Dell EMC Unity
Dell EMC Unity is an unified storage array model that comes in hybrid and all-flash configuration, designed for performance, efficiency and built for multi-cloud. It provides both file (NFS, CIFS) and block (FCP, iSCSI) based storage services to end hosts and applications. CloudFabrix's RDA supports integrating with Unity storage arrays through their API interface to collect inventory data on-demand or on schedule basis.
1. Prerequisites
Follow the below steps to create a service user account with read-only permissions to integrate with EMC Unity storage arrays.
Step-1: Create an user-account with readonly permissions in Unisphere management UI. Login to Unisphere management UI as admin privileged user
Step-2: Click on Settings.
Step-3: Under Users and Groups section, click on User Management and click on Add
Step-4: Select Local User
Note: LDAP User is also supported.
Step-5: Enter service user account name as shown below and enter the password.
Step-6: Select Operator as a role which provides read-only access permissions.
Step-7: Click on Finish to create the service user account.
2. Adding Dell EMC Unity storage array as Datasource/Extension in RDA Studio:
Dell EMC Unity storage array or any other datasource/extension's configuration is configured in RDA's user interface. Login into RDA's user interface using a browser.
Default username and password of standalone RDA Studio is rdademo and rdademo1234
Under Notebook, click on CFXDX Python 3 box
In the 'Notebook' command box, type botadmin() and alt (or option) + Enter to open datasource administration menu.
Click on 'Add' menu and under Type drop down, select emc-unity
Enter the below details to add Dell EMC Unity storage array as a datasource:
Storage IP (IP Address or DNS name of Dell EMC Unity storage array)
Username and Password
Protocol (http or https)
Port (API access port, ex: 443)
For the details on Dell EMC Unity storage array's inventory data collection bots, refer CloudFabrix RDA Bot Documentation