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Bots From Extension: mongodb

MongoDB - Read, Write and Update collections in MongoDB

This extension provides 5 bots.

Bot @mongodb:append

Bot Position In Pipeline: Sink

Insert records into a collection in MongoDB

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
dbname* Text Database Name
collection_name* Text Collection Name

Bot @mongodb:create-database

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source

Create a database in MongoDB

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
dbname* Text Database Name

Bot @mongodb:list-collections

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source

List the collections in a database in MongoDB

This bot expects a Restricted CFXQL.

Each parameter may be specified using '=' operator and AND logical operation
Following are the parameters expected for this Bot

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
dbname Text List the collections from the database, by default collections from all the databases will
be listed

Bot *mongodb:list-databases

Bot Position In Pipeline: Source

List the databases in MongoDB that have atleast 1 record

This bot expects a Full CFXQL.

Bot applies the Query on the data that is already loaded from previous bot or from a source.

Bot #mongodb:read

Bot Position In Pipeline: Sink

Query the data from a collection in database from MongoDB. Expects 'collection_name' and 'dbname' columns from input dataset

This bot expects Full CFXQL.

Bot translates the Query to native query of the Data source supported by this extension.