts/server/server.pem", 
 "experimental": false, 
 "insecure-registries" : ["<on-premise-docker-registry-ip-or-dns>:5000"],
 "live-restore": true

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker
docker info

Kernel Version: 5.4.0-110-generic
 Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
 OSType: linux
 Architecture: x86_64
 CPUs: 2
 Total Memory: 7.741GiB
 Name: rdaf-onprem-docker-repo
 Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
 Debug Mode: false
 Experimental: false
 Insecure Registries:
 Live Restore Enabled: true


The location of the on-premise docker registry's CA certificate file ca.crt is located under /opt/rdaf-registry/cert/ca. This file ca.crt need to be copied to the machine on which RDAF CLI is used to setup, configure and install RDA Fabric platform and all of the required services using on-premise docker registry. This step is not applicable when cloud hosted docker registry is used.

1.3 RDAF Platform setup

1.3.1 rdaf setregistry

When on-premise docker registry is deployed, change the default docker registry configuration to on-premise docker registry host to pull and install the RDA Fabric services.

Please refer rdaf setregistry --help for detailed command options.

Configure the Docker registry for the platform

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug               Enable debug logs for the CLI operations (Optional)
                        Hostname/IP of the Docker registry
                        Port of the Docker registry
                        Username of the Docker registry (Optional)
                        Password of the Docker registry (Optional)
  --cert-path CERT_PATH
                        path of the Docker registry ca cert
  • Copy the ca.crt file from on-premise registry.

sudo mkdir -p /opt/rdaf-registry
sudo chown -R `id -u`:`id -g` /opt/rdaf-registry
scp rdauser@<on-premise-registry-ip>:/opt/rdaf-registry/cert/ca/ca.crt /opt/rdaf-registry/registry-ca-cert.crt

  • Run the below command to set the docker-registry to on-premise one.
rdaf setregistry --host <on-premise-docker-registry-ip-or-dns> --port 5000 --cert-path /opt/rdaf-registry/registry-ca-cert.crt


Please verify if on-premise docker registry is accessible on port 5000 using either of the below commands.

  • telnet <on-premise-docker-registry-ip-or-dns> 5000
  • curl -vv telnet://<on-premise-docker-registry-ip-or-dns>:5000

1.3.2 rdaf setup

Run the below rdaf setup command to create the RDAF platform's deployment configuration. It is a pre-requisite before RDAF infrastructure, platform and application services can be installed.

It will prompt for all the necessary configuration details.

rdaf setup
  • Accept the EULA
Do you accept the EULA? [yes/no]: yes
  • Enter the rdauser SSH password for all of the RDAF hosts.
What is the SSH password for the SSH user used to communicate between hosts
SSH password:
Re-enter SSH password:


Please make sure rdauser's SSH password on all of the RDAF hosts is same during the rdaf setup command.

Press Enter to accept the defaults.

Provide any Subject alt name(s) to be used while generating SAN certs
Subject alt name(s) for certs[]:
  • Enter RDAF Platform host(s) ip address or DNS name. For HA configuration, please enter comma separated values. Minimum of 2 hosts are required for the HA configuration. If it is a non-HA deployment, only one RDAF platform host's ip address or DNS name is required.
What are the host(s) on which you want the RDAF platform services to be installed?
Platform service host(s)[rda-platform-vm01]:,
  • Answer if the RDAF application services are going to be deployed in HA mode or standalone.
Will application services be installed in HA mode? [yes/No]: yes
  • Enter RDAF Application services host(s) ip address or DNS name. For HA configuration, please enter comma separated values. Minimum of 2 hosts or more are required for the HA configuration. If it is a non-HA deployment, only one RDAF application service host's ip address or DNS name is required.
What are the host(s) on which you want the application services to be installed?
Application service host(s)[rda-platform-vm01]:,
  • Enter the name of the Organization. In the below example, ACME_IT_Services is used as the Organization name. It is for a reference only.

What is the organization you want to use for the admin user created?
Admin organization[CloudFabrix]: ACME_IT_Services
Press Enter to accept the defaults.

What is the ca cert to use to communicate to on-prem docker registry
Docker Registry CA cert path[]:
  • Enter RDAF Worker service host(s) ip address or DNS name. For HA configuration, please enter comma separated values. Minimum of 2 hosts or more are required for the HA configuration. If it is a non-HA deployment, only one RDAF worker service host's ip address or DNS name is required.
What are the host(s) on which you want the Worker to be installed?
Worker host(s)[rda-platform-vm01]:
  • Enter ip address on which RDAF Event Gateway needs to be Installed, For HA configuration please enter comma separated values. Minimum of 2 hosts or more are required for the HA configuration. If it is a non-HA deployment, only one RDAF Event Gateway host's ip address or DNS name is required.
What are the host(s) on which you want the Event Gateway to be installed?
Event Gateway host(s)[rda-platform-vm01]:
  • Enter RDAF infrastructure service NATs host(s) ip address or DNS name. For HA configuration, please enter comma separated values. Minimum of 2 hosts are required for the NATs HA configuration. If it is a non-HA deployment, only one RDAF NATs service host's ip address or DNS name is required.
What is the "host/path-on-host" on which you want the Nats to be deployed?
Nats host/path[]:,
  • Enter RDAF infrastructure service Minio host(s) ip address or DNS name. For HA configuration, please enter comma separated values. Minimum of 4 hosts are required for the Minio HA configuration. If it is a non-HA deployment, only one RDAF Minio service host's ip address or DNS name is required.
What is the "host/path-on-host" where you want Minio to be provisioned?
Minio server host/path[]:,,,
  • Change the default Minio user credentials if needed or press Enter to accept the defaults.
What is the user name you want to give for Minio root user that will be created and used by the RDAF platform?
Minio user[rdafadmin]: 
What is the password you want to use for the newly created Minio root user?
Minio password[Q8aJ63PT]: 
  • Enter RDAF infrastructure service MariDB database host(s) ip address or DNS name. For HA configuration, please enter comma separated values. Minimum of 3 hosts are required for the MariDB database HA configuration. If it is a non-HA deployment, only one RDAF MariaDB service host's ip address or DNS name is required.
What is the "host/path-on-host" on which you want the MariaDB server to be provisioned?
MariaDB server host/path[]:,,
  • Change the default MariaDB user credentials if needed or press Enter to accept the defaults.
What is the user name you want to give for MariaDB admin user that will be created and used by the RDAF platform?
MariaDB user[rdafadmin]: 
What is the password you want to use for the newly created MariaDB root user?
MariaDB password[jffqjAaZ]: 
  • Enter RDAF infrastructure service Opensearch host(s) ip address or DNS name. For HA configuration, please enter comma separated values. Minimum of 3 hosts are required for the Opensearch HA configuration. If it is a non-HA deployment, only one RDAF Opensearch service host's ip address or DNS name is required.
What is the "host/path-on-host" on which you want the opensearch server to be provisioned?
opensearch server host/path[]:,,
  • Change the default Opensearch user credentials if needed or press Enter to accept the defaults.
What is the user name you want to give for Opensearch admin user that will be created and used by the RDAF platform?
Opensearch user[rdafadmin]: 
What is the password you want to use for the newly created Opensearch admin user?
Opensearch password[sLmr4ICX]: 
  • Enter RDAF infrastructure service Zookeeper host(s) ip address or DNS name. For HA configuration, please enter comma separated values. Minimum of 3 hosts are required for the Zookeeper HA configuration. If it is a non-HA deployment, only one RDAF Zookeeper service host's ip address or DNS name is required.
What is the "host/path-on-host" on which you want the Zookeeper server to be provisioned?
Zookeeper server host/path[]:,,
  • Enter RDAF infrastructure service Kafka host(s) ip address or DNS name. For HA configuration, please enter comma separated values. Minimum of 3 hosts are required for the Kafka HA configuration. If it is a non-HA deployment, only one RDAF Kafka service host's ip address or DNS name is required.
What is the "host/path-on-host" on which you want the Kafka server to be provisioned?
Kafka server host/path[]:,,
  • Enter RDAF infrastructure service Redis host(s) ip address or DNS name. For HA configuration, please enter comma separated values. Minimum of 3 hosts are required for the Redis HA configuration. If it is a non-HA deployment, only one RDAF Redis service host's ip address or DNS name is required.
What is the "host/path-on-host" on which you want the Redis server to be provisioned?
Redis server host/path[]:,,
  • Enter RDAF infrastructure service HAProxy (load-balancer) host(s) ip address or DNS name. For HA configuration, please enter comma separated values. Minimum of 2 hosts are required for the HAProxy HA configuration. If it is a non-HA deployment, only one RDAF HAProxy service host's ip address or DNS name is required.
What is the host on which you want HAProxy to be provisioned?
HAProxy host[]:,
  • Select the network interface name which is used for UI portal access. Ex: eth0 or ens160 etc.
What is the network interface on which you want the rdaf to be accessible externally?
Advertised external interface[eth0]: ens160
  • Enter the HAProxy service's virtual IP address when it is configured in HA configuration. Virtual IP address should be an unused IP address. This step is not applicable when HAProxy service is deployed in non-HA configuration.
What is the host on which you want the platform to be externally accessible?
Advertised external host[]:
  • Enter the ip address of the Internal accessible advertised host
Do you want to specify an internal advertised host? [yes/No]: No


Internal advertized host ip is only needed when RDA Fabric VMs are configured with dual NIC interfaces, one is for management network for UI access, second one is for internal app to app communication using non-routable ip address network scheme which is isolated from management network.

Dual network configuration is primarily used to support DR solution where the RDA Fabric VMs are replicated from one site to another site using VM level replication or underlying storage array replication (volume to volume or LUN to LUN on which RDA Fabric VMs are hosted). When RDA Fabric VMs are recovered on a DR site, management network IPs need be changed as per DR site network's subnet, while secondary NIC's ip address scheme can be maintained with same as primary site to avoid RDA Fabric's application reconfiguration.

After entering the required inputs as above, rdaf setup generates self-signed SSL certificates, creates the required directory structure, configures SSH key based authentication on all of the RDAF hosts and generates rdaf.cfg configuration file under /opt/rdaf directory.

It creates the below director structure on all of the RDAF hosts.

  • /opt/rdaf/cert: It contains the generated self-signed SSL certificates for all of the RDAF hosts.
  • /opt/rdaf/config: It contains the required configuration file for each deployed RDAF service where applicable.
  • /opt/rdaf/data: It contains the persistent data for some of the RDAF services.
  • /opt/rdaf/deployment-scripts: It contains the docker-compose .yml file of the services that are configured to be provisioned on RDAF host.
  • /opt/rdaf/logs: It contains the RDAF services log files. rdaf infra

rdaf infra command is used to deploy and manage RDAF infrastructure services. Run the below command to view available CLI options.

usage: infra [--insecure] [-h] [--debug] {status,install,upgrade,up,down} ...

Manage infra services

positional arguments:
    status              Status of the RDAF Infra
    install             Install the RDAF Infra containers
    upgrade             Upgrade the RDAF Infra containers
    up                  Crate the RDAF Infra Containers
    down                Delete the RDAF Infra Containers
    healthcheck         Check the liveness/health of Infra services.

optional arguments:
  --insecure            Ignore SSL certificate issues when communicating with
                        various hosts
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug               Enable debug logs for the CLI operations Install infra services

rdaf infra install command is used to deploy / install RDAF infrastructure services. Run the below command to view the available CLI options.

usage: infra install [-h] --tag TAG [--service SERVICES]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  --tag TAG           Tag to use for the docker images of the infra components
  --service SERVICES  Restrict the scope of the command to a specific service

Run the below command to deploy all RDAF infrastructure services. (Note: Below shown tag name is a sample one for a reference only, for actual tag, please contact CloudFabrix support team at

rdaf infra install --tag 1.0.3

Run the below command to install a specific RDAF infrastructure service. Below are the supported infrastructure services. (Note: Below shown tag name is a sample one for a reference only, for actual tag, please contact CloudFabrix support team at

  • haproxy
  • nats
  • mariadb
  • opensearch
  • kafka
  • zookeeper
  • redis
  • graphdb
rdaf infra install --service haproxy --tag Status check

Run the below command to see the status of all of the deployed RDAF infrastructure services.

rdaf infra status
  | Name               | Host           | Status          | Container Id | Tag                |
  | haproxy            | | Up 3 days       | 41208fa98fa6 |            |
  | haproxy            | | Up 3 days       | 3891dded450a |            |
  |keepalived          | | active          | N/A          | N/A                |
  | keepalived         | | active          | N/A          | N/A                |
  | nats               | | Up 3 days       | f4405859b336 | 1.0.3              |
  | nats               | | Up 3 days       | e8bd7ec195cb | 1.0.3              |
  | minio              | | Up 3 days       | 13a00b450e74 | RELEASE.2023-09-30 |
  |                    |                |                 |              | T07-02-29Z         |
  | minio              | | Up 3 days       | 1727f382a70a | RELEASE.2023-09-30 |
  |                    |                |                 |              | T07-02-29Z         |
  | minio              | | Up 3 days       | d011be7b43c9 | RELEASE.2023-09-30 |
  |                    |                |                 |              | T07-02-29Z         |
  | minio              | | Up 3 days       | 240eb6fbe918 | RELEASE.2023-09-30 |
  |                    |                |                 |              | T07-02-29Z         |
  | mariadb            | | Up 3 days       | 6a1b26cd8f6c | 1.0.3              |
  | mariadb            | | Up 3 days       | 2328874827de | 1.0.3              |
  | mariadb            | | Up 3 days       | 65159da97d95 | 1.0.3              |
  | opensearch         | | Up 3 days       | 8f550b70d7ce | 1.0.3              |
  | opensearch         | | Up 3 days       | 83bdd9bece04 | 1.0.3              |
  | opensearch         | | Up 3 days       | 0225e9f6222d | 1.0.3              |
  +--------------------+----------------+-----------------+--------------+--------------------+ Start/Stop infra services

Run the below command to start / stop all RDAF infrastructure services.

rdaf infra up
rdaf infra down

Run the below commands to start / stop a specific RDAF infrastructure service.

rdaf infra up --service minio
rdaf infra down --service minio


Stopping and Starting RDAF infrastructure service or services is a disruptive operation which will impact all of the RDAF dependant services and causes a downtime. When RDAF platform is deployed in Production environment, please perform these operations only during a scheduled downtime. Upgrade infra services

Run the below command to upgrade all RDAF infrastructure services to a newer version.

rdaf infra upgrade --tag 1.0.3

Run the below command to upgrade a specific RDAF infrastructure service to a newer version.

rdaf infra upgrade --service nats --tag 1.0.3


Above shown tag version is a sample one and for a reference only, for actual newer versioned tag, please contact CloudFabrix support team at


Please take full configuration and data backup of RDAF platform before any upgrade process. Upgrading RDAF infrastructure service or services is a disruptive operation which will impact all of the RDAF dependant services and causes a downtime. When RDAF platform is deployed in Production environment, please perform upgrade operation only during a scheduled downtime. Check Infra services liveness / health status

Run the below command to verify RDAF infrastructure service's liveness / health status. This command helps to quickly identify any infrastructure service's availability or accessibility issues.

rdaf infra healthcheck
2022-10-26 02:18:14,565 [rdaf.cmd.infra] INFO     - Running Health Check on Infra services
2022-10-26 02:18:14,565 [rdaf.cmd.infra] INFO     - Running Health Check on haproxy on host
2022-10-26 02:18:14,691 [rdaf.cmd.infra] INFO     - Running Health Check on nats on host
2022-10-26 02:18:14,812 [rdaf.cmd.infra] INFO     - Running Health Check on minio on host
2022-10-26 02:18:15,001 [rdaf.cmd.infra] INFO     - Running Health Check on mariadb on host
2022-10-26 02:18:15,152 [rdaf.cmd.infra] INFO     - Running Health Check on opensearch on host
2022-10-26 02:18:15,775 [rdaf.cmd.infra] INFO     - Running Health Check on zookeeper on host
2022-10-26 02:18:15,904 [rdaf.cmd.infra] INFO     - Running Health Check on kafka on host
2022-10-26 02:18:16,399 [rdaf.cmd.infra] INFO     - Running Health Check on redis on host
2022-10-26 02:18:16,546 [rdaf.cmd.infra] INFO     - Running Health Check on redis-sentinel on host
| Name           | Check           | Status | Reason                 | Host           | Container Id |
| haproxy        | Port Connection | OK     | N/A                    | | e905acafc36b |
| haproxy        | Service Status  | OK     | N/A                    | | e905acafc36b |
| haproxy        | Firewall Port   | OK     | N/A                    | | e905acafc36b |
| nats           | Port Connection | OK     | N/A                    | | 83d674da41dd |
| nats           | Service Status  | OK     | N/A                    | | 83d674da41dd |
| nats           | Firewall Port   | OK     | N/A                    | | 83d674da41dd |
| minio          | Port Connection | OK     | N/A                    | | ba13e7023d9f |
| minio          | Service Status  | OK     | N/A                    | | ba13e7023d9f |
| minio          | Firewall Port   | OK     | N/A                    | | ba13e7023d9f |
| mariadb        | Port Connection | OK     | N/A                    | | 2fb8ca0233ec |
| mariadb        | Service Status  | OK     | N/A                    | | 2fb8ca0233ec |
| mariadb        | Firewall Port   | OK     | N/A                    | | 2fb8ca0233ec |
| opensearch     | Port Connection | OK     | N/A                    | | 9cde1a3ab673 |
| opensearch     | Service Status  | Failed | 401 Client Error:      | | 9cde1a3ab673 |
|                |                 |        | Unauthorized for url:  |                |              |
|                |                 |        | |              |              |
|                |                 |        | 200/_cluster/stats     |                |              |
| opensearch     | Firewall Port   | OK     | N/A                    | | 9cde1a3ab673 |
| zookeeper      | Port Connection | OK     | N/A                    | | c04cc08417ed |
| zookeeper      | Service Status  | OK     | N/A                    | | c04cc08417ed |
| zookeeper      | Firewall Port   | OK     | N/A                    | | c04cc08417ed |
| kafka          | Port Connection | OK     | N/A                    | | 813e6a5235cd |
| kafka          | Service Status  | OK     | N/A                    | | 813e6a5235cd |
| kafka          | Firewall Port   | OK     | N/A                    | | 813e6a5235cd |
| redis          | Port Connection | OK     | N/A                    | | 95657dd850a7 |
| redis          | Service Status  | OK     | N/A                    | | 95657dd850a7 |
| redis          | Firewall Port   | OK     | N/A                    | | 95657dd850a7 |
| redis-sentinel | Port Connection | OK     | N/A                    | | 9e0d540aa777 |
| redis-sentinel | Service Status  | OK     | N/A                    | | 9e0d540aa777 |
| redis-sentinel | Firewall Port   | OK     | N/A                    | | 9e0d540aa777 |

1.3.4 rdaf platform

rdaf platform command is used to deploy and manage RDAF core platform services. Run the below command to view available CLI options.

usage: platform [-h] [--debug] {} ...

Manage the RDAF Platform

positional arguments:
  {}                commands
                    Add extra service vm
    status          Status of the RDAF Platform
    up              Create the RDAF Platform Containers
    down            Deleting the RDAF Platform Containers
    install         Install the RDAF platform containers
    upgrade         Upgrade the RDAF platform containers
    generate-certs  Generate certificates for hosts belonging to this
                    reset the password of user

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  --debug           Enable debug logs for the CLI operations Install platform services

rdaf platform install command is used to deploy / install RDAF core platform services. Run the below command to view the available CLI options.

usage: platform install [-h] --tag TAG [--service SERVICES]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  --tag TAG           Tag to use for the docker images of the platform
  --service SERVICES  Restrict the scope of the command to specific service

Run the below command to deploy all RDAF core platform services. (Note: Below shown tag name is a sample one for a reference only, for actual tag, please contact CloudFabrix support team at

rdaf platform install --tag 3.4.2

As part of the installation of RDAF core platform services, it creates a default tenant admin user called

The default password for is admin1234

On first login onto RDAF UI portal, it prompts for resetting the above default password to user's choice.

In order to access RDAF UI portal, open a web browser and type the HAProxy server's IP address if it is a non-HA deployment or HAProxy server's virtual IP address if it is an HA deployment as shown below. Status check

Run the below command to see the status of all of the deployed RDAF infrastructure services.

rdaf platform status
| Name               | Host           | Status    | Container Id | Tag   |
| rda_api_server     | | Up 3 days | b2c91b3f5b8d | 3.4.2 |
| rda_api_server     | | Up 3 days | 2c7e6e79e0d1 | 3.4.2 |
| rda_registry       | | Up 3 days | 464161ddae16 | 3.4.2 |
| rda_registry       | | Up 3 days | 946366995e8a | 3.4.2 |
| rda_scheduler      | | Up 3 days | e6ab76d712fa | 3.4.2 |
| rda_scheduler      | | Up 3 days | 93910af6e17e | 3.4.2 |
| rda_collector      | | Up 3 days | 9c6e2a641ece | 3.4.2 |
| rda_collector      | | Up 3 days | 2694023681e0 | 3.4.2 |
| rda_asset_dependen | | Up 3 days | ef475644d1bd | 3.4.2 |
| cy                 |                |           |              |       |
| rda_asset_dependen | | Up 3 days | 6c8570b3bb9c | 3.4.2 |
| cy                 |                |           |              |       |
| rda_identity       | | Up 3 days | eadd3c3d5c8e | 3.4.2 |
| rda_identity       | | Up 3 days | 32b7aca03e4a | 3.4.2 |
| rda_fsm            | | Up 3 days | d553502dad1a | 3.4.2 |
| rda_fsm            | | Up 3 days | 14ae04b1c4d2 | 3.4.2 |
| rda_chat_helper    | | Up 3 days | 302a80076309 | 3.4.2 |
| rda_chat_helper    | | Up 3 days | 601c21a8493d | 3.4.2 |
| cfx-rda-access-    | | Up 3 days | 44e7cc4d1764 | 3.4.2 |
| manager            |                |           |              |       |
| cfx-rda-access-    | | Up 3 days | 688b5aa2c895 | 3.4.2 |
| manager            |                |           |              |       |
+--------------------+----------------+-----------+--------------+-------+ Upgrade platform services

Run the below command to upgrade all RDAF core platform services to a newer version.

rdaf platform upgrade --tag 3.4.2

Below are the RDAF core platform services

  • cfx-rda-access-manager
  • cfx-rda-resource-manager
  • cfx-rda-user-preferences
  • portal-backend
  • portal-frontend
  • rda_api_server
  • rda_asm
  • rda_asset_dependency
  • rda_collector
  • rda_identity
  • rda_registry
  • rda_sched_admin
  • rda_scheduler

Run the below command to upgrade a specific RDAF core platform service to a newer version.

rdaf platform upgrade --service rda_collector --tag 3.4.2


Above shown tag version is a sample one and for a reference only, for actual newer versioned tag, please contact CloudFabrix support team at


Please take full configuration and data backup of RDAF platform before any upgrade process. Upgrading RDAF core platform service or services is a disruptive operation which will impact all of the RDAF dependant services and causes a downtime. When RDAF platform is deployed in Production environment, please perform upgrade operation only during a scheduled downtime. Start/Stop platform services

Run the below commands to start / stop all RDAF core platform services.

rdaf platform up
rdaf platform down

Run the below commands to start / stop a specific RDAF core platform service.

rdaf platform up --service rda_collector
rdaf platform down --service rda_collector


Stopping and Starting RDAF core platform service or services is a disruptive operation which will impact all of the RDAF dependant services and causes a downtime. When RDAF platform is deployed in Production environment, please perform these operations only during a scheduled downtime. Reset password

Run the below command to reset the default user's password to factory default. i.e. admin1234 and will force the user to reset the default password to tenant admin user's choice.

rdaf platform reset-admin-user


Use above command option only in a scenario where tenant admin users are not able to access RDAF UI portal because of external IAM (identity and access management) tool such as Active Directory / LDAP / SSO is down or not accessible and default tenant admin user's password is forgotten or lost. Generate SSL Certificates

Self-signed SSL certificates are used for RDAF infrastructure, core platform services and for RDAF CLI as well. This manual step is not usually needed as it will be run automatically during rdaf setup execution.

However, this command is useful to re-generate self-signed SSL certificates and overwrite existing ones if there is a need.

rdaf platform generate-certs --overwrite

After re-generating the SSL certificates, please restart RDAF infrastructure, core platform, application, worker and agent services.


Re-generating self-signed SSL certificates is a disruptive operation which will impact all of the RDAF dependant services and causes a downtime. When RDAF platform is deployed in Production environment, please perform these operations only during a scheduled downtime. Add new service host

RDAF platform's application services can be distributed on multiple hosts to distributed the workload and to run them in high-availability mode.

After deploying initial RDAF platform's application services, if there is a need, using the below command, a new RDAF platform's application services host can be added to the configuration after which existing application services can be re-deployed to be run on this new host to distribute the workload.

rdaf platform add-service-host --ssh-password <SSH_PASSWORD> <ip-address-or-dns-name>

1.3.5 rdaf app

rdaf app command is used to deploy and manage RDAF application services. Run the below command to view available CLI options.

The supported application services are below.

  • OIA: Operations Intelligence and Analytics (Also known as AIOps)
  • AIA: Asset Intelligence and Analytics
usage: ('app',) [-h] [--debug] {} ...

Manage the RDAF Apps

positional arguments:
  {}             commands
    status       Status of the App
    up           Create the App serviceContainers
    down         Delete the App service Containers
    install      Install the App service containers
    upgrade      Upgrade the App service containers
                 Updated configurations of one or more components

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --debug        Enable debug logs for the CLI operations Install OIA/AIA services

rdaf app install command is used to deploy / install RDAF OIA/AIA application services. Run the below command to view the available CLI options.

usage: ('app',) install [-h] --tag TAG [--service SERVICES] {AIA,OIA}

positional arguments:
  {AIA,OIA}           Select the APP to act on

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  --tag TAG           Tag to use for the docker images of the app components
  --service SERVICES  Restrict the scope of the command to specific service

Run the below command to deploy RDAF OIA / AIA application services. (Note: Below shown tag name is a sample one for a reference only, for actual tag, please contact CloudFabrix support team at

rdaf app install OIA --tag 7.4.2 Start/Stop app services

Run the below command to start / stop all RDAF application OIA services.

rdaf app up OIA
rdaf app down OIA

Run the below command to start / stop all RDAF application AIA services.

rdaf app up AIA
rdaf app down AIA

Run the below commands to start / stop a specific RDAF application OIA service.

rdaf app up OIA --service cfx-rda-alert-ingester
rdaf app down OIA --service cfx-rda-alert-ingester

Below are the RDAF OIA application services

  • all-alerts-cfx-rda-dataset-caas
  • cfx-rda-alert-ingester
  • cfx-rda-alert-processor
  • cfx-rda-app-builder
  • cfx-rda-app-controller
  • cfx-rda-collaboration
  • cfx-rda-configuration-service
  • cfx-rda-event-consumer
  • cfx-rda-file-browser
  • cfx-rda-ingestion-tracker
  • cfx-rda-irm-service
  • cfx-rda-ml-config
  • cfx-rda-notification-service
  • cfx-rda-reports-registry
  • cfx-rda-smtp-server
  • cfx-rda-webhook-server
  • current-alerts-cfx-rda-dataset-caas


Stopping and Starting RDAF application OIA / AIA service or services is a disruptive operation which will impact the availability of these application services. When RDAF platform is deployed in Production environment, please perform these operations only during a scheduled downtime. Status check

Run the below command to see the status of all of the deployed RDAF application services.

rdaf app status
  | Name               | Host           | Status    | Container Id | Tag   |
  | cfx-rda-app-       | | Up 3 days | 133c976d2e64 | 7.4.2 |
  | controller         |                |           |              |       |
  | cfx-rda-app-       | | Up 3 days | fc155ecf6f47 | 7.4.2 |
  | controller         |                |           |              |       |
  | cfx-rda-reports-   | | Up 3 days | e7412d9eb3f1 | 7.4.2 |
  | registry           |                |           |              |       |
  | cfx-rda-reports-   | | Up 3 days | 9bc6ec617744 | 7.4.2 |
  | registry           |                |           |              |       |
  | cfx-rda-           | | Up 3 days | 40859a933dc7 | 7.4.2 |
  | notification-      |                |           |              |       |
  | service            |                |           |              |       |
  | cfx-rda-           | | Up 3 days | 3b2757fe7313 | 7.4.2 |
  | notification-      |                |           |              |       |
  | service            |                |           |              |       |
  | cfx-rda-file-      | | Up 3 days | ac9e1576332c | 7.4.2 |
  | browser            |                |           |              |       |
  | cfx-rda-file-      | | Up 3 days | 3b0332b0a703 | 7.4.2 |
  | browser            |                |           |              |       |
  | cfx-rda-           | | Up 3 days | 6982a9bdebe1 | 7.4.2 |
  | configuration-     |                |           |              |       |
  | service            |                |           |              |       |
  | cfx-rda-           | | Up 3 days | 7ee95287f65f | 7.4.2 |
  | configuration-     |                |           |              |       |
  | service            |                |           |              |       |
  | cfx-rda-alert-     | | Up 3 days | 582d55c8da74 | 7.4.2 |
  | ingester           |                |           |              |       |
  | cfx-rda-alert-     | | Up 3 days | f14ad552ed3e | 7.4.2 |
  | ingester           |                |           |              |       |
  +--------------------+----------------+-----------+--------------+-------+ Upgrade app OIA/AIA services

Run the below command to upgrade all RDAF OIA / AIA application services to a newer version.

rdaf app upgrade OIA --tag 7.4.2
rdaf app upgrade AIA --tag 7.4.2

Below are the RDAF OIA application services

  • all-alerts-cfx-rda-dataset-caas
  • cfx-rda-alert-ingester
  • cfx-rda-alert-processor
  • cfx-rda-app-builder
  • cfx-rda-app-controller
  • cfx-rda-collaboration
  • cfx-rda-configuration-service
  • cfx-rda-event-consumer
  • cfx-rda-file-browser
  • cfx-rda-ingestion-tracker
  • cfx-rda-irm-service
  • cfx-rda-ml-config
  • cfx-rda-notification-service
  • cfx-rda-reports-registry
  • cfx-rda-smtp-server
  • cfx-rda-webhook-server
  • current-alerts-cfx-rda-dataset-caas

Run the below command to upgrade a specific RDAF OIA application service to a newer version.

rdaf app upgrade OIA --service cfx-rda-webhook-server --tag 7.4.2


Above shown tag version is a sample one and for a reference only, for actual newer versioned tag, please contact CloudFabrix support team at


Please take full configuration and data backup of RDAF platform before any upgrade process. Upgrading RDAF OIA / AIA application service or services is a disruptive operation which will impact the availability of these services. When RDAF platform is deployed in Production environment, please perform upgrade operation only during a scheduled downtime. Update HAProxy configuration

Run the below command to update the necessary HAProxy load-balancer configuration for RDAF OIA / AIA application services.

rdaf app update-config OIA
rdaf app update-config AIA

After deploying the RDAF OIA application services, it is mandatory to run the rdaf app update-config which will apply and restart the HAProxy load-balancer service automatically.

1.3.6 rdaf worker

rdaf worker command is used to deploy and manage RDAF worker services. Run the below command to view available CLI options.

usage: worker [-h] [--debug] {} ...

Manage the RDAF Worker

positional arguments:
  {}               commands
                   Add extra worker vm
    status         Status of the RDAF Worker
    up             Create the RDAF Worker Containers
    down           Delete the RDAF Worker Containers
    install        Install the RDAF Worker containers
    upgrade        Upgrade the RDAF Worker containers

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --debug          Enable debug logs for the CLI operations Install worker service(s)

rdaf worker install command is used to deploy / install RDAF worker services. Run the below command to view the available CLI options.

usage: worker install [-h] --tag TAG

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --tag TAG   Tag to use for the docker images of the worker components

Run the below command to deploy all RDAF worker services. (Note: Below shown tag name is a sample one for a reference only, for actual tag, please contact CloudFabrix support team at

rdaf worker install --tag 3.4.2 Status check

Run the below command to see the status of all of the deployed RDAF worker services.

rdaf worker status
  | Name       | Host           | Status    | Container Id | Tag   |
  | rda_worker | | Up 4 days | bfeb469c3277 | 3.4.2 |
  | rda_worker | | Up 4 days | 43385833db75 | 3.4.2 |
  +------------+----------------+-----------+--------------+-------+ Upgrade worker services

Run the below command to upgrade all RDAF worker service(s) to a newer version.

rdaf worker upgrade --tag 3.4.2


Above shown tag version is a sample one and for a reference only, for actual newer versioned tag, please contact CloudFabrix support team at


Upgrading RDAF worker service or services is a disruptive operation which will impact all of the worker jobs. When RDAF platform is deployed in Production environment, please perform upgrade operation only during a scheduled downtime. Start/Stop worker services

Run the below commands to start / stop all RDAF worker services.

rdaf worker up
rdaf worker down


Stopping and Starting RDAF worker service(s) is a disruptive operation which will impact all of the worker jobs. When RDAF platform is deployed in Production environment, please perform these operations only during a scheduled downtime. Add new worker host

RDAF platform's worker services can be distributed on multiple hosts to distributed the workload.

After deploying initial RDAF platform's worker services, if there is a need, using the below command, a new RDAF platform's worker host can be added to the configuration after which new jobs can be run on this new worker host to distribute the workload.

rdaf worker add-worker-host --ssh-password <SSH_PASSWORD> <ip-address-or-dns-name>

1.3.7 rdaf prune_images

After upgrading the RDAF infrastructure, core platform, application and worker services, run the below command to clean up the un-used docker images. This command helps to clean up and free the disk space on /var/lib/docker mount point.

rdaf prune_images

1.3.8 rdaf validate

rdaf validate command helps to verify or validate the below two configurations.

  • values-yaml: values.yml is a configuration file which allows the user to modify RDAF service's parameter(s) based on the deployment requirements. This file resides under /opt/rdaf/deployment-scripts directory on RDAF platform VM on which rdaf setup was run.
rdaf validate values-yaml
  • configs: This command option verifies some of the pre-requisites on all RDAF hosts.

Below are the checks it performs.

  • SSH access and port check
  • Docker is installed or not
  • Docker-Compose is installed or not
  • Firewall ports are opened or not for RDAF services
rdaf validate configs
2022-09-06 00:30:40,660 [rdaf.cmd.validate] INFO     - checking connection for the host
2022-09-06 00:30:40,701 [rdaf.cmd.validate] INFO     - ssh check for host successful
2022-09-06 00:30:40,701 [rdaf.cmd.validate] INFO     - checking connection for the host
2022-09-06 00:30:40,791 [rdaf.cmd.validate] INFO     - ssh check for host successful
2022-09-06 00:30:40,792 [rdaf.cmd.validate] INFO     - checking connection for the host
2022-09-06 00:30:40,949 [rdaf.cmd.validate] INFO     - ssh check for host successful
2022-09-06 00:30:41,112 [rdaf.cmd.validate] INFO     - Docker is installed on host
2022-09-06 00:30:41,317 [rdaf.cmd.validate] INFO     - Docker is installed on host
2022-09-06 00:30:42,036 [rdaf.cmd.validate] INFO     - Docker-compose is installed on host
2022-09-06 00:30:42,189 [rdaf.cmd.validate] INFO     - Docker-compose is installed on host
2022-09-06 00:30:42,899 [rdaf.cmd.validate] INFO     - port is open 7222 on host of component haproxy
2022-09-06 00:30:42,900 [rdaf.cmd.validate] INFO     - port is open 9443 on host of component haproxy
2022-09-06 00:30:42,900 [rdaf.cmd.validate] INFO     - port is open 3307 on host of component haproxy
2022-09-06 00:30:43,134 [rdaf.cmd.validate] INFO     - port is open 8808 on host of component haproxy
2022-09-06 00:30:43,364 [rdaf.cmd.validate] INFO     - port is open 4222 on host of component nats
2022-09-06 00:30:47,060 [rdaf.cmd.validate] INFO     - port is open 9093 on host of component kafka
2022-09-06 00:30:47,264 [rdaf.cmd.validate] INFO     - port is open 9092 on host of component kafka
2022-09-06 00:30:47,264 [rdaf.cmd.validate] INFO     - port is open 9093 on host of component kafka
2022-09-06 00:30:47,521 [rdaf.cmd.validate] INFO     - port is open 6379 on host of component redis
2022-09-06 00:30:47,763 [rdaf.cmd.validate] INFO     - port is open 6379 on host of component redis
2022-09-06 00:30:47,974 [rdaf.cmd.validate] INFO     - port is open 6379 on host of component redis
2022-09-06 00:30:48,222 [rdaf.cmd.validate] INFO     - port is open 26379 on host of component redis-sentinel
2022-09-06 00:30:48,456 [rdaf.cmd.validate] INFO     - port is open 26379 on host of component redis-sentinel
2022-09-06 00:30:48,668 [rdaf.cmd.validate] INFO     - port is open 26379 on host of component redis-sentinel

1.3.9 rdaf rdac_cli

rdaf rdac_cli command allows you to install and upgrade RDA client CLI utility which interacts with RDA Fabric services and operations.

rdaf rdac_cli -h
usage: rdac-cli [-h] [--debug] {} ...

Install RDAC CLI

positional arguments:
  {}          commands
    install   Install the RDAC CLI
    upgrade   Upgrade the RDAC CLI

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --debug     Enable debug logs for the CLI operations

  • To install RDA client CLI, run the below command
rdaf rdac_cli install --tag <tag-name>
  • To upgrade RDA client CLI version, run the below command
rdaf rdac_cli upgrade --tag <tag-name>
  • Run the below command to see RDA client CLI help and available subcommand options.
rdac -h
Run with one of the following commands

  agent-bots                List all bots registered by agents for the current tenant
  agents                    List all agents for the current tenant
  alert-rules               Alert Rule management commands
  bot-catalog-generation-from-file  Generate bot catalog for given sources
  bot-package               Bot Package management commands
  bots-by-source            List bots available for given sources
  check-credentials         Perform credential check for one or more sources on a worker pod
  checksum                  Compute checksums for pipeline contents locally for a given JSON file
  compare                   Commands to compare different RDA systems using different RDA Config files
  content-to-object         Convert data from a column into objects
  copy-to-objstore          Deploy files specified in a ZIP file to the Object Store
  dashboard                 User defined dashboard management commands
  dashgroup                 User defined dashboard-group management commands
  dataset                   Dataset management commands
  demo                      Demo related commands
  deployment                Service Blueprints (Deployments) management commands
  event-gw-status           List status of all ingestion endpoints at all the event gateways
  evict                     Evict a job from a worker pod
  file-ops                  Perform various operations on local files
  file-to-object            Convert files from a column into objects
  fmt-template              Formatting Templates management commands
  healthcheck               Perform healthcheck on each of the Pods
  invoke-agent-bot          Invoke a bot published by an agent
  jobs                      List all jobs for the current tenant
  logarchive                Logarchive management commands
  object                    RDA Object management commands
  output                    Get the output of a Job using jobid.
  pipeline                  Pipeline management commands
  playground                Start Webserver to access RDA Playground
  pods                      List all pods for the current tenant
  project                   Project management commands. Projects can be used to link different tenants / projects from this RDA Fabric or a remote RDA Fabric.
  pstream                   Persistent Stream management commands
  purge-outputs             Purge outputs of completed jobs
  read-stream               Read messages from an RDA stream
  reco-engine               Recommendation Engine management commands
  restore                   Commands to restore backed-up artifacts to an RDA Platform
  run                       Run a pipeline on a worker pod
  run-get-output            Run a pipeline on a worker, and Optionally, wait for the completion, get the final output
  schedule                  Pipeline execution schedule management commands
  schema                    Dataset Model Schema management commands
  secret                    Credentials (Secrets) management commands
  set-pod-log-level         Update the logging level for a given RDA Pod.
  shell                     Start RDA Client interactive shell
  site-profile              Site Profile management commands
  site-summary              Show summary by Site and Overall
  stack                     Application Dependency Mapping (Stack) management commands
  staging-area              Staging Area based data ingestion management commands
  subscription              Show current CloudFabrix RDA subscription details
  synthetics                Data synthesizing management commands
  verify-pipeline           Verify the pipeline on a worker pod
  viz                       Visualize data from a file within the console (terminal)
  watch                     Commands to watch various streams such sas trace, logs and change notifications by microservices
  web-server                Start Webserver to access RDA Client data using REST APIs
  worker-obj-info           List all worker pods with their current Object Store configuration
  write-stream              Write data to the specified stream

positional arguments:
  command     RDA subcommand to run

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


Please refer RDA Client CLI Usage for detailed information.

1.3.10 rdaf backup

Using rdaf backup command, RDAF configuration and data can be backed up periodically which can be used to restore in case of a recovery scenario.

rdaf backup -h

usage: backup [--insecure] [-h] [--debug] --dest-dir BACKUP_DEST_DIR
              [--create-tar] [--service SERVICES]

Backup the RDAF platform

optional arguments:
  --insecure            Ignore SSL certificate issues when communicating with
                        various hosts
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug               Enable debug logs for the CLI operations
  --dest-dir BACKUP_DEST_DIR
                        Directory into which the backup will be stored
  --create-tar          Creates a tar file for the backed up data
  --service SERVICES    Backup only the specified components

For --service is an optional argument, and below are the supported options, when specified, respective service's configuration and data will be backed up.

  • haproxy (configuration backup)
  • mariadb (configuration and DB backup)
  • minio (configuration and data backup)
  • opensearch (configuration and index backup)
  • kafka (configuration and data backup)
  • zookeeper (configuration and data backup)
  • redis (configuration backup)
  • config (system configuration such as rdaf.cfg, values.yml etc and certificates backup)

When --service option is not specified, all of the above service's configuration and data will be backed up.

Run the below command to take RDAF system's full configuration and data backup.

rdaf backup --dest-dir /opt/backup --create-tar


Please make sure to pre-create /opt/backup folder or a local or an NFS mount point and provide appropriate user permissions.

sudo mkdir -p /opt/backup && sudo chown -R `id -u`:`id -g` /opt/backup

Note: For RDAF platform's configuration and application data backup, it is a pre-requisite to mount an NFS volume on all of the VMs. It is used to store the backup data and for restore using RDAF CLI tool.

Run the below command to take specific service's configuration and data backup.

rdaf backup --dest-dir /opt/backup --create-tar --service mariadb
rdaf backup --dest-dir /opt/backup --create-tar --service minio
rdaf backup --dest-dir /opt/backup --create-tar --service opensearch

Run the below command to take more than one service's configuration and data backup.

rdaf backup --dest-dir /opt/backup --create-tar --service mariadb --service minio --service opensearch


Though RDAF CLI takes backup of complete configuration and application data, it does not take backup of the OS (RHEL / Ubuntu) on which the RDA Fabric services are deployed. It is recommended to use 3rd party tools like Veeam, HP Dataprotect, Cohesity, Netbackup etc. to take full VM level backup on periodic basis.

3rd party VM level backup need to be used to recover RDAF VMs if OS is unable to boot RHEL / Ubuntu OS.

1.3.11 rdaf restore

Using rdaf restore command, RDAF configuration and data can be restored from the previously taken backup.


While restoring RDAF services data from the backup, please make sure to stop both application and platform services.

rdaf app down <OIA/AIA>
rdaf platform down

For restoring the below service's data from the backup, please make sure their service is up and running.

mariadb minio opensearch

Below command shows the above service's running status.

rdaf infra status

Below command shows the above service's functional status.

rdaf infra healthcheck

rdaf restore -h

usage: restore [--insecure] [-h] [--debug] [--no-prompt] [--service SERVICES]
               (--from-dir BACKUP_SRC_DIR | --from-tar BACKUP_SRC_TAR)

Restore the RDAF platform from a previously backed up state

optional arguments:
  --insecure            Ignore SSL certificate issues when communicating with
                        various hosts
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug               Enable debug logs for the CLI operations
  --no-prompt           Don't prompt for inputs
  --service SERVICES    Restore only the specified components
  --from-dir BACKUP_SRC_DIR
                        The directory which contains the backed up
                        installation state
  --from-tar BACKUP_SRC_TAR
                        The tar.gz file which contains the backed up
                        installation state

For --service is an optional argument, and below are the supported options, when specified, respective service's configuration and data will be restored.

  • haproxy (configuration backup)
  • mariadb (configuration and DB backup)
  • minio (configuration and data backup)
  • opensearch (configuration and index backup)
  • kafka (configuration and data backup)
  • zookeeper (configuration and data backup)
  • redis (configuration backup)
  • config (system configuration such as rdaf.cfg, values.yml etc and certificates backup)

When --service option is not specified, all of the above service's configuration and data will be restored.

When the backup was taken without --create-tar option, please use --from-dir option and specify the backup folder as shown below.

Run the below command to restore RDAF system's full configuration and data from the backup folder.

rdaf restore --from-dir /opt/backup/2022-11-25-1669346503.565267

When the backup was taken with --create-tar option, please use --from-tar option and specify the backup tar file path as shown below.

Run the below command to restore RDAF system's full configuration and data from the backup tar file.

rdaf restore --from-tar /opt/backup/2022-11-25-1669346503.565267/rdaf-backup-2022-11-25-1669346503.565267.tar.gz

Run the below command to restore specific service's configuration and data from the backup folder.

rdaf restore --from-dir /opt/backup/2022-11-25-1669346503.565267 --service mariadb
rdaf restore --from-dir /opt/backup/2022-11-25-1669346503.565267 --service minio
rdaf restore --from-dir /opt/backup/2022-11-25-1669346503.565267 --service opensearch
rdaf restore --from-dir /opt/backup/2022-11-25-1669346503.565267 --service config

Run the below command to restore more than one service's configuration and data from the backup folder.

rdaf restore --from-dir /opt/backup/2022-11-25-1669346503.565267 --service mariadb --service minio

Run the below command to restore specific service's configuration and data from the backup tar file.

rdaf restore --from-tar /opt/backup/2022-11-25-1669346503.565267/rdaf-backup-2022-11-25-1669346503.565267.tar.gz --service mariadb

Run the below command to restore more than one service's configuration and data from the backup tar file.

rdaf restore --from-tar /opt/backup/2022-11-25-1669346503.565267/rdaf-backup-2022-11-25-1669346503.565267.tar.gz --service mariadb --service minio

1.3.12 rdaf log_monitoring

rdaf log_monitoring command is used to deploy and manage log monitoring services, through which the RDAF infrastructure, platform, application, and worker service logs are streamed in real-time.

As part of the log monitoring services, it installs the following services:

  • Fluentbit: It is a log shipping agent that streams the logs in real-time and ingests them into the Logstash service.
  • Logstash: It is a log processing agent that normalizes and extracts key attributes from log messages, such as timestamp, severity, process name, process function, container name, etc., before ingesting them into an index store service for analytics and visualization.

Run the below command to view available CLI options.

rdaf log_monitoring
usage: log_monitoring [-h] [--debug]
                      {upgrade,install,status,up,down,start,stop} ...

Manage the RDAF log monitoring

positional arguments:
    upgrade             Upgrade log monitoring components
    install             Install log monitoring components
    status              Status of the RDAF log monitoring
    up                  Create the RDAF log monitoring Containers
    down                Delete the RDAF log monitoring Containers
    start               Start the RDAF log monitoring Containers
    stop                Stop the RDAF log monitoring Containers

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug               Enable debug logs for the CLI operations Install Log Monitoring

rdaf log_monitoring install command is used to deploy / install RDAF log monitoring services. Run the below command to view the available CLI options.

rdaf log_monitoring install
usage: log_monitoring install [-h] --log-monitoring-host LOG_MONITORING_HOST
                              --tag TAG [--no-prompt]
log_monitoring install: error: the following arguments are required: --log-monitoring-host, --tag

To deploy all RDAF log monitoring services, execute the following command. Please note that it is mandatory to specify the host for the Logstash service deployment using the --log-monitoring-host option.


Below shown Logstash host ip address is for a reference only. For the latest log monitoring services tag, please contact CloudFabrix support team at

rdaf log_monitoring install --tag 1.0.2 --log-monitoring-host
{"status":"CREATED","message":"'rdaf-log-monitoring' created."}
{"status":"CREATED","message":"'role-log-monitoring' created."}
{"status":"OK","message":"'rdaf-log-monitoring' updated."}
{"status":"CREATED","message":"'role-log-monitoring' created."}
  "retention_days": 15,
  "timestamp": "@timestamp",
  "search_case_insensitive": true,
  "_settings": {
    "number_of_shards": 3,
    "number_of_replicas": 1,
    "refresh_interval": "60s"
Persistent stream saved.
2023-11-02 05:04:08,842 [rdaf.component.haproxy] INFO     - Updated HAProxy configuration at /opt/rdaf/config/haproxy/haproxy.cfg on
[+] Running 1/1
 ⠿ Container fluent-bit-fluentbit-1  Started                                                                                                                                            0.4s
2023-11-02 05:06:05,138 [rdaf.component.log_monitoring] INFO     - Restarting logstash services on host
[+] Running 1/1
 ⠿ Container logstash-logstash-1  Started                                                                                                                                               0.4s
2023-11-02 05:06:05,617 [rdaf.component.log_monitoring] INFO     - Restarting fluentbit services on host
[+] Running 1/1
 ⠿ Container fluent-bit-fluentbit-1  Started                                                                                                                                           10.8s
2023-11-02 05:06:16,488 [rdaf.component.minio] INFO     - configuring minio services logs
Successfully applied new settings.
Successfully applied new settings.
2023-11-02 05:06:16,936 [rdaf.component.log_monitoring] INFO     - Successfully installed and configured rdaf log streaming Status check

Run the below command to see the status of all of the deployed RDAF log monitoring services.

rdaf log_monitoring status
| Name                | Host                 | Status                    | Container Id            | Tag     |
| logstash            |       | Up About a minute         | 62b3b7c81472            | 1.0.2   |
| fluentbit           |       | Up About a minute         | c5f8a6f340b3            | 1.0.2   |
+---------------------+----------------------+---------------------------+-------------------------+---------+ Upgrade Log Monitoring

Run the below command to upgrade all RDAF log monitoring to a newer version.

rdaf log_monitoring upgrade --tag <new-tag-version> Restart Log Monitoring services

Restarting the log monitoring service using rdaf CLI commands.

a) To Stop

Run the below command to Stop all RDAF log monitoring services.

rdaf log_monitoring down

2023-11-02 05:20:53,313 [rdaf.component.log_monitoring] INFO     - Deleting logstash service on host
[+] Running 1/1  ⠿ Container logstash-logstash-1  Stopped                                                                                                                                               0.3s
Going to remove logstash-logstash-1
[+] Running 1/0  ⠿ Container logstash-logstash-1  Removed                                                                                                                                               0.0s
2023-11-02 05:20:53,639 [rdaf.component.log_monitoring] INFO     - Deleting fluent-bit service on host
[+] Running 1/1  ⠿ Container fluent-bit-fluentbit-1  Stopped                                                                                                                                           10.8s
Going to remove fluent-bit-fluentbit-1
[+] Running 1/0  ⠿ Container fluent-bit-fluentbit-1  Removed

b) To Start

Run the below command to Start all RDAF log monitoring services.

rdaf log_monitoring up
2023-11-02 05:21:33,355 [rdaf.component.log_monitoring] INFO     - Creating logstash services on host
[+] Running 1/1
 ⠿ Container logstash-logstash-1  Started                                                                                                                                               0.2s
2023-11-02 05:21:33,641 [rdaf.component.log_monitoring] INFO     - Creating fluent-bit services on host
[+] Running 1/1
 ⠿ Container fluent-bit-fluentbit-1  Started 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add Log Monitoring dashboard

Login to RDAF UI portal as MSP admin user.

Go to Main Menu --> Configuration --> RDA Administration --> Dashboards --> User Dashboards --> Click on Add and create a new dashboard by copying the below Dashboard configuration for RDAF log monitoring services.

    "name": "rdaf-platform-log-analytics",
    "label": "RDAF Platform Logs",
    "description": "RDAF Platform service's log analysis dashboard",
    "version": "",
    "enabled": true,
    "dashboard_style": "tabbed",
    "status_poller": {
        "stream": "rdaf_services_logs",
        "frequency": 15,
        "columns": [
        "sorting": [
                "@timestamp": "desc"
        "query": "`@timestamp` is after '${timestamp}'",
        "defaults": {
            "@timestamp": "$UTCNOW"
        "action": "refresh"
    "dashboard_filters": {
        "time_filter": true,
        "columns_filter": [
                "id": "@timestamp",
                "label": "Timestamp",
                "type": "DATETIME"
                "id": "service_name",
                "label": "Service Name",
                "type": "TEXT"
                "id": "service_category",
                "label": "Service Category",
                "type": "TEXT"
                "id": "log_severity",
                "label": "Log Severity",
                "type": "TEXT"
                "id": "log",
                "label": "Log Message",
                "type": "TEXT"
                "id": "log.text",
                "label": "Log Message Text",
                "type": "SIMPLE_TEXT"
                "id": "process_name",
                "label": "Process Name",
                "type": "TEXT"
                "id": "process_function",
                "label": "Process Function",
                "type": "TEXT"
                "id": "thread_id",
                "label": "Thread ID",
                "type": "TEXT"
                "id": "k8s_pod_name",
                "label": "POD Name",
                "type": "TEXT"
                "id": "k8s_container_name",
                "label": "Container Name",
                "type": "TEXT"
        "group_filters": [
                "stream": "rdaf_services_logs",
                "title": "Log Severity",
                "group_by": [
                "ts_column": "@timestamp",
                "agg": "value_count",
                "column": "_id",
                "type": "int"
                "stream": "rdaf_services_logs",
                "title": "Service Name",
                "group_by": [
                "ts_column": "@timestamp",
                "limit": 50,
                "agg": "value_count",
                "column": "_id",
                "type": "int"
                "stream": "rdaf_services_logs",
                "title": "Service Category",
                "group_by": [
                "ts_column": "@timestamp",
                "agg": "value_count",
                "column": "_id",
                "type": "int"
                "stream": "rdaf_services_logs",
                "title": "POD Name",
                "group_by": [
                "ts_column": "@timestamp",
                "agg": "value_count",
                "limit": 200,
                "column": "_id",
                "type": "int"
    "dashboard_sections": [
            "title": "Overall Summary",
            "show_filter": true,
            "widgets": [
                    "title": "Log Severity Trend",
                    "widget_type": "timeseries",
                    "stream": "rdaf_services_logs",
                    "ts_column": "@timestamp",
                    "max_width": 12,
                    "height": 3,
                    "min_width": 12,
                    "chartProperties": {
                        "yAxisLabel": "Count",
                        "xAxisLabel": null,
                        "legendLocation": "bottom"
                    "interval": "15Min",
                    "group_by": [
                    "series_spec": [
                            "column": "log_severity",
                            "agg": "value_count",
                            "type": "int"
                    "widget_id": "06413884"
                    "widget_type": "pie_chart",
                    "title": "Logs by Severity",
                    "stream": "rdaf_services_logs",
                    "ts_column": "@timestamp",
                    "column": "_id",
                    "agg": "value_count",
                    "group_by": [
                    "type": "str",
                    "style": {
                        "color-map": {
                            "ERROR": [
                            "WARNING": [
                            "INFO": [
                            "DEBUG": [
                            "UNKNOWN": [
                    "min_width": 4,
                    "height": 4,
                    "max_width": 4,
                    "widget_id": "b2ffa8e9"
                    "widget_type": "pie_chart",
                    "title": "Logs by RDA Host IP",
                    "stream": "rdaf_services_logs",
                    "ts_column": "@timestamp",
                    "column": "_id",
                    "agg": "value_count",
                    "group_by": [
                    "type": "str",
                    "min_width": 4,
                    "height": 4,
                    "max_width": 4,
                    "widget_id": "a4f2d8bd"
                    "widget_type": "pie_chart",
                    "title": "Logs by Service Category",
                    "stream": "rdaf_services_logs",
                    "ts_column": "@timestamp",
                    "column": "_id",
                    "agg": "value_count",
                    "group_by": [
                    "type": "str",
                    "min_width": 4,
                    "height": 4,
                    "max_width": 4,
                    "widget_id": "89ac5ce9"
                    "widget_type": "pie_chart",
                    "title": "Logs by Service Name",
                    "stream": "rdaf_services_logs",
                    "ts_column": "@timestamp",
                    "column": "_id",
                    "agg": "value_count",
                    "group_by": "service_name",
                    "type": "int",
                    "min_width": 4,
                    "height": 4,
                    "max_width": 4,
                    "widget_id": "4b267fce"
            "title": "App Services",
            "show_filter": true,
            "widgets": [
                    "widget_type": "tabular",
                    "title": "Log Messages",
                    "stream": "rdaf_services_logs",
                    "extra_filter": "service_category in ['rda_app_svcs', 'rda_pfm_svcs']",
                    "ts_column": "@timestamp",
                    "sorting": [
                            "@timestamp": "desc"
                    "columns": {
                        "@timestamp": {
                            "title": "Timestamp",
                            "type": "DATETIME"
                        "state_color2": {
                            "type": "COLOR-MAP",
                            "source-column": "log_severity",
                            "color-map": {
                                "INFO": "#388e3c",
                                "ERROR": "#ef5350",
                                "WARNING": "#ffa726",
                                "DEBUG": "#000000"
                        "log_severity": {
                            "title": "Severity",
                            "htmlTemplateForRow": "<span class='badge' style='background-color: {{ row.state_color2 }}' > {{ row.log_severity }} </span>"
                        "service_name": "Service Name",
                        "process_name": "Process Name",
                        "process_function": "Process Function",
                        "log": "Message"
                    "widget_id": "6895c8f0"
            "title": "Infra Services",
            "show_filter": true,
            "widgets": [
                    "widget_type": "tabular",
                    "title": "Log Messages",
                    "stream": "rdaf_services_logs",
                    "extra_filter": "service_category in ['rda_infra_svcs']",
                    "ts_column": "@timestamp",
                    "sorting": [
                            "@timestamp": "desc"
                    "columns": {
                        "@timestamp": {
                            "title": "Timestamp",
                            "type": "DATETIME"
                        "log_severity": {
                            "title": "Severity",
                            "htmlTemplateForRow": "<span class='badge' style='background-color: {{ row.state_color2 }}' > {{ row.log_severity }} </span>"
                        "state_color2": {
                            "type": "COLOR-MAP",
                            "source-column": "log_severity",
                            "color-map": {
                                "INFO": "#388e3c",
                                "ERROR": "#ef5350",
                                "WARNING": "#ffa726",
                                "DEBUG": "#000000",
                                "UNKNOWN": "#bcaaa4"
                        "service_name": "Service Name",
                        "process_name": "Process Name",
                        "log": "Message",
                        "minio_object": "Minio Object"
                    "widget_id": "98f10587"

1.3.13 rdaf reset

rdaf reset command allows the user to reset the RDAF platform configuration by performing the below operations.

  • Stop RDAF application, worker, platform & infrastructure services
  • Delete RDAF application, worker, platform & infrastructure services and its data
  • Delete all Docker images and volumes RDAF application, worker, platform & infrastructure services
  • Delete RDAF platform configuration


rdaf reset command is a disruptive operation as it clears entire RDAF platform footprint. It's primary purpose is to use only in Demo or POC environments ("NOT" in Production) where it requires to re-install entire RDAF platform from scratch.