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Installing OIA (Operations Intelligence & Analytics)

This document provides instructions about fresh Installation & Upgrades for OIA application (Operations Intelligence & Analytics, a.k.a AIOps). It is an application that is installed on top of RDA Fabric platform.

1. Setup & Install


Below are the pre-requisites which need to be in place before installing the OIA (AIOps) application services.

RDAF Deployment CLI Version: 1.3.0

RDAF Infrastructure Services Tag Version: 1.0.3 / (haproxy)

RDAF Core Platform & Worker Services Tag Version: 3.5

RDAF Client (RDAC) Tag Version: 3.5


Please complete all of the above pre-requisites before installing the OIA (AIOps) application services.

Login as rdauser user into on-premise docker registry or RDA Fabric Platform VM on which RDAF deployment CLI was installed (ex: putty)

Before installing the OIA (AIOps) application services, please run the below command to update HAProxy (Loadbalancer) configuration.

rdafk8s app update-config OIA
rdaf app update-config OIA

Run the below rdaf or rdafk8scommand, to make sure all of the RDAF infrastructure services are up and running.

rdafk8s infra status
rdaf infra status

Run the below rdac pods command, to make sure all of the RDAF core platform and worker services are up and running.

rdac pods
| Cat   | Pod-Type                               | Host           | ID       | Site        | Age      |   CPUs |   Memory(GB) | Active Jobs   | Total Jobs   |
| App   | asset-dependency                       | rda-asset-depe | 090669bf |             | 20:18:21 |      8 |        47.03 |               |              |
| App   | authenticator                          | rda-identity-5 | 57905b20 |             | 20:19:11 |      8 |        47.03 |               |              |
| App   | cfxdimensions-app-access-manager       | rda-access-man | 6338ad29 |             | 20:18:44 |      8 |        47.03 |               |              |
| App   | cfxdimensions-app-notification-service | rda-notificati | bb9e3e7b |             | 20:09:52 |      8 |        31.33 |               |              |
| App   | cfxdimensions-app-resource-manager     | rda-resource-m | e5a28e16 |             | 20:18:34 |      8 |        47.03 |               |              |
| App   | user-preferences                       | rda-user-prefe | fd09d3ba |             | 20:18:08 |      8 |        47.03 |               |              |
| Infra | api-server                             | rda-api-server | b1b910d9 |             | 20:19:22 |      8 |        47.03 |               |              |
| Infra | collector                              | rda-collector- | 99553e51 |             | 20:18:17 |      8 |        47.03 |               |              |
| Infra | registry                               | rda-registry-7 | a46cd712 |             | 20:19:15 |      8 |        47.03 |               |              |
| Infra | scheduler                              | rda-scheduler- | d5537051 | *leader*    | 20:18:26 |      8 |        47.03 |               |              |
| Infra | worker                                 | rda-worker-54d | 1f769792 | rda-site-01 | 20:06:48 |      4 |        15.6  | 0             | 0            |

Run the below rdac healthcheck command to check the health status of all of the RDAF core platform and worker services.

All of the dependency checks should show as ok under Status column.

rdac healthcheck
| Cat       | Pod-Type                               | Host         | ID       | Site        | Health Parameter                                    | Status   | Message                                               |
| rda_infra | api-server                             | rda-api-serv | b1b910d9 |             | service-status                                      | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_infra | api-server                             | rda-api-serv | b1b910d9 |             | minio-connectivity                                  | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_app   | asset-dependency                       | rda-asset-de | 090669bf |             | service-status                                      | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_app   | asset-dependency                       | rda-asset-de | 090669bf |             | minio-connectivity                                  | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_app   | authenticator                          | rda-identity | 57905b20 |             | service-status                                      | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_app   | authenticator                          | rda-identity | 57905b20 |             | minio-connectivity                                  | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_app   | authenticator                          | rda-identity | 57905b20 |             | DB-connectivity                                     | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_app   | cfxdimensions-app-access-manager       | rda-access-m | 6338ad29 |             | service-status                                      | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_app   | cfxdimensions-app-access-manager       | rda-access-m | 6338ad29 |             | minio-connectivity                                  | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_app   | cfxdimensions-app-access-manager       | rda-access-m | 6338ad29 |             | service-dependency:registry                         | ok       | 1 pod(s) found for registry                           |
| rda_app   | cfxdimensions-app-access-manager       | rda-access-m | 6338ad29 |             | service-initialization-status                       | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_app   | cfxdimensions-app-access-manager       | rda-access-m | 6338ad29 |             | DB-connectivity                                     | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_app   | cfxdimensions-app-notification-service | rda-notifica | bb9e3e7b |             | service-status                                      | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_app   | cfxdimensions-app-notification-service | rda-notifica | bb9e3e7b |             | minio-connectivity                                  | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_app   | cfxdimensions-app-notification-service | rda-notifica | bb9e3e7b |             | service-initialization-status                       | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_app   | cfxdimensions-app-notification-service | rda-notifica | bb9e3e7b |             | DB-connectivity                                     | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_app   | cfxdimensions-app-resource-manager     | rda-resource | e5a28e16 |             | service-status                                      | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_app   | cfxdimensions-app-resource-manager     | rda-resource | e5a28e16 |             | minio-connectivity                                  | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_app   | cfxdimensions-app-resource-manager     | rda-resource | e5a28e16 |             | service-dependency:registry                         | ok       | 1 pod(s) found for registry                           |
| rda_app   | cfxdimensions-app-resource-manager     | rda-resource | e5a28e16 |             | service-dependency:cfxdimensions-app-access-manager | ok       | 1 pod(s) found for cfxdimensions-app-access-manager   |
| rda_app   | cfxdimensions-app-resource-manager     | rda-resource | e5a28e16 |             | service-initialization-status                       | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_app   | cfxdimensions-app-resource-manager     | rda-resource | e5a28e16 |             | DB-connectivity                                     | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_infra | collector                              | rda-collecto | 99553e51 |             | service-status                                      | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_infra | collector                              | rda-collecto | 99553e51 |             | minio-connectivity                                  | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_infra | collector                              | rda-collecto | 99553e51 |             | opensearch-connectivity:default                     | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_infra | registry                               | rda-registry | a46cd712 |             | service-status                                      | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_infra | registry                               | rda-registry | a46cd712 |             | minio-connectivity                                  | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_infra | scheduler                              | rda-schedule | d5537051 |             | service-status                                      | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_infra | scheduler                              | rda-schedule | d5537051 |             | minio-connectivity                                  | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_infra | scheduler                              | rda-schedule | d5537051 |             | DB-connectivity                                     | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_app   | user-preferences                       | rda-user-pre | fd09d3ba |             | service-status                                      | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_app   | user-preferences                       | rda-user-pre | fd09d3ba |             | minio-connectivity                                  | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_app   | user-preferences                       | rda-user-pre | fd09d3ba |             | service-dependency:registry                         | ok       | 1 pod(s) found for registry                           |
| rda_app   | user-preferences                       | rda-user-pre | fd09d3ba |             | service-initialization-status                       | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_app   | user-preferences                       | rda-user-pre | fd09d3ba |             | DB-connectivity                                     | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_infra | worker                                 | rda-worker-5 | 1f769792 | rda-site-01 | service-status                                      | ok       |                                                       |
| rda_infra | worker                                 | rda-worker-5 | 1f769792 | rda-site-01 | minio-connectivity                                  | ok       |                                                       |

Installing OIA (AIOps) Application Services:


If the user is not installing any App (OIA/AIA), please run the below command, Incase the user needs to install App (OIA/AIA) please use aiops for OIA and asset for AIA inplace of rda

Set RDA Fabric platform's application configuration as rda using the below command.

rdac rda-app-configure --type rda


Other supported options for above command are below:

  • rda: Choose this option when only RDA Fabric platform need to be installed along with RDA Worker and RDA Event Gateway services without AIOps (OIA) or Asset Intelligence (AIA) applications.

  • aiops: Choose this option when Operations Intelligence (OIA, a.k.a AIOps) application need to be installed.

  • asset: Choose this option when Asset Intelligence (AIA) application need to be installed. (Note: AIA application type is deprecated and all of it's capabilities are available through base RDA Fabric platform itself. For more information, please contact

  • all: Choose this option, when all of the supported applications need to be installed.

Run the below command to deploy RDAF OIA (AIOps) application services. (Note: Below shown tag name is a sample one for a reference only, for actual tag, please contact CloudFabrix support team at

rdafk8s app install OIA --tag 7.7
rdaf app install OIA --tag 7.7

After installing the OIA (AIOps) application services, run the below command to see the running status of the deployed application services.

rdafk8s app status
| Name               | Host           | Status            | Container Id | Tag   |
| rda-alert-ingester | | Up 54 Minutes ago | 4c38f1f1ab76 | 7.7   |
| rda-alert-ingester | | Up 49 Minutes ago | 2c55eda2dd7a | 7.7   |
| rda-alert-         | | Up 44 Minutes ago | 8319c5927e29 | 7.7   |
| processor          |                |                   |                      |
| rda-alert-         | | Up 54 Minutes ago | e99d07f8bcd6 | 7.7   |
| processor          |                |                   |                      |
| rda-alert-         | | Up 54 Minutes ago | d16d8fae566c | 7.7   |
| processor-         |                |                   |                      |
| companion          |                |                   |                      |
| rda-alert-         | | Up 48 Minutes ago | 16f12b91060d | 7.7   |
| processor-         |                |                   |                      |
| companion          |                |                   |                      |
| rda-app-controller | | Up 54 Minutes ago | 658a64049e35 | 7.7   |
| rda-app-controller | | Up 54 Minutes ago | 1c27230025a1 | 7.7   |
| rda-collaboration  | | Up 43 Minutes ago | 32ea58ca8e39 | 7.7   |
| rda-collaboration  | | Up 53 Minutes ago | 67a5e5ef8c1d | 7.7   |
| rda-configuration- | | Up 54 Minutes ago | af292efd663c | 7.7   |
| service            |                |                   |                      |
| rda-configuration- | | Up 51 Minutes ago | 7b23b8f033a6 | 7.7   |
| service            |                |                   |                      |
rdaf app status
+--------------------+------------  --+------------+---------------+------+
| Name               | Host           | Status     | Container Id  | Tag  |
+--------------------+------------  --+------------+---------------+------+
| cfx-rda-app-       | | Up 10 hours | e0a3b011092b | 7.7  |
| controller         |                |             |              |      |
| cfx-rda-app-       | | Up 10 hours | dd729df4567f | 7.7  |
| controller         |                |             |              |      |
| cfx-rda-reports-   | | Up 10 hours | d62ddb342bc2 | 7.7  |
| registry           |                |             |              |      |
| cfx-rda-reports-   | | Up 10 hours | 4b30336152fe | 7.7  |
| registry           |                |             |              |      |
| cfx-rda-           | | Up 10 hours | 6f2a8c2ff9fa | 7.7  |
| notification-      |                |             |              |      |
| service            |                |             |              |      |
| cfx-rda-           | | Up 10 hours | 4fbfe27f8006 | 7.7  |
| notification-      |                |             |              |      |
| service            |                |             |              |      |
| cfx-rda-file-      | | Up 10 hours | bd41100a456c | 7.7  |
| browser            |                |             |              |      |
| cfx-rda-file-      | | Up 10 hours | e420ec5ee26c | 7.7  |
| browser            |                |             |              |      |
| cfx-rda-           | | Up 10 hours | 8b4615d2c2e9 | 7.7  |
| configuration-     |                |             |              |      |
| service            |                |             |              |      |
| cfx-rda-           | | Up 10 hours | 4d2d749ec170 | 7.7  |
| configuration-     |                |             |              |      |
| service            |                |             |              |      |
| cfx-rda-alert-     | | Up 10 hours | 595524b429c3 | 7.7  |
| ingester           |                |             |              |      |
| cfx-rda-alert-     | | Up 10 hours | 2a3a686a9355 | 7.7  |
| ingester           |                |             |              |      |

Configuring OIA (AIOps) Application:

Login into RDAF portal as user.

Create a new Service Blueprint for OIA (AIOps) application and Machine Learning (ML) application.

For OIA (AIOps) Application: Go to Main Menu --> Configuration --> Artifacts --> Service Blueprints --> View details --> Click on Add and copy & paste the below configuration and Click on Save

name: cfxOIA
id: 81a1a2202
version: 2023_02_12_01
category: ITOM
comment: Operations Intelligence & Analytics (AIOps)
enabled: true
type: Service
provider: CloudFabrix Software, Inc.
attrs: {}
    -   label: cfxOIA
        appType: dimensions
        appName: incident-room-manager
        icon_url: /assets/img/applications/OIA.png
        permission: app:irm:read
service_pipelines: []

For Machine Learning (ML) Application: Go to Main Menu --> Configuration --> Artifacts --> Service Blueprints --> View details --> Click on Add and copy & paste the below configuration and Click on Save

name: cfxML
id: 81a1a030
version: 2023_02_12_01
category: ITOM
comment: Machine Learning (ML) Experiments
enabled: true
type: Service
provider: CloudFabrix Software, Inc.
attrs: {}
    -   label: cfxML
        appType: dimensions
        appName: ml-config
        icon_url: /assets/img/applications/ML.png
        permission: app:irm:read
service_pipelines: []


2. Upgrades

Please refer to the following documents for guidance on upgrading the OIA (AIOps) application services to the newer version.

2.1 Latest Version

2.2 Previous Versions

2.3 Archived Versions